Richard Stiskalek 9e4b34f579
Overlap fixing and more (#107)
* Update README

* Update density field reader

* Update name of SDSSxALFAFA

* Fix quick bug

* Add little fixes

* Update README

* Put back fit_init

* Add paths to initial snapshots

* Add export

* Remove some choices


* Add Jens' comments

* Organize imports

* Rename snapshot

* Add additional print statement

* Add paths to initial snapshots

* Add masses to the initial files

* Add normalization


* Update README

* Fix bug in CSiBORG1 so that does not read fof_00001



* Overwrite comments

* Add paths to init lag

* Fix Quijote path

* Add lagpatch

* Edit submits

* Update README

* Fix numpy int problem

* Update README

* Add a flag to keep the snapshots open when fitting

* Add a flag to keep snapshots open

* Comment out some path issue

* Keep snapshots open

* Access directly snasphot

* Add lagpatch for CSiBORG2

* Add treatment of x-z coordinates flipping

* Add radial velocity field loader

* Update README

* Add lagpatch to Quijote

* Fix typo

* Add setter

* Fix typo

* Update README

* Add output halo cat as ASCII

* Add import

* Add halo plot

* Update README

* Add evaluating field at radial distanfe

* Add field shell evaluation

* Add enclosed mass computation

* Add BORG2 import

* Add BORG boxsize

* Add BORG paths

* Edit run

* Add BORG2 overdensity field

* Add bulk flow clauclation

* Update README

* Add new plots

* Add nbs

* Edit paper

* Update plotting

* Fix overlap paths to contain simname

* Add normalization of positions

* Add default paths to CSiBORG1

* Add overlap path simname

* Fix little things

* Add CSiBORG2 catalogue

* Update README

* Add import

* Add TNG density field constructor

* Add TNG density

* Add draft of calculating BORG ACL

* Fix bug

* Add ACL of enclosed density

* Add nmean acl

* Add galaxy bias calculation

* Add BORG acl notebook

* Add enclosed mass calculation

* Add TNG300-1 dir

* Add TNG300 and BORG1 dir

* Update nb
2024-01-30 16:14:07 +00:00

829 KiB

In [1]:
from os.path import join

import csiborgtools
import healpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import scienceplots
from cache_to_disk import cache_to_disk, delete_disk_caches_for_function
from h5py import File

import plt_utils

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [8]:
def _plot_sky_projected_density(nsim, simname, grid, nside, MAS, survey_name,
                                dmin, dmax):
    paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
    boxsize = csiborgtools.simname2boxsize(simname)

    if simname == "csiborg1":
        reader = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG1Field(nsim, paths)
    elif "csiborg2" in simname:
        kind = simname.split("_")[-1]
        reader = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2Field(nsim, kind, paths)
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown simname `{simname}`.")

    field = reader.density_field(MAS, grid)

    if survey_name == "2M++":
        survey = csiborgtools.read.TwoMPPGalaxies()
        dist = survey["ZCMB"] * 3e5 / 100
        ra, dec = survey["RA"], survey["DEC"]
        ra *= numpy.pi / 180
        dec *= numpy.pi / 180
    elif survey_name == "SDSS":
        survey = csiborgtools.SDSS()()
        dist = survey["DIST"]
        ra, dec = survey["RA"], survey["DEC"]
        ra *= numpy.pi / 180
        dec *= numpy.pi / 180
    elif survey_name == "csiborg2":
        cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2Catalogue(
            nsim, 99, "main", paths, bounds={"totmass": (1e12, None)})
        coord = cat["spherical_pos"]
        dist, ra, dec = coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1], coord[:, 2]
        ra *= numpy.pi / 180
        dec *= numpy.pi / 180
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown survey name `{survey_name}`.")
    mask = (dist > dmin) & (dist < dmax)
    ra = ra[mask]
    dec = dec[mask]

    angpos = csiborgtools.field.nside2radec(nside)
    dist = numpy.linspace(dmin, dmax, 1000)
    dmap = csiborgtools.field.make_sky(field, angpos=angpos, dist=dist,
    return dmap, ra, dec
In [9]:
def plot_sky_projected_density(nsim, simname, grid, nside, MAS="PCS",
                               dmin=0, dmax=220, survey_name="2M++",
                               ext="png", to_save=False):
    dmap, ra, dec = _plot_sky_projected_density(
        nsim, simname, grid, nside, MAS, survey_name, dmin, dmax)
    with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
        healpy.mollview(numpy.log10(dmap), fig=0, title="", unit="", rot=90)

        healpy.projscatter(numpy.pi / 2 - dec, ra, s=0.05, c="red",
                           label="2M++ galaxies")

        if to_save:
            fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"sky_density_{simname}_{nsim}_from_{dmin}_to_{dmax}.{ext}")  # noqa
            print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
            plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
In [3]:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 1
----> 1 hp

NameError: name 'hp' is not defined
In [10]:
# delete_disk_caches_for_function("_plot_sky_projected_density")
plot_sky_projected_density(15517, "csiborg2_main", 1024, 128, "SPH", dmin=100,
                           dmax=125, survey_name="csiborg2", to_save=True)
100%|██████████| 196608/196608 [00:22<00:00, 8765.57it/s]
Saving to `../plots/sky_density_csiborg2_main_15517_from_100_to_125.png`.
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: