Richard Stiskalek 4093186f9a
Add z_obs output (#119)
* Update SN model to output zobs too

* Add TF predicted zobs

* Add imoprt

* Update nb

* Calculate chi2

* Update nb

* Update script
2024-03-22 18:10:40 +01:00

757 KiB

Calibrating the velocity field against observations

In [2]:
# Copyright (C) 2024 Richard Stiskalek
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import jax
from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, init_to_median
import corner
from getdist import plots
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

import csiborgtools

from flow_calibration import *

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)

LOS density & radial velocity plots

In [ ]:
# fpath = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/A2.h5"
fpath = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/PV_compilation_Supranta2019.hdf5"

loader_carrick = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader("Carrick2015", "LOSS", fpath, paths, ksmooth=0)
loader_csiborg = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader("csiborg1", "LOSS", fpath, paths, ksmooth=0)
loader_csiborg2 = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader("csiborg2_main", "LOSS", fpath, paths, ksmooth=0)
In [ ]:
# ks = [115,  53,  77, 105,  26,  61,  86,  29,  80,  21]
ks = [19,  8, 15,  0, 16,  6, 48, 38, 26, 44]
# ks = [19]
# ks = np.random.choice(50, 10, replace=False)

# k = 6
for k in []:
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7, 7), sharex=True)
    # Get rid of vertical spacing

    # Plot CSiBORG
    for i in range(loader_csiborg.los_density.shape[1]):
        axs[0].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_density[k, i, :], alpha=0.1, color="black")
        axs[1].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_radial_velocity[k, i, :], alpha=0.1, color="black")

    # CSiBORG1
    axs[0].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_density[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="red", label="CSiBORG1")
    axs[1].plot(loader_csiborg.rdist, loader_csiborg.los_radial_velocity[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="red")

    # CSiBORG2
    axs[0].plot(loader_csiborg2.rdist, loader_csiborg2.los_density[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="violet", label="CSiBORG2")
    axs[1].plot(loader_csiborg2.rdist, loader_csiborg2.los_radial_velocity[k, :, :].mean(axis=0), color="violet")

    # Plot Carrick+2015
    axs[0].plot(loader_carrick.rdist, loader_carrick.los_density[k, 0, :], color="blue", label="Carrick+2015")
    axs[1].plot(loader_carrick.rdist, loader_carrick.los_radial_velocity[k, 0, :] * 0.43, color="blue")

    # for i in range(2):
    #     label = "SN"
    #     rdist = loader_csiborg.cat["r_hMpc"][k]
    #     axs[i].axvline(rdist, color="violet", linestyle="--",
    #                 zorder=0, label=label)

    axs[1].set_xlabel(r"$r ~ [\mathrm{Mpc} / h]$")
    axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$\rho_{\rm LOS} / \langle \rho_{\rm matter} \rangle$")
    axs[1].set_ylabel(r"$v_{\rm LOS} ~ [\mathrm{km/s}]$")


    axs[0].legend(loc="upper right")
    axs[0].set_xlim(0, 200)

    fig.tight_layout(w_pad=0, h_pad=0)
    fig.savefig(f"../plots/LOSS_los_{k}.png", dpi=500, bbox_inches="tight")


Test running a model

In [715]:
fpath_data = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/PV_compilation_Supranta2019.hdf5"
# fpath_data = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/catalogs/A2.h5"

simname = "Carrick2015"
catalogue = "2MTF"
loader = csiborgtools.flow.DataLoader(simname, 0, catalogue, fpath_data, paths, ksmooth=0)
get_model_kwargs = {"zcmb_max": 0.07}
16:37:06: reading the catalogue.
16:37:06: reading the interpolated field.
16:37:07: calculating the radial velocity.
/mnt/users/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/csiborgtools/flow/flow_model.py:112: UserWarning: The number of radial steps is even. Skipping the first step at 0.0 because Simpson's rule requires an odd number of steps.
  warn(f"The number of radial steps is even. Skipping the first "

Running HMC

In [716]:
model = csiborgtools.flow.get_model(loader, **get_model_kwargs)
Selected 1248/1248 galaxies.
In [717]:
kernel = NUTS(model, init_strategy=init_to_median(num_samples=100))
mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup=250, num_samples=500)

rng_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(5)
In [718]:
model_kwargs = {"sample_alpha": True}
mcmc.run(rng_key, **model_kwargs)
sample: 100%|██████████| 750/750 [02:44<00:00,  4.57it/s, 7 steps of size 4.96e-01. acc. prob=0.91]  
In [719]:
samples = mcmc.get_samples(group_by_chain=False)
# print(csiborgtools.numpyro_gof(model, mcmc, len(loader.cat), model_kwargs))
                      mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
          Vext_x   -106.65     16.42   -107.21   -131.51    -76.54    730.09      1.00
          Vext_y   -103.97     18.51   -103.36   -135.46    -74.95    564.72      1.00
          Vext_z   -114.45     18.16   -115.19   -145.14    -86.94    398.98      1.00
               a    -22.28      0.02    -22.28    -22.31    -22.25    451.84      1.00
           alpha      1.53      0.08      1.53      1.40      1.64    625.30      1.00
               b     -6.28      0.09     -6.28     -6.42     -6.12    685.29      1.00
            beta      0.40      0.03      0.40      0.37      0.45    607.03      1.00
  e_mu_intrinsic      0.41      0.01      0.41      0.39      0.42    469.01      1.00
         sigma_v    116.06     11.30    115.85     99.31    134.60    715.52      1.00

Number of divergences: 0
In [227]:
Vmag = np.sqrt(samples["Vext_x"]**2 + samples["Vext_y"]**2 + samples["Vext_z"]**2)

V = np.vstack([samples["Vext_x"], samples["Vext_y"], samples["Vext_z"]]).T
V = csiborgtools.cartesian_to_radec(V)

l, b = csiborgtools.flow.radec_to_galactic(V[:, 1], V[:, 2])

print(f"|V|  = {np.mean(Vmag)} +- {np.std(Vmag)}")
print(f"l    = {np.mean(l)} +- {np.std(l)}")
print(f"b    = {np.mean(b)} +- {np.std(b)}")
print(f"beta = {np.mean(samples['beta'])} +- {np.std(samples['beta'])}")
|V|  = 292.9063720703125 +- 53.499855041503906
l    = 254.50001033175045 +- 14.125642497928322
b    = 19.794461051654427 +- 10.697396482974687
beta = 0.31970617175102234 +- 0.07021637260913849
In [228]:
if "alpha" in samples:
    data = np.vstack([samples["alpha"], samples["beta"], l, b, Vmag]).T
    labels = [r"$\alpha$", r"$\beta$", r"$l$", r"$b$", r"$|\bf{V}_{\rm ext}|$"]
    data = np.vstack([samples["beta"], l, b, Vmag]).T
    labels = [r"$\beta$", r"$l$", r"$b$", r"$|\bf{V}_{\rm ext}|$"]

fig = corner.corner(data, labels=labels, show_titles=True, title_fmt=".3f", title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}, smooth=1)
No description has been provided for this image

Vizualize the results

Functions to read in the results

In [24]:
data, names, gof = read_samples("Foundation", "Carrick2015", 0)

fig = corner.corner(data, labels=names_to_latex(names, True), show_titles=True,
                    title_fmt=".3f", title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}, smooth=1)
Reading Foundation fitted to Carrick2015 with ksmooth = 0.
BIC  = 1852.867188 +- 0.000000
AIC  = 1824.664429 +- 0.000000
logZ = -897.537476 +- 0.000000
chi2 = 0.000000 +- 0.000000
No description has been provided for this image

LOSS-only comparison

In [ ]:
LOSS_Carrick_0 = read_samples("LOSS", "Carrick2015", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
LOSS_Carrick_1 = read_samples("LOSS", "Carrick2015", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

LOSS_CB1_0 = read_samples("LOSS", "csiborg1", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
LOSS_CB1_1 = read_samples("LOSS", "csiborg1", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

LOSS_CB2_0 = read_samples("LOSS", "csiborg2_main", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
LOSS_CB2_1 = read_samples("LOSS", "csiborg2_main", 1, return_MCsamples=True)
In [ ]:
X = [
     # LOSS_Carrick_1,
     # LOSS_CB1_0,

# params = ["l", "b", "Vmag", "beta"]
params = None

g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, params=params, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right', )
g.export(f"../plots/LOSS_comparison.png", dpi=500,)

Foundation-only comparison

In [ ]:
FOUNDATION_Carrick_0 = read_samples("Foundation", "Carrick2015", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
FOUNDATION_Carrick_1 = read_samples("Foundation", "Carrick2015", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

FOUNDATION_CB1_0 = read_samples("Foundation", "csiborg1", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
FOUNDATION_CB1_1 = read_samples("Foundation", "csiborg1", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

FOUNDATION_CB2_0 = read_samples("Foundation", "csiborg2_main", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
FOUNDATION_CB2_1 = read_samples("Foundation", "csiborg2_main", 1, return_MCsamples=True)
In [ ]:
X = [
    # FOUNDATION_Carrick_1,

g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right')
g.export(f"../plots/FOUNDATION_comparison.png", dpi=500,)

PantheonPlus-only comparison

In [ ]:
PANTHEONP_Carrick_0 = read_samples("Pantheon+", "Carrick2015", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
PANTHEONP_Carrick_1 = read_samples("Pantheon+", "Carrick2015", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

PANTHEONP_CB1_0 = read_samples("Pantheon+", "csiborg1", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
PANTHEONP_CB1_1 = read_samples("Pantheon+", "csiborg1", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

# PANTHEONP_CB2_0 = read_samples("Pantheon+", "csiborg2_main", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
PANTHEONP_CB2_1 = read_samples("Pantheon+", "csiborg2_main", 1, return_MCsamples=True)
In [ ]:
X = [
    # PANTHEONP_Carrick_1,
    # PANTHEONP_CB1_0,
    # PANTHEONP_CB2_0,

g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right')
g.export(f"../plots/PANTHEONP_comparison.png", dpi=500,)

2MTF comparison

In [ ]:
TWOMTF_Carrick_0 = read_samples("2MTF", "Carrick2015", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
TWOMTF_Carrick_1 = read_samples("2MTF", "Carrick2015", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

TWOMTF_CB1_0 = read_samples("2MTF", "csiborg1", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
TWOMTF_CB1_1 = read_samples("2MTF", "csiborg1", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

TWOMTF_CB2_0 = read_samples("2MTF", "csiborg2_main", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
TWOMTF_CB2_1 = read_samples("2MTF", "csiborg2_main", 1, return_MCsamples=True)
In [ ]:
X = [
    # TWOMTF_Carrick_1,
    # TWOMTF_CB1_0,

g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right')
g.export(f"../plots/2MTF_comparison.png", dpi=500,)

SFI galaxies

In [ ]:
SFIGAL_Carrick_0 = read_samples("SFI_gals", "Carrick2015", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
SFIGAL_Carrick_1 = read_samples("SFI_gals", "Carrick2015", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

# SFIGAL_CB1_0 = read_samples("SFI_gals", "csiborg1", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
# SFIGAL_CB1_1 = read_samples("SFI_gals", "csiborg1", 1, return_MCsamples=True)

SFIGAL_CB2_0 = read_samples("SFI_gals", "csiborg2_main", 0, return_MCsamples=True)
SFIGAL_CB2_1 = read_samples("SFI_gals", "csiborg2_main", 1, return_MCsamples=True)
In [ ]:
X = [
    # SFIGAL_Carrick_1,
    # SFIGAL_CB1_0,
    # SFIGAL_CB1_1,
    # SFIGAL_CB2_0,

g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right')
g.export(f"../plots/SFI_gals_comparison.png", dpi=500,)

External flow consistency


In [ ]:
X = [
    # LOSS_Carrick_0,
    # FOUNDATION_Carrick_0,

params = ["Vmag", "l", "b", "beta"]
g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, params=params, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right',)
g.export(f"../plots/Carrick2015_external_flow.png", dpi=500,)


In [ ]:
X = [
    # LOSS_CB1_1,
    # SFIGAL_CB1_1,

params = ["Vmag", "l", "b", "beta"]
g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, params=params, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right',)
g.export(f"../plots/CB1_external_flow.png", dpi=500,)


In [ ]:
X = [
    # LOSS_CB2_1,

params = ["Vmag", "l", "b", "beta"]
g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, params=params, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right',)
g.export(f"../plots/CB2_external_flow.png", dpi=500,)
In [3]:
k = 0
LG = 0
LOSS_CB2_LG = read_samples("LOSS", "csiborg2_main", k, return_MCsamples=True,subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
FOUNDATION_CB2_LG = read_samples("Foundation", "csiborg2_main", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
# PANTHEON_CB2_LG = read_samples("Pantheon+", "csiborg2_main", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=0)
TWOMTF_CB2_LG = read_samples("2MTF", "csiborg2_main", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
SFIGAL_CB2_LG = read_samples("SFI_gals", "csiborg2_main", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)

LOSS_CB1_LG = read_samples("LOSS", "csiborg1", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
FOUNDATION_CB1_LG = read_samples("Foundation", "csiborg1", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
PANTHEON_CB1_LG = read_samples("Pantheon+", "csiborg1", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
TWOMTF_CB1_LG = read_samples("2MTF", "csiborg1", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
SFIGAL_CB1_LG = read_samples("SFI_gals", "csiborg1", k, return_MCsamples=True, subtract_LG_velocity=LG)
Reading LOSS fitted to csiborg2_main with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.383 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 758.646942 +- 7.900863
AIC  = 739.526703 +- 7.900863
logZ = -350.513582 +- 2.973401
Removed no burn in

Reading Foundation fitted to csiborg2_main with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.383 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 1862.151703 +- 5.628656
AIC  = 1833.948944 +- 5.628656
logZ = -902.754858 +- 2.689162
Removed no burn in

Reading 2MTF fitted to csiborg2_main with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.383 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 19248.799609 +- 38.583873
AIC  = 19202.635547 +- 38.583873
logZ = -9598.394336 +- 19.251815
Removed no burn in

Reading SFI_gals fitted to csiborg2_main with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.383 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 28779.863770 +- 42.922014
AIC  = 28730.453613 +- 42.922014
logZ = -14356.845068 +- 21.362802
Removed no burn in

Reading LOSS fitted to csiborg1 with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.3885 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 775.752704 +- 5.665501
AIC  = 756.632465 +- 5.665501
logZ = -358.973275 +- 2.379893
Removed no burn in

Reading Foundation fitted to csiborg1 with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.3885 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 1874.444986 +- 5.030578
AIC  = 1846.242227 +- 5.030578
logZ = -909.946525 +- 2.405679
Removed no burn in

Reading Pantheon+ fitted to csiborg1 with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.3885 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 10205.162612 +- 16.905323
AIC  = 10159.971206 +- 16.905323
logZ = -5071.152702 +- 8.458132
Removed no burn in

Reading 2MTF fitted to csiborg1 with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.3885 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 19922.607596 +- 33.988735
AIC  = 19876.443533 +- 33.988735
logZ = -9934.180538 +- 17.010780
Removed no burn in

Reading SFI_gals fitted to csiborg1 with ksmooth = 0.
Reading off enclosed velocity from R = 3.3885 Mpc / h.
BIC  = 29402.591449 +- 39.610700
AIC  = 29353.181293 +- 39.610700
logZ = -14665.444152 +- 19.734507
Removed no burn in
In [6]:
params = ["Vmag", "l", "b"]
CMB = MCSamples(samples=multivariate_normal([627, 276, 30], [22, 3, 3]).rvs(size=20000),
                names=params, labels=names_to_latex(params, True), label="CMB")

X = [
    # LOSS_CB1_LG,
    # LOSS_CB2_0,
    # LOSS_CB2_LG,
    # TWOMTF_CB1,
    # TWOMTF_CB1_LG,
    # TWOMTF_CB2,
    # TWOMTF_CB2_LG,
    # SFIGAL_CB2,
    # SFIGAL_CB2_LG,

g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False
g.settings.alpha_filled_add = 0.75
# g.settings.title_limit_fontsize = 14
g.triangle_plot(X, params=params, filled=True, legend_loc='upper right')
g.export(f"../plots/CB1_dipole.png", dpi=500,)
Removed no burn in
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]: