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The Doctrine\RST\Builder class will parse a whole tree of documents and generate an output directory containing formatted files.
It can be used like this:
use Doctrine\RST\Builder;
$builder = new Builder();
$builder->build('/path/to/source', '/path/to/output');
It will parse all the files in the /path/to/source directory, starting with index.rst, scan for dependencies and will generate target files in the /path/to/output directory. The Default format is HTML.
If you want to customize the builder you can pass a Doctrine\RST\Kernel instance with a Doctrine\RST\Configuration that allows you to customize the configuration used by the builder:
use Doctrine\RST\Builder;
use Doctrine\RST\Configuration;
use Doctrine\RST\Kernel;
$configuration = new Configuration();
$kernel = new Kernel($configuration);
$builder = new Builder($kernel);
You can read more about what configuration options exist in the :ref:`Configuration <configuration>` chapter.
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Unknown interpreted text role "ref".Custom Index Name
If your index file is not index.rst and it is something like introduction.rst you can customize that using the setIndexName() method: