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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\AsyncContext;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\AsyncResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\IpUtils;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ChunkInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface;
* Decorator that blocks requests to private networks by default.
* @author Hallison Boaventura <hallisonboaventura@gmail.com>
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
final class NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient implements HttpClientInterface, LoggerAwareInterface, ResetInterface
use HttpClientTrait;
use AsyncDecoratorTrait;
private const PRIVATE_SUBNETS = [
private $defaultOptions = self::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS;
private $client;
private $subnets;
private $ipFlags;
private $dnsCache;
* @param string|array|null $subnets String or array of subnets using CIDR notation that should be considered private.
* If null is passed, the standard private subnets will be used.
public function __construct(HttpClientInterface $client, $subnets = null)
if (!(\is_array($subnets) || \is_string($subnets) || null === $subnets)) {
throw new \TypeError(sprintf('Argument 2 passed to "%s()" must be of the type array, string or null. "%s" given.', __METHOD__, get_debug_type($subnets)));
if (!class_exists(IpUtils::class)) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use "%s" if the HttpFoundation component is not installed. Try running "composer require symfony/http-foundation".', __CLASS__));
if (null === $subnets) {
} else {
$ipFlags = 0;
foreach ((array) $subnets as $subnet) {
$ipFlags |= str_contains($subnet, ':') ? \FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 : \FILTER_FLAG_IPV4;
if (!\defined('STREAM_PF_INET6')) {
$ipFlags &= ~\FILTER_FLAG_IPV6;
$this->client = $client;
$this->subnets = null !== $subnets ? (array) $subnets : null;
$this->ipFlags = $ipFlags;
$this->dnsCache = new \ArrayObject();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function request(string $method, string $url, array $options = []): ResponseInterface
[$url, $options] = self::prepareRequest($method, $url, $options, $this->defaultOptions, true);
$redirectHeaders = parse_url($url['authority']);
$host = $redirectHeaders['host'];
$url = implode('', $url);
$dnsCache = $this->dnsCache;
$ip = self::dnsResolve($dnsCache, $host, $this->ipFlags, $options);
self::ipCheck($ip, $this->subnets, $this->ipFlags, $host, $url);
$onProgress = $options['on_progress'] ?? null;
$subnets = $this->subnets;
$ipFlags = $this->ipFlags;
$lastPrimaryIp = '';
$options['on_progress'] = static function (int $dlNow, int $dlSize, array $info) use ($onProgress, $subnets, $ipFlags, &$lastPrimaryIp): void {
if (!\in_array($info['primary_ip'] ?? '', ['', $lastPrimaryIp], true)) {
self::ipCheck($info['primary_ip'], $subnets, $ipFlags, null, $info['url']);
$lastPrimaryIp = $info['primary_ip'];
null !== $onProgress && $onProgress($dlNow, $dlSize, $info);
if (0 >= $maxRedirects = $options['max_redirects']) {
return new AsyncResponse($this->client, $method, $url, $options);
$options['max_redirects'] = 0;
$redirectHeaders['with_auth'] = $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = $options['headers'];
if (isset($options['normalized_headers']['host']) || isset($options['normalized_headers']['authorization']) || isset($options['normalized_headers']['cookie'])) {
$redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['no_auth'], static function ($h) {
return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Host:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Authorization:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Cookie:');
return new AsyncResponse($this->client, $method, $url, $options, static function (ChunkInterface $chunk, AsyncContext $context) use (&$method, &$options, $maxRedirects, &$redirectHeaders, $subnets, $ipFlags, $dnsCache): \Generator {
if (null !== $chunk->getError() || $chunk->isTimeout() || !$chunk->isFirst()) {
yield $chunk;
$statusCode = $context->getStatusCode();
if ($statusCode < 300 || 400 <= $statusCode || null === $url = $context->getInfo('redirect_url')) {
yield $chunk;
$host = parse_url($url, \PHP_URL_HOST);
$ip = self::dnsResolve($dnsCache, $host, $ipFlags, $options);
self::ipCheck($ip, $subnets, $ipFlags, $host, $url);
// Do like curl and browsers: turn POST to GET on 301, 302 and 303
if (303 === $statusCode || 'POST' === $method && \in_array($statusCode, [301, 302], true)) {
$method = 'HEAD' === $method ? 'HEAD' : 'GET';
unset($options['body'], $options['json']);
if (isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-length']) || isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-type']) || isset($options['normalized_headers']['transfer-encoding'])) {
$filterContentHeaders = static function ($h) {
return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Content-Length:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Content-Type:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Transfer-Encoding:');
$options['header'] = array_filter($options['header'], $filterContentHeaders);
$redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['no_auth'], $filterContentHeaders);
$redirectHeaders['with_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['with_auth'], $filterContentHeaders);
// Authorization and Cookie headers MUST NOT follow except for the initial host name
$options['headers'] = $redirectHeaders['host'] === $host ? $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] : $redirectHeaders['no_auth'];
static $redirectCount = 0;
$context->setInfo('redirect_count', ++$redirectCount);
$context->replaceRequest($method, $url, $options);
if ($redirectCount >= $maxRedirects) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger): void
if ($this->client instanceof LoggerAwareInterface) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function withOptions(array $options): self
$clone = clone $this;
$clone->client = $this->client->withOptions($options);
$clone->defaultOptions = self::mergeDefaultOptions($options, $this->defaultOptions);
return $clone;
public function reset()
if ($this->client instanceof ResetInterface) {
private static function dnsResolve(\ArrayObject $dnsCache, string $host, int $ipFlags, array &$options): string
if ($ip = filter_var(trim($host, '[]'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) ?: $options['resolve'][$host] ?? false) {
return $ip;
if ($dnsCache->offsetExists($host)) {
return $dnsCache[$host];
if ((\FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 & $ipFlags) && $ip = gethostbynamel($host)) {
return $options['resolve'][$host] = $dnsCache[$host] = $ip[0];
if (!(\FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 & $ipFlags)) {
return $host;
if ($ip = dns_get_record($host, \DNS_AAAA)) {
$ip = $ip[0]['ipv6'];
} elseif (extension_loaded('sockets')) {
if (!$info = socket_addrinfo_lookup($host, 0, ['ai_socktype' => \SOCK_STREAM, 'ai_family' => \AF_INET6])) {
return $host;
$ip = socket_addrinfo_explain($info[0])['ai_addr']['sin6_addr'];
} elseif ('localhost' === $host || 'localhost.' === $host) {
$ip = '::1';
} else {
return $host;
return $options['resolve'][$host] = $dnsCache[$host] = $ip;
private static function ipCheck(string $ip, ?array $subnets, int $ipFlags, ?string $host, string $url): void
if (null === $subnets) {
// Quick check, but not reliable enough, see https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/16944
if (false !== filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, $ipFlags) && !IpUtils::checkIp($ip, $subnets ?? self::PRIVATE_SUBNETS)) {
if (null !== $host) {
$type = 'Host';
} else {
$host = $ip;
$type = 'IP';
throw new TransportException($type.\sprintf(' "%s" is blocked for "%s".', $host, $url));