#!/bin/sh # USAGE: plotmap.sh <Nside_out> <fits_infile> <gif_outfile> # EXAMPLE: plotmap.sh 512 qaz.fits qaz.gif #check command line arguments if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: enter the output Nside value, the name of the input file," echo >&2 "and the name of the output file as command line arguments." echo >&2 "" echo >&2 "USAGE: plotmap.sh <Nside_out> <fits_infile> <gif_outfile>" echo >&2 "EXAMPLE: plotmap.sh 512 qaz.fits qaz.gif" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "NOTE: This script requires a HEALPix installation" echo "Creating $3..." #echo 'WARNING: plotmap disabled' #exit res=$1 infile=$2 outfile="qaz_plotmap.fits" echo 'nside_out = '$res >qaz_ud_grade.dat echo 'infile = '$infile >>qaz_ud_grade.dat echo 'outfile = '$outfile >>qaz_ud_grade.dat if [ -e $outfile ] ; then /bin/rm $outfile fi ud_grade qaz_ud_grade.dat if [ -e $3 ] ; then /bin/rm $3 fi # default mangle limits (weights range from 0 to 1) map2gif -inp qaz_plotmap.fits -out $3 -bar .true. -add 0 -min 0 -max 1 # default WMAP limits #map2gif -inp qaz_plotmap.fits -out $1.gif -bar .true. -add 0.2 -min 0 -max 0.4 rm qaz_plotmap.fits qaz_ud_grade.dat