Update field calculations (#51)

* Update density field routines

* Add utils

* Add possibility to return 2d array

* Styling

* Fixed density field

* Fix bugs

* add mpc2box

* Fix evaluating sky

* Fix sky map making

* Rename file

* Add paths if only positions

* Add option to dump particles only

* Add comments
This commit is contained in:
Richard Stiskalek 2023-04-29 22:57:05 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent b5fefe4196
commit 553eec8228
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 462 additions and 399 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
Density field and cross-correlation calculations.
from abc import ABC
from warnings import warn
import MAS_library as MASL
@ -23,73 +24,26 @@ import Pk_library as PKL
import smoothing_library as SL
from tqdm import trange
from .utils import force_single_precision
from ..read.utils import radec_to_cartesian
class DensityField:
Density field calculations. Based primarily on routines of Pylians [1].
particles : structured array
Particle array. Must contain keys `['x', 'y', 'z', 'M']`. Particle
coordinates are assumed to be :math:`\in [0, 1]` or in box units
boxsize : float
Box length. Multiplies `particles` positions to fix the power spectum
box : :py:class:`csiborgtools.units.BoxUnits`
The simulation box information and transformations.
MAS : str, optional
Mass assignment scheme. Options are Options are: 'NGP' (nearest grid
point), 'CIC' (cloud-in-cell), 'TSC' (triangular-shape cloud), 'PCS'
(piecewise cubic spline).
[1] https://pylians3.readthedocs.io/
_particles = None
_boxsize = None
class BaseField(ABC):
"""Base class for density field calculations."""
_box = None
_MAS = None
def __init__(self, particles, boxsize, box, MAS="CIC"):
self.particles = particles
assert boxsize > 0
self.boxsize = boxsize
self.box = box
assert MAS in ["NGP", "CIC", "TSC", "PCS"]
self._MAS = MAS
def particles(self):
Particles structured array.
particles : structured array
return self._particles
def particles(self, particles):
"""Set `particles`, checking it has the right columns."""
if any(p not in particles.dtype.names for p in ('x', 'y', 'z', 'M')):
raise ValueError("`particles` must be a structured array "
"containing `['x', 'y', 'z', 'M']`.")
self._particles = particles
def boxsize(self):
Box length. Determines the power spectrum units.
Box size. Particle positions are always assumed to be in box units,
therefore this is 1.
boxsize : float
return self._boxsize
return 1.
def box(self):
@ -119,323 +73,91 @@ class DensityField:
MAS : str
if self._MAS is None:
raise ValueError("`mas` is not set.")
return self._MAS
def _force_f32(x, name):
if x.dtype != numpy.float32:
warn("Converting `{}` to float32.".format(name), stacklevel=1)
x = x.astype(numpy.float32)
return x
def MAS(self, MAS):
assert MAS in ["NGP", "CIC", "TSC", "PCS"]
self._MAS = MAS
def density_field(self, grid, smooth_scale=None, verbose=True):
def evaluate_cartesian(self, *fields, pos):
Calculate the density field using a Pylians routine [1, 2]. Enforces
float32 precision.
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
verbose : bool
Verbosity flag.
rho : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`.
[1] https://pylians3.readthedocs.io/
[2] https://github.com/franciscovillaescusa/Pylians3/blob/master
pos = numpy.vstack([self.particles[p] for p in ('x', 'y', 'z')]).T
pos *= self.boxsize
pos = self._force_f32(pos, "pos")
weights = self._force_f32(self.particles['M'], 'M')
# Pre-allocate and do calculations
rho = numpy.zeros((grid, grid, grid), dtype=numpy.float32)
MASL.MA(pos, rho, self.boxsize, self.MAS, W=weights, verbose=verbose)
if smooth_scale is not None:
rho = self.smooth_field(rho, smooth_scale)
return rho
def overdensity_field(self, grid, smooth_scale=None, verbose=True):
Calculate the overdensity field using Pylians routines.
Defined as :math:`\rho/ <\rho> - 1`.
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
verbose : bool
Verbosity flag.
overdensity : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`.
# Get the overdensity
delta = self.density_field(grid, smooth_scale, verbose)
delta /= delta.mean()
delta -= 1
return delta
def potential_field(self, grid, smooth_scale=None, verbose=True):
Calculate the potential field using Pylians routines.
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
verbose : bool
Verbosity flag.
potential : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`.
delta = self.overdensity_field(grid, smooth_scale, verbose)
if verbose:
print("Calculating potential from the overdensity..")
return MASL.potential(
delta, self.box._omega_m, self.box._aexp, self.MAS)
def gravitational_field(self, grid, smooth_scale=None, verbose=True):
Calculate the gravitational vector field. Note that this method is
only defined in a fork of `Pylians`.
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
verbose : bool
Verbosity flag.
grav_field_tensor : :py:class:`MAS_library.grav_field_tensor`
Tidal tensor object, whose attributes `grav_field_tensor.gi`
contain the relevant tensor components.
delta = self.overdensity_field(grid, smooth_scale, verbose)
return MASL.grav_field_tensor(
delta, self.box._omega_m, self.box._aexp, self.MAS)
def tensor_field(self, grid, smooth_scale=None, verbose=True):
Calculate the tidal tensor field.
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
verbose : bool, optional
A verbosity flag.
tidal_tensor : :py:class:`MAS_library.tidal_tensor`
Tidal tensor object, whose attributes `tidal_tensor.Tij` contain
the relevant tensor components.
delta = self.overdensity_field(grid, smooth_scale, verbose)
return MASL.tidal_tensor(
delta, self.box._omega_m, self.box._aexp, self.MAS)
def auto_powerspectrum(self, grid, smooth_scale, verbose=True):
Calculate the auto 1-dimensional power spectrum.
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
verbose : bool, optional
Verbosity flag.
pk : py:class`Pk_library.Pk`
delta = self.overdensity_field(grid, smooth_scale, verbose)
return PKL.Pk(
delta, self.boxsize, axis=1, MAS=self.MAS, threads=1,
def smooth_field(self, field, smooth_scale, threads=1):
Smooth a field with a Gaussian filter.
field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
The field to be smoothed.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Scale to smoothen the density field, in units matching
`self.boxsize`. By default no smoothing is applied.
threads : int, optional
Number of threads. By default 1.
smoothed_field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
Filter = "Gaussian"
grid = field.shape[0]
# FFT of the filter
W_k = SL.FT_filter(self.boxsize, smooth_scale, grid, Filter, threads)
return SL.field_smoothing(field, W_k, threads)
def evaluate_field(self, *field, pos):
Evaluate the field at Cartesian coordinates using CIC interpolation.
field : (list of) 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
Density field that is to be interpolated.
pos : 2-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples, 3)`
Positions to evaluate the density field. The coordinates span range
of [0, boxsize].
interp_field : (list of) 1-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples,).
self._force_f32(pos, "pos")
interp_field = [numpy.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype=numpy.float32)
for __ in range(len(field))]
for i, f in enumerate(field):
MASL.CIC_interp(f, self.boxsize, pos, interp_field[i])
return interp_field
def evaluate_sky(self, *field, pos, isdeg=True):
Evaluate the field at given distance, right ascension and declination.
Assumes that the observed is in the centre of the box and uses CIC
Evaluate a scalar field at Cartesian coordinates using CIC
field : (list of) 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
Density field that is to be interpolated. Assumed to be defined
on a Cartesian grid.
Fields to be interpolated.
pos : 2-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples, 3)`
Spherical coordinates to evaluate the field. Should be distance,
Positions to evaluate the density field. Assumed to be in box
interp_fields : (list of) 1-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples,).
pos = force_single_precision(pos, "pos")
nsamples = pos.shape[0]
interp_fields = [numpy.full(nsamples, numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
for __ in range(len(fields))]
for i, field in enumerate(fields):
MASL.CIC_interp(field, self.boxsize, pos, interp_fields[i])
if len(fields) == 1:
return interp_fields[0]
return interp_fields
def evaluate_sky(self, *fields, pos, isdeg=True):
Evaluate the scalar fields at given distance, right ascension and
declination. Assumes an observed in the centre of the box, with
distance being in :math:`Mpc`. Uses CIC interpolation.
fields : (list of) 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
Field to be interpolated.
pos : 2-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples, 3)`
Spherical coordinates to evaluate the field. Columns are distance,
right ascension, declination, respectively.
isdeg : bool, optional
Whether `ra` and `dec` are in degres. By default `True`.
interp_field : (list of) 1-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples,).
interp_fields : (list of) 1-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples,).
# TODO: implement this
raise NotImplementedError("This method is not yet implemented.")
# self._force_f32(pos, "pos")
# X = numpy.vstack(
# radec_to_cartesian(*(pos[:, i] for i in range(3)), isdeg)).T
# X = X.astype(numpy.float32)
# # Place the observer at the center of the box
# X += 0.5 * self.boxsize
# return self.evaluate_field(*field, pos=X)
pos = force_single_precision(pos, "pos")
# We first calculate convert the distance to box coordinates and then
# convert to Cartesian coordinates.
X = numpy.copy(pos)
X[:, 0] = self.box.mpc2box(X[:, 0])
X = radec_to_cartesian(pos, isdeg)
# Then we move the origin to match the box coordinates
X -= 0.5
return self.evaluate_field(*fields, pos=X)
def gravitational_field_norm(gx, gy, gz):
Calculate the norm (magnitude) of a gravitational field.
def make_sky(self, field, angpos, dist, verbose=True):
Make a sky map of a scalar field. The observer is in the centre of the
box the field is evaluated along directions `angpos`. Along each
direction, the field is evaluated distances `dist_marg` and summed.
Uses CIC interpolation.
gx, gy, gz : 1-dimensional arrays of shape `(n_samples,)`
Gravitational field Cartesian components.
g : 1-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples,)`
return numpy.sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy + gz * gz)
def tensor_field_eigvals(T00, T01, T02, T11, T12, T22):
Calculate the eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor field. Eigenvalues are
sorted in increasing order.
T00, T01, T02, T11, T12, T22 : 1-dim arrays of shape `(n_samples,)`
Tensor field upper components evaluated for each sample.
eigvals : 2-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples, 3)`
n_samples = T00.size
# Fill array of shape `(n_samples, 3, 3)` to calculate eigvals
Teval = numpy.full((n_samples, 3, 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
Teval[:, 0, 0] = T00
Teval[:, 0, 1] = T01
Teval[:, 0, 2] = T02
Teval[:, 1, 1] = T11
Teval[:, 1, 2] = T12
Teval[:, 2, 2] = T22
# Calculate the eigenvalues
eigvals = numpy.full((n_samples, 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
for i in range(n_samples):
eigvals[i, :] = numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(Teval[i, ...], 'U')
eigvals[i, :] = numpy.sort(eigvals[i, :])
return eigvals
def make_sky_map(self, ra, dec, field, dist_marg, isdeg=True,
Make a sky map of a density field. Places the observed in the center of
the box and evaluates the field in directions `ra`, `dec`. At each such
position evaluates the field at distances `dist_marg` and sums these
interpolated values of the field.
NOTE: Supports only scalar fields.
ra, dec : 1-dimensional arrays of shape `(n_pos, )`
Directions to evaluate the field. Assumes `dec` is in [-90, 90]
degrees (or equivalently in radians).
field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
Density field that is to be interpolated. Assumed to be defined
on a Cartesian grid `[0, self.boxsize]^3`.
dist_marg : 1-dimensional array
Field to be interpolated
angpos : 2-dimensional arrays of shape `(ndir, 2)`
Directions to evaluate the field. Assumed to be RA
:math:`\in [0, 360]` and dec :math:`\in [-90, 90]` degrees,
dist : 1-dimensional array
Radial distances to evaluate the field.
isdeg : bool, optional
Whether `ra` and `dec` are in degres. By default `True`.
verbose : bool, optional
Verbosity flag.
@ -443,23 +165,276 @@ class DensityField:
interp_field : 1-dimensional array of shape `(n_pos, )`.
# Angular positions at which to evaluate the field
Nang = ra.size
pos = numpy.vstack([ra, dec]).T
# Now loop over the angular positions, each time evaluating a vector
# of distances. Pre-allocate arrays for speed
ra_loop = numpy.ones_like(dist_marg)
dec_loop = numpy.ones_like(dist_marg)
pos_loop = numpy.ones((dist_marg.size, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
out = numpy.zeros(Nang, dtype=numpy.float32)
for i in trange(Nang) if verbose else range(Nang):
# Get the position vector for this choice of theta, phi
ra_loop[:] = pos[i, 0]
dec_loop[:] = pos[i, 1]
pos_loop[:] = numpy.vstack([dist_marg, ra_loop, dec_loop]).T
# Evaluate and sum it up
out[i] = numpy.sum(self.evaluate_sky(field, pos_loop, isdeg)[0, :])
assert angpos.ndim == 2 and dist.ndim == 1
# We loop over the angular directions, at each step evaluating a vector
# of distances. We pre-allocate arrays for speed.
dir_loop = numpy.full((dist.size, 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
ndir = angpos.shape[0]
out = numpy.zeros(ndir, numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
for i in trange(ndir) if verbose else range(ndir):
dir_loop[1, :] = angpos[i, 0]
dir_loop[2, :] = angpos[i, 1]
out[i] = numpy.sum(self.evaluate_sky(field, dir_loop, isdeg=True))
return out
# Density field calculation #
class DensityField(BaseField):
Density field calculations. Based primarily on routines of Pylians [1].
pos : 2-dimensional array of shape `(N, 3)`
Particle position array. Columns must be ordered as `['x', 'y', 'z']`.
The positions are assumed to be in box units, i.e. :math:`\in [0, 1 ]`.
mass : 1-dimensional array of shape `(N,)`
Particle mass array. Assumed to be in box units.
box : :py:class:`csiborgtools.read.BoxUnits`
The simulation box information and transformations.
MAS : str
Mass assignment scheme. Options are Options are: 'NGP' (nearest grid
point), 'CIC' (cloud-in-cell), 'TSC' (triangular-shape cloud), 'PCS'
(piecewise cubic spline).
[1] https://pylians3.readthedocs.io/
_pos = None
_mass = None
def __init__(self, pos, mass, box, MAS):
self.pos = pos
self.mass = mass
self.box = box
self.MAS = MAS
def pos(self):
Particle position array.
particles : 2-dimensional array
return self._particles
def pos(self, pos):
assert pos.ndim == 2
warn("Flipping the `x` and `z` coordinates of the particle positions.",
UserWarning, stacklevel=1)
pos[:, [0, 2]] = pos[:, [2, 0]]
pos = force_single_precision(pos, "particle_position")
self._pos = pos
def mass(self):
Particle mass array.
mass : 1-dimensional array
return self._mass
def mass(self, mass):
assert mass.ndim == 1
mass = force_single_precision(mass, "particle_mass")
self._mass = mass
def smoothen(self, field, smooth_scale, threads=1):
Smooth a field with a Gaussian filter.
field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
Field to be smoothed.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Gaussian kernal scale to smoothen the density field, in box units.
threads : int, optional
Number of threads. By default 1.
smoothed_field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
filter_kind = "Gaussian"
grid = field.shape[0]
# FFT of the filter
W_k = SL.FT_filter(self.boxsize, smooth_scale, grid, filter_kind,
return SL.field_smoothing(field, W_k, threads)
def overdensity_field(self, delta):
Calculate the overdensity field from the density field.
Defined as :math:`\rho/ <\rho> - 1`. Overwrites the input array.
delta : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
The density field.
overdensity : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`.
delta /= delta.mean()
delta -= 1
return delta
def __call__(self, grid, smooth_scale=None, verbose=True):
Calculate the density field using a Pylians routine [1, 2].
grid : int
Grid size.
smooth_scale : float, optional
Gaussian kernal scale to smoothen the density field, in box units.
verbose : bool
Verbosity flag.
rho : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`.
Density field.
[1] https://pylians3.readthedocs.io/
[2] https://github.com/franciscovillaescusa/Pylians3/blob/master
# Pre-allocate and do calculations
rho = numpy.zeros((grid, grid, grid), dtype=numpy.float32)
MASL.MA(self.pos, rho, self.boxsize, self.MAS, W=self.mass,
if smooth_scale is not None:
rho = self.smoothen(rho, smooth_scale)
return rho
# Potential field calculation #
class PotentialField(BaseField):
Potential field calculation.
box : :py:class:`csiborgtools.read.BoxUnits`
The simulation box information and transformations.
MAS : str
Mass assignment scheme. Options are Options are: 'NGP' (nearest grid
point), 'CIC' (cloud-in-cell), 'TSC' (triangular-shape cloud), 'PCS'
(piecewise cubic spline).
def __init__(self, box, MAS):
self.box = box
self.MAS = MAS
def __call__(self, overdensity_field):
Calculate the potential field.
overdensity_field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
The overdensity field.
potential : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`.
return MASL.potential(overdensity_field, self.box._omega_m,
self.box._aexp, self.MAS)
# Tidal tensor field calculation #
class TidalTensorField(BaseField):
Tidal tensor field calculation.
box : :py:class:`csiborgtools.read.BoxUnits`
The simulation box information and transformations.
MAS : str
Mass assignment scheme. Options are Options are: 'NGP' (nearest grid
point), 'CIC' (cloud-in-cell), 'TSC' (triangular-shape cloud), 'PCS'
(piecewise cubic spline).
def __init__(self, box, MAS):
self.box = box
self.MAS = MAS
def tensor_field_eigvals(tidal_tensor):
Calculate eigenvalues of the tidal tensor field, sorted in increasing
tidal_tensor : :py:class:`MAS_library.tidal_tensor`
Tidal tensor object, whose attributes `tidal_tensor.Tij` contain
the relevant tensor components.
eigvals : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
n_samples = tidal_tensor.T00.size
# We create a array and then calculate the eigenvalues.
Teval = numpy.full((n_samples, 3, 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
Teval[:, 0, 0] = tidal_tensor.T00
Teval[:, 0, 1] = tidal_tensor.T01
Teval[:, 0, 2] = tidal_tensor.T02
Teval[:, 1, 1] = tidal_tensor.T11
Teval[:, 1, 2] = tidal_tensor.T12
Teval[:, 2, 2] = tidal_tensor.T22
eigvals = numpy.full((n_samples, 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32)
for i in range(n_samples):
eigvals[i, :] = numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(Teval[i, ...], 'U')
eigvals[i, :] = numpy.sort(eigvals[i, :])
return eigvals
def __call__(self, overdensity_field):
Calculate the tidal tensor field.
overdensity_field : 3-dimensional array of shape `(grid, grid, grid)`
The overdensity field.
tidal_tensor : :py:class:`MAS_library.tidal_tensor`
Tidal tensor object, whose attributes `tidal_tensor.Tij` contain
the relevant tensor components.
return MASL.tidal_tensor(overdensity_field, self.box._omega_m,
self.box._aexp, self.MAS)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Stiskalek
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Utility functions for the field module.
from warnings import warn
import numpy
def force_single_precision(x, name):
Convert `x` to float32 if it is not already.
x : array
Array to convert.
name : str
Name of the array.
x : array
Converted array.
if x.dtype != numpy.float32:
warn(f"Converting `{name}` to float32.", UserWarning, stacklevel=1)
x = x.astype(numpy.float32)
return x

View File

@ -193,6 +193,23 @@ class BoxUnits:
return length / (self._unit_l / units.kpc.to(units.cm) / self._aexp)
def mpc2box(self, length):
Convert length from :math:`\mathrm{cMpc}` (with :math:`h=0.705`) to
box units.
length : float
Length in :math:`\mathrm{cMpc}`
length : foat
Length in box units.
return self.kpc2box(length * 1e3)
def box2mpc(self, length):
Convert length from box units to :math:`\mathrm{cMpc}` (with

View File

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class CSiBORGPaths:
fname = f"radpos_{str(nsim).zfill(5)}_{str(nsnap).zfill(5)}.npz"
return join(fdir, fname)
def particle_h5py_path(self, nsim):
def particle_h5py_path(self, nsim, with_vel):
Path to the files containing all particles in a `.hdf5` file. Used for
the SPH calculation.
@ -335,6 +335,8 @@ class CSiBORGPaths:
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
with_vel : bool
Whether velocities are included.
@ -344,7 +346,10 @@ class CSiBORGPaths:
if not isdir(fdir):
warn(f"Created directory `{fdir}`.", UserWarning, stacklevel=1)
fname = f"particles_{str(nsim).zfill(5)}.h5"
if with_vel:
fname = f"parts_{str(nsim).zfill(5)}.h5"
fname = f"parts_pos_{str(nsim).zfill(5)}.h5"
return join(fdir, fname)
def density_field_path(self, mas, nsim):

View File

@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ class ParticleReader:
return numpy.hstack([[0], numpy.cumsum(nparts[:-1])])
def read_particle(self, nsnap, nsim, pars_extract, verbose=True):
def read_particle(self, nsnap, nsim, pars_extract, return_structured=True,
Read particle files of a simulation at a given snapshot and return
values of `pars_extract`.
@ -204,17 +205,22 @@ class ParticleReader:
IC realisation index.
pars_extract : list of str
Parameters to be extacted.
return_structured : bool, optional
Whether to return a structured array or a 2-dimensional array. If
the latter, then the order of the columns is the same as the order
of `pars_extract`. However, enforces single-precision floating
point format for all columns.
verbose : bool, optional
Verbosity flag while for reading the CPU outputs.
out : structured array
out : array
# Open the particle files
nparts, partfiles = self.open_particle(nsnap, nsim, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
print("Opened {} particle files.".format(nparts.size))
print(f"Opened {nparts.size} particle files.")
ncpu = nparts.size
# Order in which the particles are written in the FortranFile
forder = [("x", numpy.float32), ("y", numpy.float32),
@ -229,27 +235,34 @@ class ParticleReader:
pars_extract = [pars_extract]
for p in pars_extract:
if p not in fnames:
raise ValueError(
"Undefined parameter `{}`. Must be one of `{}`."
.format(p, fnames))
raise ValueError(f"Undefined parameter `{p}`.")
npart_tot = numpy.sum(nparts)
# A dummy array is necessary for reading the fortran files.
dum = numpy.full(npart_tot, numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float16)
# These are the data we read along with types
dtype = {"names": pars_extract,
"formats": [forder[fnames.index(p)][1] for p in pars_extract]}
# Allocate the output structured array
out = numpy.full(npart_tot, numpy.nan, dtype)
# We allocate the output structured/2D array
if return_structured:
# These are the data we read along with types
formats = [forder[fnames.index(p)][1] for p in pars_extract]
dtype = {"names": pars_extract, "formats": formats}
out = numpy.full(npart_tot, numpy.nan, dtype)
par2arrpos = {par: i for i, par in enumerate(pars_extract)}
out = numpy.full((npart_tot, len(pars_extract)), numpy.nan,
start_ind = self.nparts_to_start_ind(nparts)
iters = tqdm(range(ncpu)) if verbose else range(ncpu)
for cpu in iters:
i = start_ind[cpu]
j = nparts[cpu]
# trunk-ignore(ruff/B905)
for (fname, fdtype) in zip(fnames, fdtypes):
if fname in pars_extract:
out[fname][i:i + j] = self.read_sp(fdtype, partfiles[cpu])
single_part = self.read_sp(fdtype, partfiles[cpu])
if return_structured:
out[fname][i:i + j] = single_part
out[i:i + j, par2arrpos[fname]] = single_part
dum[i:i + j] = self.read_sp(fdtype, partfiles[cpu])
# Close the fortran files
@ -279,9 +292,8 @@ class ParticleReader:
nsnap = str(nsnap).zfill(5)
cpu = str(cpu + 1).zfill(5)
fpath = join(self.paths.ic_path(nsim, tonew=False),
"unbinding_{}.out{}".format(nsnap, cpu))
fpath = join(self.paths.ic_path(nsim, tonew=False), f"output_{nsnap}",
return FortranFile(fpath)
def read_clumpid(self, nsnap, nsim, verbose=True):
@ -313,7 +325,7 @@ class ParticleReader:
j = nparts[cpu]
ff = self.open_unbinding(nsnap, nsim, cpu)
clumpid[i:i + j] = ff.read_ints()
# Close
return clumpid

View File

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ SPH density field calculation.
from datetime import datetime
from gc import collect
from distutils.util import strtobool
import h5py
import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
@ -42,16 +42,22 @@ nproc = comm.Get_size()
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ics", type=int, nargs="+", default=None,
help="IC realisatiosn. If `-1` processes all simulations.")
parser.add_argument("--with_vel", type=lambda x: bool(strtobool(x)),
help="Whether to include velocities in the particle file.")
args = parser.parse_args()
paths = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGPaths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
partreader = csiborgtools.read.ParticleReader(paths)
pars_extract = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'M']
if args.with_vel:
pars_extract = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'M']
pars_extract = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'M']
if args.ics is None or args.ics == -1:
ics = paths.get_ics(tonew=False)
ics = args.ics
# We MPI loop over individual simulations.
# MPI loop over individual simulations. We read in the particles from RAMSES
# files and dump them to a HDF5 file.
jobs = csiborgtools.fits.split_jobs(len(ics), nproc)[rank]
for i in jobs:
nsim = ics[i]
@ -59,17 +65,11 @@ for i in jobs:
print(f"{datetime.now()}: Rank {rank} completing simulation {nsim}.",
# We read in the particles from RASMSES files, switch from a
# structured array to 2-dimensional array and dump it.
parts = partreader.read_particle(nsnap, nsim, pars_extract,
verbose=nproc == 1)
out = numpy.full((parts.size, len(pars_extract)), numpy.nan,
for j, par in enumerate(pars_extract):
out[:, j] = parts[par]
out = partreader.read_particle(
nsnap, nsim, pars_extract, return_structured=False, verbose=nproc == 1)
with h5py.File(paths.particle_h5py_path(nsim), "w") as f:
dset = f.create_dataset("particles", data=out)
del parts, out
del out

View File

@ -16,13 +16,18 @@
Script to calculate the particle centre of mass and Lagrangian patch size in
the initial snapshot. Optinally dumps the particle files, however this requires
a lot of memory.
- stop saving the particle IDs. Unnecessary.
- Switch to h5py files. This way can save the positions in the particle
array only.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import datetime
from distutils.util import strtobool
from gc import collect
from os import remove
from os.path import join
from os.path import isfile, join
import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
@ -129,6 +134,10 @@ for i, nsim in enumerate(paths.get_ics(tonew=True)):
out = numpy.full(parent_ids.size, numpy.nan, dtype=dtype)
for i, clid in enumerate(parent_ids):
fpath = ftemp.format(nsim, clid, "fit")
# There is no file if the halo was skipped due to too few
# particles.
if not isfile(fpath):
with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
inp = numpy.load(f)
out["index"][i] = clid
@ -151,8 +160,11 @@ for i, nsim in enumerate(paths.get_ics(tonew=True)):
out = {}
for clid in parent_ids:
fpath = ftemp.format(nsim, clid, "particles")
if not isfile(fpath):
with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
out.update({str(clid): numpy.load(f)})
fout = paths.initmatch_path(nsim, "particles")
print(f"{datetime.now()}: dumping particles to .. `{fout}`.",