
168 lines
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import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from jax.lax import FftType
from jax.sharding import PartitionSpec as P
from jaxdecomp import fftfreq3d, get_output_specs
from jaxpm.distributed import autoshmap
def fftk(k_array):
Generate Fourier transform wave numbers for a given mesh.
nc (int): Shape of the mesh grid.
list: List of wave number arrays for each dimension in
the order [kx, ky, kz].
kx, ky, kz = fftfreq3d(k_array)
# to the order of dimensions in the transposed FFT
return kx, ky, kz
def interpolate_power_spectrum(input, k, pk, sharding=None):
pk_fn = lambda x: jnp.interp(x.reshape(-1), k, pk).reshape(x.shape)
gpu_mesh = sharding.mesh if sharding is not None else None
specs = sharding.spec if sharding is not None else P()
out_specs = P(*get_output_specs(
FftType.FFT, specs, mesh=gpu_mesh)) if gpu_mesh is not None else P()
return autoshmap(pk_fn,
def gradient_kernel(kvec, direction, fd=True):
Computes the gradient kernel in the requested direction
kvec: list
List of wave-vectors in Fourier space
direction: int
Index of the direction in which to take the gradient
wts: array
Complex kernel values
if fd == False:
wts = 1j * kvec[direction]
wts = jnp.squeeze(wts)
wts = wts.at[len(wts) // 2].set(0)
wts = wts.reshape(kvec[direction].shape)
return wts
w = kvec[direction]
#a = 1 / 6.0 * (8 * jnp.sin(w) - jnp.sin(2 * w))
wts = jnp.sin(w) * 1j
#wts = a * 1j
return wts
def invlaplace_kernel(kvec, fd=False):
Compute the inverse Laplace kernel.
cf. [Feng+2016](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.00476)
kvec: list
List of wave-vectors
fd: bool
Finite difference kernel
wts: array
Complex kernel values
if fd:
#kk = sum((ki * jnp.sinc(ki / (2 * jnp.pi)))**2 for ki in kvec)
print("new kernel")
kk = sum(4*(jnp.sin(ki/2)**2) for ki in kvec)
kk = sum(ki**2 for ki in kvec)
kk_nozeros = jnp.where(kk == 0, 1, kk)
return -jnp.where(kk == 0, 0, 1 / kk_nozeros)
def longrange_kernel(kvec, r_split):
Computes a long range kernel
kvec: list
List of wave-vectors
r_split: float
Splitting radius
wts: array
Complex kernel values
TODO: @modichirag add documentation
if r_split != 0:
kk = sum(ki**2 for ki in kvec)
return np.exp(-kk * r_split**2)
return 1.
def cic_compensation(kvec):
Computes cic compensation kernel.
Adapted from https://github.com/bccp/nbodykit/blob/a387cf429d8cb4a07bb19e3b4325ffdf279a131e/nbodykit/source/mesh/catalog.py#L499
Itself based on equation 18 (with p=2) of
[Jing et al 2005](https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0409240)
kvec: list
List of wave-vectors
wts: array
Complex kernel values
kwts = [jnp.sinc(kvec[i] / (2 * np.pi)) for i in range(3)]
wts = (kwts[0] * kwts[1] * kwts[2])**(-2)
return wts
def PGD_kernel(kvec, kl, ks):
Computes the PGD kernel
kvec: list
List of wave-vectors
kl: float
Initial long range scale parameter
ks: float
Initial dhort range scale parameter
v: array
Complex kernel values
kk = sum(ki**2 for ki in kvec)
kl2 = kl**2
ks4 = ks**4
mask = (kk == 0).nonzero()
kk[mask] = 1
v = jnp.exp(-kl2 / kk) * jnp.exp(-kk**2 / ks4)
imask = (~(kk == 0)).astype(int)
v *= imask
return v