Richard Stiskalek 255bec9710
Quijote kNN adding (#62)
* Fix small bug

* Add fiducial observers

* Rename 1D knn

* Add new bounds system

* rm whitespace

* Add boudns

* Add simname to paths

* Add fiducial obserevrs

* apply bounds only if not none

* Add TODO

* add simnames

* update script

* Fix distance bug

* update yaml

* Update file reading

* Update gitignore

* Add plots

* add check if empty list

* add func to obtaining cross

* Update nb

* Remove blank lines

* update ignroes

* loop over a few ics

* update gitignore

* add comments
2023-05-15 23:30:10 +01:00

5.8 MiB

In [2]:
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scienceplots
import astroquery
from tqdm import trange, tqdm

import csiborgtools

%matplotlib widget 
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [38]:
# # Norma
cluster = {"RA": (16 + 15 / 60 + 32.8 / 60**2) * 15,
           "DEC": -60 + 54 / 60 + 30 / 60**2,
           "DIST": 67.8}

Xclust = np.array([cluster["DIST"], cluster["RA"], cluster["DEC"]]).reshape(1, -1)
In [39]:
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsims = paths.get_ics(False)
In [29]:
Xclust = np.array([cluster["DIST"], cluster["RA"], cluster["DEC"]]).reshape(1, -1)
In [33]:
matches = np.full(len(nsims), np.nan)

for ii in trange(101):
    cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGHaloCatalogue(nsims[ii], paths, minmass=('M', 1e13))
    dist, ind = cat.angular_neighbours(Xclust, ang_radius=5, rad_tolerance=10)
    dist = dist[0]
    ind = ind[0]

    if ind.size > 0:
        matches[ii] = np.max(cat['M'][ind])
100%|██████████| 101/101 [00:44<00:00,  2.25it/s]
In [37]:
x = np.log10(matches[~np.isnan(matches)])

plt.hist(x, bins=10)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]: