Richard Stiskalek
Add mmain and other major updates ( #44 )
* Move paths to a separate file
* Add mmain reader
* Add a verbosity flag
* Fix imports
* Fix bug
* Rename files
* Return ultimate parents
* Add script to generate mmain
* Remove mmain path
* edit path
* Add mmain path
* Change function name
* Rename function
* Turn off verbose
* Fix list requirement
* Edit init match paths
* Fix init pathing
* Edit paths docs
* Edit dumpdir name
* Rename path
* Fix split paths
* Remove unused import
* Add comment
* Update readme
* remove read mmain
* Rename haloatalogue
* Fix minor bugs
* Update nbs
* Add create directory option
* Move split jobs
* Move spliot jobs
* Remove splitting
* Add import
* Edit script
* Deeper split folder
* Fix paths bug
* Rename catalogue
* Rename Catalogue
* Add new clumpread
* Edit paths
* add knn paths
* Update commenting
* Update imports
* Add more conversions
* Update temp file
* Add a note
* Add catalogue
* Cooment
* Update TODO
* Update script
* add nb
* Update
* pep8
* edit paths & pep8
* Fix knn auto paths
* add paths docs
* Add auto and cross knn paths
* Add new paths
* Simplify tpcf reading
* pep8 patch
* update readme
* Update progress
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* pep8
* Pep 8 and restructure
* add lambda spin
* add clump and halo
* add checks
* Edit halo profile fit
* Update gitignore
* backup script
2023-04-18 11:02:36 +02:00
Richard Stiskalek
Add cleaner paths ( #43 )
* ignore venv
* ignore pylians if unavaible
* Edit loading paths
* Edit paths
* Stop having default paths
* Add nb
* Add glamdring paths
Co-authored-by: Richard Stiskalek <>
Co-authored-by: Richard Stiskalek <>
2023-04-14 23:24:52 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
Add 2PCF calculation ( #42 )
* Add 2PCF calculation
* Add 2PCF reader
* Add tpcf scripts
* Add random state
* Fix marked typo
* Fix marks and more randoms
* Stop calculating projected
* Add mean 2PCF
* Remove pimax
* Edit submit script
* Update nb
* Add corrfunc check
2023-04-14 23:05:48 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
kNN-CDF secondary halo bias ( #40 )
* Add seperate autoknn script & config file
* edit ics
* Edit submission script
* Add threshold values
* Edit batch sizign
* Remove print
* edit
* Rename files
* Rename
* Update nb
* edit runs
* Edit submit
* Add median threshold
* add new auto reader
* editt submit
* edit submit
* Edit submit
* Add mean prk
* Edit runs
* Remove correlation file
* Move split to clutering
* Add init
* Remove import
* Add the file
* Add correlation reading
* Edit scripts
* Add below and above median permutation for cross
* Update imports
* Move rvs_in_sphere
* Create utils
* Split
* Add import
* Add normalised marks
* Add import
* Edit readme
* Clean up submission file
* Stop tracking submit files
* Update gitignore
* Add poisson field analytical expression
* Add abstract generators
* Add generators
* Pass in the generator
* Add a check for if there are any files
* Start saving average density
* Update nb
* Update readme
* Update units
* Edit jobs
* Update submits
* Update reader
* Add random crossing
* Update crossing script
* Add crossing with random
* Update readme
* Update notebook
2023-04-09 20:57:05 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
Add p(V | k) ( #39 )
* add p(V | k)
* Update nb
2023-04-05 14:47:30 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
Improve paths and documentation ( #38 )
* pep8
* style issue
* Documentation edits
* Remove old files
* Remove more old files
* Doc & stop setting snap and nsim in paths
* add nsnap, nsim support
* Remove blank space
* docs
* Docs edits
* Reduce redudant code
* docs
* Documentation
* Docs
* Simplify
* add nsnap nsim arguments
* Remove redundant docs
* Fix typos
* Shorten catalogue
* Remove import
* Remove blank line
* Docs only edits
* Rearrange imports
* Remove blank space
* Rearrange imports
* Rearrange imports
* Remove blank space
* Update submission scritp
* Edit docs
* Remove blank line
* new paths
* Update submission scripts
* Update file handling
* Remove blank line
* Move things around
* Ne paths
* Edit submission script
* edit paths
* Fix typo
* Fix bug
* Remove import
* Update nb
2023-04-04 15:22:00 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
Joint kNN-CDF calculation ( #36 )
* Add joint kNN CDF
* add jointKNN calculation
* change sub script
* Update readme
* update sub
* Small changes
* comments
* update nb
* Update submisison script
2023-04-01 11:16:11 +01:00
Update nb
2023-04-01 07:56:52 +01:00
Update nb
2023-04-01 07:16:10 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
kNN-CDF implementation ( #34 )
* Rewrite doc
* add kNN
* edit loading of samples with no init
* Add verbosity flag
* add KNN submission script
* do not make peaked cdf by default
* Add submit script
* stop ignore sh
* Add mass thresholding
* Edit gitignore
* edits
* Space points in logspace
* Calculate for all ICs
* Update TODO
* Add dtype support
* Update readme
* Update nb
2023-03-31 18:13:41 +01:00
Richard Stiskalek
Gaussian smoothing of density fields ( #33 )
* Simplify smoothing support and looping over nonzero
* Simplify comments
* add now()
* add cat length
* add smoothed calculation
* add smoothing
* Add sorting
* Edit what is ignored
* Move notebooks
* Add nonsymmetric smoothed overlap
* Update NB
* Add support for reading in the smoothed overlap
* Switch to the true overlap definition
* Reader of the true overlap
* rem occups
* Import moved to a class
* Move definition
* Edit submission script
* Update to account for the new definition
* backup nb
* Switch back to properly initialising arrays
* Fix addition bug
* Update NB
* Fix little bug
* Update nb
2023-03-27 09:22:03 +01:00