Richard Stiskalek aaa14fc880
Add density field plot and start preparing CSiBORG2 (#94)
* Add RAMSES2HDF5 conversion

* Upload changes

* Clean up

* More clean up

* updates

* Little change

* pep9

* Add basic SPH calculation for a snapshot

* Add submit script

* Remove echo

* Little changes

* Send off changes

* Little formatting

* Little updates

* Add nthreads argument

* Upload chagnes

* Add nthreads arguemnts

* Some local changes..

* Update scripts

* Add submission script

* Update script

* Update params

* Rename CSiBORGBox to CSiBORG1box

* Rename CSiBORG1 reader

* Move files

* Rename folder again

* Add basic plotting here

* Add new skeletons

* Move def

* Update nbs

* Edit directories

* Rename files

* Add units to converted snapshots

* Fix empty dataset bug

* Delete file

* Edits to submission scripts

* Edit paths

* Update .gitignore

* Fix attrs

* Update weighting

* Fix RA/dec bug

* Add FORNAX cluster

* Little edit

* Remove boxes since will no longer need

* Move func back

* Edit to include sort by membership

* Edit paths

* Purge basic things

* Start removing

* Bring file back

* Scratch

* Update the rest

* Improve the entire file

* Remove old things

* Remove old

* Delete old things

* Fully updates

* Rename file

* Edit submit script

* Little things

* Add print statement

* Add here cols_to_structured

* Edit halo cat

* Remove old import

* Add comment

* Update paths manager

* Move file

* Remove file

* Add chains
2023-12-13 16:08:25 +00:00

786 KiB

In [78]:
from os.path import join

import csiborgtools
import healpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import scienceplots  # noqa
from cache_to_disk import cache_to_disk, delete_disk_caches_for_function
from h5py import File

import plt_utils

sim2boxsize = {"csiborg" : 677.7,
               "csiborg2_main": 676.7,
               "BORG": 677.7,

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload
In [88]:
with File("/mnt/zfsusers/hdesmond/BORG_final/mcmc_9844.h5", 'r') as f:
    d = f["scalars/BORG_final_density"][:]
In [92]:
In [127]:
def _plot_sky_projected_density(nsim, simname, grid, nside, MAS="PCS",
                                dmin=0, dmax=220, volume_weight=True):
    paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
    # nsnap = max(paths.get_snapshots(nsim, simname))
    # Some work here to get the box
    boxsize = sim2boxsize[simname]

    if simname == "csiborg":
        field = numpy.load(paths.field("density", MAS, grid, nsim, in_rsp=False))
    elif simname == "BORG":
        with File("/mnt/zfsusers/hdesmond/BORG_final/mcmc_9844.h5", 'r') as f:
            field = f["scalars/BORG_final_density"][:]
            field = field.astype(numpy.float32)
            # field = field.T
            field += 1
        with File("/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg2_main/fields/chain_15517_1024.hdf5", 'r') as f:
            field = f["density"][:].T

    # field /= numpy.mean(field)
    # field += 1

    angpos = csiborgtools.field.nside2radec(nside)
    dist = numpy.linspace(dmin, dmax, 1000)
    return csiborgtools.field.make_sky(field, angpos=angpos, dist=dist,
                                       boxsize=boxsize, volume_weight=volume_weight)
In [135]:
def plot_sky_projected_density(nsim, simname, grid, nside, MAS="PCS",
                               dmin=0, dmax=220, volume_weight=True, ext="png",
    dmap = _plot_sky_projected_density(nsim, simname, grid, nside, MAS,
                                           dmin, dmax, volume_weight)
    obs = numpy.genfromtxt("/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/data/2MPP.txt")
    dist = obs[:, 6] * 3e5 / 100
    mask = (dist > dmin) & (dist < dmax)
    obs = obs[mask]

    print(obs[:, 2].min(), obs[:, 2].max())

    with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
        healpy.mollview(numpy.log10(dmap), fig=0, title="", unit="", rot=75)

        healpy.projscatter(numpy.pi / 2 - obs[:, 2], obs[:, 1], s=0.05, c="red",
                           label="2M++ galaxies")
        # for name in ["Virgo", "Fornax"]:
        #     d, ra, dec = csiborgtools.clusters[name].spherical_pos
        #     ra *= numpy.pi / 180
        #     dec *= numpy.pi / 180
        #     healpy.projscatter([numpy.pi / 2 - dec], [ra], s=30, c="black", marker='x')
        # healpy.projscatter(obs[:, 2] - numpy.pi / 2, obs[:, 1], s=0.25, c="red",
                        #    label="2M++ galaxies")
        # healpy.projscatter(obs[:, 2] - numpy.pi / 2 , obs[:, 1], s=1, c="red",
                        #    label="2M++ galaxies")

        # if plot_groups:
        #     groups = csiborgtools.read.TwoMPPGroups(fpath="/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/2M++_group_catalog.dat")  # noqa
        #     healpy.projscatter(numpy.deg2rad(groups["DEC"] + 90),
        #                        numpy.deg2rad(groups["RA"]), s=1, c="blue",
        #                        label="2M++ groups")

        # if plot_halos is not None or plot_groups:
        #     plt.legend(markerscale=5)

        if to_save:
            # fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"sky_density_{simname}_{nsim}_from_{dmin}_to_{dmax}_vol{volume_weight}.{ext}")  # noqa
            fout = "test.png"
            print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
            plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
In [140]:
# delete_disk_caches_for_function("_plot_sky_projected_density")
plot_sky_projected_density(15517, "csiborg2_main", 512, 512, "PCS", dmin=100,
                           dmax=125, volume_weight=True, to_save=True)
# plt.savefig("test.png", dpi=300)
100%|██████████| 3145728/3145728 [06:06<00:00, 8572.34it/s]
-1.50601 1.48367
Saving to `test.png`.
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]:

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