Richard Stiskalek fdb0df8d4c
Add mmain and other major updates (#44)
* Move paths to a separate file

* Add mmain reader

* Add a verbosity flag

* Fix imports

* Fix bug

* Rename files

* Return ultimate parents

* Add script to generate mmain

* Remove mmain path

* edit path

* Add mmain path

* Change function name

* Rename function

* Turn off verbose

* Fix list requirement

* Edit init match paths

* Fix init pathing

* Edit paths docs

* Edit dumpdir name

* Rename path

* Fix split paths

* Remove unused import

* Add comment

* Update readme

* remove read mmain

* Rename haloatalogue

* Fix minor bugs

* Update nbs

* Add create directory option

* Move split jobs

* Move spliot jobs

* Remove splitting

* Add import

* Edit script

* Deeper split folder

* Fix paths bug

* Rename catalogue

* Rename Catalogue

* Add new clumpread

* Edit paths

* add knn paths

* Update commenting

* Update imports

* Add more conversions

* Update temp file

* Add a note

* Add catalogue

* Cooment

* Update TODO

* Update script

* add nb

* Update

* pep8

* edit paths & pep8

* Fix knn auto paths

* add paths docs

* Add auto and cross knn paths

* Add new paths

* Simplify tpcf reading

* pep8 patch

* update readme

* Update progress

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* pep8

* Pep 8 and restructure

* add lambda spin

* add clump and halo

* add checks

* Edit halo profile fit

* Update gitignore

* backup script
2023-04-18 11:02:36 +02:00

6 KiB

In [1]:
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import csiborgtools

%matplotlib widget 
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
paths = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGPaths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsim0 = 7444
nsimx = 7444 + 24
nsnap0 = max(paths.get_snapshots(nsim0))
nsnapx = max(paths.get_snapshots(nsimx))
overlapper  = csiborgtools.match.ParticleOverlap()
In [3]:
halo0_archive = np.load(paths.split_path(nsnap0, nsim0))
halox_archive = np.load(paths.split_path(nsnapx, nsimx))
In [13]:
# delta_bckg = overlapper.make_bckg_delta(halo0_archive, verbose=True)
# delta_bckg = overlapper.make_bckg_delta(halox_archive, delta=delta_bckg, verbose=True)
# np.save("./bckg_{}_{}.npy".format(nsim0, nsimx), delta_bckg)
100%|██████████| 204873/204873 [16:48<00:00, 203.15it/s]
100%|██████████| 204960/204960 [16:42<00:00, 204.55it/s]
In [1]:
import h5py
In [2]:
f = h5py.File("../data/particles_7444.h5", "r")
In [8]:
f["particles"][0, :]
array([ 4.42346358e-01,  7.09757663e-03,  4.64053304e-01, -1.96926287e-03,
       -2.67177823e-03, -6.45721859e-04,  1.16415322e-10])
In [ ]: