import numpy as np __all__ = ['legendre_transform', 'legendre_roots', 'sht', 'synthesis', 'adjoint_synthesis', 'analysis', 'adjoint_analysis', 'healpix_grid', 'triangular_order', 'rectangular_order', 'packed_real_order'] def legendre_transform(x, bl, out=None): if out is None: out = np.empty_like(x) if out.shape[0] == 0: return out elif x.dtype == np.float64: if bl.dtype != np.float64: bl = bl.astype(np.float64) return _legendre_transform(x, bl, out=out) elif x.dtype == np.float32: if bl.dtype != np.float32: bl = bl.astype(np.float32) return _legendre_transform_s(x, bl, out=out) else: raise ValueError("unsupported dtype") def _legendre_transform(double[::1] x, double[::1] bl, double[::1] out): if out.shape[0] != x.shape[0]: raise ValueError('x and out must have same shape') sharp_legendre_transform(&bl[0], NULL, bl.shape[0] - 1, &x[0], &out[0], x.shape[0]) return np.asarray(out) def _legendre_transform_s(float[::1] x, float[::1] bl, float[::1] out): if out.shape[0] != x.shape[0]: raise ValueError('x and out must have same shape') sharp_legendre_transform_s(&bl[0], NULL, bl.shape[0] - 1, &x[0], &out[0], x.shape[0]) return np.asarray(out) def legendre_roots(n): x = np.empty(n, np.double) w = np.empty(n, np.double) cdef double[::1] x_buf = x, w_buf = w if not (x_buf.shape[0] == w_buf.shape[0] == n): raise AssertionError() if n > 0: sharp_legendre_roots(n, &x_buf[0], &w_buf[0]) return x, w JOBTYPE_TO_CONST = { 'Y': SHARP_Y, 'Yt': SHARP_Yt, 'WY': SHARP_WY, 'YtW': SHARP_YtW } def sht(jobtype, geom_info ginfo, alm_info ainfo, double[:, :, ::1] input, int spin=0, comm=None, add=False): cdef void *comm_ptr cdef int flags = SHARP_DP | (SHARP_ADD if add else 0) cdef int r cdef sharp_jobtype jobtype_i cdef double[:, :, ::1] output_buf cdef int ntrans = input.shape[0] * input.shape[1] cdef int i, j if spin == 0 and input.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError('For spin == 0, we need input.shape[1] == 1') elif spin != 0 and input.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('For spin != 0, we need input.shape[1] == 2') cdef size_t[::1] ptrbuf = np.empty(2 * ntrans, dtype=np.uintp) cdef double **alm_ptrs = &ptrbuf[0] cdef double **map_ptrs = &ptrbuf[ntrans] try: jobtype_i = JOBTYPE_TO_CONST[jobtype] except KeyError: raise ValueError('jobtype must be one of: %s' % ', '.join(sorted(JOBTYPE_TO_CONST.keys()))) if jobtype_i == SHARP_Y or jobtype_i == SHARP_WY: output = np.empty((input.shape[0], input.shape[1], ginfo.local_size()), dtype=np.float64) output_buf = output for i in range(input.shape[0]): for j in range(input.shape[1]): alm_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &input[i, j, 0] map_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &output_buf[i, j, 0] else: output = np.empty((input.shape[0], input.shape[1], ainfo.local_size()), dtype=np.float64) output_buf = output for i in range(input.shape[0]): for j in range(input.shape[1]): alm_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &output_buf[i, j, 0] map_ptrs[i * input.shape[1] + j] = &input[i, j, 0] if comm is None: with nogil: sharp_execute ( jobtype_i, geom_info=ginfo.ginfo, alm_info=ainfo.ainfo, spin=spin, alm=alm_ptrs, map=map_ptrs, ntrans=ntrans, flags=flags, time=NULL, opcnt=NULL) else: from mpi4py import MPI if not isinstance(comm, MPI.Comm): raise TypeError('comm must be an mpi4py communicator') from .libsharp_mpi import _addressof comm_ptr = _addressof(comm) with nogil: r = sharp_execute_mpi_maybe ( comm_ptr, jobtype_i, geom_info=ginfo.ginfo, alm_info=ainfo.ainfo, spin=spin, alm=alm_ptrs, map=map_ptrs, ntrans=ntrans, flags=flags, time=NULL, opcnt=NULL) if r == SHARP_ERROR_NO_MPI: raise Exception('MPI requested, but not available') return output def synthesis(*args, **kw): return sht('Y', *args, **kw) def adjoint_synthesis(*args, **kw): return sht('Yt', *args, **kw) def analysis(*args, **kw): return sht('YtW', *args, **kw) def adjoint_analysis(*args, **kw): return sht('WY', *args, **kw) # # geom_info # class NotInitializedError(Exception): pass cdef class geom_info: cdef sharp_geom_info *ginfo def __cinit__(self, *args, **kw): self.ginfo = NULL def local_size(self): if self.ginfo == NULL: raise NotInitializedError() return sharp_map_size(self.ginfo) def __dealloc__(self): if self.ginfo != NULL: sharp_destroy_geom_info(self.ginfo) self.ginfo = NULL cdef class healpix_grid(geom_info): _weight_cache = {} # { (nside, 'T'/'Q'/'U') -> numpy array of ring weights cached from file } def __init__(self, int nside, stride=1, int[::1] rings=None, double[::1] weights=None): if weights is not None and weights.shape[0] != 2 * nside: raise ValueError('weights must have length 2 * nside') sharp_make_subset_healpix_geom_info(nside, stride, nrings=4 * nside - 1 if rings is None else rings.shape[0], rings=NULL if rings is None else &rings[0], weight=NULL if weights is None else &weights[0], geom_info=&self.ginfo) @classmethod def load_ring_weights(cls, nside, fields): """ Loads HEALPix ring weights from file. The environment variable HEALPIX should be set, and this routine will look in the `data` subdirectory. Parameters ---------- nside: int HEALPix nside parameter fields: tuple of str Which weights to extract; pass ('T',) to only get scalar weights back, or ('T', 'Q', 'U') to get all the weights Returns ------- List of NumPy arrays, according to fields parameter. """ import os from import fits data_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HEALPIX'], 'data') fits_field_names = { 'T': 'TEMPERATURE WEIGHTS', 'Q': 'Q-POLARISATION WEIGHTS', 'U': 'U-POLARISATION WEIGHTS'} must_load = [field for field in fields if (nside, field) not in cls._weight_cache] if must_load: hdulist =, 'weight_ring_n%05d.fits' % nside)) try: for field in must_load: w = hdulist[1].data.field(fits_field_names[field]).ravel().astype(np.double) w += 1 cls._weight_cache[nside, field] = w finally: hdulist.close() return [cls._weight_cache[(nside, field)].copy() for field in fields] # # alm_info # cdef class alm_info: cdef sharp_alm_info *ainfo def __cinit__(self, *args, **kw): self.ainfo = NULL def local_size(self): if self.ainfo == NULL: raise NotInitializedError() return sharp_alm_count(self.ainfo) def __dealloc__(self): if self.ainfo != NULL: sharp_destroy_alm_info(self.ainfo) self.ainfo = NULL cdef class triangular_order(alm_info): def __init__(self, int lmax, mmax=None, stride=1): mmax = mmax if mmax is not None else lmax sharp_make_triangular_alm_info(lmax, mmax, stride, &self.ainfo) cdef class rectangular_order(alm_info): def __init__(self, int lmax, mmax=None, stride=1): mmax = mmax if mmax is not None else lmax sharp_make_rectangular_alm_info(lmax, mmax, stride, &self.ainfo) cdef class packed_real_order(alm_info): def __init__(self, int lmax, stride=1, int[::1] ms=None): sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info(lmax=lmax, stride=stride, nm=lmax + 1 if ms is None else ms.shape[0], ms=NULL if ms is None else &ms[0], alm_info=&self.ainfo)