KSZ work
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 128 additions and 33 deletions
@ -100,13 +100,35 @@ def build_unit_vectors(N):
return ux,uy,uz
def generate_from_catalog(dmin,dmax,Nside,perturb=0.0,y=0.0,do_random=False,do_hubble=False):
def compute_vcmb(l, b):
# Motion is obtained from Tully (2007): sun_vs_LS + LS_vs_CMB
motion = [-25.,-246.,277.];
x = np.cos(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
y = np.sin(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
z = np.sin(b*np.pi/180)
return x*motion[0] + y*motion[1] + z*motion[2]
def compute_vlg(l,b):
motion = [-79,296,-36]; # [-86, 305, -33];
x = np.cos(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
y = np.sin(l*np.pi/180) * np.cos(b*np.pi/180)
z = np.sin(b*np.pi/180)
return x*motion[0] + y*motion[1] + z*motion[2]
def generate_from_catalog(dmin,dmax,Nside,perturb=0.0,y=0.0,do_random=False,do_hubble=False,x=2.37,bright=-np.inf,bright_list=[],use_vlg=True,sculpt=-1):
import progressbar as pbar
cat = np.load("2m++.npy")
cat['distance'] = cat['best_velcmb']
cat = cat[np.where((cat['distance']>100*dmin)*(cat['distance']<dmax*100))]
# cat = cat[np.where((cat['distance']>100*dmin)*(cat['distance']<dmax*100))]
deg2rad = np.pi/180
Npix = 12*Nside**2
@ -119,14 +141,19 @@ def generate_from_catalog(dmin,dmax,Nside,perturb=0.0,y=0.0,do_random=False,do_h
ksz_hubble_template = np.zeros(ksz_template.size, dtype=np.float64)
for i in pbar.ProgressBar(maxval = cat.size, widgets=[pbar.Bar(), pbar.ETA()])(cat):
# Skip too point sources
if i['name'] in bright_list:
print("Object %s is in bright list" % i['name'])
if do_random:
l = np.random.rand()*360
b = np.arcsin(2*np.random.rand()-1)*180/np.pi
dtheta,dphi = np.random.randn(2)*perturb
theta,l=move_direction(dtheta,dphi,0.5*np.pi - b, l)
@ -137,10 +164,23 @@ def generate_from_catalog(dmin,dmax,Nside,perturb=0.0,y=0.0,do_random=False,do_h
y0 = np.sin(l)*np.cos(b)
z0 = np.sin(b)
DA =i['distance']/100
if use_vlg:
vlg = i['best_velcmb'] - compute_vcmb(l0, b0) + compute_vlg(l0, b0)
DA = vlg/100
DA = i['best_velcmb'] / 100
if DA < dmin or DA > dmax:
Lgal = DA**2*10**(0.4*(tmpp_cat['Msun']-i['K2MRS']+25))
profiler = ksz.KSZ_Isothermal(Lgal, 2.37, y=y)
# Skip too bright galaxies
if M_K < bright:
profiler = ksz.KSZ_Isothermal(Lgal, x, y=y, sculpt=sculpt)
idx0 = hp.query_disc(Nside, (x0,y0,z0), 3*profiler.rGalaxy/DA)
@ -177,12 +217,17 @@ def get_args():
parser.add_argument('--depth_max', type=float, default=60)
parser.add_argument('--ksz_map', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--base_fig', type=str, default="kszfig.png")
parser.add_argument('--build_dipole', type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--build_dipole', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--degrade', type=int, default=-1)
parser.add_argument('--random', type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--random', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--perturb', type=float, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--hubble_monopole', type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--hubble_monopole', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--remove_bright', type=float, default=-np.inf)
parser.add_argument('--bright_file', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--lg', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--sculpt_beam', type=float, default=-1)
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
@ -195,7 +240,16 @@ def main():
print("Generating map...")
r = generate_from_catalog(args.depth_min,args.depth_max,args.Nside,perturb=args.perturb,y=args.y,do_random=args.random,do_hubble=args.hubble_monopole)
with open("crap.txt", mode="r") as f:
bright_list = [l.split('#')[0].strip(" \t\n\r") for l in f]
if args.bright_file:
with open(args.bright_file, mode="r") as f:
idx_name = f.readline().split(',').index('name_2')
bright_list = bright_list + [l.split(',')[idx_name] for l in f]
print("Built bright point source list: " + repr(bright_list))
r = generate_from_catalog(args.depth_min,args.depth_max,args.Nside,perturb=args.perturb,y=args.y,do_random=args.random,do_hubble=args.hubble_monopole,x=args.x,bright=args.remove_bright,use_vlg=args.lg,bright_list=bright_list,sculpt=args.sculpt_beam)
hubble_map = None
if args.hubble_monopole:
proj,mask,hubble_map = r
@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ import cosmolopy as cpy
from cosmogrowth import *
import borgadaptor as ba
def gen_posgrid(N, L):
def gen_posgrid(N, L, delta=1, dtype=np.float32):
""" Generate an ordered lagrangian grid"""
ix = (np.arange(N)*L/N).astype(np.float32)
ix = (np.arange(N)*(L/N*delta)).astype(dtype)
x = ix[:,None,None].repeat(N, axis=1).repeat(N, axis=2)
y = ix[None,:,None].repeat(N, axis=0).repeat(N, axis=2)
@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ def run_generation(input_borg, a_borg, a_ic, cosmo, supersample=1, supergenerate
D2 = -3./7 * D1_0**2
if do_lpt2:
psi2 = lpt.lpt2('all')
for j in xrange(3):
# Generate psi_j (displacement along j)
print("LPT1 axis=%d" % j)
@ -154,8 +157,7 @@ def run_generation(input_borg, a_borg, a_ic, cosmo, supersample=1, supergenerate
psi = psi.reshape((psi.size,))
if do_lpt2:
print("LPT2 axis=%d" % j)
psi2 = lpt.lpt2(j)
psi += D2 * psi2.reshape((psi2.size,))
psi += D2 * psi2[j].reshape((psi2[j].size,))
# Generate posx
posx.append(((posq[j] + psi)%L).astype(np.float32))
# Generate vel
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import pyfftw
import weakref
import numpy as np
import cosmolopy as cpy
import cosmotool as ct
class CubeFT(object):
def __init__(self, L, N, max_cpu=-1):
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ class LagrangianPerturbation(object):
self._kz = self.ik[None,None,:(self.N/2+1)]
self.cache = {}#weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def upgrade_sampling(self, supersample):
N2 = self.N * supersample
N = self.N
@ -113,14 +115,26 @@ class LagrangianPerturbation(object):
self.N = N2
self.cube = CubeFT(self.L, self.N, max_cpu=self.max_cpu)
def _gradient(self, phi, direction):
ne.evaluate('phi_hat * i * kv / (kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2)', out=self.cube.dhat,
local_dict={'i':-1j, 'phi_hat':phi, 'kv':self._kdir(direction),
if direction == 'all':
dirs = [0,1,2]
copy = True
dirs = [direction]
copy = False
for dir in dirs:
ne.evaluate('phi_hat * i * kv / (kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2)', out=self.cube.dhat,
local_dict={'i':-1j, 'phi_hat':phi, 'kv':self._kdir(dir),
'kx':self._kx, 'ky':self._ky, 'kz':self._kz},casting='unsafe')
# self.cube.dhat = self._kdir(direction)*1j*phi
self.cube.dhat[0,0,0] = 0
return self.cube.irfft()
self.cube.dhat[0,0,0] = 0
x = self.cube.irfft()
ret.append(x.copy() if copy else x)
return ret[0] if len(ret)==1 else ret
def lpt1(self, direction=0):
return self._gradient(self.dhat, direction)
@ -155,6 +169,7 @@ class LagrangianPerturbation(object):
self.cube.density = array
return self.cube.rfft()
def lpt2(self, direction=0):
# k2 = self._get_k2()
# k2[0,0,0] = 1
@ -170,12 +185,13 @@ class LagrangianPerturbation(object):
for j in xrange(3):
q = self._do_irfft( potgen0(j) ).copy()
for i in xrange(j+1, 3):
ne.evaluate('div + q * pot', out=div_phi2,
local_dict={'div':div_phi2, 'q':q,'pot':self._do_irfft( potgen0(i), copy=False ) }
ne.evaluate('div - pot**2',out=div_phi2,
local_dict={'div':div_phi2,'pot':self._do_irfft(potgen(i,j), copy=False) }
with ct.time_block("LPT2 elemental (%d,%d)" %(i,j)):
ne.evaluate('div + q * pot', out=div_phi2,
local_dict={'div':div_phi2, 'q':q,'pot':self._do_irfft( potgen0(i), copy=False ) }
ne.evaluate('div - pot**2',out=div_phi2,
local_dict={'div':div_phi2,'pot':self._do_irfft(potgen(i,j), copy=False) }
phi2_hat = self._do_rfft(div_phi2)
#self.cache['lpt2_potential'] = phi2_hat
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ tmpp_cat={'Msun':3.29,
baryon_fraction = Omega_baryon / Omega_matter
ksz_normalization = -T_cmb*sigmaT*v_unit/(lightspeed*mu*mp) * baryon_fraction
assert ksz_normalization < 0
rho_mean_matter = Omega_matter * (3*(100e3/Mpc)**2/(8*np.pi*G))
Lbar = tmpp_cat['lbar'] / Mpc**3
M_over_L_galaxy = rho_mean_matter / Lbar
@ -10,7 +10,14 @@ class KSZ_Profile(object):
R_star= 0.0 # 15 kpc/h
L_gal0 = 10**(0.4*(tmpp_cat['Msun']-tmpp_cat['Mstar']))
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self,sculpt):
"""Base class for KSZ profiles
sculpt (float): If negative, do not sculpt. If positive, there will be a 2d
suppression of the profile with a radius given by sculpt (in arcmins).
self.sculpt = sculpt * np.pi/180/60.
self.rGalaxy = 1.0
def evaluate_profile(self, r):
@ -37,6 +44,11 @@ class KSZ_Profile(object):
if tan_theta_2.size > 0:
idx_mask = np.append(idx_mask,idx[tan_theta_2.argmin()])
if self.sculpt > 0:
theta = np.arctan(tan_theta)
cond = theta < self.sculpt
m[cond] *= (theta[cond]/self.sculpt)**2
return idx,idx_mask,m
@ -48,10 +60,20 @@ class KSZ_Isothermal(KSZ_Profile):
sigma_FP=160e3 #m/s
R_innergal = 0.030
def __init__(self, Lgal, x, y=0.0):
"Support for Isothermal profile"
def __init__(self, Lgal, x, y=0.0, sculpt=-1):
"""Support for Isothermal profile
Lgal (float): Galaxy luminosity in solar units
x (float): extent of halo in virial radius units
Keyword arguments:
y (float): Inner part where there is no halo
sculpt (float): If negative, do not sculpt. If positive, there will be a 2d
suppression of the profile with a radius given by sculpt (in arcmins).
self.R_gal = 0.226 * x
self.R_innergal *= y
@ -71,20 +93,20 @@ class KSZ_Isothermal(KSZ_Profile):
Q = np.zeros(r.size)
cond = (r<=0)
cond = (r<=1e-10)
Q[cond] = rho0*2/Mpc * (rGalaxy-rInner)/(rGalaxy*rInner)
cond = (r>0)*(r <= rInner)
D['r'] = r[cond]
Q[cond] = ne.evaluate('rho0*2/(Mpc*r) * (arctan(sqrt( (rGalaxy/r)**2 -1 )) - arctan(sqrt( (rInner/r)**2 - 1 )))',
cond = (r > rInner)*(r <= rGalaxy)
D['r'] = r[cond]
Q[cond] = ne.evaluate('rho0*2/(Mpc*r) * arctan(sqrt( (rGalaxy/r)**2 -1 ))',
return Q,np.where(r<rInner)[0]
return Q,[] #np.where(r<rInner)[0]
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