Richard Stiskalek
Basic matching (#2)
* add recarray manipulations
* add cart to radec
* add behav so x can be a list
* add import
* create empty files
* ignore plots file
* add planck data
* add read_mmain file
* add cols_to_structured import
* use cols_to_structured
* add cols_to_structued
* add read_mmain import
* add reading planck
* add mass conversion
* add brute force separation calculation
* update nb
* rename & int dtype
* add func to get csiborg ids
* add list to nd array conversion
* add utils
* rename file
* add 2M++
* add read 2mpp
* add 2mpp shortcut
* add randoms generator
* Change range of RA [0, 360]
* fix ang wrapping
* add code for sphere 2pcf
* rm wrapping
* optionally load only a few borgs
* update nb
2022-10-18 19:41:20 +01:00 |