2022-02-14 10:59:23 +01:00

330 KiB

In [1]:
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from h5py import File
%matplotlib inline

from jax import numpy as jnp
import jax
from tqdm import tqdm

from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, util, init_to_sample

import csiborgtools
import corner

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)

LOS density & radial velocity plots

In [14]:
# fpath = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/A2.h5"
fpath = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/PV_compilation_Supranta2019.hdf5"

loader_carrick = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader("Carrick2015", "LOSS", fpath, paths, ksmooth=0)
loader_csiborg = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader("csiborg1", "LOSS", fpath, paths, ksmooth=0)
loader_csiborg2 = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader("csiborg2_main", "LOSS", fpath, paths, ksmooth=0)
10:20:19: reading the catalogue.
10:20:19: reading the interpolated field.
100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 84.48it/s]
10:20:19: calculating the radial velocity.
100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:00<00:00, 21608.99it/s]
10:20:19: reading the catalogue.
10:20:19: reading the interpolated field.
100%|██████████| 101/101 [00:02<00:00, 42.58it/s]
10:20:21: calculating the radial velocity.
100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:00<00:00, 351.66it/s]
10:20:22: reading the catalogue.
10:20:22: reading the interpolated field.
100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:00<00:00, 123.83it/s]
10:20:22: calculating the radial velocity.
100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:00<00:00, 1285.41it/s]
In [19]:
# ks = [115,  53,  77, 105,  26,  61,  86,  29,  80,  21]
ks = [19,  8, 15,  0, 16,  6, 48, 38, 26, 44]
# ks = [19]
# ks = np.random.choice(50, 10, replace=False)

# k = 6
for k in ks:
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7, 7), sharex=True)
    # Get rid of vertical spacing

    # Plot CSiBORG
    for i in range(loader_csiborg.los_density.shape[1]):
        axs[0].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_density[k, i, :], alpha=0.1, color="black")
        axs[1].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_radial_velocity[k, i, :], alpha=0.1, color="black")

    # CSiBORG1
    axs[0].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_density[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="red", label="CSiBORG1")
    axs[1].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_radial_velocity[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="red")

    # CSiBORG2
    axs[0].plot(loader_csiborg2.rdist, loader_csiborg2.los_density[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="violet", label="CSiBORG2")
    axs[1].plot(loader_csiborg2.rdist, loader_csiborg2.los_radial_velocity[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="violet")

    # Plot Carrick+2015
    axs[0].plot(loader_carrick.rdist, loader_carrick.los_density[k, 0, :], color="blue", label="Carrick+2015")
    axs[1].plot(loader_carrick.rdist, loader_carrick.los_radial_velocity[k, 0, :] * 0.43, color="blue")

    # for i in range(2):
    #     label = "SN"
    #     rdist = loader_csiborg.cat["r_hMpc"][k]
    #     axs[i].axvline(rdist, color="violet", linestyle="--",
    #                 zorder=0, label=label)

    axs[1].set_xlabel(r"$r ~ [\mathrm{Mpc} / h]$")
    axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$\rho_{\rm LOS} / \langle \rho_{\rm matter} \rangle$")
    axs[1].set_ylabel(r"$v_{\rm LOS} ~ [\mathrm{km/s}]$")


    axs[0].legend(loc="upper right")
    axs[0].set_xlim(0, 200)

    fig.tight_layout(w_pad=0, h_pad=0)
    fig.savefig(f"../plots/LOSS_los_{k}.png", dpi=500, bbox_inches="tight")

No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Test running a model

In [15]:
fpath_data = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/PV_compilation_Supranta2019.hdf5"
# fpath_data = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/A2.h5"

simname = "csiborg1"
catalogue = "2MTF"
loader = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader(simname, catalogue, fpath_data, paths, ksmooth=0)
Omega_m = csiborgtools.simname2Omega_m(simname)
16:21:52: reading the catalogue.
16:21:52: reading the interpolated field.
100%|██████████| 101/101 [00:16<00:00,  6.13it/s]
/mnt/users/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/flow/flow_model.py:101: UserWarning: The number of radial steps is even. Skipping the first step at 0.0 because Simpson's rule requires an odd number of steps.
  if len(self._field_rdist) % 2 == 0:
16:22:09: calculating the radial velocity.
100%|██████████| 1248/1248 [00:02<00:00, 441.32it/s]
In [16]:
print(f"Length of the catalogue is {len(loader.cat['RA'])}.")

# mask = np.random.choice(len(loader.cat["RA"]), 300, replace=False)
mask = np.ones(len(loader.cat["RA"]), dtype=bool)
# mask = loader.cat["r_hMpc"] < 1000
print(f"Selected {sum(mask)} galaxies.")

los_overdensity = loader.los_density[mask, -1, :]
los_velocity = loader.los_radial_velocity[mask, -1, :] #* 0.

# PV calibration
if catalogue in ["LOSS", "Foundation"]:
    RA = loader.cat["RA"][mask]
    dec = loader.cat["DEC"][mask]
    zCMB = loader.cat["z_CMB"][mask]

    mB = loader.cat["mB"][mask]
    x1 = loader.cat["x1"][mask]
    c = loader.cat["c"][mask]

    e_mB = loader.cat["e_mB"][mask]
    e_x1 = loader.cat["e_x1"][mask]
    e_c = loader.cat["e_c"][mask]

    model = csiborgtools.flow.SN_PV_validation_model(los_overdensity, los_velocity, RA, dec, zCMB, mB, x1, c, e_mB, e_x1, e_c, loader.rdist, Omega_m)
elif catalogue in ["SFI_gals", "2MTF"]:
    RA = loader.cat["RA"][mask]
    dec = loader.cat["DEC"][mask]
    zCMB = loader.cat["z_CMB"][mask]

    mag = loader.cat["mag"][mask]
    eta = loader.cat["eta"][mask]
    e_mag = loader.cat["e_mag"][mask]
    e_eta = loader.cat["e_eta"][mask]

    model = csiborgtools.flow.TF_PV_validation_model(los_overdensity, los_velocity, RA, dec, zCMB, mag, eta, e_mag, e_eta, loader.rdist, Omega_m)
elif catalogue == "A2" or "csiborg2" in catalogue:
    RA = loader.cat["RA"][mask]
    dec = loader.cat["DEC"][mask]
    z_obs = loader.cat["z_obs"][mask]

    r_hMpc = loader.cat["r_hMpc"][mask]
    e_r_hMpc = loader.cat["e_rhMpc"][mask]

    model = csiborgtools.flow.SD_PV_validation_model(los_overdensity, los_velocity, RA, dec, z_obs, r_hMpc, e_r_hMpc, loader.rdist, Omega_m)
    raise ValueError(f"Catalogue {catalogue} not recognized.")

print("RA ", RA[:20])
print("DEC ", dec[:20])
Length of the catalogue is 1248.
Selected 1248 galaxies.
RA  [0.26987 0.33238 1.46812 1.66731 2.02831 2.2676  2.36937 2.38672 2.6099
 2.63654 3.63279 4.21202 4.5056  4.54393 4.63899 4.72158 4.75033 4.94728
 4.95311 4.99314]
DEC  [  4.5406   34.52571  22.53567  26.15452   9.71773  10.9189   47.35583
  48.13519  28.98794  28.99624  -0.7376   -5.2683  -59.08359  18.29227
  -6.27206  48.01672  19.39787   9.16693  23.77261  19.40237]
<csiborgtools.flow.flow_model.TF_PV_validation_model at 0x7f2aa8741b90>
In [19]:
true_samples = {'Vext_x': jnp.array(0.0, dtype=jnp.float32),
                'Vext_y': jnp.array(0.0, dtype=jnp.float32),
                'Vext_z': jnp.array(0.0, dtype=jnp.float32),
                'alpha': jnp.array(0.0, dtype=jnp.float32),
                'beta': jnp.array(1.0, dtype=jnp.float32),
                'sigma_v': jnp.array(112, dtype=jnp.float32),
                "e_mu_intrinsic": jnp.array(0.1, dtype=jnp.float32),
                "mag_cal": jnp.array(-19, dtype=jnp.float32),
                "alpha_cal": jnp.array(0.14, dtype=jnp.float32),
                "beta_cal": jnp.array(3.1, dtype=jnp.float32),
                "a" : jnp.array(-21., dtype=jnp.float32),
                "b": jnp.array(-6.0, dtype=jnp.float32),
                "h": jnp.array(0.7, dtype=jnp.float32),

# true_samples = {'beta': jnp.array(1.0, dtype=jnp.float32),}

util.log_likelihood(model, true_samples)
{'ll': Array(-inf, dtype=float32)}
In [20]:
nuts_kernel = NUTS(model, init_strategy=init_to_sample())
# nuts_kernel = NUTS(model)
num_chains = 1
mcmc = MCMC(nuts_kernel, num_warmup=250, num_samples=500)

rng_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(5)
In [22]:
mcmc.run(rng_key, sample_alpha=False)
warmup:  20%|██        | 152/750 [01:02<01:27,  6.84it/s, 3 steps of size 2.02e-01. acc. prob=0.78]  
In [11]:
samples = mcmc.get_samples(group_by_chain=False)
                mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
    Vext_x    -72.13     31.78    -71.45   -126.66    -25.07    585.13      1.00
    Vext_y     21.43     27.92     21.37    -21.15     70.20    444.41      1.00
    Vext_z     10.97     27.05     12.44    -34.16     53.28    550.33      1.00
      beta      0.06      0.08      0.06     -0.06      0.20    495.51      1.00
   sigma_v    284.39     12.62    283.69    263.63    304.40    626.98      1.01

Number of divergences: 0
In [12]:
plt.hist(samples["beta"], bins="auto")
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [566]:
Vmag = np.sqrt(samples["Vext_x"]**2 + samples["Vext_y"]**2 + samples["Vext_z"]**2)

V = np.vstack([samples["Vext_x"], samples["Vext_y"], samples["Vext_z"]]).T
V = csiborgtools.cartesian_to_radec(V)

l, b = csiborgtools.flow.radec_to_galactic(V[:, 1], V[:, 2])
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[566], line 1
----> 1 Vmag = np.sqrt(samples["Vext_x"]**2 + samples["Vext_y"]**2 + samples["Vext_z"]**2)
      3 V = np.vstack([samples["Vext_x"], samples["Vext_y"], samples["Vext_z"]]).T
      4 V = csiborgtools.cartesian_to_radec(V)

KeyError: 'Vext_x'
In [543]:
print(f"|V|  = {np.mean(Vmag)} +- {np.std(Vmag)}")
print(f"l    = {np.mean(l)} +- {np.std(l)}")
print(f"b    = {np.mean(b)} +- {np.std(b)}")
print(f"beta = {np.mean(samples['beta'])} +- {np.std(samples['beta'])}")
|V|  = 39.12040328979492 +- 16.43771743774414
l    = 132.46352777972294 +- 97.08651704866757
b    = 3.6149575356618118 +- 34.07884951676805
beta = 0.2185758799314499 +- 0.062036316841840744
In [544]:
plt.scatter(l, b)
No description has been provided for this image
In [545]:
plt.hist(V[:, 0], bins="auto")
No description has been provided for this image
In [337]:
data = np.vstack([samples["e_mu_intrinsic"], samples["beta"], l, b, Vmag]).T
labels = [r"$\sigma_\mu$", r"$\beta$", r"$l$", r"$b$", r"$|\bf{V}_{\rm ext}|$"]
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[337], line 1
----> 1 data = np.vstack([samples["e_mu_intrinsic"], samples["beta"], l, b, Vmag]).T
      2 labels = [r"$\sigma_\mu$", r"$\beta$", r"$l$", r"$b$", r"$|\bf{V}_{\rm ext}|$"]

KeyError: 'e_mu_intrinsic'
In [184]:
fig = corner.corner(data, labels=labels, show_titles=True, title_fmt=".3f", title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12})
# fig.savefig(f"../plots/corner.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
No description has been provided for this image

Vizualize the results

In [17]:
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
catalogue = "LOSS"
simname = "csiborg2_random"

nsims = paths.get_ics(simname)

Vx = []
Vy = []
Vz = []
beta = []
sigma_v = []
alpha = []

alpha_cal = []
beta_cal = []
mag_cal = []
e_mu_intrinsic = []

with File(f"/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg_postprocessing/peculiar_velocity/flow_samples_{catalogue}_{simname}_smooth_0.hdf5", 'r') as f:
    for i, nsim in enumerate(tqdm(nsims)):
        if i == 0:



Vx = np.hstack(Vx)
Vy = np.hstack(Vy)
Vz = np.hstack(Vz)
alpha = np.hstack(alpha)
beta = np.hstack(beta)
sigma_v = np.hstack(sigma_v)

alpha_cal = np.hstack(alpha_cal)
beta_cal = np.hstack(beta_cal)
mag_cal = np.hstack(mag_cal)
e_mu_intrinsic = np.hstack(e_mu_intrinsic)

Vmag = np.sqrt(Vx**2 + Vy**2 + Vz**2)

V = np.vstack([Vx, Vy, Vz]).T
V = csiborgtools.cartesian_to_radec(V)
l, b = csiborgtools.flow.radec_to_galactic(V[:, 1], V[:, 2])

data = np.vstack([alpha, beta, Vmag, l, b, sigma_v, alpha_cal, beta_cal, mag_cal, e_mu_intrinsic]).T
labels = [r"$\alpha$", r"$\beta$", r"$|\bf{V}_{\rm ext}|$", r"$l$", r"$b$", r"$\sigma_v$", r"$\alpha_{\rm cal}$", r"$\beta_{\rm cal}$", r"$M$", r"$\sigma_\mu$"]
100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:00<00:00, 113.74it/s]
<KeysViewHDF5 ['Vext_x', 'Vext_y', 'Vext_z', 'alpha', 'alpha_cal', 'beta', 'beta_cal', 'e_mu_intrinsic', 'mag_cal', 'sigma_v']>
In [18]:
fig = corner.corner(data, labels=labels, show_titles=True, title_fmt=".3f", title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12})
fig.suptitle(f"{catalogue}, {simname}")
fig.savefig(f"../plots/corner_{catalogue}_{simname}.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
No description has been provided for this image
In [210]:
In [299]:
0.906 * 0.43
In [214]:
plt.hist(V[:, 0], bins="auto", density=True)
No description has been provided for this image
In [219]:
print(beta.mean(), beta.std())
print(np.mean(V[:, 0]), np.std(V[:, 0]))
print(l.mean(), b.mean())
0.61461765 0.095553815
198.02641 36.928383
294.53874356626227 -5.542468825545464
In [213]:
plt.hexbin(l, b, gridsize=50, mincnt=1)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [130]:
for i in range(len(x)):
    plt.hist(x[i], bins="auto", density=True, histtype="step")

No description has been provided for this image

Test bias

In [437]:
from jax.lax import cond
In [488]:
def bias(rho_norm, b):
    def bias_small(rho_norm, b):
        return jnp.log((1 + jnp.exp((1 - b + b * rho_norm))) / (1 + jnp.exp((1 - b))))

    def bias_large(rho_norm, b):
        return 1 - b + b * rho_norm - jnp.log(1 + jnp.exp(1 - b))

    return jnp.where(rho_norm < 3, 
                     bias_small(rho_norm, b), 
                     bias_large(rho_norm, b))
In [489]:
rho_norm = jnp.linspace(0, 100, 100)
b = 2
y = bias(rho_norm, b)
In [490]:
Array([  0.       ,   1.0148089,   2.7738497,   4.7473445,   6.767546 ,
         8.787747 ,  10.80795  ,  12.828152 ,  14.848353 ,  16.868557 ,
        18.888758 ,  20.90896  ,  22.929163 ,  24.949364 ,  26.969566 ,
        28.989767 ,  31.00997  ,  33.03017  ,  35.050373 ,  37.07057  ,
        39.090775 ,  41.110977 ,  43.13118  ,  45.151382 ,  47.171585 ,
        49.191784 ,  51.211987 ,  53.23219  ,  55.25239  ,  57.272594 ,
        59.292793 ,  61.312996 ,  63.3332   ,  65.3534   ,  67.373604 ,
        69.39381  ,  71.41401  ,  73.43421  ,  75.45441  ,  77.47461  ,
        79.49481  ,  81.515015 ,  83.53522  ,  85.55542  ,  87.57562  ,
        89.595825 ,  91.61603  ,  93.63623  ,  95.65643  ,  97.67663  ,
        99.69683  , 101.71703  , 103.737236 , 105.75744  , 107.77764  ,
       109.797844 , 111.81805  , 113.83825  , 115.85845  , 117.87865  ,
       119.89885  , 121.91905  , 123.939255 , 125.95946  , 127.97966  ,
       129.99986  , 132.02007  , 134.04027  , 136.06047  , 138.08067  ,
       140.10088  , 142.12108  , 144.14128  , 146.16148  , 148.18169  ,
       150.20187  , 152.22208  , 154.24228  , 156.26248  , 158.28268  ,
       160.30289  , 162.32309  , 164.34329  , 166.3635   , 168.3837   ,
       170.4039   , 172.4241   , 174.4443   , 176.46451  , 178.48471  ,
       180.50491  , 182.52512  , 184.54532  , 186.56552  , 188.58572  ,
       190.60593  , 192.62613  , 194.64632  , 196.66652  , 198.68674  ],      dtype=float32)
In [485]:
bias_small(rho_norm, b)
Array([ 0.       ,  1.0148089,  2.7738497,  4.753666 ,  6.768387 ,
        8.787859 , 10.807965 , 12.828154 , 14.848354 , 16.868557 ,
       18.888758 , 20.90896  , 22.929163 , 24.949364 , 26.969566 ,
       28.989767 , 31.00997  , 33.03017  , 35.050373 , 37.07057  ,
       39.090775 , 41.110977 , 43.13118  , 45.151382 , 47.171585 ,
       49.191784 , 51.211987 , 53.23219  , 55.25239  , 57.272594 ,
       59.292793 , 61.312996 , 63.3332   , 65.3534   , 67.373604 ,
       69.39381  , 71.41401  , 73.43421  , 75.45441  , 77.47461  ,
       79.49481  , 81.515015 , 83.53522  , 85.55542  , 87.57562  ,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,
              inf,        inf,        inf,        inf,        inf],      dtype=float32)
In [487]:
plt.plot(rho_norm, y)
plt.plot(rho_norm, bias_small(rho_norm, b), ls="--")
plt.plot(rho_norm, bias_large(rho_norm, b), ls="dotted")
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [462]:
bias(loader._los_density[0], 2.)
Array([[1.3646735 , 1.434935  , 1.5887474 , 1.6949235 , 1.7769545 ,
        1.8709289 , 2.0290222 , 2.1513133 , 2.2334485 , 2.329708  ,
        2.444497  , 2.5160108 , 2.5457559 , 2.5692239 , 2.608365  ,
        2.6157517 , 2.5902514 , 2.5320826 , 2.4516525 , 2.3783646 ,
        2.3570633 , 2.2927842 , 2.235333  , 2.1849432 , 2.131144  ,
        2.1050715 , 2.1284485 , 2.1777897 , 2.2121887 , 2.2108288 ,
        2.2272425 , 2.2835732 , 2.2929268 , 2.2634182 , 2.241768  ,
        2.2274647 , 2.1347542 , 2.0022526 , 1.8764566 , 1.757152  ,
        1.5877327 , 1.4179734 , 1.2245289 , 1.0326    , 0.83725584,
        0.9779409 , 0.8560009 , 0.7459278 , 0.64249325, 0.5510863 ,
        0.4705007 , 0.40490875, 0.3523176 , 0.3036849 , 0.25979096,
        0.22670034, 0.2001784 , 0.17650758, 0.15544249, 0.1421564 ,
        0.1319982 , 0.12369715, 0.11719201, 0.11655279, 0.1178802 ,
        0.12243555, 0.12922992, 0.13944156, 0.15134403, 0.16509394,
        0.1822752 , 0.20241688, 0.22445495, 0.24860011, 0.2747241 ,
        0.3021833 , 0.32956758, 0.3581138 , 0.38779044, 0.4175948 ,
        0.44733912, 0.47730353, 0.5037043 , 0.5280483 , 0.54990727,
        0.5693671 , 0.5882731 , 0.5948174 , 0.59384704, 0.5889778 ,
        0.581055  , 0.5679292 , 0.5492731 , 0.5233676 , 0.4954697 ,
        0.46466196, 0.43128756, 0.39837906, 0.36807328, 0.34046337,
        0.31282854, 0.2916725 , 0.2727041 , 0.25453895, 0.24449702,
        0.24894878, 0.25541925, 0.2639165 , 0.27725202, 0.30834335,
        0.35066515, 0.39812556, 0.45682377, 0.5331358 , 0.6178547 ,
        0.71351516, 0.82063544, 0.93213975, 0.7524649 , 0.91292727,
        1.0464138 , 1.1508375 , 1.251418  , 1.3491758 , 1.380678  ,
        1.4025079 , 1.4121331 , 1.3930808 , 1.3075174 , 1.2249244 ,
        1.1454424 , 1.0572306 , 0.92409194, 0.79356396, 0.99048895,
        0.90620065, 0.828229  , 0.76082796, 0.698414  , 0.6505554 ,
        0.61402965, 0.5859119 , 0.5657008 , 0.5566434 , 0.553449  ,
        0.5563643 , 0.5653806 , 0.58270925, 0.6048739 , 0.6295522 ,
        0.65922254, 0.69377667, 0.7332983 , 0.7763519 , 0.8221179 ,
        0.8646504 , 0.9119135 , 0.9640299 , 0.7129375 , 0.7891277 ,
        0.8571147 , 0.9190582 , 0.9803752 , 1.0396756 , 1.0979573 ,
        1.1553053 , 1.1901921 , 1.2196769 , 1.2462472 , 1.2697977 ,
        1.2838    , 1.2984327 , 1.3102382 , 1.3194026 , 1.3225473 ,
        1.3196949 , 1.3108543 , 1.306914  , 1.3042039 , 1.294299  ,
        1.2772909 , 1.260877  , 1.2417816 , 1.2328533 , 1.2146448 ,
        1.1977972 , 1.1745423 , 1.1424965 , 1.1101197 , 1.101576  ,
        1.0878228 , 1.0645813 , 1.0333818 , 0.9999348 , 0.9850849 ,
        0.97065103, 0.9509536 , 0.92941177, 0.90072215, 0.8717872 ,
        0.89219344, 0.91042507, 0.92014444, 0.9214734 , 0.9279727 ,
        0.9602722 , 1.0090538 , 1.0460545 , 1.0889293 , 1.1205827 ,
        1.1391929 , 1.1663109 , 1.1970347 , 1.209669  , 1.2047967 ,
        1.187488  , 1.1674637 , 1.1264628 , 1.0695738 , 1.0057136 ,
        0.938321  , 0.8566655 , 0.7593492 , 0.9830673 , 0.91409945,
        0.8435176 , 0.7711419 , 0.70559967, 0.6515862 , 0.5985839 ,
        0.54632187, 0.502273  , 0.45877022, 0.42054328, 0.3934341 ,
        0.37144205, 0.34999198, 0.3290352 , 0.31012294, 0.30171677,
        0.2962771 , 0.29083773, 0.28842846, 0.28969994, 0.2920595 ,
        0.2989802 , 0.31210732, 0.3281337 , 0.34449434, 0.36123806,
        0.3927679 , 0.4286105 , 0.4655993 , 0.5053859 , 0.5691393 ,
        0.6362327 , 0.7067257 , 0.78761345, 0.8970398 , 0.6997818 ,
        0.8535489 , 1.0259563 , 1.2127107 , 1.3874727 , 1.5501367 ,
        1.7126855 , 1.867709  , 2.001937  , 2.1140966 , 2.1916142 ,
        2.2460651 , 2.2813406 , 2.297223  , 2.2536044 , 2.196093  ,
        2.1253767 , 2.03259   , 1.8823694 , 1.7347625 , 1.6018292 ,
        1.4532942 , 1.283286  , 1.1178659 , 0.9570924 , 0.8172244 ,
        0.6897191 , 0.9147335 , 0.8344159 , 0.7673473 , 0.7086063 ,
        0.6641469 , 0.6225449 , 0.5973549 , 0.57440835, 0.5516249 ,
        0.5317883 , 0.53176755, 0.52977276, 0.5252905 , 0.5225403 ,
        0.5306233 , 0.537339  , 0.5404994 , 0.5452957 , 0.5526741 ,
        0.55304235, 0.5479818 , 0.55197227, 0.55319256, 0.5490432 ,
        0.53936017, 0.5228505 , 0.51295424, 0.51168084, 0.5088841 ,
        0.5002767 , 0.4915954 , 0.48361063, 0.49827686, 0.515961  ,
        0.5374632 , 0.5629945 , 0.5906428 , 0.6248773 , 0.68398076,
        0.7490516 , 0.81219375, 0.8711733 , 0.93306047, 0.70086324,
        0.7925049 , 0.8672184 , 0.9352511 , 0.9940311 , 1.0134267 ,
        1.0167335 , 1.0081466 , 0.98725164, 0.94359004, 0.88869536,
        0.8169855 , 0.7289902 , 0.968997  , 0.90388423, 0.8363196 ,
        0.7754801 , 0.7210487 , 0.6658874 , 0.6120377 , 0.5709876 ,
        0.5380987 , 0.5059658 , 0.47608382, 0.45786625, 0.4429148 ,
        0.42846784, 0.41462535, 0.40961948, 0.40622896, 0.40261546,
        0.39951095, 0.3999179 , 0.40015367, 0.40194058, 0.40492177,
        0.41054347, 0.4160852 , 0.42165357, 0.43058476, 0.44315138,
        0.45663595, 0.47077337, 0.49090838, 0.5150634 , 0.53872305,
        0.56145823, 0.58853346, 0.6170561 , 0.64647895, 0.67653644,
        0.69559836, 0.71325165, 0.7297187 , 0.74179244, 0.74279547,
        0.7412879 , 0.73549235, 0.72251487, 0.7011512 , 0.6794939 ,
        0.6576475 , 0.634315  , 0.62078434, 0.6265948 , 0.6586482 ,
        0.75736463, 0.86079174, 0.94762903, 0.99869275]], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [436]:
b = 1.4

rho = np.linspace(0, 3, 100)

def bias(rho, b):
    return np.log((1 + np.exp((1 - b + b * rho))) / (1 + np.exp((1 - b))))

def linear_bias(rho, b):
    return (1 - b + b * rho)

cols = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
for i, b in enumerate([0.5, 1, 1.5, 3]):
    plt.plot(rho, bias(rho, b), label=f"b = {b}", c=cols[i])
    plt.plot(rho, 1 - b + b * rho - np.log(1 + np.exp(1 - b)), ls="--", c=cols[i])
    # plt.plot(rho, linear_bias(rho, b), ls="--", c=cols[i])

plt.axline((1, 1), slope=1, color="red", linestyle="dotted")
plt.axhline(0, color="black", linestyle="--")
plt.xlabel(r"$\rho / \langle \rho \rangle$")
plt.ylabel(r"$1 + \delta_g$")
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [133]:
def get_field(kind):
    folder = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs"
    from os.path import join
    if kind == "density":
        fpath = join(folder, "twompp_density_carrick2015.npy")
        return np.load(fpath).astype(np.float32)
    elif kind == "velocity":
        fpath = join(folder, "twompp_velocity_carrick2015.npy")
        field = np.load(fpath).astype(np.float32)

        # Because the Carrick+2015 data is in the following form:
        # "The velocities are predicted peculiar velocities in the CMB
        # frame in Galactic Cartesian coordinates, generated from the
        # \(\delta_g^*\) field with \(\beta^* = 0.43\) and an external
        # dipole \(V_\mathrm{ext} = [89,-131,17]\) (Carrick et al Table 3)
        # has already been added.""
        field[0] -= 89
        field[1] -= -131
        field[2] -= 17
        field /= 0.43

        return field
In [135]:
density = get_field("density")
velocity = get_field("velocity")
In [136]:
from h5py import File
In [ ]:

In [137]:
with File("/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/Carrick2015_unscaled.hdf5", 'w') as f:
    f.create_dataset("density", data=density)
    f.create_dataset("velocity", data=velocity)
In [ ]: