Richard Stiskalek 255bec9710
Quijote kNN adding (#62)
* Fix small bug

* Add fiducial observers

* Rename 1D knn

* Add new bounds system

* rm whitespace

* Add boudns

* Add simname to paths

* Add fiducial obserevrs

* apply bounds only if not none

* Add TODO

* add simnames

* update script

* Fix distance bug

* update yaml

* Update file reading

* Update gitignore

* Add plots

* add check if empty list

* add func to obtaining cross

* Update nb

* Remove blank lines

* update ignroes

* loop over a few ics

* update gitignore

* add comments
2023-05-15 23:30:10 +01:00

5.8 MiB

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import scienceplots
from h5py import File

import plt_utils

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [12]:
with File("/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg_postprocessing/ACL/BORG2_0.25.hdf5", 'r') as f:
    voxel_acl = f['voxel_acl'][...].flatten()
    voxel_dist = f['voxel_dist'][...].flatten()
In [28]:
bins = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 10)


mask = voxel_dist < 20
plt.hist(voxel_acl[mask], bins="auto", histtype='step', density=1, label=r"$0 < R / (\mathrm{Mpc} / h)  < 20$")

mask = (voxel_dist > 20) & (voxel_dist < 40)
plt.hist(voxel_acl[mask], bins="auto", histtype='step', density=1, label=r"$20 < R / (\mathrm{Mpc} / h)  < 40$")

mask = (voxel_dist > 40) & (voxel_dist < 60)
plt.hist(voxel_acl[mask], bins="auto", histtype='step', density=1, label=r"$40 < R / (\mathrm{Mpc} / h)  < 60$")

# plt.scatter(voxel_dist.flatten(), voxel_acl.flatten(), s=0.1)
plt.title("ACL of individual voxels")
plt.ylabel(r"Normalized bin counts")

plt.savefig("../plots/BORG_Stephen_ACL.png", dpi=450)
No description has been provided for this image
In [ ]: