* Add iterative density field generation
* Edit particle halfwidth selection
* Update import
* Remove old file
* Add position wrapping
* Add RSD support
* Add density field calculation
* Edit paths to the density field
* Flip argument order
* Edit documentation
* Edit docs
* update nb
* Add iterative density field generation
* Edit particle halfwidth selection
* Update import
* Remove old file
* Add position wrapping
* Add RSD support
* Add density field calculation
* Edit paths to the density field
* Flip argument order
* Add docs
* Delete blank
* Add real to redshift space function
* RSD move back observer
* Convert velocoties to km/s
* Add units to RSP calculation
* Add RSP to catalogues
* Add RSD to angular neighbour search
* Edit the particle paths
* Remove script
* Add h5py to dumping
* Minor adjustments
* add h5py support
* remove split path
* h5py support
* Type
* Edit initmatch paths
* Shorten func
* dist_centmass to work with 2D arrays
* Forgot to return the centre of mass
* Fixed code
* Fix halo bug
* Start MPI broadcasting
* Mini bug
* Remove commenting
* Remove test statement
* Fix index
* Printing from rank 0 only
* Move where clump index stored
* Add dtype options
* Add dtype options
* Minor typos
* fix minor bugs
* pep8
* formatting
* pep8
* Fix minor bugs
* New path & pep8
* add splitt
* Updates
* Improve calculation within radius
* pep8
* pep8
* get the script working
* Add matter overdensity
* Add m200m to the script
* Fix looping bug
* add parents support
* add import
* Optionally concatenate velocities
* Make optional masking
* Ignore the error message
* Start reading in raw data
* Fix cat reading
* Additional units conversions
* Add clump reading
* Fix indexing
* Remove old comment
* Remove old comment
* set npart to 0 instead of overflow from NaN
* fix docs
* rm boring stuff
* Remove old stuff
* Remove old stuff
* Remove old comment
* Update nb
* Rewrite doc
* add kNN
* edit loading of samples with no init
* Add verbosity flag
* add KNN submission script
* do not make peaked cdf by default
* Add submit script
* stop ignore sh
* Add mass thresholding
* Edit gitignore
* edits
* Space points in logspace
* Calculate for all ICs
* Update TODO
* Add dtype support
* Update readme
* Update nb
* Simplify smoothing support and looping over nonzero
* Simplify comments
* add now()
* add cat length
* add smoothed calculation
* add smoothing
* Add sorting
* Edit what is ignored
* Move notebooks
* Add nonsymmetric smoothed overlap
* Update NB
* Add support for reading in the smoothed overlap
* Switch to the true overlap definition
* Reader of the true overlap
* rem occups
* Import moved to a class
* Move definition
* Edit submission script
* Update to account for the new definition
* backup nb
* Switch back to properly initialising arrays
* Fix addition bug
* Update NB
* Fix little bug
* Update nb
* add import
* Rename object
* Simplify how catalogs are handled
* Move functions around
* Add NPair reader
* Add counterpart Gaussian average
* Change what is returned in exp mass
* small bug
* Simplify stat calcu
* Add mptebppl
* Improve data
* Add comment
* Update how KNN is called
* Bring back indices
* New function output
* return catx["index"]
* Remove unnecessary arguments
* Remove useless arguments
* Rename output
* thin up catalogues
* Add thresholding
* Update README
* Delete whitespace
* Update overlap definition
* Add documentation
* add overlap args
* Make the background array store only high density region
* Add nsims to args
* Remove conc as done inside the func
* Simplify the overlap calculation
* Rename variable
* Just some docs
* Docs
* Correct overlap definition
* Undo debug comment
* Remove old debug code
* Add prob of no match and exp couunterpart mass
* docs
* Update the overlap definition
* Edit output path
* remove matching of many sims
* Add a class skeleton
* Add a setter for only nsim
* Deletei mport
* Simplify cross and delete combined halo catalogue
* Simplify reading in catalogues
* Add distance calculation
* Add mass ratio
* Clean up the submission script
* Add the summer overlap
* Docs
* Add array copying
* Add import
* Add resampling mean