mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:10:55 +00:00
487 KiB
487 KiB
In [1]:
%pylab inline
import camels_library as cl
import readgadget
from tqdm import tqdm
Loading CAMELS data¶
In [2]:
scales = []
poss = []
vels = []
header = readgadget.header(snapshot)
BoxSize = header.boxsize/1e3 #Mpc/h
Nall = header.nall #Total number of particles
Masses = header.massarr*1e10 #Masses of the particles in Msun/h
Omega_m = header.omega_m #value of Omega_m
Omega_l = header.omega_l #value of Omega_l
h = header.hubble #value of h
redshift = header.redshift #redshift of the snapshot
Hubble = 100.0*np.sqrt(Omega_m*(1.0+redshift)**3+Omega_l)#Value of H(z) in km/s/(Mpc/h)
# Loading all the intermediate snapshots
for i in tqdm(range(34)):
header = readgadget.header(snapshot)
redshift = header.redshift #redshift of the snapshot
ptype = [1] #dark matter is particle type 1
ids = np.argsort(readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "ID ", ptype)-1) #IDs starting from 0
pos = readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "POS ", ptype)[ids]/1e3 #positions in Mpc/h
vel = readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "VEL ", ptype)[ids] #peculiar velocities in km/s
# Reordering data for simple reshaping
pos = pos.reshape(4,4,4,64,64,64,3).transpose(0,3,1,4,2,5,6).reshape(-1,3)
vel = vel.reshape(4,4,4,64,64,64,3).transpose(0,3,1,4,2,5,6).reshape(-1,3)
pos = (pos / BoxSize * 32).reshape([256,256,256,3])[2::8,2::8,2::8,:].reshape([-1,3])
vel = (vel / 100 * (1./(1+redshift)) / BoxSize*32).reshape([256,256,256,3])[2::8,2::8,2::8,:].reshape([-1,3])
Runing PM simulation¶
In [3]:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax_cosmo as jc
import haiku as hk
from jax.experimental.ode import odeint
from jaxpm.painting import cic_paint, cic_read, compensate_cic
from jaxpm.pm import linear_field, lpt, make_ode_fn, pm_forces
from jaxpm.kernels import fftk, gradient_kernel, laplace_kernel, longrange_kernel
from jaxpm.utils import power_spectrum
rng_seq = hk.PRNGSequence(1)
mesh_shape= [32, 32, 32]
box_size = [25., 25., 25.]
cosmo = jc.Planck15(Omega_c= 0.3 - 0.049, Omega_b=0.049, n_s=0.9624, h=0.671 , sigma8=0.8)
In [4]:
# Run the simulation with Particle-Mesh scheme
resi = odeint(make_ode_fn(mesh_shape), [poss[0], vels[0]], jnp.array(scales), cosmo, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
In [5]:
# High res simulation
for i in range(16):
imshow(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), poss[::2][i]).sum(axis=0), cmap='gist_stern', vmin=0)
In [6]:
# JaxPM without correction
for i in range(16):
imshow(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), resi[0][::2][i]).sum(axis=0), cmap='gist_stern',
vmax=cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), poss[::2][i]).sum(axis=0).max(),vmin=0)
In [7]:
k, pk_ref = power_spectrum(
compensate_cic(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), poss[-1])),
boxsize=np.array([25.] * 3),
kmin=np.pi / 25.,
dk=2 * np.pi / 25.)
k, pk_i = power_spectrum(
compensate_cic(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), resi[0][-1])),
boxsize=np.array([25.] * 3),
kmin=np.pi / 25.,
dk=2 * np.pi / 25.)
In [8]:
loglog(k,pk_ref, label='N-body')
loglog(k,pk_i, label='JaxPM without correction')
plt.xlabel(r"$k$ [$h \ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$]")
Implementation of a plain Hamiltonian Graph Neural Network¶
In [9]:
# We start by computing a neighboorhood to compute PP interactions
# Could we see if we could get a graph on this
from sklearn.neighbors import radius_neighbors_graph
A = radius_neighbors_graph(poss[-1], 1.5, mode='distance').tocoo()
In [10]:
import jraph
from frozendict import frozendict
# Initialize graph structure
static_graph = jraph.GraphsTuple(
'position': poss[0],
'momentum': vels[0],
# Tell tree_util how to navigate frozendicts.
flatten_func=lambda s: (tuple(s.values()), tuple(s.keys())),
unflatten_func=lambda k, xs: frozendict(zip(k, xs)))
In [11]:
In [12]:
Note: we are not using a fully connected graph here, so we won't get the long range interactions, only the small scales
In [27]:
def update_edge_fn(edges, senders, receivers, globals_):
del globals_
# Models particle-particle interactions contribution to grav potential
distance = jnp.linalg.norm(senders["position"] - receivers["position"], axis=1)
grav_potential_per_edge = - 1. /(distance + 0.1) # The 0.1 is to soften the forces on small scales
return frozendict({"grav_potential": grav_potential_per_edge})
def update_node_fn(nodes, sent_edges, received_edges, globals_):
del sent_edges, received_edges, globals_
# Computes momentum
momentum_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(nodes["momentum"],axis=1)
kinetic_energy = 0.5 * momentum_norm ** 2
return frozendict({"kinetic_energy": kinetic_energy})
def update_global_fn(nodes, edges, globals_):
del globals_
# At this point we will receive node and edge features aggregated (summed)
# for all nodes and edges in each graph.
hamiltonian_per_graph = nodes["kinetic_energy"] + edges["grav_potential"]
return frozendict({"hamiltonian": hamiltonian_per_graph})
# Create the Hamiltonian Graph
hamiltonian_gnn = jraph.GraphNetwork(
# Function that computes the hamiltonian for input position and momentum
def hamiltonian_from_state_fn(position, momentum):
# Update variables in graph
graph = static_graph._replace(nodes={
'position': position,
'momentum': momentum})
output_graph = hamiltonian_gnn(graph)
return output_graph.globals["hamiltonian"].sum()
# Computes the derivatives of the Hamiltonian
hamiltonian_gradients_fn = jax.grad(hamiltonian_from_state_fn, argnums=[0, 1])
In [28]:
def gnn_nbody_ode(state, a, cosmo):
state is a tuple (position, velocities)
pos, vel = state
# Take the derivatives against position and momentum of the hamiltonian of the system
dh_dposition, dh_dmomentum = hamiltonian_gradients_fn(pos, vel)
# Hamilton equations
dpos_da = 1. / (a**3 * jnp.sqrt(jc.background.Esqr(cosmo, a))) * dh_dmomentum
dvel_da = - 1.5 * cosmo.Omega_m / (a**2 * jnp.sqrt(jc.background.Esqr(cosmo, a))) * dh_dposition
return dpos_da, dvel_da
In [29]:
res = odeint(gnn_nbody_ode, [poss[0], vels[0]], jnp.array(scales), cosmo, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
In [30]:
for i in range(16):
imshow(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), res[0][::2][i]).sum(axis=0), cmap='gist_stern',
vmax=cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), poss[::2][i]).sum(axis=0).max(),vmin=0)
In [31]:
k, pk_c = power_spectrum(
compensate_cic(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), res[0][-1])),
boxsize=np.array([25.] * 3),
kmin=np.pi / 25.,
dk=2 * np.pi / 25.)
In [32]:
loglog(k, pk_ref, label='N-body')
loglog(k, pk_i, label='JaxPM Pure PM')
loglog(k, pk_c, '--', label='JaxPM Hamiltonian GNN')
plt.xlabel(r"$k$ [$h \ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$]")
Try to combine large scale PM forces with PP interactions¶
In [13]:
from jaxpm.nn import NeuralSplineFourierFilter
In [90]:
# Instantiate the neural network
model = hk.without_apply_rng(hk.transform(lambda x,a : NeuralSplineFourierFilter(n_knots=16, latent_size=32)(x,a)))
params = model.init(next(rng_seq), jnp.zeros([64]), jnp.ones([1]))
In [92]:
def hamiltonian_from_state_fn(position, momentum, params):
def update_edge_fn(edges, senders, receivers, globals_):
del globals_
# Models particle-particle interactions contribution to grav potential
distance = jnp.linalg.norm(senders["position"] - receivers["position"], axis=1)
grav_potential_per_edge = - 1. / (distance + 0.5)
return frozendict({"grav_potential": grav_potential_per_edge})
def update_node_fn(nodes, sent_edges, received_edges, globals_):
del sent_edges, received_edges, globals_
# Compute gravitational potential by FFT
kvec = fftk(mesh_shape)
delta_k = jnp.fft.rfftn(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), nodes["position"]))
pot_k = - delta_k * laplace_kernel(kvec) * longrange_kernel(kvec, r_split=0)
# Apply a correction filter to the potential, will take care of merging PM forces with PP
kk = jnp.sqrt(sum((ki/pi)**2 for ki in kvec))/2
pot_k = pot_k * model.apply(params, kk, jnp.ones([1]))
grav_potential = 0.5 * (1 + cic_read(jnp.fft.irfftn(pot_k), nodes["position"]))
# Computes momentum
momentum_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(nodes["momentum"],axis=1)
kinetic_energy = 0.5 * momentum_norm ** 2
return frozendict({"kinetic_energy": kinetic_energy, "grav_potential":grav_potential})
def update_global_fn(nodes, edges, globals_):
del globals_
# At this point we will receive node and edge features aggregated (summed)
# for all nodes and edges in each graph.
hamiltonian_per_graph = nodes['grav_potential'] + nodes["kinetic_energy"] + edges["grav_potential"]
return frozendict({"hamiltonian": hamiltonian_per_graph})
hamiltonian_gnn = jraph.GraphNetwork(
graph = static_graph._replace(nodes={
'position': position,
'momentum': momentum})
output_graph = hamiltonian_gnn(graph)
return output_graph.globals["hamiltonian"].sum()
hamiltonian_gradients_fn = jax.grad(hamiltonian_from_state_fn, argnums=[0, 1])
In [93]:
def gnn_nbody_ode(state, a, cosmo, params):
state is a tuple (position, velocities)
pos, vel = state
# Take the derivatives against position and momentum of the hamiltonian of the system
dh_dposition, dh_dmomentum = hamiltonian_gradients_fn(pos, vel, params)
# Hamilton equations
dpos_da = 1. / (a**3 * jnp.sqrt(jc.background.Esqr(cosmo, a))) * dh_dmomentum
dvel_da = - 1.5 * cosmo.Omega_m / (a**2 * jnp.sqrt(jc.background.Esqr(cosmo, a))) * dh_dposition
return dpos_da, dvel_da
In [94]:
# Precomputing a few data stuff
ref_pos = jnp.stack(poss, axis=0)
ref_vel = jnp.stack(vels, axis=0)
In [95]:
def loss_fn(params):
res = odeint(gnn_nbody_ode, [poss[0], vels[0]], jnp.array(scales), cosmo, params, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
distance = jnp.sum((res[0] - ref_pos)**2, axis=-1)
w = jnp.where(jnp.sqrt(distance) < 16, distance, 0.)
# Optional lines to include velocity in the loss
# vel = jnp.sum((res[1] - ref_vel)**2, axis=-1)
# wv = jnp.where(jnp.sqrt(distance) < 8, vel, 0.)
return jnp.mean(w) #+ jnp.mean(wv)
def update(params, opt_state):
"""Single SGD update step."""
loss, grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn)(params)
updates, new_opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state)
new_params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
return loss, new_params, new_opt_state
In [96]:
import optax
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate)
In [97]:
losses = []
opt_state = optimizer.init(params)
In [99]:
for step in tqdm(range(200)):
l, params, opt_state = update(params, opt_state)
In [84]:
In [85]:
res = odeint(gnn_nbody_ode, [poss[0], vels[0]], jnp.array(scales), cosmo, params, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
In [86]:
for i in range(16):
imshow(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), res[0][::2][i]).sum(axis=0), cmap='gist_stern',
vmax=cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), poss[::2][i]).sum(axis=0).max(),vmin=0)
In [87]:
k, pk_ref = power_spectrum(
compensate_cic(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), poss[-1])),
boxsize=np.array([25.] * 3),
kmin=np.pi / 25.,
dk=2 * np.pi / 25.)
k, pk_c = power_spectrum(
compensate_cic(cic_paint(jnp.zeros(mesh_shape), res[0][-1])),
boxsize=np.array([25.] * 3),
kmin=np.pi / 25.,
dk=2 * np.pi / 25.)
In [88]:
loglog(k, pk_ref, label='N-body')
loglog(k, pk_i, label='JaxPM Pure PM')
loglog(k, pk_c, '--', label='JaxPM Hamiltonian GNN')
plt.xlabel(r"$k$ [$h \ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$]")
In [89]:
col = cm.viridis(np.linspace(0.,1.0,len(scales[::2])))
kvals = jnp.logspace(-2.,0,100)*sqrt(3)
for i, a in enumerate(scales[::2]):
semilogx(kvals, model.apply(params, kvals , jnp.atleast_1d(1)), color=col[i])
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap="viridis", norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=1))
plt.colorbar(sm, label='a')
#xlim(kvals[0], 1)
In [ ]: