graphmask 28 # © M E C Swanson 2008 #An sm script to plot mangle graphics files #first argument: mangle graphics file to read: *.grph #second argument: postscript file for output graph: *.eps #third and fourth arguments: optional range for right ascension to plot # (use 0 0 to plot using range from data) #fifth and sixth arguments: optional range for declination to plot # (use 0 0 to plot with dec range adjusted to give equal scaling on x and y axes, # centered on the range of all the data.) #seventh argument: title of graph: "I am a title" #eighth argument: optional switch: 0 for outlines off, 1 for outlines on (default is 0) # #WARNINGS: # -This script uses the opposite color scheme than the matlab script, i.e., # weight 1 = black, weight 0 = white # -RA and Dec are treated as linear variables (no spherical projection). This means that # ranges that span RA=0 won't plot properly. # -SM can only plot square eps files, so if you define both RA and Dec range, they should # have the same length, otherwise your plot will appear stretched. # -SM has a line length limit of 1500 characters, which SDSS tends to have no trouble overloading. # If you get an error reading the file, try making your graphics file with lower precision and # fewer points per 2pi, i.e., use poly2poly -og12 -p3 instead of poly2poly -og30. # #USAGE: sm -m $MANGLESCRIPTSDIR/ <infile> <outfile> [<ramin> <ramax>] [<decmin> <decmax>] [<title>] [<outlines>] #EXAMPLES: #default range, no outlines: sm -m $MANGLESCRIPTSDIR/ sdss_slice.grph sdss_slice.eps #defined RA range, outlines: sm -m $MANGLESCRIPTSDIR/ sdss_slice.grph sdss_slice.eps "SDSS slice" 0 35 0 0 1 #defined range, no outlines: sm -m $MANGLESCRIPTSDIR/ sdss_slice.grph sdss_slice.eps "SDSS slice" 10 20 10 20 #defined range, outlines: sm -m sdss_slice.grph sdss_slice.eps "SDSS slice" 10 20 10 20 1 # data $1 device postfilecolour $2 #location $gx1 $gx2 $gy1 $(.77*($gx2-$gx1)) if($?3) { define title $3 } if($?3 && $?4) { if(!($3==0 && $4==0)){ define azmin $3 define azmax $4 } } if($?5 && $?6) { if(!($5==0 && $6==0)){ define elmin $5 define elmax $6 } } if($?7) { define title $7 } if($?8) { define outlines $8 } else { define outlines 0 } define i 0 # i = current line to read in file define in_header 1 # in_header = 1 if reading header of file #process header information while{$in_header} { define i ($i+1) read row header $i.s if (header[1]=='polygons'){ define npoly (ATOF((header[0]))) } else { if (header[0]=='unit'){ define unit (header[1]) } else { if (header[0]=='graphics'){ #we've reached the body of the data file, so move on define in_header 0 } else { write standard Unrecognized format in line $i of $1. write standard Please fix the data file and try again. write smerr.temp 1 quit }}} } define i_start $i #i_start = first line of data define polycount 0 define first_poly 1 #process polygon data define numlines ($i_start+2*$npoly-1) while { $i < $numlines } { read row specs $i.s if(specs[0]!='graphics' || dimen(specs)!=12){ write standard Formatting error in line $i of $1 write standard Your data file probably contains a line over 1500 characters long. write standard Please try to make your data file with shorter lines: write standard i.e., use poly2poly -og10 -p3 instead of poly2poly -og30. write smerr.temp 1 quit } set id = ATOF(specs[1]) set n_tot = ATOF(specs[3]) set edges = ATOF(specs[5]) set w = ATOF(specs[7]) set midx = ATOF(specs[9]) set midy = ATOF(specs[10]) define numpoints (n_tot[0]) while{$numpoints>0}{ read row polypoints $($i+1) set n = (dimen(polypoints)/2) define numpoints ( $numpoints - n[0]) #if there are still points to read in for this polygon, #we need to read in another line if($numpoints>0){ write standard "extra line for disconnected polygon" define numlines ($numlines+1) } #separate list of points in x y x y x y ... format into x and y vectors set ix = 0,2*n[0]-2,2 #even numbers set iy = 1,2*n[0]-1,2 #odd numbers # x = numbers with even list indices (indices start at 0) # y = numbers with odd list indices # tack first point on at end to close the polygon set x=polypoints[ix] CONCAT polypoints[0] set y=polypoints[iy] CONCAT polypoints[1] # if polygon is in range to be plotted, add it to plot list if($first_poly){ #if this is the first polygon in list, start the list set x_all = x set y_all = y set numpoints = n+1 set weight = w define first_poly 0 } else { #otherwise, tack this one on to the list set x_all = x_all CONCAT x set y_all = y_all CONCAT y set numpoints = numpoints CONCAT (n+1) set weight = weight CONCAT w } define i ($i+1) define polycount ($polycount+1) } define i ($i+1) } limits x_all y_all #adjust limits so the axes have equal scaling if( ($fx2-$fx1)/$nx > ($fy2-$fy1)/$ny ) { define ymid (($fy1+$fy2)/2) define ymin ($ymid - .5*($fx2-$fx1)*$ny/$nx) define ymax ($ymid + .5*($fx2-$fx1)*$ny/$nx) define xmin $fx1 define xmax $fx2 } else { if( ($fx2-$fx1)/$nx < ($fy2-$fy1)/$ny ) { define xmid (($fx1+$fx2)/2) define xmin ($xmid - .5*($fy2-$fy1)*$nx/$ny) define xmax ($xmid + .5*($fy2-$fy1)*$nx/$ny) define ymin $fy1 define ymax $fy2 }} limits $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax #if limits have been specified as arguments, use them if($?azmin && $?azmax) { write standard using user-defined limits for RA define scale (($azmax-$azmin)/($xmax-$xmin)) define ymid (($fy1+$fy2)/2) define ymin ($ymid - .5*($fy2-$fy1)*$scale) define ymax ($ymid + .5*($fy2-$fy1)*$scale) define xmin $azmin define xmax $azmax if($?elmin && $?elmax) { write standard using user-defined limits for dec define ymin $elmin define ymax $elmax } } limits $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax expand 1.00001 ANGLE 0 AXIS $fx2 $fx1 0 0 $gx1 $gy1 $($gx2-$gx1) 1 $(0) AXIS $fx2 $fx1 0 0 $gx1 $gy2 $($gx2-$gx1) 0 $(1) ANGLE 90 AXIS $fy1 $fy2 0 0 $gx1 $gy1 $($gy2-$gy1) 2 $(1) AXIS $fy1 $fy2 0 0 $gx2 $gy1 $($gy2-$gy1) 0 $(0) ANGLE 0 #box xlabel Right Ascension ($unit) ylabel Declination ($unit) identification if ($?title) { define titlepos ($gy2+100) relocate ($gx1 $titlepos) putlabel 9 $title } define j 0 do i=0,$polycount-1 { set k = $j, $j+numpoints[$i]-1 set x=x_all[k] set y=y_all[k] #flip so that RA increases from right to left set x = $fx1+$fx2-x define j ($j+numpoints[$i]) define gray (int(50+ 200*(1-weight[$i]))) ctype = <0 $gray 255> + 256*<0 $gray 255> + 256*256*<0 $gray 255> #check if polygon is clockwise or counterclockwise set ii=0,numpoints[$i]-2 set iplus=1,numpoints[$i]-1 set cross=((x[ii]*y[iplus])-(x[iplus]*y[ii])) #ishole should be positive if polygon is a hole set ishole=(.5*sum(cross)) if($outlines){ ctype 0 connect x y } else { ctype 1 connect x y } if (ishole > 0){ ctype 2 shade 0 x y } else { ctype 1 shade 0 x y } } quit #end