Richard Stiskalek 9e4b34f579
Overlap fixing and more (#107)
* Update README

* Update density field reader

* Update name of SDSSxALFAFA

* Fix quick bug

* Add little fixes

* Update README

* Put back fit_init

* Add paths to initial snapshots

* Add export

* Remove some choices


* Add Jens' comments

* Organize imports

* Rename snapshot

* Add additional print statement

* Add paths to initial snapshots

* Add masses to the initial files

* Add normalization


* Update README

* Fix bug in CSiBORG1 so that does not read fof_00001



* Overwrite comments

* Add paths to init lag

* Fix Quijote path

* Add lagpatch

* Edit submits

* Update README

* Fix numpy int problem

* Update README

* Add a flag to keep the snapshots open when fitting

* Add a flag to keep snapshots open

* Comment out some path issue

* Keep snapshots open

* Access directly snasphot

* Add lagpatch for CSiBORG2

* Add treatment of x-z coordinates flipping

* Add radial velocity field loader

* Update README

* Add lagpatch to Quijote

* Fix typo

* Add setter

* Fix typo

* Update README

* Add output halo cat as ASCII

* Add import

* Add halo plot

* Update README

* Add evaluating field at radial distanfe

* Add field shell evaluation

* Add enclosed mass computation

* Add BORG2 import

* Add BORG boxsize

* Add BORG paths

* Edit run

* Add BORG2 overdensity field

* Add bulk flow clauclation

* Update README

* Add new plots

* Add nbs

* Edit paper

* Update plotting

* Fix overlap paths to contain simname

* Add normalization of positions

* Add default paths to CSiBORG1

* Add overlap path simname

* Fix little things

* Add CSiBORG2 catalogue

* Update README

* Add import

* Add TNG density field constructor

* Add TNG density

* Add draft of calculating BORG ACL

* Fix bug

* Add ACL of enclosed density

* Add nmean acl

* Add galaxy bias calculation

* Add BORG acl notebook

* Add enclosed mass calculation

* Add TNG300-1 dir

* Add TNG300 and BORG1 dir

* Update nb
2024-01-30 16:14:07 +00:00

2.0 MiB

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from h5py import File
from scipy.stats import spearmanr

import csiborgtools

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [ ]:
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)

# d = np.load(paths.field_interpolated("SDSS", "csiborg2_main", 16817, "density", "SPH", 1024))
In [ ]:
cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG1Cat
In [ ]:

In [4]:
survey = csiborgtools.SDSSxALFALFA()()
WARNING: VerifyWarning: It is strongly recommended that column names contain only upper and lower-case ASCII letters, digits, or underscores for maximum compatibility with other software (got '#AGC'). [astropy.io.fits.column]
WARNING: VerifyWarning: It is strongly recommended that column names contain only upper and lower-case ASCII letters, digits, or underscores for maximum compatibility with other software (got '#AGCNr'). [astropy.io.fits.column]
/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/obs.py:367: UserWarning: Key `IN_DR7_LSS` found in both `routine_keys` and `fits_keys`. Returning `routine_keys` value.
  warn(f"Key `{key}` found in both `routine_keys` and `fits_keys`. "
In [11]:
survey.name = "SDSSxALFALFA"
In [13]:
fval, smooth_scales = csiborgtools.summary.read_interpolated_field(survey, "csiborg2_main", "density", "SPH", 1024, paths)
Reading fields: 100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:51<00:00,  2.58s/it]
In [27]:
fval_rand, smooth_scales = csiborgtools.summary.read_interpolated_field(survey, "csiborg2_random", "density", "SPH", 1024, paths)
Reading fields: 100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:42<00:00,  2.10s/it]
In [51]:
In [90]:
col = np.log10(survey["SERSIC_B300"])
/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/obs.py:374: UserWarning: Returning a FITS property `SERSIC_B300`. Be careful about little h!
  warn(f"Returning a FITS property `{key}`. "
In [91]:
(20, 17737, 5)
In [96]:
k = 3
n = 5
print("MAIN ", spearmanr(col, fval[n, :, k]))
print("RAND ", spearmanr(col, fval_rand[n, :, k]))

plt.scatter(col, fval[n, :, k], s=1)
# plt.scatter(col, fval_rand[n, :, k], s=1)
MAIN  SignificanceResult(statistic=0.01800564415653568, pvalue=0.01648383065884433)
RAND  SignificanceResult(statistic=-0.09834925186515843, pvalue=2.2430402522333184e-39)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [100]:
k = 3
y1 = np.mean(fval[:, :, k], axis=0)
y2 = np.mean(fval_rand[:, :, k], axis=0)

print("MAIN ", spearmanr(col, y1))
print("RAND ", spearmanr(col, y2))

plt.scatter(col, y1, s=1)
MAIN  SignificanceResult(statistic=0.01727582463129473, pvalue=0.021402398915955124)
RAND  SignificanceResult(statistic=0.02077892643371117, pvalue=0.00564970605187618)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [10]:
In [ ]:
In [4]:
radvel_path = paths.field("radvel", "SPH", 1024, 16217, "csiborg2_main")
In [9]:
d = np.load(radvel_path)
In [8]:
!du -h /mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg_postprocessing/environment/radvel_csiborg2_main_SPH_16217_1024.npy
4.1G	/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg_postprocessing/environment/radvel_csiborg2_main_SPH_16217_1024.npy
In [5]:
# x1 = d["val"]
In [7]:
x2 = d["val"]
In [22]:
array([ 0.,  2.,  4.,  8., 16.])
In [29]:
k = -1

m = np.isfinite(x1[:, k]) & np.isfinite(x2[:, k])
In [30]:
print(spearmanr(x1[m, k], x2[m, k]))

plt.scatter(x1[m, k], x2[m, k], s=1)
SignificanceResult(statistic=0.9946039397587731, pvalue=0.0)
No description has been provided for this image
In [13]:

array([413.8776  ,  36.502567,  42.72512 , ...,  86.33546 ,  46.866375,
        16.672348], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [9]:
(641409, 5)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [4]:
field.density_field("SPH", 1024)
array([[[38.309074, 37.35447 , 33.675297, ..., 38.631912, 37.806564,
         38.30662 ],
        [36.995125, 35.11136 , 31.615524, ..., 41.488594, 39.508347,
        [35.551605, 32.419254, 28.316347, ..., 44.668957, 41.425102,
         38.46228 ],
        [44.0867  , 46.94581 , 47.402313, ..., 38.326492, 38.893078,
        [39.54499 , 39.829464, 38.81296 , ..., 36.481358, 36.73762 ,
         37.66062 ],
        [38.683113, 38.04618 , 35.1861  , ..., 36.864704, 36.749477,
         37.77259 ]],

       [[39.680145, 39.896065, 37.5201  , ..., 35.309006, 35.451256,
         37.65782 ],
        [38.184814, 37.705723, 34.6373  , ..., 38.367054, 37.28385 ,
         37.66665 ],
        [36.350132, 34.192383, 30.708448, ..., 42.486446, 39.748688,
        [48.202843, 51.6801  , 54.201912, ..., 37.41573 , 39.070263,
         41.48212 ],
        [41.606823, 44.06209 , 46.2296  , ..., 33.731186, 35.463955,
         37.43514 ],
        [40.023647, 41.03199 , 39.59713 , ..., 33.46958 , 34.77913 ,

       [[42.269516, 44.800823, 43.88061 , ..., 31.999905, 33.81479 ,
         38.11813 ],
        [40.689667, 41.8762  , 40.181072, ..., 35.19038 , 35.086533,
        [38.505177, 37.81341 , 35.218002, ..., 39.726883, 37.880917,
         37.98939 ],
        [53.54201 , 58.9436  , 66.00325 , ..., 36.82529 , 41.091465,
        [44.265858, 50.393852, 55.040318, ..., 31.7586  , 34.622643,
        [42.591843, 46.13804 , 46.71531 , ..., 30.522701, 32.33912 ,


       [[36.964626, 33.57419 , 29.586971, ..., 43.06893 , 41.11846 ,
        [36.032703, 32.74095 , 28.373114, ..., 43.962837, 41.521736,
        [35.184982, 31.26581 , 27.127985, ..., 44.944073, 42.05588 ,
        [38.095966, 37.35273 , 34.85196 , ..., 42.916054, 41.808567,
         40.2956  ],
        [37.57452 , 35.121746, 32.29693 , ..., 42.38733 , 41.167664,
        [37.60174 , 34.37987 , 30.65371 , ..., 42.481983, 41.12721 ,

       [[36.984535, 33.885307, 29.960264, ..., 42.689564, 40.912434,
        [36.086666, 32.507336, 28.38868 , ..., 44.143845, 41.76999 ,
        [35.14676 , 31.207554, 26.969011, ..., 45.590717, 42.514576,
        [40.034714, 39.873127, 39.855125, ..., 40.560432, 40.166527,
        [37.800323, 36.153614, 33.418015, ..., 40.476524, 39.99206 ,
        [37.445255, 34.964134, 31.208267, ..., 41.27682 , 40.32644 ,
         39.46384 ]],

       [[37.365154, 35.074844, 31.241234, ..., 41.14966 , 39.78451 ,
        [36.41588 , 33.426365, 29.391582, ..., 43.479816, 41.18592 ,
         38.77536 ],
        [35.295177, 31.421724, 27.27295 , ..., 45.680676, 42.432396,
        [40.50576 , 42.841057, 42.216366, ..., 39.10556 , 39.566757,
        [38.77279 , 37.562416, 35.394333, ..., 38.59305 , 38.3598  ,
        [37.811317, 36.106308, 32.836246, ..., 39.24028 , 38.665195,
         38.452446]]], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [206]:
mreader = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2MergerTreeReader(16517, "main")
Creating group to tree ID mapping...
In [238]:
In [251]:
d = mreader.main_progenitor(3000)
In [252]:
np.max(d["MaxNextProgenitorMass"] / d["MainProgenitorMass"])
In [253]:
plt.plot(d["Redshift"], d["MainProgenitorMass"])
plt.plot(d["Redshift"], d["MaxNextProgenitorMass"])


No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [202]:
n = 0

main_progenitor = tree["TreeMainProgenitor"]
next_progenitor = tree["TreeNextProgenitor"]
snapnum = tree["SnapNum"]

for i in range(5):

    # print(main_progenitor[n], snapnum[main_progenitor[n]])
    # print(next_progenitor[n], snapnum[next_progenitor[n]])
    n = main_progenitor[n]
702 98
-1 7

1415 97
1075 98

2142 96
1902 97

2887 95
2602 96

3642 94
3262 95

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [180]:
# z, y = mreader.fof_progenitor(30)
d = mreader.main_progenitor(30)
In [181]:
plt.plot(d["Redshift"], d["MainProgenitorMass"], label="Main progenitor")
# plt.plot(z, y, label="FoF group")
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [164]:
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [132]:
cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2Catalogue(16517, 99, "main")
In [136]:
array([2.9051551e+15, 1.6921947e+15, 1.3596260e+15, ..., 9.9620782e+10,
       9.9620782e+10, 9.9620782e+10], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [131]:
d1 = mreader.fof_progenitor(1)
0 99
383 98
776 97
1176 96
1588 95
2012 94
2447 93
2888 92
3338 91
3788 90
4246 89
4718 88
5198 87
5683 86
6169 85
6657 84
7146 83
7633 82
8130 81
8651 80
9173 79
9723 78
10286 77
10856 76
11443 75
12041 74
12650 73
13267 72
13899 71
14536 70
15193 69
15866 68
16540 67
17215 66
17914 65
18637 64
19377 63
20128 62
20899 61
21685 60
22491 59
23311 58
24159 57
25150 56
26026 55
26897 54
27806 53
28738 52
29568 51
30531 50
31514 49
32513 48
33520 47
34554 46
35609 45
36684 44
37773 43
38860 42
39967 41
41089 40
42234 39
43403 38
44575 37
45766 36
46974 35
48177 34
49394 33
50614 32
51855 31
53100 30
54360 29
55601 28
56820 27
58039 26
59241 25
60419 24
61581 23
62730 22
63774 21
64754 20
65636 19
66424 18
67096 17
67683 16
68154 15
68525 14
68842 13
69008 12
69119 11
69177 10
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
In [129]:
plt.plot(d1["Redshift"], d1["MainProgenitorMass"])
# plt.plot(z1, m1)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [22]:
f = h5py.File(paths.trees(16517, "csiborg2_main"), 'r')
<KeysViewHDF5 ['Config', 'Header', 'Parameters', 'TreeHalos', 'TreeTable', 'TreeTimes']>
In [31]:
<KeysViewHDF5 ['GroupNr', 'Group_M_Crit200', 'SnapNum', 'SubhaloHalfmassRad', 'SubhaloIDMostbound', 'SubhaloLen', 'SubhaloMass', 'SubhaloNr', 'SubhaloPos', 'SubhaloSpin', 'SubhaloVel', 'SubhaloVelDisp', 'SubhaloVmax', 'SubhaloVmaxRad', 'TreeDescendant', 'TreeFirstDescendant', 'TreeFirstHaloInFOFgroup', 'TreeFirstProgenitor', 'TreeID', 'TreeIndex', 'TreeMainProgenitor', 'TreeNextDescendant', 'TreeNextHaloInFOFgroup', 'TreeNextProgenitor', 'TreeProgenitor']>
In [35]:
offset = f["TreeTable/StartOffset"][:]
length = f["TreeTable/Length"][:]

groupnr = f["TreeHalos/GroupNr"][:]
snapnum = f["TreeHalos/SnapNum"][:]
treeid = f["TreeHalos/TreeID"][:]

treeid[mask][groupnr[mask] == 300000]
In [48]:
treeid = f["TreeHalos/TreeID"][:]
In [43]:
mask = snapnum==99
In [58]:
treeid[mask][groupnr[mask] == 300000]
In [ ]:

In [41]:
<CSiBORG2Catalogue> (nsim = 16517, nsnap = 99, nhalo = 573522)
In [39]:
for n in range(3):
    i = offset[n]
    j = i + length[n]
    m = snapnum[i:j] == 99
In [24]:
<HDF5 dataset "GroupNr": shape (54136877,), type "<i8">
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [136]:
array([       0,   118794,   187990, ..., 54136874, 54136875, 54136876])
In [137]:
array([118794,  69196,  53723, ...,      1,      1,      1], dtype=int32)
In [138]:
for key in f["TreeHalos"].keys():
In [ ]:

In [150]:
array([0.0044236 , 0.02276927, 0.        , ..., 0.        , 0.        ,
       0.        ], dtype=float32)
In [147]:
n = 0
tot = 0
while True:
    print(n, snap[n])

    if n == -1:
    tot += m[n]
    n = nexthalo[n]
0 99
1 99
2 99
3 99
4 99
5 99
6 99
7 99
8 99
9 99
10 99
11 99
12 99
13 99
14 99
15 99
16 99
17 99
18 99
19 99
20 99
21 99
22 99
23 99
24 99
25 99
26 99
27 99
28 99
29 99
30 99
31 99
32 99
33 99
34 99
35 99
36 99
37 99
38 99
39 99
40 99
41 99
42 99
43 99
44 99
45 99
46 99
47 99
48 99
49 99
50 99
51 99
52 99
53 99
54 99
55 99
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65 99
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76 99
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-1 7
In [141]:
array([2.9051551e+15, 1.6921947e+15, 1.3596260e+15, ..., 9.9620782e+10,
       9.9620782e+10, 9.9620782e+10], dtype=float32)
In [145]:
tot * 1e10 / 2.9051551e+15
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [118]:
array([     0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
            0,      0,      0,      0,    920,    920,    920,    920,
          920,    920,    920,    920,    920,    920,    920,    920,
          920,    920,    920,   8873,   8873,   8873,   8873,   8873,
         8873,   8873,   8873,  17862,  17862,  17862,  17862,  17862,
        17862,  18228,  18228,  27161,  34487,  35365,  35365,  35365,
        47500,  48049,  50329,  50329,  50329,  58254,  58536,  61800,
        61800,  61800,  65113,  65114,  68491,  68491,  68491,  79269,
        86428,  86428,  86428,  90962,  91557,  91766,  91925,  95075,
        95075,  96564,  97574, 100676, 104544, 121822, 129509, 133645,
       144461, 147189, 149021, 155739, 156038, 157391, 159351, 164256])
In [ ]:

In [108]:
x = f["TreeHalos/TreeMainProgenitor"][:73895]
s = f["TreeHalos/SnapNum"][:73895]
array([  458,   765,   459, ...,    -1, 73894,    -1], dtype=int32)
In [102]:
y = f["TreeHalos/TreeFirstProgenitor"][:73895]
array([  458,   765,   459, ...,    -1, 73894,    -1], dtype=int32)
In [104]:
np.where(x != y)
(array([ 5267,  8923, 31233, 34714, 36776, 57800, 57826, 64048, 67037,
        67200, 68473, 69140, 69301, 70258, 72159]),)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [62]:
array([1.4632333e+05, 8.7416617e+04, 1.7587738e+04, ..., 8.7168188e+00,
       7.7828741e+00, 7.1602445e+00], dtype=float32)
In [50]:
cat["totmass"] * 1e-10
array([1.8495028e+05, 1.2342685e+05, 1.0729690e+05, ..., 9.9620781e+00,
       9.9620781e+00, 9.9620781e+00], dtype=float32)
In [75]:
np.where(f["TreeHalos"]["SnapNum"][:1000] == 98)
(array([458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470,
        471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483,
        484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496,
        497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509,
        510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522,
        523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535,
        536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548,
        549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561,
        562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574,
        575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587,
        588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600,
        601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613,
        614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626,
        627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639,
        640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652,
        653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665,
        666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678,
        679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691,
        692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704,
        705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717,
        718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730,
        731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743,
        744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756,
        757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769,
        770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782,
        783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795,
        796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808,
        809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821,
        822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834,
        835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847,
        848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860,
        861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873,
        874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886,
        887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899,
        900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912,
        913, 914, 915, 916, 917]),)
In [77]:
In [44]:
array([99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
       99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
       99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
       99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
       99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
       99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99],
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [5]:
snap_final = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2Snapshot(1, 99, "varysmall")
snap_init = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2Snapshot(1, 0, "varysmall")
In [6]:
# print("Loading final")
# pid_final = snap_final.particle_ids()

# print("Loading init")
# pid_init = snap_init.particle_ids()
In [23]:
hid = 7
pos_final = snap_final.halo_coordinates(hid)
In [24]:
pos_init = snap_init.halo_coordinates(hid)
In [25]:
(231277, 3)
In [27]:
# plt.scatter(pos_init[:,0], pos_init[:, 1], s=0.1)
plt.scatter(pos_final[:,0], pos_final[:, 1], s=0.1)

No description has been provided for this image
In [46]:
cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORG2Catalogue(15617, 99, "main", bounds={"dist": (None, 120)})
<KeysViewHDF5 ['GroupAscale', 'GroupFirstSub', 'GroupLen', 'GroupLenPrevMostBnd', 'GroupLenType', 'GroupMass', 'GroupMassType', 'GroupNsubs', 'GroupOffsetType', 'GroupPos', 'GroupVel', 'Group_M_Crit200', 'Group_M_Crit500', 'Group_M_Mean200', 'Group_M_TopHat200', 'Group_R_Crit200', 'Group_R_Crit500', 'Group_R_Mean200', 'Group_R_TopHat200']>
<KeysViewHDF5 ['GroupAscale', 'GroupFirstSub', 'GroupLen', 'GroupLenPrevMostBnd', 'GroupLenType', 'GroupMass', 'GroupMassType', 'GroupNsubs', 'GroupOffsetType', 'GroupPos', 'GroupVel', 'Group_M_Crit200', 'Group_M_Crit500', 'Group_M_Mean200', 'Group_M_TopHat200', 'Group_R_Crit200', 'Group_R_Crit500', 'Group_R_Mean200', 'Group_R_TopHat200']>
In [47]:
x = cat["dist"]
y = cat["GroupContamination"]
<KeysViewHDF5 ['GroupAscale', 'GroupFirstSub', 'GroupLen', 'GroupLenPrevMostBnd', 'GroupLenType', 'GroupMass', 'GroupMassType', 'GroupNsubs', 'GroupOffsetType', 'GroupPos', 'GroupVel', 'Group_M_Crit200', 'Group_M_Crit500', 'Group_M_Mean200', 'Group_M_TopHat200', 'Group_R_Crit200', 'Group_R_Crit500', 'Group_R_Mean200', 'Group_R_TopHat200']>
<KeysViewHDF5 ['GroupAscale', 'GroupFirstSub', 'GroupLen', 'GroupLenPrevMostBnd', 'GroupLenType', 'GroupMass', 'GroupMassType', 'GroupNsubs', 'GroupOffsetType', 'GroupPos', 'GroupVel', 'Group_M_Crit200', 'Group_M_Crit500', 'Group_M_Mean200', 'Group_M_TopHat200', 'Group_R_Crit200', 'Group_R_Crit500', 'Group_R_Mean200', 'Group_R_TopHat200']>
In [48]:
plt.scatter(x / 0.676, y, s=0.1)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [10]:
In [56]:
In [55]:
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[55], line 1
----> 1 cat["m200c"]

File ~/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/catalogue.py:486, in BaseCatalogue.__getitem__(self, key)
    484 elif key in self._custom_keys:
    485     out = getattr(self, key)
--> 486 elif key in self.data[self.catalogue_name].keys():
    487     out = self.data[f"{self.catalogue_name}/{key}"][:]
    488 else:

AttributeError: 'CSiBORG1Catalogue' object has no attribute 'data'
In [ ]:

In [46]:
array([     1,      2,      3, ..., 168734, 168735, 168736], dtype=int32)
In [43]:
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[43], line 1
----> 1 cat._read_fof_catalogue("xx")

File ~/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/catalogue.py:566, in CSiBORG1Catalogue._read_fof_catalogue(self, kind)
    564 with File(fpath, 'r') as f:
    565     if kind not in f.keys():
--> 566         raise ValueError(f"FoF catalogue key '{kind}' not available. Available keys are: {list(f.keys())}")  # noqa
    567     out = f[kind][...]
    568 return out

ValueError: FoF catalogue key 'xx' not available. Available keys are: ['GroupOffset', 'index', 'm200c', 'totpartmass', 'x', 'y', 'z']
In [49]:
getattr(cat, "npart")
array([165, 341, 189, ..., 524, 281, 606], dtype=uint32)
In [ ]:

In [42]:
cat["totmass"] / cat["npart"]
array([3.12599134e+09, 3.11626524e+09, 3.12360110e+09, ...,
       3.56968138e+09, 3.11820731e+09, 6.41428993e+09])
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [30]:
array([[246.23767, 248.68051, 246.8038 ],
       [245.89716, 248.3562 , 246.68607],
       [251.61401, 249.80145, 251.0754 ],
       [239.69035, 436.81116, 251.61401],
       [238.87607, 435.89465, 251.42436],
       [239.18134, 437.3216 , 250.3281 ]], dtype=float32)
In [31]:
<KeysViewHDF5 ['GroupOffset', 'index', 'm200c', 'totpartmass', 'x', 'y', 'z']>
array([246.23767, 245.89716, 251.61401, ..., 239.69035, 238.87607,
       239.18134], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [29]:
['spherical_pos', 'cartesian_pos']
In [37]:
x = np.arange(10)
In [41]:
np.vstack([x.reshape(-1, 1), x.reshape(-1, 1)]).shape
(20, 1)
In [45]:
np.hstack([x, x]).shape
In [29]:
np.vstack([x, x]).shape
(38733704, 3)
In [11]:
x = snapshot.halo_coordinates(0)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 1
----> 1 x = snapshot.halo_coordinates(0)

File ~/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/snapshot.py:255, in CSiBORG1Snapshot.halo_coordinates(self, halo_id, is_group)
    252 if not is_group:
    253     raise ValueError("There is no subhalo catalogue for CSiBORG1.")
--> 255 return self._get_halo_particles(halo_id, "Coordinates")

File ~/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/snapshot.py:245, in CSiBORG1Snapshot._get_halo_particles(self, halo_id, kind)
    242     i, j = self.hid2offset.get(halo_id, (None, None))
    244     if i is None:
--> 245         raise ValueError(f"Halo `{halo_id}` not found.")
    247     x = f[kind][i:j + 1]
    249 return x

ValueError: Halo `0` not found.
In [10]:
array([[396.24 , 662.408, 314.148],
       [398.16 , 661.776, 314.764],
       [398.04 , 660.472, 313.024],
       [396.26 , 661.08 , 314.384],
       [396.052, 661.296, 313.964],
       [397.068, 662.008, 312.492]], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [23]:
array([3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
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       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09,
       3.0900434e+09, 3.0900434e+09], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [10]:
In [ ]:

In [16]:
d = {i: (j, k) for i, j, k in offset}
In [20]:
(295030069, 295030234)
In [ ]:

In [10]:
ids = snapshot.particle_ids()
In [3]:
from h5py import File

with File("/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg1/chain_7516/snapshot_00946.hdf5", 'r') as f:
<KeysViewHDF5 ['Coordinates', 'Header', 'Masses', 'ParticleIDs', 'Velocities']>
In [ ]:

In [9]:
<bound method CSiBORG1Snapshot.particle_ids of <csiborgtools.read.snapshot.CSiBORG1Snapshot object at 0x7f924a96d9d0>>
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [27]:
(22478, 7)
In [28]:
(17737, 7)
In [ ]:

In [22]:
surv = csiborgtools.SDSSxALFALFA()(apply_selection=True)
WARNING: VerifyWarning: It is strongly recommended that column names contain only upper and lower-case ASCII letters, digits, or underscores for maximum compatibility with other software (got '#AGC'). [astropy.io.fits.column]
WARNING: VerifyWarning: It is strongly recommended that column names contain only upper and lower-case ASCII letters, digits, or underscores for maximum compatibility with other software (got '#AGCNr'). [astropy.io.fits.column]
/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/obs.py:368: UserWarning: Key `IN_DR7_LSS` found in both `routine_keys` and `fits_keys`. Returning `routine_keys` value.
  warn(f"Key `{key}` found in both `routine_keys` and `fits_keys`. "
In [25]:
In [1]:
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 x

NameError: name 'x' is not defined
In [8]:
(17737, 7)
In [ ]:

In [43]:
array([0, 1])
In [78]:
paths.get_snapshots(1, "quijote")
['ics', 4]
In [82]:
In [80]:
paths.snapshot(980, 7444, "csiborg")
In [ ]:

In [ ]:
with h5py.File("/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/quijote/fiducial_processed/chain_0/fof_004.hdf5", 'r') as f:
In [5]:
array([[9.9994348e+02, 2.3538021e+01, 1.3582062e+01],
       [1.2109435e+02, 9.1827988e+01, 4.8249097e+02],
       [1.2107726e+02, 9.1833275e+01, 4.8052374e+02],
       [9.9808612e+02, 9.7062708e+02, 9.3360345e+02],
       [2.6784971e-02, 9.7256281e+02, 9.3554065e+02],
       [9.9810071e+02, 9.6868726e+02, 9.3552893e+02]], dtype=float32)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
Omega0 0.307000011205673
OmegaBaryon 0.0
OmegaLambda 0.693000018596649
In [26]:
In [20]:
In [ ]:

In [18]:
In [ ]:
In [5]:
array([15517, 15617, 15717, 15817, 15917, 16017, 16117, 16217, 16317,
       16417, 16517, 16617, 16717, 16817, 16917, 17117, 17217, 17317,
In [11]:
paths.get_snapshots(15517, "csiborg2_main")
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
       17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
       34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
       51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
       68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,
       85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99])
In [ ]:

In [9]:
!ls /mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg2_main/chain_15517/output
bak-subhalo_treelink_000.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_045.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_001.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_046.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_002.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_047.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_003.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_048.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_004.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_049.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_005.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_050.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_006.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_051.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_007.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_052.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_008.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_053.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_009.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_054.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_010.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_055.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_011.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_056.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_012.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_057.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_013.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_058.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_014.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_059.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_015.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_060.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_016.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_061.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_017.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_062.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_018.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_063.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_019.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_064.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_020.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_065.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_021.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_066.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_022.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_067.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_023.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_068.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_024.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_069.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_025.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_070.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_026.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_071.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_027.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_072.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_028.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_073.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_029.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_074.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_030.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_075.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_031.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_076.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_032.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_077.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_033.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_078.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_034.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_079.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_035.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_080.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_036.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_081.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_037.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_082.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_038.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_083.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_039.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_084.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_040.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_085.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_041.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_086.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_042.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_087.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_043.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_088.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_044.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_089.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_045.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_090.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_046.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_091.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_047.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_092.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_048.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_093.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_049.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_094.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_050.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_095.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_051.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_096.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_052.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_097.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_053.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_098.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_054.hdf5	     snapshot-prevmostboundonly_099.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_055.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_000.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_056.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_001.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_057.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_002.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_058.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_003.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_059.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_004.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_060.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_005.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_061.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_006.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_062.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_007.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_063.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_008.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_064.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_009.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_065.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_010.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_066.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_011.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_067.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_012.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_068.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_013.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_069.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_014.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_070.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_015.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_071.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_016.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_072.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_017.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_073.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_018.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_074.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_019.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_075.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_020.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_076.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_021.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_077.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_022.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_078.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_023.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_079.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_024.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_080.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_025.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_081.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_026.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_082.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_027.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_083.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_028.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_084.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_029.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_085.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_030.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_086.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_031.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_087.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_032.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_088.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_033.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_089.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_034.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_090.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_035.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_091.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_036.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_092.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_037.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_093.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_038.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_094.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_039.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_095.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_040.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_096.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_041.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_097.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_042.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_098.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_043.hdf5
bak-subhalo_treelink_099.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_044.hdf5
bak-trees.hdf5			     subhalo_desc_045.hdf5
balance.txt			     subhalo_desc_046.hdf5
cpu.csv				     subhalo_desc_047.hdf5
cpu.txt				     subhalo_desc_048.hdf5
density.txt			     subhalo_desc_049.hdf5
domain.txt			     subhalo_desc_050.hdf5
energy.txt			     subhalo_desc_051.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_000.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_052.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_001.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_053.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_002.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_054.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_003.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_055.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_004.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_056.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_005.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_057.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_006.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_058.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_007.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_059.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_008.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_060.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_009.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_061.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_010.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_062.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_011.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_063.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_012.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_064.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_013.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_065.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_014.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_066.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_015.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_067.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_016.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_068.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_017.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_069.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_018.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_070.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_019.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_071.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_020.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_072.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_021.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_073.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_022.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_074.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_023.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_075.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_024.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_076.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_025.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_077.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_026.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_078.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_027.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_079.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_028.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_080.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_029.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_081.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_030.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_082.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_031.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_083.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_032.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_084.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_033.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_085.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_034.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_086.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_035.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_087.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_036.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_088.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_037.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_089.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_038.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_090.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_039.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_091.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_040.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_092.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_041.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_093.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_042.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_094.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_043.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_095.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_044.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_096.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_045.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_097.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_046.hdf5	     subhalo_desc_098.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_047.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_001.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_048.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_002.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_049.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_003.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_050.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_004.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_051.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_005.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_052.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_006.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_053.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_007.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_054.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_008.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_055.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_009.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_056.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_010.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_057.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_011.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_058.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_012.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_059.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_013.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_060.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_014.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_061.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_015.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_062.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_016.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_063.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_017.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_064.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_018.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_065.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_019.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_066.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_020.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_067.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_021.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_068.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_022.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_069.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_023.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_070.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_024.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_071.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_025.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_072.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_026.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_073.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_027.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_074.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_028.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_075.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_029.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_076.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_030.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_077.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_031.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_078.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_032.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_079.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_033.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_080.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_034.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_081.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_035.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_082.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_036.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_083.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_037.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_084.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_038.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_085.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_039.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_086.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_040.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_087.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_041.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_088.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_042.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_089.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_043.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_090.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_044.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_091.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_045.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_092.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_046.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_093.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_047.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_094.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_048.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_095.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_049.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_096.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_050.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_097.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_051.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_098.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_052.hdf5
fof_subhalo_tab_099.hdf5	     subhalo_prog_053.hdf5
hydro.txt			     subhalo_prog_054.hdf5
info.txt			     subhalo_prog_055.hdf5
memory_ghostranks.txt		     subhalo_prog_056.hdf5
memory.txt			     subhalo_prog_057.hdf5
parameters-usedvalues		     subhalo_prog_058.hdf5
snapshot_000_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_059.hdf5
snapshot_001_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_060.hdf5
snapshot_002_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_061.hdf5
snapshot_003_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_062.hdf5
snapshot_004_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_063.hdf5
snapshot_005_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_064.hdf5
snapshot_006_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_065.hdf5
snapshot_007_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_066.hdf5
snapshot_008_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_067.hdf5
snapshot_009_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_068.hdf5
snapshot_010_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_069.hdf5
snapshot_011_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_070.hdf5
snapshot_012_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_071.hdf5
snapshot_013_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_072.hdf5
snapshot_014_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_073.hdf5
snapshot_015_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_074.hdf5
snapshot_016_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_075.hdf5
snapshot_017_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_076.hdf5
snapshot_018_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_077.hdf5
snapshot_019_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_078.hdf5
snapshot_020_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_079.hdf5
snapshot_021_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_080.hdf5
snapshot_022_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_081.hdf5
snapshot_023_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_082.hdf5
snapshot_024_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_083.hdf5
snapshot_025_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_084.hdf5
snapshot_026_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_085.hdf5
snapshot_027_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_086.hdf5
snapshot_028_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_087.hdf5
snapshot_029_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_088.hdf5
snapshot_030_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_089.hdf5
snapshot_031_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_090.hdf5
snapshot_032_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_091.hdf5
snapshot_033_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_092.hdf5
snapshot_034_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_093.hdf5
snapshot_035_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_094.hdf5
snapshot_036_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_095.hdf5
snapshot_037_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_096.hdf5
snapshot_038_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_097.hdf5
snapshot_039_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_098.hdf5
snapshot_040_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_prog_099.hdf5
snapshot_041_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_000.hdf5
snapshot_042_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_001.hdf5
snapshot_043_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_002.hdf5
snapshot_044_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_003.hdf5
snapshot_045_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_004.hdf5
snapshot_046_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_005.hdf5
snapshot_047_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_006.hdf5
snapshot_048_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_007.hdf5
snapshot_049_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_008.hdf5
snapshot_050_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_009.hdf5
snapshot_051_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_010.hdf5
snapshot_052_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_011.hdf5
snapshot_053_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_012.hdf5
snapshot_054_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_013.hdf5
snapshot_055_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_014.hdf5
snapshot_056_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_015.hdf5
snapshot_057_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_016.hdf5
snapshot_058_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_017.hdf5
snapshot_059_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_018.hdf5
snapshot_060_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_019.hdf5
snapshot_061_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_020.hdf5
snapshot_062_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_021.hdf5
snapshot_063_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_022.hdf5
snapshot_064_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_023.hdf5
snapshot_065_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_024.hdf5
snapshot_066_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_025.hdf5
snapshot_067_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_026.hdf5
snapshot_068_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_027.hdf5
snapshot_069_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_028.hdf5
snapshot_070_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_029.hdf5
snapshot_071_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_030.hdf5
snapshot_072_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_031.hdf5
snapshot_073_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_032.hdf5
snapshot_074_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_033.hdf5
snapshot_075_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_034.hdf5
snapshot_076_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_035.hdf5
snapshot_077_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_036.hdf5
snapshot_078_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_037.hdf5
snapshot_079_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_038.hdf5
snapshot_080_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_039.hdf5
snapshot_081_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_040.hdf5
snapshot_082_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_041.hdf5
snapshot_083_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_042.hdf5
snapshot_084_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_043.hdf5
snapshot_085_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_044.hdf5
snapshot_086_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_045.hdf5
snapshot_087_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_046.hdf5
snapshot_088_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_047.hdf5
snapshot_089_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_048.hdf5
snapshot_090_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_049.hdf5
snapshot_091_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_050.hdf5
snapshot_092_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_051.hdf5
snapshot_093_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_052.hdf5
snapshot_094_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_053.hdf5
snapshot_095_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_054.hdf5
snapshot_096_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_055.hdf5
snapshot_097_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_056.hdf5
snapshot_098_cut.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_057.hdf5
snapshot_099_full.hdf5		     subhalo_treelink_058.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_000.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_059.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_001.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_060.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_002.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_061.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_003.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_062.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_004.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_063.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_005.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_064.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_006.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_065.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_007.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_066.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_008.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_067.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_009.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_068.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_010.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_069.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_011.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_070.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_012.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_071.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_013.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_072.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_014.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_073.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_015.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_074.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_016.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_075.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_017.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_076.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_018.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_077.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_019.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_078.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_020.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_079.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_021.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_080.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_022.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_081.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_023.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_082.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_024.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_083.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_025.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_084.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_026.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_085.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_027.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_086.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_028.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_087.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_029.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_088.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_030.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_089.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_031.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_090.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_032.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_091.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_033.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_092.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_034.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_093.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_035.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_094.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_036.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_095.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_037.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_096.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_038.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_097.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_039.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_098.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_040.hdf5  subhalo_treelink_099.hdf5
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_041.hdf5  timebins.txt
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_042.hdf5  timings.txt
snapshot-prevmostboundonly_043.hdf5  trees.hdf5
In [ ]:

In [4]:
cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGCatalogue(7444, paths, catalogue_name="halo_catalogue", halo_finder="FOF",
                                         bounds={"dist": (0, 50)})
2023-11-16 12:14:34.150916:   opening `/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/CSiBORG/processed_output/parts_FOF_07444.hdf5`.
In [6]:
d = np.load(paths.field("density", "PCS", 512, 7444, False, None))
In [12]:
over = d / d.mean() - 1
In [16]:
import Pk_library as PKL
In [18]:
Pk = PKL.Pk(over, 677.6, 0, "PCS", 1, True)

# 3D P(k)
k       = Pk.k3D
Pk0     = Pk.Pk[:,0] #monopole
Pk2     = Pk.Pk[:,1] #quadrupole
Pk4     = Pk.Pk[:,2] #hexadecapole
Pkphase = Pk.Pkphase #power spectrum of the phases
Nmodes  = Pk.Nmodes3D
Computing power spectrum of the field...
Time to complete loop = 8.22
Time taken = 15.66 seconds
In [21]:
plt.plot(k, Pk0, label='monopole')
No description has been provided for this image
In [15]:
plt.imshow(np.log10(over[0, :, :] + 1))

/tmp/ipykernel_1249/2763035238.py:2: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  plt.imshow(np.log10(over[0, :, :] + 1))
No description has been provided for this image
In [6]:
pos = cat["snapshot_final/pos"]
In [8]:
pos = pos[:]
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [7]:
totmass = numpy.sum(cat["snapshot_final/mass"][:])
In [10]:
totmass / (677.7 * 1000)**3 / 0.3
In [ ]:

In [8]:
virgo = csiborgtools.virgo

X = np.array([virgo["dist"], virgo["RA"], virgo["DEC"]]).reshape(-1, 3)

dist, indxs = cat.angular_neighbours(X, False, 20, radial_tolerance=5)
dist, indxs = dist[0], indxs[0]
{'RA': 186.75, 'DEC': 12.717, 'dist': 11.28}
In [7]:
array([], dtype=float64)
In [308]:
k = np.argmax(cat["mtot"])

k = np.argsort(cat["mtot"])[::-1][8]

c = cat["cartesian_pos"][k]

In [309]:
indx1 = cat.select_in_box(c, 20)
pos1 = cat["cartesian_pos"][indx1]

indx2 = pcat.select_in_box(c, 20)
pos2 = pcat["cartesian_pos"][indx2]

m1 = cat["mtot"][indx1]
m2 = pcat["summed_mass"][indx2]
In [311]:
plt.scatter(pos1[:, 0], pos1[:, 1], c=np.log10(m1))
plt.scatter(pos2[:, 0], pos2[:, 1],  marker="x", c=np.log10(m2))

No description has been provided for this image
In [293]:
virgo = csiborgtools.virgo

X = np.array([virgo["dist"], virgo["RA"], virgo["DEC"]]).reshape(-1, 3)

dist, indxs = cat.angular_neighbours(X, False, 20, radial_tolerance=5)
dist, indxs = dist[0], indxs[0]
{'RA': 195, 'DEC': 28, 'dist': 70.5}
In [294]:

k = np.argmax(cat["mtot"][indxs])
kk = indxs[k]
dist[k], np.log10(cat["mtot"][indxs[k]]), cat["index"][indxs[k]]
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb Cell 9 line 3
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://ssh-remote%2Bglamdring.physics.ox.ac.uk/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb#Y234sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=0'>1</a> print(cat["mtot"][indxs])
----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://ssh-remote%2Bglamdring.physics.ox.ac.uk/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb#Y234sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=2'>3</a> k = np.argmax(cat["mtot"][indxs])
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://ssh-remote%2Bglamdring.physics.ox.ac.uk/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb#Y234sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=3'>4</a> kk = indxs[k]
      <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://ssh-remote%2Bglamdring.physics.ox.ac.uk/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb#Y234sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=4'>5</a> dist[k], np.log10(cat["mtot"][indxs[k]]), cat["index"][indxs[k]]

File <__array_function__ internals>:200, in argmax(*args, **kwargs)

File ~/csiborgtools/venv_csiborg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py:1242, in argmax(a, axis, out, keepdims)
   1155 """
   1156 Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
   1239 (2, 1, 4)
   1240 """
   1241 kwds = {'keepdims': keepdims} if keepdims is not np._NoValue else {}
-> 1242 return _wrapfunc(a, 'argmax', axis=axis, out=out, **kwds)

File ~/csiborgtools/venv_csiborg/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py:57, in _wrapfunc(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
     54     return _wrapit(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
     56 try:
---> 57     return bound(*args, **kwds)
     58 except TypeError:
     59     # A TypeError occurs if the object does have such a method in its
     60     # class, but its signature is not identical to that of NumPy's. This
     64     # Call _wrapit from within the except clause to ensure a potential
     65     # exception has a traceback chain.
     66     return _wrapit(obj, method, *args, **kwds)

ValueError: attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence
In [ ]:

In [234]:
k = 46519
[87053 61697 53097 80742 84525  4223 22315  1717 46519 23735]
In [163]:
np.log10(pcat["summed_mass"][k]), pcat["dist"][k], pcat["is_main"][k], pcat["index"][k]
(15.115513, 70.65002323342219, True, 11506838)
In [235]:
data = merger_reader.walk_main_progenitor(20520136, 951, True)
Clump 3947225 (193): : 24it [00:06,  3.58it/s] 
In [236]:
# pos, mass, x = csiborgtools.read.track_halo_manually(cats, 21344979, maxdist=5, max_dlogm=1)
hist = csiborgtools.read.track_halo_manually(cats, 20520136, maxdist=0.25, max_dlogm=0.5)
Tracking halo: 100%|██████████| 651/651 [00:53<00:00, 12.16it/s]
In [237]:
array([(951., 275.3906 , 323.64114, 375.0767 , 1.6992810e+15,        nan),
       (950., 275.3763 , 323.63602, 375.09222, 1.6949284e+15, 0.02171533),
       (949.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (948.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (947.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (946., 275.3962 , 323.66205, 375.0974 , 1.6972969e+15, 0.03317323),
       (945., 275.38544, 323.63733, 375.10263, 1.6828855e+15, 0.02746497),
       (944.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (943., 275.3182 , 323.42926, 375.11832, 1.6848843e+15, 0.21922271),
       (942., 275.40613, 323.66183, 375.09247, 1.6838351e+15, 0.24997829),
       (941.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (940.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (939., 275.4062 , 323.67218, 375.10422, 1.6796080e+15, 0.01565495),
       (938., 275.41653, 323.6784 , 375.1182 , 1.6778127e+15, 0.01847009),
       (937., 275.41656, 323.6723 , 375.10312, 1.6801732e+15, 0.01626438),
       (936., 275.41644, 323.6785 , 375.10773, 1.6768492e+15, 0.00772197),
       (935., 275.40656, 323.68253, 375.10254, 1.6768536e+15, 0.01187051),
       (934., 275.4118 , 323.68808, 375.11337, 1.6766885e+15, 0.01325788),
       (933., 275.40176, 323.69287, 375.10986, 1.6758714e+15, 0.01166534),
       (932., 275.4113 , 323.69806, 375.10876, 1.6753592e+15, 0.01089866),
       (931., 275.40616, 323.688  , 375.11325, 1.6729041e+15, 0.0121586 ),
       (930.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (929., 275.40662, 323.70328, 375.10873, 1.6784032e+15, 0.01594905),
       (928., 275.4029 , 323.70837, 375.114  , 1.6702815e+15, 0.00822855),
       (927.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (926.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (925., 275.40613, 323.7088 , 375.11807, 1.6753509e+15, 0.00520779),
       (924.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (923.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (922.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (921.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (920.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (919.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (918.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (917.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (916., 275.42737, 323.76526, 375.12524, 1.6692198e+15, 0.06074563),
       (915., 275.42163, 323.76016, 375.12943, 1.6662816e+15, 0.00873901),
       (914., 275.4565 , 323.9011 , 375.04697, 1.6648903e+15, 0.1669654 ),
       (913., 275.44412, 323.87256, 375.06506, 1.6669104e+15, 0.03598888),
       (912., 275.4463 , 323.85443, 375.0858 , 1.6663322e+15, 0.0276166 ),
       (911., 275.4364 , 323.81332, 375.10388, 1.6690872e+15, 0.04598984),
       (910., 275.44257, 323.79114, 375.12875, 1.6643460e+15, 0.03389455),
       (909., 275.43716, 323.7563 , 375.1497 , 1.6618427e+15, 0.04101282),
       (908., 275.44235, 323.72913, 375.16998, 1.6647001e+15, 0.03429971),
       (907., 275.4527 , 323.6882 , 375.18622, 1.6636756e+15, 0.04522604),
       (906., 275.4528 , 323.66183, 375.20285, 1.6558421e+15, 0.03117472),
       (905., 275.46817, 323.636  , 375.22156, 1.6558695e+15, 0.03542135),
       (904., 275.46817, 323.59464, 375.23706, 1.6531395e+15, 0.04416189),
       (903.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (902.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (901., 275.49405, 323.5119 , 375.268  , 1.6528571e+15, 0.09204388),
       (900.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (899.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (898.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (897.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (896.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (895.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (894.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (893., 275.5768 , 323.3052 , 375.3415 , 1.6435312e+15, 0.23446347),
       (892.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (891.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (890.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (889.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (888.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (887.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (886.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (885.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (884.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (883.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (882.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (881.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (880.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (879.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (878.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (877.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (876.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (875.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (874.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (873.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (872.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (871.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (870.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (869.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (868.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (867.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (866.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (865.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (864.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (863.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (862.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (861.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (860.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (859.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (858.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (857.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (856.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (855.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (854.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (853.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (852.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (851.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (850.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (849.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (848.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (847.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (846.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (845.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (844.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (843.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (842.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (841.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (840.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (839.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (838.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (837.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (836.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (835.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (834.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (833.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (832.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (831.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (830.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (829.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (828.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (827.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (826.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (825.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (824.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (823.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (822.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (821.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (820.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (819.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (818.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (817.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (816.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (815.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (814.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (813.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (812.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (811.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (810.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (809.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (808.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (807.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (806.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (805.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (804.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (803.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (802.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (801.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (800.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (799.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (798.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (797.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (796.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (795.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (794.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (793.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (792.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (791.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (790.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (789.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (788.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (787.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (786.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (785.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (784.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (783.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (782.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (781.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (780.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (779.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (778.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (777.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (776.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (775.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (774.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (773.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (772.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (771.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (770.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (769.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (768.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (767.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (766.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (765.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (764.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (763.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (762.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (761.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (760.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (759.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (758.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (757.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (756.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (755.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (754.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (753.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (752.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (751.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (750.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (749.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (748.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (747.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (746.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (745.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (744.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (743.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (742.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (741.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (740.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (739.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (738.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (737.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (736.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (735.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (734.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (733.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (732.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (731.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (730.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (729.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (728.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (727.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (726.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (725.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (724.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (723.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (722.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (721.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (720.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (719.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (718.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (717.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (716.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (715.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (714.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (713.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (712.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (711.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (710.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (709.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (708.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (707.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (706.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (705.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (704.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (703.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (702.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (701.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (700.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (699.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (698.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (697.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (696.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (695.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (694.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (693.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (692.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (691.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (690.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (689.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (688.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (687.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (686.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (685.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (684.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (683.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (682.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (681.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (680.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (679.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (678.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (677.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (676.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (675.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (674.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (673.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (672.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (671.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (670.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (669.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (668.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (667.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (666.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (665.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (664.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (663.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (662.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (661.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (660.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (659.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (658.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (657.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (656.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (655.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (654.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (653.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (652.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (651.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (650.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (649.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (648.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (647.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (646.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (645.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (644.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (643.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (642.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (641.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (640.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (639.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (638.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (637.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (636.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (635.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (634.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (633.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (632.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (631.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (630.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (629.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (628.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (627.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (626.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (625.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (624.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (623.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (622.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (621.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (620.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (619.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (618.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (617.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (616.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (615.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (614.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (613.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (612.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (611.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (610.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (609.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (608.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (607.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (606.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (605.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (604.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (603.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (602.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (601.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (600.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (599.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (598.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (597.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (596.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (595.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (594.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (593.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (592.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (591.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (590.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (589.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (588.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (587.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (586.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (585.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (584.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (583.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (582.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (581.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (580.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (579.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (578.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (577.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (576.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (575.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (574.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (573.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (572.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (571.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (570.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (569.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (568.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (567.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (566.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (565.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (564.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (563.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (562.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (561.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (560.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (559.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (558.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (557.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (556.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (555.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (554.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (553.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (552.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (551.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (550.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (549.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (548.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (547.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (546.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (545.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (544.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (543.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (542.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (541.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (540.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (539.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (538.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (537.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (536.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (535.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (534.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (533.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (532.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (531.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (530.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (529.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (528.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (527.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (526.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (525.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (524.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (523.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (522.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (521.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (520.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (519.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (518.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (517.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (516.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (515.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (514.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (513.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (512.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (511.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (510.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (509.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (508.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (507.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (506.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (505.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (504.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (503.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (502.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (501.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (500.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (499.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (498.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (497.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (496.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (495.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (494.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (493.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (492.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (491.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (490.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (489.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (488.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (487.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (486.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (485.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (484.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (483.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (482.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (481.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (480.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (479.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (478.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (477.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (476.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (475.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (474.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (473.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (472.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (471.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (470.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (469.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (468.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (467.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (466.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (465.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (464.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (463.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (462.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (461.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (460.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (459.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (458.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (457.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (456.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (455.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (454.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (453.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (452.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (451.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (450.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (449.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (448.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (447.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (446.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (445.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (444.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (443.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (442.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (441.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (440.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (439.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (438.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (437.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (436.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (435.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (434.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (433.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (432.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (431.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (430.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (429.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (428.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (427.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (426.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (425.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (424.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (423.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (422.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (421.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (420.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (419.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (418.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (417.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (416.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (415.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (414.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (413.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (412.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (411.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (410.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (409.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (408.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (407.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (406.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (405.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (404.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (403.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (402.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (401.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (400.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (399.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (398.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (397.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (396.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (395.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (394.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (393.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (392.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (391.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (390.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (389.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (388.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (387.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (386.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (385.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (384.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (383.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (382.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (381.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (380.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (379.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (378.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (377.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (376.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (375.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (374.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (373.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (372.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (371.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (370.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (369.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (368.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (367.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (366.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (365.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (364.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (363.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (362.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (361.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (360.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (359.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (358.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (357.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (356.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (355.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (354.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (353.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (352.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (351.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (350.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (349.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (348.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (347.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (346.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (345.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (344.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (343.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (342.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (341.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (340.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (339.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (338.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (337.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (336.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (335.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (334.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (333.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (332.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (331.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (330.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (329.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (328.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (327.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (326.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (325.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (324.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (323.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (322.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (321.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (320.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (319.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (318.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (317.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (316.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (315.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (314.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (313.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (312.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (311.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (310.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (309.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (308.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (307.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (306.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (305.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (304.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (303.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (302.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (301.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (300.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan)],
      dtype=[('snapshot_index', '<f4'), ('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4'), ('mass', '<f4'), ('desc_dist', '<f4')])
In [238]:
plt.scatter(hist["x"], hist["y"], c=hist["snapshot_index"])

plt.plot(hist["snapshot_index"], hist["mass"])
# m = data["desc_snapshot_index"] > 0
# plt.plot(data["desc_snapshot_index"][m], data["desc_mass"][m])
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
In [222]:
plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], c=np.log10(mass))

plt.scatter(x[0], x[1], c="r", marker='x')

No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [47]:
array([(951., 284.35236, 246.34824, 370.83707, 2.8412564e+15,        nan),
       (950.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (949.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (948.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (947.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (946.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (945.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (944.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (943.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (942.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (941.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (940.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (939.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (938.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (937.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (936.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (935.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (934.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (933., 284.46155, 246.00227, 370.8075 , 2.8477622e+15, 0.36398822),
       (932., 284.4702 , 245.98221, 370.80765, 2.8483010e+15, 0.02185764),
       (931.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (930.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (929.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (928.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (927., 284.5113 , 245.87349, 370.80716, 2.8455723e+15, 0.11622101),
       (926., 284.5216 , 245.85237, 370.81116, 2.8424150e+15, 0.02384024),
       (925.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (924., 284.53732, 245.8114 , 370.8111 , 2.8395653e+15, 0.043881  ),
       (923.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (922.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (921.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (920.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (919.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (918.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (917.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (916.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (915.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (914.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (913.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (912.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (911.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (910.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (909.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (908.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (907.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (906.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (905.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (904.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (903.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (902.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (901.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan),
       (900.,       nan,       nan,       nan,           nan,        nan)],
      dtype=[('snapshot_index', '<f4'), ('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4'), ('mass', '<f4'), ('desc_dist', '<f4')])
In [27]:
array([(951., 2.8871637e+15, 284.3524 , 246.34824, 370.83704, 950., 2.8882882e+15, 2.8788946e+15, 9.3937321e+12, 0.00093918),
       (950., 2.8788946e+15, 286.42444, 244.69951, 373.20593, 949., 2.8756223e+15, 2.8672700e+15, 8.3523876e+12, 0.00110787),
       (949., 2.8672700e+15, 286.40372, 244.72537, 373.17398, 948., 3.8162037e+12, 1.4894010e+12, 2.3268027e+12, 0.81327796),
       (948., 1.4894010e+12, 286.77917, 242.59756, 372.9749 , 947.,           nan,           nan,           nan,        nan)],
      dtype=[('desc_snapshot_index', '<f4'), ('desc_mass', '<f4'), ('desc_x', '<f4'), ('desc_y', '<f4'), ('desc_z', '<f4'), ('prog_snapshot_index', '<f4'), ('prog_totmass', '<f4'), ('mainprog_mass', '<f4'), ('minprog_totmass', '<f4'), ('merger_ratio', '<f4')])
In [28]:
mladen = np.genfromtxt("/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/CSiBORG/cleaned_mtree/ramses_out_7444/mergertree_00951_halo-21344979.txt", skip_header=1)
In [31]:
array([[ 9.5100000e+02, -6.0000000e-04,  2.1344979e+07,  4.0949790e+15,
         1.3323500e+13,  0.0000000e+00],
       [ 9.5000000e+02,  7.0000000e-04,  2.1390351e+07,  4.0832510e+15,
         7.5558290e+12,  4.2906940e+12],
       [ 9.4900000e+02,  2.1000000e-03,  2.1382973e+07,  4.0667630e+15,
         2.1738350e+12,  1.1263620e+12],
       [ 9.4800000e+02,  3.5000000e-03,  2.1405046e+07,  2.1124770e+12,
         0.0000000e+00,  0.0000000e+00]])
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [18]:
plt.plot(data["desc_snapshot_index"], data["desc_mass"])
m = mladen[:, 0] > 700
plt.plot(mladen[:,0][m], (mladen[:,3][m] - mladen[:, 5][m]) * 0.7)

No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [298]:
snaps = paths.get_snapshots(7468, "csiborg")
In [299]:
nsnaps = range(800, 944 + 1)
from tqdm import tqdm
cats = {}
for nsnap in tqdm(nsnaps):
    cats[nsnap] = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGPHEWCatalogue(
        nsnap, 7468, paths, bounds={"dist": (None, 155.5), "is_main": True})
100%|██████████| 145/145 [01:46<00:00,  1.36it/s]
In [230]:
In [454]:
# hid = cats[944]["index"][np.argmax(cats[944]["summed_mass"])]
hid = 20467619
In [455]:
hist = csiborgtools.read.track_halo_manually(cats, hid)
# x, y = csiborgtools.read.track_halo_manually(cats, hid)
100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 1348.89it/s]
In [456]:
plt.scatter(hist["snapshot_index"], hist["mass"] / hist["mass"][0], c=hist["desc_dist"])
# plt.yscale("log")
No description has been provided for this image
In [457]:
plt.scatter(hist["x"], hist["y"], c=hist["snapshot_index"])
No description has been provided for this image
In [458]:
plt.scatter(hist["snapshot_index"], hist["desc_dist"])

No description has been provided for this image
In [459]:
x = np.arange(len(pos_history))
In [293]:
No description has been provided for this image
In [276]:
plt.scatter(pos_history[:, 0], pos_history[:, 1], c=x)

No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
In [148]:
nsnap0 = 944
k = cats[nsnap0]["hid_to_array_index"][hid]
pos = cats[nsnap0]["cartesian_pos"][k]
In [166]:
nsnap = 939
indxs = cats[nsnap].select_in_box(pos, 5)
nearby_pos = cats[nsnap]["cartesian_pos"][indxs]
nearby_mass = cats[nsnap]["summed_mass"][indxs]
In [167]:
plt.scatter(nearby_pos[:, 0], nearby_pos[:, 1], c=np.log10(nearby_mass))

plt.scatter(pos[0], pos[1], c="r", marker="x")
plt.xlim(pos[0] - 5, pos[0] + 5)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [50]:

No description has been provided for this image
In [51]:
plt.scatter(dist, rank, c=rank)

No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [147]:
array([0.03469291, 1.4941071 , 1.6137327 , 1.9338818 , 1.9451369 ,
       1.9745505 , 2.1557822 , 2.1732695 , 2.1866972 , 2.188077  ,
       2.1966248 , 2.2173362 , 2.2315993 , 2.2622092 , 2.3083584 ,
       2.3235521 , 2.3334928 , 2.3339765 , 2.3409498 , 2.3531873 ,
       2.3956246 , 2.4191911 , 2.4279647 , 2.44543   , 2.4778795 ,
       2.4828646 , 2.4840972 , 2.5520175 , 2.5533767 , 2.5614178 ,
       2.5633898 , 2.569979  , 2.585207  , 2.6075015 , 2.6134186 ,
       2.6162403 , 2.6280391 , 2.6483216 , 2.6745644 , 2.675266  ,
       2.7104652 , 2.710785  , 2.717791  , 2.723212  , 2.7351549 ,
       2.7434163 , 2.760779  , 2.786919  , 2.8479278 , 2.855215  ,
       2.8956635 , 2.9201431 , 2.9495463 , 2.9762506 , 3.0421073 ,
       3.051291  , 3.1273162 , 3.2203753 , 3.2434456 , 3.3662832 ,
       3.4216032 , 3.4361768 , 3.4840217 , 3.5633564 , 3.9444454 ],
In [ ]:

In [144]:
array([15.143617 , 11.506105 , 12.061865 , 11.754903 , 12.1637535,
       11.706644 , 11.527555 , 11.81453  , 12.305587 , 12.008193 ,
       12.468391 , 12.135068 , 12.20031  , 12.3106165, 12.231938 ,
       11.548329 , 12.199055 , 12.237394 , 12.008322 , 12.201574 ,
       11.60354  , 12.199569 , 11.6475315, 12.25819  , 12.761718 ,
       12.20017  , 12.319948 , 11.594081 , 12.582169 , 12.207142 ,
       12.232144 , 12.207256 , 12.191118 , 12.230139 , 12.195937 ,
       12.181732 , 12.241584 , 11.854617 , 12.172837 , 11.583755 ,
       11.785564 , 12.170507 , 12.247758 , 12.217982 , 12.198726 ,
       12.500331 , 12.096592 , 11.642915 , 12.206478 , 12.189644 ,
       12.199734 , 12.29456  , 13.210453 , 12.040288 , 12.19934  ,
       11.566858 , 11.664642 , 12.346448 , 11.688704 , 12.551069 ,
       12.198501 , 12.084832 , 12.190776 , 12.184218 , 12.298596 ],
In [143]:
In [140]:
np.abs(np.log10(dx / mass))
array([0.3265535, 3.9640648, 3.408305 , 3.7152677, 3.3064172, 3.7635257,
       3.9426146, 3.6556396, 3.1645837, 3.4619775, 3.001779 , 3.3351023,
       3.2698607, 3.1595533, 3.2382321, 3.9218407, 3.2711155, 3.2327757,
       3.461849 , 3.2685957, 3.8666298, 3.2706015, 3.8226388, 3.21198  ,
       2.7084525, 3.2700012, 3.1502216, 3.876089 , 2.888002 , 3.263028 ,
       3.2380261, 3.262914 , 3.279052 , 3.2400315, 3.2742333, 3.2884378,
       3.2285862, 3.615553 , 3.297333 , 3.8864155, 3.684606 , 3.299663 ,
       3.2224126, 3.252188 , 3.2714448, 2.9698398, 3.3735788, 3.8272555,
       3.2636924, 3.2805262, 3.2704363, 3.1756098, 2.2597172, 3.4298823,
       3.2708306, 3.9033115, 3.8055282, 3.1237218, 3.7814672, 2.9191008,
       3.27167  , 3.3853385, 3.2793946, 3.2859516, 3.1715744],
In [ ]:

In [107]:
plt.scatter(dist, dm)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [133]:
pcat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGPHEWCatalogue(
    940, 7468, paths, bounds={"dist": (None, 155.5), "is_main": True})
In [134]:
k = np.argmax(pcat["summed_mass"])
In [135]:
# center = pcat["cartesian_pos"][k]
In [136]:
indxs = pcat.select_in_box(center, 10)
In [137]:
pos = pcat["cartesian_pos"][indxs]
mass = np.log10(pcat["summed_mass"][indxs])
In [138]:
plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], c=mass)
plt.scatter(center[0], center[1], c="r", marker="x")

No description has been provided for this image
In [55]:
pcat["is_main"].sum() / len(pcat)
In [46]:
In [42]:
x = pcat["mass_cl"]
In [43]:
y = pcat["summed_mass"]
In [44]:
plt.scatter(x, y, s=1)

No description has been provided for this image
In [23]:
indxs = pcat.select_in_box([338.85, 338.85, 338.85], 40, False)
In [24]:
pos = pcat["cartesian_pos"][indxs]

# indxs
In [26]:
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb Cell 6 line 1
----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://ssh-remote%2Bglamdring.physics.ox.ac.uk/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb#Y112sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=0'>1</a> indxs.keys()

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'
In [25]:
plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 2])

No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [105]:
clumparr = reader.read_phew_clumps(951, 7444, True)

# clindex = clumparr['index']
# clindex_to_array_index = {clindex[i]: i for i in range(clindex.size)}
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [103]:
x, y = reader.find_parents(clumparr, verbose=True)
Ultimate clump: 100%|██████████| 541043/541043 [00:00<00:00, 1486022.37it/s]
In [98]:
m = clumparr["index"] == clumparr["parent"]

plt.scatter(clumparr["mass_cl"][m], y[m], s=1)


No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [55]:
clindex = clumparr["index"]
parindex = clumparr["parent"]

clindex_to_array_index = {clindex[i]: i for i in range(clindex.size)}
In [70]:
i = 2333

cl = clindex[i]
par = parindex[i]
print(cl, par)

while cl != par:
    print(cl, par)

    element = clindex_to_array_index[par]

    cl = clindex[element]
    par = parindex[element]
cl, par
74641 57778
74641 57778
57778 57675
(57675, 57675)
In [75]:
(57675, 0, 57675, 2235., 328.36127, 247.63182, 338.77762, 80.28267, 227150.55, 515.31525, 2.6499586e+12, 209.85902)
In [74]:
In [57]:
cl, par
(16, 16)
In [49]:
(283, 0, 244, 3475., 330.3978, 200.27946, 299.4979, 80.01514, 166588.81, 533.9489, 5.616282e+12, 34.512917)
In [53]:
In [54]:
(244, 1, 16, 2946., 330.4896, 200.48395, 299.27054, 81.122246, 184821.58, 539.8623, 4.571406e+12, 38.29027)
In [44]:
(283, 0, 244, 3475., 330.3978, 200.27946, 299.4979, 80.01514, 166588.81, 533.9489, 5.616282e+12, 34.512917)
In [47]:
In [48]:
(16, 0, 16, 6257., 330.06946, 200.00058, 299.66724, 80.11476, 782089.5, 536.5994, 9.229422e+12, 107.78266)
In [ ]:

In [26]:
x[0] == clumparr["index"]
array([ True, False, False, ..., False, False, False])
In [31]:
m = clumparr["index"] == clumparr["parent"]

plt.scatter(clumparr["mass_cl"][~m], y[~m], s=0.5)

plt.axline((1e12, 1e12), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--")


No description has been provided for this image
In [71]:
clindex_to_array_index = {clindex[i]: i for i in range(clindex.size)}
In [ ]:
In [110]:
clumparr2 = reader.read_phew_clumps(951, 7444, True)
<__array_function__ internals>:200: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
Ultimate clump: 100%|██████████| 541043/541043 [00:00<00:00, 1174427.26it/s]
 73%|███████▎  | 395059/541043 [00:22<00:08, 17753.93it/s]
The Kernel crashed while executing code in the the current cell or a previous cell. Please review the code in the cell(s) to identify a possible cause of the failure. Click <a href='https://aka.ms/vscodeJupyterKernelCrash'>here</a> for more info. View Jupyter <a href='command:jupyter.viewOutput'>log</a> for further details.
In [109]:
m.sum() / m.size
In [107]:

m = clumparr2["index"] == clumparr2["parent"]

# plt.scatter(clumparr2["mass_cl"][m], clumparr2["summed_mass"][m], s=1)
plt.scatter(clumparr2["mass_cl"][~m], clumparr2["summed_mass"][~m], s=1)

plt.axline((1e12, 1e12), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--")


No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [83]:
array([       1,        2,        3, ..., 21824378, 21824463, 21825308],
In [86]:
par = 21824378

%timeit clindex_to_array_index[par]
1.22 µs ± 15 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
In [85]:
In [87]:
%timeit numpy.where(clindex == par)[0][0]
2.69 ms ± 130 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [18]:
numpy.where(clumparr["index"] == 3)[0][0]
In [25]:
def is_sorted_np(arr):
    return np.all(arr[:-1] <= arr[1:])
In [29]:
from numba import jit
In [47]:
def is_sorted(arr):
    for i in range(1, len(arr)):
        if arr[i-1] > arr[i]:
            return False
    return True

@jit(nopython=True, boundscheck=False, fastmath=True)
def is_sorted2(arr):
    for i in range(1, len(arr)):
        if arr[i-1] > arr[i]:
            return False
    return True
In [49]:
In [ ]:

In [28]:
%timeit is_sorted_np(clumparr["index"])
2.59 ms ± 85.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
In [20]:
ks = np.argsort(clumparr["index"])
In [24]:
np.alltrue(clumparr["index"][ks] == clumparr["index"])
In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [10]:
reader.find_parents(clumparr, verbose=True)
Ultimate clump:   6%|▌         | 33740/541043 [01:01<15:18, 552.21it/s] 
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb Cell 5 line 1
----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://ssh-remote%2Bglamdring.physics.ox.ac.uk/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/notebooks/test.ipynb#W6sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=0'>1</a> reader.find_parents(clumparr, verbose=True)

File ~/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/read/readsim.py:426, in CSiBORGReader.find_parents(self, clumparr, verbose)
    422 par = parindex[i]  # First we try the parent of this clump
    423 while tocont:
    424     # The element of the array corresponding to the parent clump to
    425     # the one we're looking at
--> 426     element = numpy.where(clindex == par)[0][0]
    427     # We stop if the parent is its own parent, so a main halo. Else
    428     # move onto the parent of the parent. Eventually this is its
    429     # own parent and we stop, with ultimate parent=par
    430     if clindex[element] == clindex[element]:

File <__array_function__ internals>:177, in where(*args, **kwargs)

In [ ]: