287 lines
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287 lines
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import numexpr as ne
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import cosmotool as ct
import argparse
import h5py as h5
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import ksz
from ksz.constants import *
from cosmotool import interp3d
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.special import sinc
def move_direction_new(d_theta, d_phi, theta, phi):
amplitude = sqrt(d_theta*d_theta + d_phi*d_phi);
cos_alpha = d_theta/amplitude;
sin_alpha = d_phi/amplitude;
if (amplitude == 0):
return theta,phi
cos_d = cos(amplitude);
sin_d = sin(amplitude);
cos_theta = cos(theta);
sin_theta = sin(theta);
cos_phi = cos(phi);
sin_phi = sin(phi);
basis = [
[ cos_phi * sin_theta, sin_phi * sin_theta, cos_theta ],
[ cos_phi * cos_theta, sin_phi * cos_theta, -sin_theta ],
[ -sin_phi, cos_phi, 0 ]
np0 = [ cos_d, cos_alpha*sin_d, sin_alpha*sin_d ]
np1 = [ sum([basis[j][i] * np0[j] for j in xrange(3)]) for i in xrange(3) ]
dnp = sqrt(sum([np1[i]**2 for i in xrange(3)]))
theta = np.arccos(np1[2]/dnp);
phi = np.arctan2(np1[1], np1[0]) % (2*np.pi);
return theta,phi
def move_direction_new2(delta_theta, delta_phi, theta, phi):
grad_len = sqrt(delta_theta**2 + delta_phi**2)
if grad_len==0:
return theta,phi
cth0 = cos(theta)
sth0 = sin(theta)
topbottom = 1 if (theta < 0.5*np.pi) else -1
sinc_grad_len = sinc(grad_len)
cth = topbottom*cos(grad_len) * cth0 - sinc_grad_len*sth0*delta_theta
sth = max(1e-10, sqrt((1.0-cth)*(1.0+cth)) )
phi = phi + np.arcsin(delta_phi * sinc_grad_len / sth)
theta = np.arccos(cth)
return theta,phi
move_direction = move_direction_new
def wrapper_impulsion(f):
class _Wrapper(object):
def __init__(self):
def __getitem__(self,direction):
if 'velocity' in f:
return f['velocity'][:,:,:,direction]
n = "p%d" % direction
return f[n]
return _Wrapper()
def build_unit_vectors(N):
ii = np.arange(N,dtype=np.float64)/N - 0.5
d = np.sqrt(ii[:,None,None]**2 + ii[None,:,None]**2 + ii[None,None,:]**2)
d[N/2,N/2,N/2] = 1
ux = ii[:,None,None] / d
uy = ii[None,:,None] / d
uz = ii[None,None,:] / d
return ux,uy,uz
def compute_vcmb(l, b):
# Motion is obtained from Tully (2007): sun_vs_LS + LS_vs_CMB
motion = [-25.,-246.,277.];
x = np.cos(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
y = np.sin(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
z = np.sin(b*np.pi/180)
return x*motion[0] + y*motion[1] + z*motion[2]
def compute_vlg(l,b):
motion = [-79,296,-36]; # [-86, 305, -33];
x = np.cos(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
y = np.sin(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
z = np.sin(b*np.pi/180)
return x*motion[0] + y*motion[1] + z*motion[2]
def generate_from_catalog(dmin,dmax,Nside,perturb=0.0,y=0.0,do_random=False,do_hubble=False,x=2.37,bright=-np.inf,bright_list=[],use_vlg=True,sculpt=-1):
import progressbar as pbar
cat = np.load("2m++.npy")
cat['distance'] = cat['best_velcmb']
# cat = cat[np.where((cat['distance']>100*dmin)*(cat['distance']<dmax*100))]
deg2rad = np.pi/180
Npix = 12*Nside**2
xp,yp,zp = hp.pix2vec(Nside, np.arange(Npix))
N2 = np.sqrt(xp**2+yp**2+zp**2)
ksz_template = np.zeros(Npix, dtype=np.float64)
ksz_mask = np.ones(Npix, dtype=np.uint8)
if do_hubble:
ksz_hubble_template = np.zeros(ksz_template.size, dtype=np.float64)
for i in pbar.ProgressBar(maxval = cat.size, widgets=[pbar.Bar(), pbar.ETA()])(cat):
# Skip too point sources
if i['name'] in bright_list:
print("Object %s is in bright list" % i['name'])
if do_random:
l = np.random.rand()*360
b = np.arcsin(2*np.random.rand()-1)*180/np.pi
dtheta,dphi = np.random.randn(2)*perturb
theta,l=move_direction(dtheta,dphi,0.5*np.pi - b, l)
b = 0.5*np.pi-theta
x0 = np.cos(l)*np.cos(b)
y0 = np.sin(l)*np.cos(b)
z0 = np.sin(b)
if use_vlg:
vlg = i['best_velcmb'] - compute_vcmb(l0, b0) + compute_vlg(l0, b0)
DA = vlg/100
DA = i['best_velcmb'] / 100
if DA < dmin or DA > dmax:
Lgal = DA**2*10**(0.4*(tmpp_cat['Msun']-i['K2MRS']+25))
# Skip too bright galaxies
if M_K < bright:
profiler = ksz.KSZ_Isothermal(Lgal, x, y=y, sculpt=sculpt)
idx0 = hp.query_disc(Nside, (x0,y0,z0), 3*profiler.rGalaxy/DA)
xp1 = xp[idx0]
yp1 = yp[idx0]
zp1 = zp[idx0]
N2_1 = N2[idx0]
cos_theta = ne.evaluate('(x0*xp1+y0*yp1+z0*zp1)/(sqrt(x0**2+y0**2+z0**2)*(N2_1))')
idx,idx_masked,m = profiler.projected_profile(cos_theta, DA)
idx = idx0[idx]
idx_masked = idx0[idx_masked]
ksz_template[idx] += m
ksz_mask[idx_masked] = 0
if do_hubble:
ksz_hubble_template[idx] += m*DA
ne.evaluate('ksz_template*ksz_normalization', out=ksz_template)
result =ksz_template, ksz_mask
if do_hubble:
ne.evaluate('ksz_hubble_template*ksz_normalization', out=ksz_hubble_template)
return result + ( ksz_hubble_template,)
return result
def get_args():
parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate Skymaps from CIC maps")
parser.add_argument('--Nside', type=int, default=128)
parser.add_argument('--minval', type=float, default=-0.5)
parser.add_argument('--maxval', type=float, default=0.5)
parser.add_argument('--depth_min', type=float, default=10)
parser.add_argument('--depth_max', type=float, default=60)
parser.add_argument('--ksz_map', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--base_fig', type=str, default="kszfig.png")
parser.add_argument('--build_dipole', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--degrade', type=int, default=-1)
parser.add_argument('--random', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--perturb', type=float, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--hubble_monopole', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--remove_bright', type=float, default=-np.inf)
parser.add_argument('--bright_file', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--lg', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--sculpt_beam', type=float, default=-1)
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = get_args()
print("Generating map...")
with open("crap.txt", mode="r") as f:
bright_list = [l.split('#')[0].strip(" \t\n\r") for l in f]
if args.bright_file:
with open(args.bright_file, mode="r") as f:
idx_name = f.readline().split(',').index('name_2')
bright_list = bright_list + [l.split(',')[idx_name] for l in f]
print("Built bright point source list: " + repr(bright_list))
r = generate_from_catalog(args.depth_min,args.depth_max,args.Nside,perturb=args.perturb,y=args.y,do_random=args.random,do_hubble=args.hubble_monopole,x=args.x,bright=args.remove_bright,use_vlg=args.lg,bright_list=bright_list,sculpt=args.sculpt_beam)
hubble_map = None
if args.hubble_monopole:
proj,mask,hubble_map = r
proj,mask = r
if args.degrade > 0:
proj *= mask
proj = hp.ud_grade(proj, nside_out=args.degrade)
if hubble_map is not None:
hubble_map *= mask
hubble_map = hp.ud_grade(hubble_map, nside_out=args.degrade)
mask = hp.ud_grade(mask, nside_out=args.degrade)
Nside = args.degrade
Nside = args.Nside
hp.write_map(args.ksz_map + ".fits", proj)
hp.write_map(args.ksz_map + "_mask.fits", mask)
if args.build_dipole:
x,y,z=hp.pix2vec(Nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(Nside)))
hp.write_map(args.ksz_map + "_x.fits", proj*x)
hp.write_map(args.ksz_map + "_y.fits", proj*y)
hp.write_map(args.ksz_map + "_z.fits", proj*z)
if args.hubble_monopole:
hp.write_map(args.ksz_map + "_hubble.fits", hubble_map)
hp.mollview(proj*100*1e6, fig=1, coord='GG', cmap=plt.cm.coolwarm, title='', min=args.minval,