288 lines
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288 lines
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namespace Doctrine\DBAL;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PgSQL;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLite3;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLSrv;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\MalformedDsnException;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\DsnParser;
use Doctrine\Deprecations\Deprecation;
use SensitiveParameter;
use function array_keys;
use function array_merge;
use function is_a;
* Factory for creating {@see Connection} instances.
* @psalm-type OverrideParams = array{
* application_name?: string,
* charset?: string,
* dbname?: string,
* default_dbname?: string,
* driver?: key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>,
* driverClass?: class-string<Driver>,
* driverOptions?: array<mixed>,
* host?: string,
* password?: string,
* path?: string,
* persistent?: bool,
* platform?: Platforms\AbstractPlatform,
* port?: int,
* serverVersion?: string,
* url?: string,
* user?: string,
* unix_socket?: string,
* }
* @psalm-type Params = array{
* application_name?: string,
* charset?: string,
* dbname?: string,
* defaultTableOptions?: array<string, mixed>,
* default_dbname?: string,
* driver?: key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>,
* driverClass?: class-string<Driver>,
* driverOptions?: array<mixed>,
* host?: string,
* keepSlave?: bool,
* keepReplica?: bool,
* master?: OverrideParams,
* memory?: bool,
* password?: string,
* path?: string,
* persistent?: bool,
* platform?: Platforms\AbstractPlatform,
* port?: int,
* primary?: OverrideParams,
* replica?: array<OverrideParams>,
* serverVersion?: string,
* sharding?: array<string,mixed>,
* slaves?: array<OverrideParams>,
* url?: string,
* user?: string,
* wrapperClass?: class-string<Connection>,
* unix_socket?: string,
* }
final class DriverManager
* List of supported drivers and their mappings to the driver classes.
* To add your own driver use the 'driverClass' parameter to {@see DriverManager::getConnection()}.
private const DRIVER_MAP = [
'pdo_mysql' => PDO\MySQL\Driver::class,
'pdo_sqlite' => PDO\SQLite\Driver::class,
'pdo_pgsql' => PDO\PgSQL\Driver::class,
'pdo_oci' => PDO\OCI\Driver::class,
'oci8' => OCI8\Driver::class,
'ibm_db2' => IBMDB2\Driver::class,
'pdo_sqlsrv' => PDO\SQLSrv\Driver::class,
'mysqli' => Mysqli\Driver::class,
'pgsql' => PgSQL\Driver::class,
'sqlsrv' => SQLSrv\Driver::class,
'sqlite3' => SQLite3\Driver::class,
* List of URL schemes from a database URL and their mappings to driver.
* @deprecated Use actual driver names instead.
* @var array<string, string>
* @psalm-var array<string, key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>>
private static array $driverSchemeAliases = [
'db2' => 'ibm_db2',
'mssql' => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
'mysql' => 'pdo_mysql',
'mysql2' => 'pdo_mysql', // Amazon RDS, for some weird reason
'postgres' => 'pdo_pgsql',
'postgresql' => 'pdo_pgsql',
'pgsql' => 'pdo_pgsql',
'sqlite' => 'pdo_sqlite',
'sqlite3' => 'pdo_sqlite',
* Private constructor. This class cannot be instantiated.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function __construct()
* Creates a connection object based on the specified parameters.
* This method returns a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection which wraps the underlying
* driver connection.
* $params must contain at least one of the following.
* Either 'driver' with one of the array keys of {@see DRIVER_MAP},
* OR 'driverClass' that contains the full class name (with namespace) of the
* driver class to instantiate.
* Other (optional) parameters:
* <b>user (string)</b>:
* The username to use when connecting.
* <b>password (string)</b>:
* The password to use when connecting.
* <b>driverOptions (array)</b>:
* Any additional driver-specific options for the driver. These are just passed
* through to the driver.
* <b>wrapperClass</b>:
* You may specify a custom wrapper class through the 'wrapperClass'
* parameter but this class MUST inherit from Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.
* <b>driverClass</b>:
* The driver class to use.
* @param Configuration|null $config The configuration to use.
* @param EventManager|null $eventManager The event manager to use.
* @psalm-param Params $params
* @psalm-return ($params is array{wrapperClass: class-string<T>} ? T : Connection)
* @throws Exception
* @template T of Connection
public static function getConnection(
array $params,
?Configuration $config = null,
?EventManager $eventManager = null
): Connection {
// create default config and event manager, if not set
$config ??= new Configuration();
$eventManager ??= new EventManager();
$params = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params);
// URL support for PrimaryReplicaConnection
if (isset($params['primary'])) {
$params['primary'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['primary']);
if (isset($params['replica'])) {
foreach ($params['replica'] as $key => $replicaParams) {
$params['replica'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($replicaParams);
$driver = self::createDriver($params['driver'] ?? null, $params['driverClass'] ?? null);
foreach ($config->getMiddlewares() as $middleware) {
$driver = $middleware->wrap($driver);
$wrapperClass = $params['wrapperClass'] ?? Connection::class;
if (! is_a($wrapperClass, Connection::class, true)) {
throw Exception::invalidWrapperClass($wrapperClass);
return new $wrapperClass($params, $driver, $config, $eventManager);
* Returns the list of supported drivers.
* @return string[]
* @psalm-return list<key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>>
public static function getAvailableDrivers(): array
return array_keys(self::DRIVER_MAP);
* @throws Exception
* @psalm-assert key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>|null $driver
* @psalm-assert class-string<Driver>|null $driverClass
private static function createDriver(?string $driver, ?string $driverClass): Driver
if ($driverClass === null) {
if ($driver === null) {
throw Exception::driverRequired();
if (! isset(self::DRIVER_MAP[$driver])) {
throw Exception::unknownDriver($driver, array_keys(self::DRIVER_MAP));
$driverClass = self::DRIVER_MAP[$driver];
} elseif (! is_a($driverClass, Driver::class, true)) {
throw Exception::invalidDriverClass($driverClass);
return new $driverClass();
* Extracts parts from a database URL, if present, and returns an
* updated list of parameters.
* @param mixed[] $params The list of parameters.
* @psalm-param Params $params
* @return mixed[] A modified list of parameters with info from a database
* URL extracted into indidivual parameter parts.
* @psalm-return Params
* @throws Exception
private static function parseDatabaseUrl(
array $params
): array {
if (! isset($params['url'])) {
return $params;
'The "url" connection parameter is deprecated. Please use %s to parse a database url before calling %s.',
$parser = new DsnParser(self::$driverSchemeAliases);
try {
$parsedParams = $parser->parse($params['url']);
} catch (MalformedDsnException $e) {
throw new Exception('Malformed parameter "url".', 0, $e);
if (isset($parsedParams['driver'])) {
// The requested driver from the URL scheme takes precedence
// over the default custom driver from the connection parameters (if any).
$params = array_merge($params, $parsedParams);
// If a schemeless connection URL is given, we require a default driver or default custom driver
// as connection parameter.
if (! isset($params['driverClass']) && ! isset($params['driver'])) {
throw Exception::driverRequired($params['url']);
return $params;