
257 lines
8.4 KiB

import numpy as np
__all__ = ['legendre_transform', 'legendre_roots', 'sht', 'synthesis', 'adjoint_synthesis',
'analysis', 'adjoint_analysis', 'healpix_grid', 'triangular_order', 'rectangular_order',
def legendre_transform(x, bl, out=None):
if out is None:
out = np.empty_like(x)
if out.shape[0] == 0:
return out
elif x.dtype == np.float64:
if bl.dtype != np.float64:
bl = bl.astype(np.float64)
return _legendre_transform(x, bl, out=out)
elif x.dtype == np.float32:
if bl.dtype != np.float32:
bl = bl.astype(np.float32)
return _legendre_transform_s(x, bl, out=out)
raise ValueError("unsupported dtype")
def _legendre_transform(double[::1] x, double[::1] bl, double[::1] out):
if out.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('x and out must have same shape')
sharp_legendre_transform(&bl[0], NULL, bl.shape[0] - 1, &x[0], &out[0], x.shape[0])
return np.asarray(out)
def _legendre_transform_s(float[::1] x, float[::1] bl, float[::1] out):
if out.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('x and out must have same shape')
sharp_legendre_transform_s(&bl[0], NULL, bl.shape[0] - 1, &x[0], &out[0], x.shape[0])
return np.asarray(out)
def legendre_roots(n):
x = np.empty(n, np.double)
w = np.empty(n, np.double)
cdef double[::1] x_buf = x, w_buf = w
if not (x_buf.shape[0] == w_buf.shape[0] == n):
raise AssertionError()
if n > 0:
sharp_legendre_roots(n, &x_buf[0], &w_buf[0])
return x, w
'Yt': SHARP_Yt,
def sht(jobtype, geom_info ginfo, alm_info ainfo, double[:, :, ::1] input,
int spin=0, comm=None, add=False):
cdef void *comm_ptr
cdef int flags = SHARP_DP | (SHARP_ADD if add else 0)
cdef int r
cdef sharp_jobtype jobtype_i
cdef double[:, :, ::1] output_buf
cdef int ntrans = input.shape[0] * input.shape[1]
cdef int i, j
if spin == 0 and input.shape[1] != 1:
raise ValueError('For spin == 0, we need input.shape[1] == 1')
elif spin != 0 and input.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError('For spin != 0, we need input.shape[1] == 2')
cdef size_t[::1] ptrbuf = np.empty(2 * ntrans, dtype=np.uintp)
cdef double **alm_ptrs = <double**>&ptrbuf[0]
cdef double **map_ptrs = <double**>&ptrbuf[ntrans]
jobtype_i = JOBTYPE_TO_CONST[jobtype]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('jobtype must be one of: %s' % ', '.join(sorted(JOBTYPE_TO_CONST.keys())))
if jobtype_i == SHARP_Y or jobtype_i == SHARP_WY:
output = np.empty((input.shape[0], input.shape[1], ginfo.local_size()), dtype=np.float64)
output_buf = output
for i in range(input.shape[0]):
for j in range(input.shape[1]):
alm_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &input[i, j, 0]
map_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &output_buf[i, j, 0]
output = np.empty((input.shape[0], input.shape[1], ainfo.local_size()), dtype=np.float64)
output_buf = output
for i in range(input.shape[0]):
for j in range(input.shape[1]):
alm_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &output_buf[i, j, 0]
map_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &input[i, j, 0]
if comm is None:
with nogil:
sharp_execute (
geom_info=ginfo.ginfo, alm_info=ainfo.ainfo,
spin=spin, alm=alm_ptrs, map=map_ptrs,
ntrans=ntrans, flags=flags, time=NULL, opcnt=NULL)
from mpi4py import MPI
if not isinstance(comm, MPI.Comm):
raise TypeError('comm must be an mpi4py communicator')
from .libsharp_mpi import _addressof
comm_ptr = <void*><size_t>_addressof(comm)
with nogil:
r = sharp_execute_mpi_maybe (
comm_ptr, jobtype_i,
geom_info=ginfo.ginfo, alm_info=ainfo.ainfo,
spin=spin, alm=alm_ptrs, map=map_ptrs,
ntrans=ntrans, flags=flags, time=NULL, opcnt=NULL)
raise Exception('MPI requested, but not available')
return output
def synthesis(*args, **kw):
return sht('Y', *args, **kw)
def adjoint_synthesis(*args, **kw):
return sht('Yt', *args, **kw)
def analysis(*args, **kw):
return sht('YtW', *args, **kw)
def adjoint_analysis(*args, **kw):
return sht('WY', *args, **kw)
# geom_info
class NotInitializedError(Exception):
cdef class geom_info:
cdef sharp_geom_info *ginfo
def __cinit__(self, *args, **kw):
self.ginfo = NULL
def local_size(self):
if self.ginfo == NULL:
raise NotInitializedError()
return sharp_map_size(self.ginfo)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.ginfo != NULL:
self.ginfo = NULL
cdef class healpix_grid(geom_info):
_weight_cache = {} # { (nside, 'T'/'Q'/'U') -> numpy array of ring weights cached from file }
def __init__(self, int nside, stride=1, int[::1] rings=None, double[::1] weights=None):
if weights is not None and weights.shape[0] != 2 * nside:
raise ValueError('weights must have length 2 * nside')
sharp_make_subset_healpix_geom_info(nside, stride,
nrings=4 * nside - 1 if rings is None else rings.shape[0],
rings=NULL if rings is None else &rings[0],
weight=NULL if weights is None else &weights[0],
def load_ring_weights(cls, nside, fields):
Loads HEALPix ring weights from file. The environment variable
HEALPIX should be set, and this routine will look in the `data`
nside: int
HEALPix nside parameter
fields: tuple of str
Which weights to extract; pass ('T',) to only get scalar
weights back, or ('T', 'Q', 'U') to get all the weights
List of NumPy arrays, according to fields parameter.
import os
from import fits
data_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HEALPIX'], 'data')
fits_field_names = {
must_load = [field for field in fields if (nside, field) not in cls._weight_cache]
if must_load:
hdulist =, 'weight_ring_n%05d.fits' % nside))
for field in must_load:
w = hdulist[1].data.field(fits_field_names[field]).ravel().astype(np.double)
w += 1
cls._weight_cache[nside, field] = w
return [cls._weight_cache[(nside, field)].copy() for field in fields]
# alm_info
cdef class alm_info:
cdef sharp_alm_info *ainfo
def __cinit__(self, *args, **kw):
self.ainfo = NULL
def local_size(self):
if self.ainfo == NULL:
raise NotInitializedError()
return sharp_alm_count(self.ainfo)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.ainfo != NULL:
self.ainfo = NULL
cdef class triangular_order(alm_info):
def __init__(self, int lmax, mmax=None, stride=1):
mmax = mmax if mmax is not None else lmax
sharp_make_triangular_alm_info(lmax, mmax, stride, &self.ainfo)
cdef class rectangular_order(alm_info):
def __init__(self, int lmax, mmax=None, stride=1):
mmax = mmax if mmax is not None else lmax
sharp_make_rectangular_alm_info(lmax, mmax, stride, &self.ainfo)
cdef class packed_real_order(alm_info):
def __init__(self, int lmax, stride=1, int[::1] ms=None):
sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info(lmax=lmax, stride=stride,
nm=lmax + 1 if ms is None else ms.shape[0],
ms=NULL if ms is None else &ms[0],