Richard Stiskalek 9e4b34f579
Overlap fixing and more (#107)
* Update README

* Update density field reader

* Update name of SDSSxALFAFA

* Fix quick bug

* Add little fixes

* Update README

* Put back fit_init

* Add paths to initial snapshots

* Add export

* Remove some choices


* Add Jens' comments

* Organize imports

* Rename snapshot

* Add additional print statement

* Add paths to initial snapshots

* Add masses to the initial files

* Add normalization


* Update README

* Fix bug in CSiBORG1 so that does not read fof_00001



* Overwrite comments

* Add paths to init lag

* Fix Quijote path

* Add lagpatch

* Edit submits

* Update README

* Fix numpy int problem

* Update README

* Add a flag to keep the snapshots open when fitting

* Add a flag to keep snapshots open

* Comment out some path issue

* Keep snapshots open

* Access directly snasphot

* Add lagpatch for CSiBORG2

* Add treatment of x-z coordinates flipping

* Add radial velocity field loader

* Update README

* Add lagpatch to Quijote

* Fix typo

* Add setter

* Fix typo

* Update README

* Add output halo cat as ASCII

* Add import

* Add halo plot

* Update README

* Add evaluating field at radial distanfe

* Add field shell evaluation

* Add enclosed mass computation

* Add BORG2 import

* Add BORG boxsize

* Add BORG paths

* Edit run

* Add BORG2 overdensity field

* Add bulk flow clauclation

* Update README

* Add new plots

* Add nbs

* Edit paper

* Update plotting

* Fix overlap paths to contain simname

* Add normalization of positions

* Add default paths to CSiBORG1

* Add overlap path simname

* Fix little things

* Add CSiBORG2 catalogue

* Update README

* Add import

* Add TNG density field constructor

* Add TNG density

* Add draft of calculating BORG ACL

* Fix bug

* Add ACL of enclosed density

* Add nmean acl

* Add galaxy bias calculation

* Add BORG acl notebook

* Add enclosed mass calculation

* Add TNG300-1 dir

* Add TNG300 and BORG1 dir

* Update nb
2024-01-30 16:14:07 +00:00

91 KiB

In [1]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import csiborgtools
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import sys
    import csiborgtools
import utils
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import joblib
from os.path import join
from glob import glob
In [158]:
Nsim = 9844
simpath = csiborgtools.io.get_sim_path(Nsim)
Nsnap = 1016

outfname = join(utils.dumpdir, "ramses_out_{}_{}.npy".format(str(Nsim).zfill(5), str(Nsnap).zfill(5)))

mmain = csiborgtools.io.read_mmain(Nsim, "/mnt/zfsusers/hdesmond/Mmain")

data = np.load(outfname)
data = csiborgtools.io.merge_mmain_to_clumps(data, mmain)

data = data[(data["npart"] > 100) & np.isfinite(data["m200"])]

boxunits = csiborgtools.units.BoxUnits(Nsnap, simpath)
In [236]:
m200 = boxunits.box2solarmass(data["m200"])
m500 = boxunits.box2solarmass(data["m500"])

plt.scatter(m200, m500, s=1, rasterized=True)
t = np.linspace(1e11, 1e15)
plt.plot(t,t,c="red", ls="--")

plt.xlabel(r"$M_{\rm 200c}$")
plt.ylabel(r"$M_{\rm 500c}$")
plt.savefig("../plots/masses.png", dpi=450)
No description has been provided for this image
In [229]:
logm200 = np.log10(boxunits.box2solarmass(data["m200"]))
conc = data["conc"]

N = 10
bins = np.linspace(logm200.min(), logm200.max(), N)
x = [0.5*(bins[i] + bins[i + 1]) for i in range(N-1)]
y = np.full((N - 1, 3), np.nan)
for i in range(N - 1):
    mask = (logm200 >= bins[i]) & (logm200 < bins[i + 1]) & np.isfinite(conc)
    y[i, :] = np.percentile(conc[mask], [14, 50, 84])

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(6.4, 6.4 * 1))
axs[0].plot(x, y[:, 1], c="red", marker="o")
axs[0].fill_between(x, y[:, 0], y[:, 2], color="red", alpha=0.25)
axs[1].hist(logm200, bins="auto", log=True)

for b in bins:
    for i in range(2):
        axs[i].axvline(b, c="orange", lw=0.5)

axs[0].set_ylim(2, 10)

plt.savefig("../plots/mass_concentration.png", dpi=450)
No description has been provided for this image