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4596 lines
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namespace PhpMyAdmin\Config;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Console;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Debug;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Export;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Import;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Schema;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Server;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\SqlQueryBox;
use PhpMyAdmin\Config\Settings\Transformations;
use function array_keys;
use function count;
use function defined;
use function get_object_vars;
use function in_array;
use function is_array;
use function is_int;
use function is_string;
use function min;
use function strlen;
use const ROOT_PATH;
use const TEMP_DIR;
// phpcs:disable Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
* @psalm-immutable
final class Settings
* Your phpMyAdmin URL.
* Complete the variable below with the full URL ie
* https://example.com/path_to_your_phpMyAdmin_directory/
* It must contain characters that are valid for a URL, and the path is
* case sensitive on some Web servers, for example Unix-based servers.
* In most cases you can leave this variable empty, as the correct value
* will be detected automatically. However, we recommend that you do
* test to see that the auto-detection code works in your system. A good
* test is to browse a table, then edit a row and save it. There will be
* an error message if phpMyAdmin cannot auto-detect the correct value.
* @var string
public $PmaAbsoluteUri;
* Configure authentication logging destination
* @var string
public $AuthLog;
* Whether to log successful authentication attempts
* @var bool
public $AuthLogSuccess;
* Disable the default warning that is displayed on the DB Details Structure page if
* any of the required Tables for the configuration storage could not be found
* @var bool
public $PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning;
* Disable the default warning that is displayed if Suhosin is detected
* @var bool
public $SuhosinDisableWarning;
* Disable the default warning that is displayed if session.gc_maxlifetime
* is less than `LoginCookieValidity`
* @var bool
public $LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning;
* Disable the default warning about MySQL reserved words in column names
* @var bool
public $ReservedWordDisableWarning;
* Show warning about incomplete translations on certain threshold.
* @var int
public $TranslationWarningThreshold;
* Allows phpMyAdmin to be included from a other document in a frame;
* setting this to true is a potential security hole. Setting this to
* 'sameorigin' prevents phpMyAdmin to be included from another document
* in a frame, unless that document belongs to the same domain.
* @var bool|string
* @psalm-var bool|'sameorigin'
public $AllowThirdPartyFraming;
* The 'cookie' auth_type uses the Sodium extension to encrypt the cookies. If at least one server configuration
* uses 'cookie' auth_type, enter here a generated string of random bytes to be used as an encryption key. The
* encryption key must be 32 bytes long.
* @var string
public $blowfish_secret;
* Server(s) configuration
* The $cfg['Servers'] array starts with $cfg['Servers'][1]. Do not use
* $cfg['Servers'][0]. You can disable a server configuration entry by setting host
* to ''. If you want more than one server, just copy following section
* (including $i incrementation) several times. There is no need to define
* full server array, just define values you need to change.
* @var array<int, Server>
* @psalm-var array<int<1, max>, Server>
public $Servers;
* Default server (0 = no default server)
* If you have more than one server configured, you can set $cfg['ServerDefault']
* to any one of them to auto-connect to that server when phpMyAdmin is started,
* or set it to 0 to be given a list of servers without logging in
* If you have only one server configured, $cfg['ServerDefault'] *MUST* be
* set to that server.
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $ServerDefault;
* whether version check is active
* @var bool
public $VersionCheck;
* The url of the proxy to be used when retrieving the information about
* the latest version of phpMyAdmin or error reporting. You need this if
* the server where phpMyAdmin is installed does not have direct access to
* the internet.
* The format is: "hostname:portnumber"
* @var string
public $ProxyUrl;
* The username for authenticating with the proxy. By default, no
* authentication is performed. If a username is supplied, Basic
* Authentication will be performed. No other types of authentication
* are currently supported.
* @var string
public $ProxyUser;
* The password for authenticating with the proxy.
* @var string
public $ProxyPass;
* maximum number of db's displayed in database list
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxDbList;
* maximum number of tables displayed in table list
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxTableList;
* whether to show hint or not
* @var bool
public $ShowHint;
* maximum number of characters when a SQL query is displayed
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL;
* use GZIP output buffering if possible (true|false|'auto')
* @var string|bool
* @psalm-var 'auto'|bool
public $OBGzip;
* use persistent connections to MySQL database
* @var bool
public $PersistentConnections;
* maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit)
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $ExecTimeLimit;
* Path for storing session data (session_save_path PHP parameter).
* @var string
public $SessionSavePath;
* Hosts or IPs to consider safe when checking if SSL is used or not
* @var string[]
public $MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts;
* maximum allocated bytes ('-1' for no limit, '0' for no change)
* this is a string because '16M' is a valid value; we must put here
* a string as the default value so that /setup accepts strings
* @var string
public $MemoryLimit;
* mark used tables, make possible to show locked tables (since MySQL 3.23.30)
* @var bool
public $SkipLockedTables;
* show SQL queries as run
* @var bool
public $ShowSQL;
* retain SQL input on Ajax execute
* @var bool
public $RetainQueryBox;
* use CodeMirror syntax highlighting for editing SQL
* @var bool
public $CodemirrorEnable;
* use the parser to find any errors in the query before executing
* @var bool
public $LintEnable;
* show a 'Drop database' link to normal users
* @var bool
public $AllowUserDropDatabase;
* confirm some commands that can result in loss of data
* @var bool
public $Confirm;
* sets SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'Lax'|'Strict'|'None'
public $CookieSameSite;
* recall previous login in cookie authentication mode or not
* @var bool
public $LoginCookieRecall;
* validity of cookie login (in seconds; 1440 matches php.ini's
* session.gc_maxlifetime)
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $LoginCookieValidity;
* how long login cookie should be stored (in seconds)
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $LoginCookieStore;
* whether to delete all login cookies on logout
* @var bool
public $LoginCookieDeleteAll;
* whether to enable the "database search" feature or not
* @var bool
public $UseDbSearch;
* if set to true, PMA continues computing multiple-statement queries
* even if one of the queries failed
* @var bool
public $IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors;
* Define whether phpMyAdmin will encrypt sensitive data from the URL query string.
* @var bool
public $URLQueryEncryption;
* A secret key used to encrypt/decrypt the URL query string. Should be 32 bytes long.
* @var string
public $URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey;
* allow login to any user entered server in cookie based authentication
* @var bool
public $AllowArbitraryServer;
* restrict by IP (with regular expression) the MySQL servers the user can enter
* when $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] = true
* @var string
public $ArbitraryServerRegexp;
* To enable reCaptcha v2 checkbox mode if necessary
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'invisible'|'checkbox'
public $CaptchaMethod;
* URL for the reCaptcha v2 compatible API to use
* @var string
public $CaptchaApi;
* Content-Security-Policy snippet for the reCaptcha v2 compatible API
* @var string
public $CaptchaCsp;
* reCaptcha API's request parameter name
* @var string
public $CaptchaRequestParam;
* reCaptcha API's response parameter name
* @var string
public $CaptchaResponseParam;
* if reCaptcha is enabled it needs public key to connect with the service
* @var string
public $CaptchaLoginPublicKey;
* if reCaptcha is enabled it needs private key to connect with the service
* @var string
public $CaptchaLoginPrivateKey;
* if reCaptcha is enabled may need an URL for site verify
* @var string
public $CaptchaSiteVerifyURL;
* Enable drag and drop import
* @see https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/13155
* @var bool
public $enable_drag_drop_import;
* In the navigation panel, replaces the database tree with a selector
* @var bool
public $ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree;
* maximum number of first level databases displayed in navigation panel
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $FirstLevelNavigationItems;
* maximum number of items displayed in navigation panel
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxNavigationItems;
* turn the select-based light menu into a tree
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeEnableGrouping;
* the separator to sub-tree the select-based light menu tree
* @var string
public $NavigationTreeDbSeparator;
* Which string will be used to generate table prefixes
* to split/nest tables into multiple categories
* @var string|string[]|false
public $NavigationTreeTableSeparator;
* How many sublevels should be displayed when splitting up tables
* by the above Separator
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $NavigationTreeTableLevel;
* link with main panel by highlighting the current db/table
* @var bool
public $NavigationLinkWithMainPanel;
* display logo at top of navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationDisplayLogo;
* where should logo link point to (can also contain an external URL)
* @var string
public $NavigationLogoLink;
* whether to open the linked page in the main window ('main') or
* in a new window ('new')
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'main'|'new'
public $NavigationLogoLinkWindow;
* number of recently used tables displayed in the navigation panel
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $NumRecentTables;
* number of favorite tables displayed in the navigation panel
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $NumFavoriteTables;
* display a JavaScript table filter in the navigation panel
* when more then x tables are present
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum;
* display server choice at top of navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationDisplayServers;
* server choice as links
* @var bool
public $DisplayServersList;
* display a JavaScript database filter in the navigation panel
* when more then x databases are present
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum;
* target of the navigation panel quick access icon
* Possible values:
* 'structure' = fields list
* 'sql' = SQL form
* 'search' = search page
* 'insert' = insert row page
* 'browse' = browse page
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'insert'|'browse'
public $NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable;
* target of the navigation panel quick second access icon
* Possible values:
* 'structure' = fields list
* 'sql' = SQL form
* 'search' = search page
* 'insert' = insert row page
* 'browse' = browse page
* '' = no link
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'insert'|'browse'|''
public $NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2;
* Enables the possibility of navigation tree expansion
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeEnableExpansion;
* Show tables in navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeShowTables;
* Show views in navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeShowViews;
* Show functions in navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeShowFunctions;
* Show procedures in navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeShowProcedures;
* Show events in navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeShowEvents;
* Width of navigation panel
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $NavigationWidth;
* Automatically expands single database in navigation panel
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreeAutoexpandSingleDb;
* allow to display statistics and space usage in the pages about database
* details and table properties
* @var bool
public $ShowStats;
* show PHP info link
* @var bool
public $ShowPhpInfo;
* show MySQL server and web server information
* @var bool
public $ShowServerInfo;
* show change password link
* @var bool
public $ShowChgPassword;
* show create database form
* @var bool
public $ShowCreateDb;
* show charset column in database structure (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $ShowDbStructureCharset;
* show comment column in database structure (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $ShowDbStructureComment;
* show creation timestamp column in database structure (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $ShowDbStructureCreation;
* show last update timestamp column in database structure (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $ShowDbStructureLastUpdate;
* show last check timestamp column in database structure (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $ShowDbStructureLastCheck;
* allow hide action columns to drop down menu in database structure (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $HideStructureActions;
* Show column comments in table structure view (true|false)?
* @var bool
public $ShowColumnComments;
* Use icons instead of text for the navigation bar buttons (table browse)
* ('text'|'icons'|'both')
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'text'|'icons'|'both'
public $TableNavigationLinksMode;
* Defines whether a user should be displayed a "show all (records)"
* button in browse mode or not.
* @var bool
public $ShowAll;
* Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result
* set contains more rows, "Previous" and "Next".
* Possible values: 25,50,100,250,500
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxRows;
* default for 'ORDER BY' clause (valid values are 'ASC', 'DESC' or 'SMART' -ie
* descending order for fields of type TIME, DATE, DATETIME & TIMESTAMP,
* ascending order else-)
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'ASC'|'DESC'|'SMART'
public $Order;
* grid editing: save edited cell(s) in browse-mode at once
* @var bool
public $SaveCellsAtOnce;
* grid editing: which action triggers it, or completely disable the feature
* Possible values:
* 'click'
* 'double-click'
* 'disabled'
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'double-click'|'click'|'disabled'
public $GridEditing;
* Options > Relational display
* Possible values:
* 'K' for key value
* 'D' for display column
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'K'|'D'
public $RelationalDisplay;
* disallow editing of binary fields
* valid values are:
* false allow editing
* 'blob' allow editing except for BLOB fields
* 'noblob' disallow editing except for BLOB fields
* 'all' disallow editing
* @var string|false
* @psalm-var 'blob'|'noblob'|'all'|false
public $ProtectBinary;
* Display the function fields in edit/insert mode
* @var bool
public $ShowFunctionFields;
* Display the type fields in edit/insert mode
* @var bool
public $ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView;
* Which editor should be used for CHAR/VARCHAR fields:
* input - allows limiting of input length
* textarea - allows newlines in fields
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'input'|'textarea'
public $CharEditing;
* The minimum size for character input fields
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $MinSizeForInputField;
* The maximum size for character input fields
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxSizeForInputField;
* How many rows can be inserted at one time
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $InsertRows;
* Sort order for items in a foreign-key drop-down list.
* 'content' is the referenced data, 'id' is the key value.
* @var string[]
* @psalm-var array{0: 'content-id'|'id-content', 1?: 'content-id'|'id-content'}
public $ForeignKeyDropdownOrder;
* A drop-down list will be used if fewer items are present
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $ForeignKeyMaxLimit;
* Whether to disable foreign key checks while importing
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'default'|'enable'|'disable'
public $DefaultForeignKeyChecks;
* Allow for the use of zip compression (requires zip support to be enabled)
* @var bool
public $ZipDump;
* Allow for the use of gzip compression (requires zlib)
* @var bool
public $GZipDump;
* Allow for the use of bzip2 decompression (requires bz2 extension)
* @var bool
public $BZipDump;
* Will compress gzip exports on the fly without the need for much memory.
* If you encounter problems with created gzip files disable this feature.
* @var bool
public $CompressOnFly;
* How to display the menu tabs ('icons'|'text'|'both')
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'icons'|'text'|'both'
public $TabsMode;
* How to display various action links ('icons'|'text'|'both')
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'icons'|'text'|'both'
public $ActionLinksMode;
* How many columns should be used for table display of a database?
* (a value larger than 1 results in some information being hidden)
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $PropertiesNumColumns;
* Possible values:
* 'welcome' = the welcome page (recommended for multiuser setups)
* 'databases' = list of databases
* 'status' = runtime information
* 'variables' = MySQL server variables
* 'privileges' = user management
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'welcome'|'databases'|'status'|'variables'|'privileges'
public $DefaultTabServer;
* Possible values:
* 'structure' = tables list
* 'sql' = SQL form
* 'search' = search query
* 'operations' = operations on database
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'operations'
public $DefaultTabDatabase;
* Possible values:
* 'structure' = fields list
* 'sql' = SQL form
* 'search' = search page
* 'insert' = insert row page
* 'browse' = browse page
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'insert'|'browse'
public $DefaultTabTable;
* Whether to display image or text or both image and text in table row
* action segment. Value can be either of ``image``, ``text`` or ``both``.
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'icons'|'text'|'both'
public $RowActionType;
/** @var Export */
public $Export;
/** @var Import */
public $Import;
/** @var Schema */
public $Schema;
/** @var string[] */
public $PDFPageSizes;
/** @var string */
public $PDFDefaultPageSize;
* Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined
* @var string
public $DefaultLang;
* Default connection collation
* @var string
public $DefaultConnectionCollation;
* Force: always use this language, e.g. 'en'
* @var string
public $Lang;
* Regular expression to limit listed languages, e.g. '^(cs|en)' for Czech and
* English only
* @var string
public $FilterLanguages;
* You can select here which functions will be used for character set conversion.
* Possible values are:
* auto - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then recode)
* iconv - use iconv or libiconv functions
* recode - use recode_string function
* mb - use mbstring extension
* none - disable encoding conversion
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'auto'|'iconv'|'recode'|'mb'|'none'
public $RecodingEngine;
* Specify some parameters for iconv used in character set conversion. See iconv
* documentation for details:
* https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/libiconv/documentation/libiconv-1.15/iconv_open.3.html
* @var string
public $IconvExtraParams;
* Available character sets for MySQL conversion. currently contains all which could
* be found in lang/* files and few more.
* Character sets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently
* use some of these move them to the top.
* @var string[]
public $AvailableCharsets;
* enable the left panel pointer
* @var bool
public $NavigationTreePointerEnable;
* enable the browse pointer
* @var bool
public $BrowsePointerEnable;
* enable the browse marker
* @var bool
public $BrowseMarkerEnable;
* textarea size (columns) in edit mode
* (this value will be emphasized (*2) for SQL
* query textareas and (*1.25) for query window)
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $TextareaCols;
* textarea size (rows) in edit mode
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $TextareaRows;
* double size of textarea size for LONGTEXT columns
* @var bool
public $LongtextDoubleTextarea;
* auto-select when clicking in the textarea of the query-box
* @var bool
public $TextareaAutoSelect;
* textarea size (columns) for CHAR/VARCHAR
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $CharTextareaCols;
* textarea size (rows) for CHAR/VARCHAR
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $CharTextareaRows;
* Max field data length in browse mode for all non-numeric fields
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $LimitChars;
* Where to show the edit/copy/delete links in browse mode
* Possible values are 'left', 'right', 'both' and 'none'.
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'left'|'right'|'both'|'none'
public $RowActionLinks;
* Whether to show row links (Edit, Copy, Delete) and checkboxes for
* multiple row operations even when the selection does not have a unique key.
* @var bool
public $RowActionLinksWithoutUnique;
* Default sort order by primary key.
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'NONE'|'ASC'|'DESC'
public $TablePrimaryKeyOrder;
* remember the last way a table sorted
* @var bool
public $RememberSorting;
* shows column comments in 'browse' mode.
* @var bool
public $ShowBrowseComments;
* shows column comments in 'table property' mode.
* @var bool
public $ShowPropertyComments;
* repeat header names every X cells? (0 = deactivate)
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $RepeatCells;
* Set to true if you want DB-based query history.If false, this utilizes
* JS-routines to display query history (lost by window close)
* @var bool
public $QueryHistoryDB;
* When using DB-based query history, how many entries should be kept?
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $QueryHistoryMax;
* Use MIME-Types (stored in column comments table) for
* @var bool
public $BrowseMIME;
* When approximate count < this, PMA will get exact count for table rows.
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $MaxExactCount;
* Zero means that no row count is done for views; see the doc
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $MaxExactCountViews;
* Sort table and database in natural order
* @var bool
public $NaturalOrder;
* Initial state for sliders
* (open | closed | disabled)
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'open'|'closed'|'disabled'
public $InitialSlidersState;
* User preferences: disallow these settings
* For possible setting names look in libraries/config/user_preferences.forms.php
* @var string[]
public $UserprefsDisallow;
* User preferences: enable the Developer tab
* @var bool
public $UserprefsDeveloperTab;
* title of browser window when a table is selected
* @var string
public $TitleTable;
* title of browser window when a database is selected
* @var string
public $TitleDatabase;
* title of browser window when a server is selected
* @var string
public $TitleServer;
* title of browser window when nothing is selected
* @var string
public $TitleDefault;
* if you want to use selectable themes and if ThemesPath not empty
* set it to true, else set it to false (default is false);
* @var bool
public $ThemeManager;
* set up default theme, you can set up here an valid
* path to themes or 'original' for the original pma-theme
* @var string
public $ThemeDefault;
* allow different theme for each configured server
* @var bool
public $ThemePerServer;
* Default query for table
* @var string
public $DefaultQueryTable;
* Default query for database
* @var string
public $DefaultQueryDatabase;
* SQL Query box settings
* These are the links display in all of the SQL Query boxes
* @var SqlQueryBox
public $SQLQuery;
* Enables autoComplete for table & column names in SQL queries
* @var bool
public $EnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns;
* Directory for uploaded files that can be executed by phpMyAdmin.
* For example './upload'. Leave empty for no upload directory support.
* Use %u for username inclusion.
* @var string
public $UploadDir;
* Directory where phpMyAdmin can save exported data on server.
* For example './save'. Leave empty for no save directory support.
* Use %u for username inclusion.
* @var string
public $SaveDir;
* Directory where phpMyAdmin can save temporary files.
* @var string
public $TempDir;
* Is GD >= 2 available? Set to yes/no/auto. 'auto' does auto-detection,
* which is the only safe way to determine GD version.
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'auto'|'yes'|'no'
public $GD2Available;
* Lists proxy IP and HTTP header combinations which are trusted for IP allow/deny
* @var array<string, string>
public $TrustedProxies;
* We normally check the permissions on the configuration file to ensure
* it's not world writable. However, phpMyAdmin could be installed on
* a NTFS filesystem mounted on a non-Windows server, in which case the
* permissions seems wrong but in fact cannot be detected. In this case
* a sysadmin would set the following to false.
* @var bool
public $CheckConfigurationPermissions;
* Limit for length of URL in links. When length would be above this limit, it
* is replaced by form with button.
* This is required as some web servers (IIS) have problems with long URLs.
* The recommended limit is 2000
* (see https://www.boutell.com/newfaq/misc/urllength.html) but we put
* 1000 to accommodate Suhosin, see bug #3358750.
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $LinkLengthLimit;
* Additional string to allow in CSP headers.
* @var string
public $CSPAllow;
* Disable the table maintenance mass operations, like optimizing or
* repairing the selected tables of a database. An accidental execution
* of such a maintenance task can enormously slow down a bigger database.
* @var bool
public $DisableMultiTableMaintenance;
* Whether or not to query the user before sending the error report to
* the phpMyAdmin team when a JavaScript error occurs
* Available options
* (ask | always | never)
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'ask'|'always'|'never'
public $SendErrorReports;
* Whether Enter or Ctrl+Enter executes queries in the console.
* @var bool
public $ConsoleEnterExecutes;
* Zero Configuration mode.
* @var bool
public $ZeroConf;
* Developers ONLY!
* @var Debug
public $DBG;
* Sets the working environment
* This only needs to be changed when you are developing phpMyAdmin itself.
* The development mode may display debug information in some places.
* Possible values are 'production' or 'development'
* @var string
* @psalm-var 'production'|'development'
public $environment;
* Default functions for above defined groups
* @var array<string, string>
public $DefaultFunctions;
* Max rows retrieved for zoom search
* @var int
* @psalm-var positive-int
public $maxRowPlotLimit;
* Show Git revision if applicable
* @var bool
public $ShowGitRevision;
* MySQL minimal version required
* @var array<string, int|string>
* @psalm-var array{internal: int, human: string}
public $MysqlMinVersion;
* Disable shortcuts
* @var bool
public $DisableShortcutKeys;
* Console configuration
* This is mostly meant for user preferences.
* @var Console
public $Console;
* Initialize default transformations array
* @var Transformations
public $DefaultTransformations;
* Set default for FirstDayOfCalendar
* @var int
* @psalm-var 0|positive-int
public $FirstDayOfCalendar;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
public function __construct(array $settings)
$this->PmaAbsoluteUri = $this->setPmaAbsoluteUri($settings);
$this->AuthLog = $this->setAuthLog($settings);
$this->AuthLogSuccess = $this->setAuthLogSuccess($settings);
$this->PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning = $this->setPmaNoRelationDisableWarning($settings);
$this->SuhosinDisableWarning = $this->setSuhosinDisableWarning($settings);
$this->LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning = $this->setLoginCookieValidityDisableWarning($settings);
$this->ReservedWordDisableWarning = $this->setReservedWordDisableWarning($settings);
$this->TranslationWarningThreshold = $this->setTranslationWarningThreshold($settings);
$this->AllowThirdPartyFraming = $this->setAllowThirdPartyFraming($settings);
$this->blowfish_secret = $this->setBlowfishSecret($settings);
$this->Servers = $this->setServers($settings);
$this->ServerDefault = $this->setServerDefault($settings);
$this->VersionCheck = $this->setVersionCheck($settings);
$this->ProxyUrl = $this->setProxyUrl($settings);
$this->ProxyUser = $this->setProxyUser($settings);
$this->ProxyPass = $this->setProxyPass($settings);
$this->MaxDbList = $this->setMaxDbList($settings);
$this->MaxTableList = $this->setMaxTableList($settings);
$this->ShowHint = $this->setShowHint($settings);
$this->MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL = $this->setMaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL($settings);
$this->OBGzip = $this->setOBGzip($settings);
$this->PersistentConnections = $this->setPersistentConnections($settings);
$this->ExecTimeLimit = $this->setExecTimeLimit($settings);
$this->SessionSavePath = $this->setSessionSavePath($settings);
$this->MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts = $this->setMysqlSslWarningSafeHosts($settings);
$this->MemoryLimit = $this->setMemoryLimit($settings);
$this->SkipLockedTables = $this->setSkipLockedTables($settings);
$this->ShowSQL = $this->setShowSQL($settings);
$this->RetainQueryBox = $this->setRetainQueryBox($settings);
$this->CodemirrorEnable = $this->setCodemirrorEnable($settings);
$this->LintEnable = $this->setLintEnable($settings);
$this->AllowUserDropDatabase = $this->setAllowUserDropDatabase($settings);
$this->Confirm = $this->setConfirm($settings);
$this->CookieSameSite = $this->setCookieSameSite($settings);
$this->LoginCookieRecall = $this->setLoginCookieRecall($settings);
$this->LoginCookieValidity = $this->setLoginCookieValidity($settings);
$this->LoginCookieStore = $this->setLoginCookieStore($settings);
$this->LoginCookieDeleteAll = $this->setLoginCookieDeleteAll($settings);
$this->UseDbSearch = $this->setUseDbSearch($settings);
$this->IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors = $this->setIgnoreMultiSubmitErrors($settings);
$this->URLQueryEncryption = $this->setURLQueryEncryption($settings);
$this->URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey = $this->setURLQueryEncryptionSecretKey($settings);
$this->AllowArbitraryServer = $this->setAllowArbitraryServer($settings);
$this->ArbitraryServerRegexp = $this->setArbitraryServerRegexp($settings);
$this->CaptchaMethod = $this->setCaptchaMethod($settings);
$this->CaptchaApi = $this->setCaptchaApi($settings);
$this->CaptchaCsp = $this->setCaptchaCsp($settings);
$this->CaptchaRequestParam = $this->setCaptchaRequestParam($settings);
$this->CaptchaResponseParam = $this->setCaptchaResponseParam($settings);
$this->CaptchaLoginPublicKey = $this->setCaptchaLoginPublicKey($settings);
$this->CaptchaLoginPrivateKey = $this->setCaptchaLoginPrivateKey($settings);
$this->CaptchaSiteVerifyURL = $this->setCaptchaSiteVerifyURL($settings);
$this->enable_drag_drop_import = $this->setEnableDragDropImport($settings);
$this->ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree = $this->setShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree($settings);
$this->FirstLevelNavigationItems = $this->setFirstLevelNavigationItems($settings);
$this->MaxNavigationItems = $this->setMaxNavigationItems($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeEnableGrouping = $this->setNavigationTreeEnableGrouping($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeDbSeparator = $this->setNavigationTreeDbSeparator($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeTableSeparator = $this->setNavigationTreeTableSeparator($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeTableLevel = $this->setNavigationTreeTableLevel($settings);
$this->NavigationLinkWithMainPanel = $this->setNavigationLinkWithMainPanel($settings);
$this->NavigationDisplayLogo = $this->setNavigationDisplayLogo($settings);
$this->NavigationLogoLink = $this->setNavigationLogoLink($settings);
$this->NavigationLogoLinkWindow = $this->setNavigationLogoLinkWindow($settings);
$this->NumRecentTables = $this->setNumRecentTables($settings);
$this->NumFavoriteTables = $this->setNumFavoriteTables($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum = $this->setNavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum($settings);
$this->NavigationDisplayServers = $this->setNavigationDisplayServers($settings);
$this->DisplayServersList = $this->setDisplayServersList($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum = $this->setNavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable = $this->setNavigationTreeDefaultTabTable($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2 = $this->setNavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeEnableExpansion = $this->setNavigationTreeEnableExpansion($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeShowTables = $this->setNavigationTreeShowTables($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeShowViews = $this->setNavigationTreeShowViews($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeShowFunctions = $this->setNavigationTreeShowFunctions($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeShowProcedures = $this->setNavigationTreeShowProcedures($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeShowEvents = $this->setNavigationTreeShowEvents($settings);
$this->NavigationWidth = $this->setNavigationWidth($settings);
$this->NavigationTreeAutoexpandSingleDb = $this->setNavigationTreeAutoexpandSingleDb($settings);
$this->ShowStats = $this->setShowStats($settings);
$this->ShowPhpInfo = $this->setShowPhpInfo($settings);
$this->ShowServerInfo = $this->setShowServerInfo($settings);
$this->ShowChgPassword = $this->setShowChgPassword($settings);
$this->ShowCreateDb = $this->setShowCreateDb($settings);
$this->ShowDbStructureCharset = $this->setShowDbStructureCharset($settings);
$this->ShowDbStructureComment = $this->setShowDbStructureComment($settings);
$this->ShowDbStructureCreation = $this->setShowDbStructureCreation($settings);
$this->ShowDbStructureLastUpdate = $this->setShowDbStructureLastUpdate($settings);
$this->ShowDbStructureLastCheck = $this->setShowDbStructureLastCheck($settings);
$this->HideStructureActions = $this->setHideStructureActions($settings);
$this->ShowColumnComments = $this->setShowColumnComments($settings);
$this->TableNavigationLinksMode = $this->setTableNavigationLinksMode($settings);
$this->ShowAll = $this->setShowAll($settings);
$this->MaxRows = $this->setMaxRows($settings);
$this->Order = $this->setOrder($settings);
$this->SaveCellsAtOnce = $this->setSaveCellsAtOnce($settings);
$this->GridEditing = $this->setGridEditing($settings);
$this->RelationalDisplay = $this->setRelationalDisplay($settings);
$this->ProtectBinary = $this->setProtectBinary($settings);
$this->ShowFunctionFields = $this->setShowFunctionFields($settings);
$this->ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView = $this->setShowFieldTypesInDataEditView($settings);
$this->CharEditing = $this->setCharEditing($settings);
$this->MinSizeForInputField = $this->setMinSizeForInputField($settings);
$this->MaxSizeForInputField = $this->setMaxSizeForInputField($settings);
$this->InsertRows = $this->setInsertRows($settings);
$this->ForeignKeyDropdownOrder = $this->setForeignKeyDropdownOrder($settings);
$this->ForeignKeyMaxLimit = $this->setForeignKeyMaxLimit($settings);
$this->DefaultForeignKeyChecks = $this->setDefaultForeignKeyChecks($settings);
$this->ZipDump = $this->setZipDump($settings);
$this->GZipDump = $this->setGZipDump($settings);
$this->BZipDump = $this->setBZipDump($settings);
$this->CompressOnFly = $this->setCompressOnFly($settings);
$this->TabsMode = $this->setTabsMode($settings);
$this->ActionLinksMode = $this->setActionLinksMode($settings);
$this->PropertiesNumColumns = $this->setPropertiesNumColumns($settings);
$this->DefaultTabServer = $this->setDefaultTabServer($settings);
$this->DefaultTabDatabase = $this->setDefaultTabDatabase($settings);
$this->DefaultTabTable = $this->setDefaultTabTable($settings);
$this->RowActionType = $this->setRowActionType($settings);
$this->Export = $this->setExport($settings);
$this->Import = $this->setImport($settings);
$this->Schema = $this->setSchema($settings);
$this->PDFPageSizes = $this->setPDFPageSizes($settings);
$this->PDFDefaultPageSize = $this->setPDFDefaultPageSize($settings);
$this->DefaultLang = $this->setDefaultLang($settings);
$this->DefaultConnectionCollation = $this->setDefaultConnectionCollation($settings);
$this->Lang = $this->setLang($settings);
$this->FilterLanguages = $this->setFilterLanguages($settings);
$this->RecodingEngine = $this->setRecodingEngine($settings);
$this->IconvExtraParams = $this->setIconvExtraParams($settings);
$this->AvailableCharsets = $this->setAvailableCharsets($settings);
$this->NavigationTreePointerEnable = $this->setNavigationTreePointerEnable($settings);
$this->BrowsePointerEnable = $this->setBrowsePointerEnable($settings);
$this->BrowseMarkerEnable = $this->setBrowseMarkerEnable($settings);
$this->TextareaCols = $this->setTextareaCols($settings);
$this->TextareaRows = $this->setTextareaRows($settings);
$this->LongtextDoubleTextarea = $this->setLongtextDoubleTextarea($settings);
$this->TextareaAutoSelect = $this->setTextareaAutoSelect($settings);
$this->CharTextareaCols = $this->setCharTextareaCols($settings);
$this->CharTextareaRows = $this->setCharTextareaRows($settings);
$this->LimitChars = $this->setLimitChars($settings);
$this->RowActionLinks = $this->setRowActionLinks($settings);
$this->RowActionLinksWithoutUnique = $this->setRowActionLinksWithoutUnique($settings);
$this->TablePrimaryKeyOrder = $this->setTablePrimaryKeyOrder($settings);
$this->RememberSorting = $this->setRememberSorting($settings);
$this->ShowBrowseComments = $this->setShowBrowseComments($settings);
$this->ShowPropertyComments = $this->setShowPropertyComments($settings);
$this->RepeatCells = $this->setRepeatCells($settings);
$this->QueryHistoryDB = $this->setQueryHistoryDB($settings);
$this->QueryHistoryMax = $this->setQueryHistoryMax($settings);
$this->BrowseMIME = $this->setBrowseMIME($settings);
$this->MaxExactCount = $this->setMaxExactCount($settings);
$this->MaxExactCountViews = $this->setMaxExactCountViews($settings);
$this->NaturalOrder = $this->setNaturalOrder($settings);
$this->InitialSlidersState = $this->setInitialSlidersState($settings);
$this->UserprefsDisallow = $this->setUserprefsDisallow($settings);
$this->UserprefsDeveloperTab = $this->setUserprefsDeveloperTab($settings);
$this->TitleTable = $this->setTitleTable($settings);
$this->TitleDatabase = $this->setTitleDatabase($settings);
$this->TitleServer = $this->setTitleServer($settings);
$this->TitleDefault = $this->setTitleDefault($settings);
$this->ThemeManager = $this->setThemeManager($settings);
$this->ThemeDefault = $this->setThemeDefault($settings);
$this->ThemePerServer = $this->setThemePerServer($settings);
$this->DefaultQueryTable = $this->setDefaultQueryTable($settings);
$this->DefaultQueryDatabase = $this->setDefaultQueryDatabase($settings);
$this->SQLQuery = $this->setSQLQuery($settings);
$this->EnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns = $this->setEnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns($settings);
$this->UploadDir = $this->setUploadDir($settings);
$this->SaveDir = $this->setSaveDir($settings);
$this->TempDir = $this->setTempDir($settings);
$this->GD2Available = $this->setGD2Available($settings);
$this->TrustedProxies = $this->setTrustedProxies($settings);
$this->CheckConfigurationPermissions = $this->setCheckConfigurationPermissions($settings);
$this->LinkLengthLimit = $this->setLinkLengthLimit($settings);
$this->CSPAllow = $this->setCSPAllow($settings);
$this->DisableMultiTableMaintenance = $this->setDisableMultiTableMaintenance($settings);
$this->SendErrorReports = $this->setSendErrorReports($settings);
$this->ConsoleEnterExecutes = $this->setConsoleEnterExecutes($settings);
$this->ZeroConf = $this->setZeroConf($settings);
$this->DBG = $this->setDBG($settings);
$this->environment = $this->setEnvironment($settings);
$this->DefaultFunctions = $this->setDefaultFunctions($settings);
$this->maxRowPlotLimit = $this->setMaxRowPlotLimit($settings);
$this->ShowGitRevision = $this->setShowGitRevision($settings);
$this->MysqlMinVersion = $this->setMysqlMinVersion($settings);
$this->DisableShortcutKeys = $this->setDisableShortcutKeys($settings);
$this->Console = $this->setConsole($settings);
$this->DefaultTransformations = $this->setDefaultTransformations($settings);
$this->FirstDayOfCalendar = $this->setFirstDayOfCalendar($settings);
* @return array<string, array|bool|int|string|null>
public function toArray(): array
$settings = get_object_vars($this);
$settings['Console'] = get_object_vars($this->Console);
$settings['DBG'] = get_object_vars($this->DBG);
$settings['SQLQuery'] = get_object_vars($this->SQLQuery);
$settings['Export'] = get_object_vars($this->Export);
$settings['Import'] = get_object_vars($this->Import);
$settings['Schema'] = get_object_vars($this->Schema);
$settings['DefaultTransformations'] = get_object_vars($this->DefaultTransformations);
foreach (array_keys($settings['Servers']) as $key) {
$settings['Servers'][$key] = get_object_vars($this->Servers[$key]);
return $settings;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setPmaAbsoluteUri(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['PmaAbsoluteUri'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['PmaAbsoluteUri'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setAuthLog(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['AuthLog'])) {
return 'auto';
return (string) $settings['AuthLog'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setAuthLogSuccess(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['AuthLogSuccess'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['AuthLogSuccess'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setPmaNoRelationDisableWarning(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSuhosinDisableWarning(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['SuhosinDisableWarning'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['SuhosinDisableWarning'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setLoginCookieValidityDisableWarning(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setReservedWordDisableWarning(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ReservedWordDisableWarning'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ReservedWordDisableWarning'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTranslationWarningThreshold(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['TranslationWarningThreshold'])) {
return 80;
$threshold = (int) $settings['TranslationWarningThreshold'];
if ($threshold < 0) {
return 80;
return min($threshold, 100);
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return bool|string
* @psalm-return bool|'sameorigin'
private function setAllowThirdPartyFraming(array $settings)
if (! isset($settings['AllowThirdPartyFraming'])) {
return false;
if ($settings['AllowThirdPartyFraming'] === 'sameorigin') {
return 'sameorigin';
return (bool) $settings['AllowThirdPartyFraming'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setBlowfishSecret(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['blowfish_secret'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['blowfish_secret'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return array<int, Server>
* @psalm-return array<int<1, max>, Server>
private function setServers(array $settings): array
if (! isset($settings['Servers']) || ! is_array($settings['Servers'])) {
return [1 => new Server()];
$servers = [];
* @var int|string $key
* @var mixed $server
foreach ($settings['Servers'] as $key => $server) {
if (! is_int($key) || $key < 1 || ! is_array($server)) {
$servers[$key] = new Server($server);
if (count($servers) === 0) {
return [1 => new Server()];
return $servers;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setServerDefault(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['ServerDefault'])) {
return 1;
$serverDefault = (int) $settings['ServerDefault'];
return $serverDefault >= 0 ? $serverDefault : 1;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setVersionCheck(array $settings): bool
$versionCheck = true;
if (defined('VERSION_CHECK_DEFAULT')) {
if (! isset($settings['VersionCheck'])) {
return $versionCheck;
return (bool) $settings['VersionCheck'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setProxyUrl(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['ProxyUrl'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['ProxyUrl'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setProxyUser(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['ProxyUser'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['ProxyUser'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setProxyPass(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['ProxyPass'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['ProxyPass'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxDbList(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxDbList'])) {
return 100;
$maxDbList = (int) $settings['MaxDbList'];
return $maxDbList >= 1 ? $maxDbList : 100;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxTableList(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxTableList'])) {
return 250;
$maxTableList = (int) $settings['MaxTableList'];
return $maxTableList >= 1 ? $maxTableList : 250;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowHint(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowHint'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowHint'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'])) {
return 1000;
$maxCharactersInDisplayedSQL = (int) $settings['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'];
return $maxCharactersInDisplayedSQL >= 1 ? $maxCharactersInDisplayedSQL : 1000;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return bool|string
* @psalm-return 'auto'|bool
private function setOBGzip(array $settings)
if (! isset($settings['OBGzip']) || $settings['OBGzip'] === 'auto') {
return 'auto';
return (bool) $settings['OBGzip'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setPersistentConnections(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['PersistentConnections'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['PersistentConnections'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setExecTimeLimit(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['ExecTimeLimit'])) {
return 300;
$execTimeLimit = (int) $settings['ExecTimeLimit'];
return $execTimeLimit >= 0 ? $execTimeLimit : 300;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSessionSavePath(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['SessionSavePath'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['SessionSavePath'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return string[]
private function setMysqlSslWarningSafeHosts(array $settings): array
if (! isset($settings['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts']) || ! is_array($settings['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts'])) {
return ['', 'localhost'];
$hosts = [];
/** @var mixed $host */
foreach ($settings['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts'] as $host) {
$safeHost = (string) $host;
if (strlen($safeHost) === 0) {
$hosts[] = $safeHost;
return $hosts;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setMemoryLimit(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['MemoryLimit'])) {
return '-1';
return (string) $settings['MemoryLimit'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSkipLockedTables(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['SkipLockedTables'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['SkipLockedTables'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowSQL(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowSQL'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowSQL'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setRetainQueryBox(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['RetainQueryBox'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['RetainQueryBox'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCodemirrorEnable(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['CodemirrorEnable'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['CodemirrorEnable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setLintEnable(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['LintEnable'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['LintEnable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setAllowUserDropDatabase(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['AllowUserDropDatabase'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['AllowUserDropDatabase'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setConfirm(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['Confirm'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['Confirm'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'Lax'|'Strict'|'None'
private function setCookieSameSite(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CookieSameSite']) || ! in_array($settings['CookieSameSite'], ['Lax', 'None'], true)) {
return 'Strict';
return $settings['CookieSameSite'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setLoginCookieRecall(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['LoginCookieRecall'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['LoginCookieRecall'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setLoginCookieValidity(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['LoginCookieValidity'])) {
return 1440;
$loginCookieValidity = (int) $settings['LoginCookieValidity'];
return $loginCookieValidity >= 1 ? $loginCookieValidity : 1440;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setLoginCookieStore(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['LoginCookieStore'])) {
return 0;
$loginCookieStore = (int) $settings['LoginCookieStore'];
return $loginCookieStore >= 1 ? $loginCookieStore : 0;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setLoginCookieDeleteAll(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['LoginCookieDeleteAll'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['LoginCookieDeleteAll'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setUseDbSearch(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['UseDbSearch'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['UseDbSearch'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setIgnoreMultiSubmitErrors(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setURLQueryEncryption(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['URLQueryEncryption'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['URLQueryEncryption'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setURLQueryEncryptionSecretKey(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setAllowArbitraryServer(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['AllowArbitraryServer'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['AllowArbitraryServer'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setArbitraryServerRegexp(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['ArbitraryServerRegexp'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['ArbitraryServerRegexp'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'invisible'|'checkbox'
private function setCaptchaMethod(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaMethod']) || $settings['CaptchaMethod'] !== 'checkbox') {
return 'invisible';
return 'checkbox';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaApi(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaApi'])) {
return 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaApi'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaCsp(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaCsp'])) {
return 'https://apis.google.com https://www.google.com/recaptcha/'
. ' https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/ https://ssl.gstatic.com/';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaCsp'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaRequestParam(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaRequestParam'])) {
return 'g-recaptcha';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaRequestParam'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaResponseParam(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaResponseParam'])) {
return 'g-recaptcha-response';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaResponseParam'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaLoginPublicKey(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaLoginPublicKey'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaLoginPublicKey'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaLoginPrivateKey(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCaptchaSiteVerifyURL(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setEnableDragDropImport(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['enable_drag_drop_import'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['enable_drag_drop_import'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setFirstLevelNavigationItems(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['FirstLevelNavigationItems'])) {
return 100;
$firstLevelNavigationItems = (int) $settings['FirstLevelNavigationItems'];
return $firstLevelNavigationItems >= 1 ? $firstLevelNavigationItems : 100;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxNavigationItems(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxNavigationItems'])) {
return 50;
$maxNavigationItems = (int) $settings['MaxNavigationItems'];
return $maxNavigationItems >= 1 ? $maxNavigationItems : 50;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeEnableGrouping(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeEnableGrouping'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeEnableGrouping'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeDbSeparator(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeDbSeparator'])) {
return '_';
return (string) $settings['NavigationTreeDbSeparator'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return false|string|string[]
private function setNavigationTreeTableSeparator(array $settings)
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeTableSeparator'])) {
return '__';
if ($settings['NavigationTreeTableSeparator'] === false) {
return false;
if (! is_array($settings['NavigationTreeTableSeparator'])) {
return (string) $settings['NavigationTreeTableSeparator'];
if (count($settings['NavigationTreeTableSeparator']) > 0) {
$navigationTreeTableSeparator = [];
/** @var mixed $separator */
foreach ($settings['NavigationTreeTableSeparator'] as $separator) {
$navigationTreeTableSeparator[] = (string) $separator;
return $navigationTreeTableSeparator;
return '__';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setNavigationTreeTableLevel(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeTableLevel'])) {
return 1;
$navigationTreeTableLevel = (int) $settings['NavigationTreeTableLevel'];
return $navigationTreeTableLevel >= 2 ? $navigationTreeTableLevel : 1;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationLinkWithMainPanel(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationLinkWithMainPanel'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationLinkWithMainPanel'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationDisplayLogo(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationDisplayLogo'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationDisplayLogo'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationLogoLink(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['NavigationLogoLink'])) {
return 'index.php';
return (string) $settings['NavigationLogoLink'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'main'|'new'
private function setNavigationLogoLinkWindow(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['NavigationLogoLinkWindow']) || $settings['NavigationLogoLinkWindow'] !== 'new') {
return 'main';
return 'new';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setNumRecentTables(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['NumRecentTables'])) {
return 10;
$numRecentTables = (int) $settings['NumRecentTables'];
return $numRecentTables >= 0 ? $numRecentTables : 10;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setNumFavoriteTables(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['NumFavoriteTables'])) {
return 10;
$numFavoriteTables = (int) $settings['NumFavoriteTables'];
return $numFavoriteTables >= 0 ? $numFavoriteTables : 10;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setNavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum'])) {
return 30;
$navigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum = (int) $settings['NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum'];
return $navigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum >= 1 ? $navigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum : 30;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationDisplayServers(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationDisplayServers'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationDisplayServers'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDisplayServersList(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['DisplayServersList'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['DisplayServersList'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setNavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum'])) {
return 30;
$navigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum = (int) $settings['NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum'];
return $navigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum >= 1 ? $navigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum : 30;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'insert'|'browse'
private function setNavigationTreeDefaultTabTable(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable'])) {
return 'structure';
switch ($settings['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable']) {
case 'sql':
case 'tbl_sql.php':
return 'sql';
case 'search':
case 'tbl_select.php':
return 'search';
case 'insert':
case 'tbl_change.php':
return 'insert';
case 'browse':
case 'sql.php':
return 'browse';
return 'structure';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'insert'|'browse'|''
private function setNavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2'])) {
return '';
switch ($settings['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2']) {
case 'structure':
case 'tbl_structure.php':
return 'structure';
case 'sql':
case 'tbl_sql.php':
return 'sql';
case 'search':
case 'tbl_select.php':
return 'search';
case 'insert':
case 'tbl_change.php':
return 'insert';
case 'browse':
case 'sql.php':
return 'browse';
return '';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeEnableExpansion(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeEnableExpansion'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeEnableExpansion'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeShowTables(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeShowTables'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeShowTables'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeShowViews(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeShowViews'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeShowViews'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeShowFunctions(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeShowFunctions'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeShowFunctions'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeShowProcedures(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeShowProcedures'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeShowProcedures'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeShowEvents(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeShowEvents'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeShowEvents'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setNavigationWidth(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['NavigationWidth'])) {
return 240;
$navigationWidth = (int) $settings['NavigationWidth'];
return $navigationWidth >= 0 ? $navigationWidth : 240;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreeAutoexpandSingleDb(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreeAutoexpandSingleDb'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreeAutoexpandSingleDb'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowStats(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowStats'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowStats'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowPhpInfo(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowPhpInfo'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowPhpInfo'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowServerInfo(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowServerInfo'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowServerInfo'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowChgPassword(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowChgPassword'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowChgPassword'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowCreateDb(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowCreateDb'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowCreateDb'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowDbStructureCharset(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowDbStructureCharset'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowDbStructureCharset'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowDbStructureComment(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowDbStructureComment'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowDbStructureComment'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowDbStructureCreation(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowDbStructureCreation'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowDbStructureCreation'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowDbStructureLastUpdate(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowDbStructureLastUpdate'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowDbStructureLastUpdate'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowDbStructureLastCheck(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowDbStructureLastCheck'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowDbStructureLastCheck'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setHideStructureActions(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['HideStructureActions'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['HideStructureActions'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowColumnComments(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowColumnComments'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowColumnComments'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'text'|'icons'|'both'
private function setTableNavigationLinksMode(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['TableNavigationLinksMode'])
|| ! in_array($settings['TableNavigationLinksMode'], ['text', 'both'], true)
) {
return 'icons';
return $settings['TableNavigationLinksMode'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowAll(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowAll'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ShowAll'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxRows(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxRows'])) {
return 25;
$maxRows = (int) $settings['MaxRows'];
return $maxRows >= 1 ? $maxRows : 25;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'ASC'|'DESC'|'SMART'
private function setOrder(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['Order']) || ! in_array($settings['Order'], ['ASC', 'DESC'], true)) {
return 'SMART';
return $settings['Order'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSaveCellsAtOnce(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['SaveCellsAtOnce'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['SaveCellsAtOnce'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'double-click'|'click'|'disabled'
private function setGridEditing(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['GridEditing']) || ! in_array($settings['GridEditing'], ['click', 'disabled'], true)) {
return 'double-click';
return $settings['GridEditing'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'K'|'D'
private function setRelationalDisplay(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['RelationalDisplay']) || $settings['RelationalDisplay'] !== 'D') {
return 'K';
return 'D';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return false|string
* @psalm-return 'blob'|'noblob'|'all'|false
private function setProtectBinary(array $settings)
if (
! isset($settings['ProtectBinary'])
|| ! in_array($settings['ProtectBinary'], ['noblob', 'all', false], true)
) {
return 'blob';
return $settings['ProtectBinary'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowFunctionFields(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowFunctionFields'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowFunctionFields'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowFieldTypesInDataEditView(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'input'|'textarea'
private function setCharEditing(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CharEditing']) || $settings['CharEditing'] !== 'textarea') {
return 'input';
return 'textarea';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setMinSizeForInputField(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MinSizeForInputField'])) {
return 4;
$minSizeForInputField = (int) $settings['MinSizeForInputField'];
return $minSizeForInputField >= 0 ? $minSizeForInputField : 4;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxSizeForInputField(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxSizeForInputField'])) {
return 60;
$maxSizeForInputField = (int) $settings['MaxSizeForInputField'];
return $maxSizeForInputField >= 1 ? $maxSizeForInputField : 60;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setInsertRows(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['InsertRows'])) {
return 2;
$insertRows = (int) $settings['InsertRows'];
return $insertRows >= 1 ? $insertRows : 2;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return string[]
* @psalm-return array{0: 'content-id'|'id-content', 1?: 'content-id'|'id-content'}
private function setForeignKeyDropdownOrder(array $settings): array
if (
! isset($settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'])
|| ! is_array($settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'])
|| ! isset($settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][0])
|| ! in_array($settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][0], ['content-id', 'id-content'], true)
) {
return ['content-id', 'id-content'];
if (
! isset($settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][1])
|| ! in_array($settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][1], ['content-id', 'id-content'], true)
) {
return [$settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][0]];
return [$settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][0], $settings['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'][1]];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setForeignKeyMaxLimit(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['ForeignKeyMaxLimit'])) {
return 100;
$foreignKeyMaxLimit = (int) $settings['ForeignKeyMaxLimit'];
return $foreignKeyMaxLimit >= 1 ? $foreignKeyMaxLimit : 100;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'default'|'enable'|'disable'
private function setDefaultForeignKeyChecks(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['DefaultForeignKeyChecks'])
|| ! in_array($settings['DefaultForeignKeyChecks'], ['enable', 'disable'], true)
) {
return 'default';
return $settings['DefaultForeignKeyChecks'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setZipDump(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ZipDump'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ZipDump'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setGZipDump(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['GZipDump'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['GZipDump'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setBZipDump(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['BZipDump'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['BZipDump'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCompressOnFly(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['CompressOnFly'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['CompressOnFly'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'icons'|'text'|'both'
private function setTabsMode(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['TabsMode']) || ! in_array($settings['TabsMode'], ['icons', 'text'], true)) {
return 'both';
return $settings['TabsMode'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'icons'|'text'|'both'
private function setActionLinksMode(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['ActionLinksMode'])
|| ! in_array($settings['ActionLinksMode'], ['icons', 'text'], true)
) {
return 'both';
return $settings['ActionLinksMode'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setPropertiesNumColumns(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['PropertiesNumColumns'])) {
return 1;
$propertiesNumColumns = (int) $settings['PropertiesNumColumns'];
return $propertiesNumColumns >= 2 ? $propertiesNumColumns : 1;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'welcome'|'databases'|'status'|'variables'|'privileges'
private function setDefaultTabServer(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultTabServer'])) {
return 'welcome';
switch ($settings['DefaultTabServer']) {
case 'databases':
case 'server_databases.php':
return 'databases';
case 'status':
case 'server_status.php':
return 'status';
case 'variables':
case 'server_variables.php':
return 'variables';
case 'privileges':
case 'server_privileges.php':
return 'privileges';
return 'welcome';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'operations'
private function setDefaultTabDatabase(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultTabDatabase'])) {
return 'structure';
switch ($settings['DefaultTabDatabase']) {
case 'sql':
case 'db_sql.php':
return 'sql';
case 'search':
case 'db_search.php':
return 'search';
case 'operations':
case 'db_operations.php':
return 'operations';
return 'structure';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'structure'|'sql'|'search'|'insert'|'browse'
private function setDefaultTabTable(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultTabTable'])) {
return 'browse';
switch ($settings['DefaultTabTable']) {
case 'structure':
case 'tbl_structure.php':
return 'structure';
case 'sql':
case 'tbl_sql.php':
return 'sql';
case 'search':
case 'tbl_select.php':
return 'search';
case 'insert':
case 'tbl_change.php':
return 'insert';
return 'browse';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'icons'|'text'|'both'
private function setRowActionType(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['RowActionType']) || ! in_array($settings['RowActionType'], ['icons', 'text'], true)) {
return 'both';
return $settings['RowActionType'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setExport(array $settings): Export
if (isset($settings['Export']) && is_array($settings['Export'])) {
return new Export($settings['Export']);
return new Export();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setImport(array $settings): Import
if (isset($settings['Import']) && is_array($settings['Import'])) {
return new Import($settings['Import']);
return new Import();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSchema(array $settings): Schema
if (isset($settings['Schema']) && is_array($settings['Schema'])) {
return new Schema($settings['Schema']);
return new Schema();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return string[]
private function setPDFPageSizes(array $settings): array
if (
! isset($settings['PDFPageSizes'])
|| ! is_array($settings['PDFPageSizes'])
|| $settings['PDFPageSizes'] === []
) {
return ['A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'letter', 'legal'];
$pdfPageSizes = [];
/** @var mixed $pageSize */
foreach ($settings['PDFPageSizes'] as $pageSize) {
$pdfPageSizes[] = (string) $pageSize;
return $pdfPageSizes;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setPDFDefaultPageSize(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['PDFDefaultPageSize'])) {
return 'A4';
return (string) $settings['PDFDefaultPageSize'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDefaultLang(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultLang'])) {
return 'en';
return (string) $settings['DefaultLang'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDefaultConnectionCollation(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultConnectionCollation'])) {
return 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
return (string) $settings['DefaultConnectionCollation'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setLang(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['Lang'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['Lang'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setFilterLanguages(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['FilterLanguages'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['FilterLanguages'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'auto'|'iconv'|'recode'|'mb'|'none'
private function setRecodingEngine(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['RecodingEngine'])
|| ! in_array($settings['RecodingEngine'], ['iconv', 'recode', 'mb', 'none'], true)
) {
return 'auto';
return $settings['RecodingEngine'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setIconvExtraParams(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['IconvExtraParams'])) {
return '//TRANSLIT';
return (string) $settings['IconvExtraParams'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return string[]
private function setAvailableCharsets(array $settings): array
if (! isset($settings['AvailableCharsets']) || ! is_array($settings['AvailableCharsets'])) {
return [
$availableCharsets = [];
/** @var mixed $availableCharset */
foreach ($settings['AvailableCharsets'] as $availableCharset) {
$availableCharsets[] = (string) $availableCharset;
return $availableCharsets;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNavigationTreePointerEnable(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NavigationTreePointerEnable'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NavigationTreePointerEnable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setBrowsePointerEnable(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['BrowsePointerEnable'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['BrowsePointerEnable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setBrowseMarkerEnable(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['BrowseMarkerEnable'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['BrowseMarkerEnable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setTextareaCols(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['TextareaCols'])) {
return 40;
$textareaCols = (int) $settings['TextareaCols'];
return $textareaCols >= 1 ? $textareaCols : 40;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setTextareaRows(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['TextareaRows'])) {
return 15;
$textareaRows = (int) $settings['TextareaRows'];
return $textareaRows >= 1 ? $textareaRows : 15;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setLongtextDoubleTextarea(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['LongtextDoubleTextarea'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['LongtextDoubleTextarea'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTextareaAutoSelect(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['TextareaAutoSelect'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['TextareaAutoSelect'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setCharTextareaCols(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['CharTextareaCols'])) {
return 40;
$charTextareaCols = (int) $settings['CharTextareaCols'];
return $charTextareaCols >= 1 ? $charTextareaCols : 40;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setCharTextareaRows(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['CharTextareaRows'])) {
return 7;
$charTextareaRows = (int) $settings['CharTextareaRows'];
return $charTextareaRows >= 1 ? $charTextareaRows : 7;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setLimitChars(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['LimitChars'])) {
return 50;
$limitChars = (int) $settings['LimitChars'];
return $limitChars >= 1 ? $limitChars : 50;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'left'|'right'|'both'|'none'
private function setRowActionLinks(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['RowActionLinks'])
|| ! in_array($settings['RowActionLinks'], ['right', 'both', 'none'], true)
) {
return 'left';
return $settings['RowActionLinks'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setRowActionLinksWithoutUnique(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['RowActionLinksWithoutUnique'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['RowActionLinksWithoutUnique'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'NONE'|'ASC'|'DESC'
private function setTablePrimaryKeyOrder(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['TablePrimaryKeyOrder'])
|| ! in_array($settings['TablePrimaryKeyOrder'], ['ASC', 'DESC'], true)
) {
return 'NONE';
return $settings['TablePrimaryKeyOrder'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setRememberSorting(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['RememberSorting'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['RememberSorting'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowBrowseComments(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowBrowseComments'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowBrowseComments'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowPropertyComments(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowPropertyComments'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowPropertyComments'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setRepeatCells(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['RepeatCells'])) {
return 100;
$repeatCells = (int) $settings['RepeatCells'];
return $repeatCells >= 0 ? $repeatCells : 100;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setQueryHistoryDB(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['QueryHistoryDB'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['QueryHistoryDB'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setQueryHistoryMax(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['QueryHistoryMax'])) {
return 25;
$queryHistoryMax = (int) $settings['QueryHistoryMax'];
return $queryHistoryMax >= 1 ? $queryHistoryMax : 25;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setBrowseMIME(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['BrowseMIME'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['BrowseMIME'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxExactCount(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxExactCount'])) {
return 50000;
$maxExactCount = (int) $settings['MaxExactCount'];
return $maxExactCount >= 1 ? $maxExactCount : 50000;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setMaxExactCountViews(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['MaxExactCountViews'])) {
return 0;
$maxExactCountViews = (int) $settings['MaxExactCountViews'];
return $maxExactCountViews >= 1 ? $maxExactCountViews : 0;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setNaturalOrder(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['NaturalOrder'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['NaturalOrder'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'open'|'closed'|'disabled'
private function setInitialSlidersState(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['InitialSlidersState'])
|| ! in_array($settings['InitialSlidersState'], ['open', 'disabled'], true)
) {
return 'closed';
return $settings['InitialSlidersState'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return string[]
private function setUserprefsDisallow(array $settings): array
if (! isset($settings['UserprefsDisallow']) || ! is_array($settings['UserprefsDisallow'])) {
return [];
$userprefsDisallow = [];
/** @var mixed $userPreference */
foreach ($settings['UserprefsDisallow'] as $userPreference) {
$userprefsDisallow[] = (string) $userPreference;
return $userprefsDisallow;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setUserprefsDeveloperTab(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['UserprefsDeveloperTab'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['UserprefsDeveloperTab'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTitleTable(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['TitleTable'])) {
return (string) $settings['TitleTable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTitleDatabase(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['TitleDatabase'])) {
return (string) $settings['TitleDatabase'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTitleServer(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['TitleServer'])) {
return (string) $settings['TitleServer'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTitleDefault(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['TitleDefault'])) {
return '@HTTP_HOST@ | @PHPMYADMIN@';
return (string) $settings['TitleDefault'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setThemeManager(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ThemeManager'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ThemeManager'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setThemeDefault(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['ThemeDefault'])) {
return 'pmahomme';
return (string) $settings['ThemeDefault'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setThemePerServer(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ThemePerServer'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ThemePerServer'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDefaultQueryTable(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultQueryTable'])) {
return (string) $settings['DefaultQueryTable'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDefaultQueryDatabase(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['DefaultQueryDatabase'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['DefaultQueryDatabase'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSQLQuery(array $settings): SqlQueryBox
if (isset($settings['SQLQuery']) && is_array($settings['SQLQuery'])) {
return new SqlQueryBox($settings['SQLQuery']);
return new SqlQueryBox();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setEnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['EnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['EnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setUploadDir(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['UploadDir'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['UploadDir'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setSaveDir(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['SaveDir'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['SaveDir'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setTempDir(array $settings): string
if (defined('TEMP_DIR')) {
$tempDir = TEMP_DIR;
if (! isset($settings['TempDir'])) {
return $tempDir;
return (string) $settings['TempDir'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'auto'|'yes'|'no'
private function setGD2Available(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['GD2Available']) || ! in_array($settings['GD2Available'], ['yes', 'no'], true)) {
return 'auto';
return $settings['GD2Available'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return array<string, string>
private function setTrustedProxies(array $settings): array
if (! isset($settings['TrustedProxies']) || ! is_array($settings['TrustedProxies'])) {
return [];
$trustedProxies = [];
* @var int|string $proxy
* @var mixed $header
foreach ($settings['TrustedProxies'] as $proxy => $header) {
if (! is_string($proxy)) {
$trustedProxies[$proxy] = (string) $header;
return $trustedProxies;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCheckConfigurationPermissions(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['CheckConfigurationPermissions'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['CheckConfigurationPermissions'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setLinkLengthLimit(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['LinkLengthLimit'])) {
return 1000;
$linkLengthLimit = (int) $settings['LinkLengthLimit'];
return $linkLengthLimit >= 1 ? $linkLengthLimit : 1000;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setCSPAllow(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['CSPAllow'])) {
return '';
return (string) $settings['CSPAllow'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDisableMultiTableMaintenance(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['DisableMultiTableMaintenance'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['DisableMultiTableMaintenance'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'ask'|'always'|'never'
private function setSendErrorReports(array $settings): string
if (
! isset($settings['SendErrorReports'])
|| ! in_array($settings['SendErrorReports'], ['always', 'never'], true)
) {
return 'ask';
return $settings['SendErrorReports'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setConsoleEnterExecutes(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ConsoleEnterExecutes'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['ConsoleEnterExecutes'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setZeroConf(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ZeroConf'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ZeroConf'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDBG(array $settings): Debug
if (isset($settings['DBG']) && is_array($settings['DBG'])) {
return new Debug($settings['DBG']);
return new Debug();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 'production'|'development'
private function setEnvironment(array $settings): string
if (! isset($settings['environment']) || $settings['environment'] !== 'development') {
return 'production';
return 'development';
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return array<string, string>
private function setDefaultFunctions(array $settings): array
if (! isset($settings['DefaultFunctions']) || ! is_array($settings['DefaultFunctions'])) {
return [
'FUNC_CHAR' => '',
'FUNC_DATE' => '',
'FUNC_NUMBER' => '',
'FUNC_SPATIAL' => 'GeomFromText',
'first_timestamp' => 'NOW',
$defaultFunctions = [];
* @var int|string $key
* @var mixed $value
foreach ($settings['DefaultFunctions'] as $key => $value) {
if (! is_string($key)) {
$defaultFunctions[$key] = (string) $value;
return $defaultFunctions;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return positive-int
private function setMaxRowPlotLimit(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['maxRowPlotLimit'])) {
return 500;
$maxRowPlotLimit = (int) $settings['maxRowPlotLimit'];
return $maxRowPlotLimit >= 1 ? $maxRowPlotLimit : 500;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setShowGitRevision(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['ShowGitRevision'])) {
return true;
return (bool) $settings['ShowGitRevision'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @return array<string, int|string>
* @psalm-return array{internal: int, human: string}
private function setMysqlMinVersion(array $settings): array
$mysqlMinVersion = ['internal' => 50500, 'human' => '5.5.0'];
if (! isset($settings['MysqlMinVersion']) || ! is_array($settings['MysqlMinVersion'])) {
return $mysqlMinVersion;
if (isset($settings['MysqlMinVersion']['internal'])) {
$mysqlMinVersion['internal'] = (int) $settings['MysqlMinVersion']['internal'];
if (! isset($settings['MysqlMinVersion']['human'])) {
return $mysqlMinVersion;
$mysqlMinVersion['human'] = (string) $settings['MysqlMinVersion']['human'];
return $mysqlMinVersion;
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDisableShortcutKeys(array $settings): bool
if (! isset($settings['DisableShortcutKeys'])) {
return false;
return (bool) $settings['DisableShortcutKeys'];
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setConsole(array $settings): Console
if (isset($settings['Console']) && is_array($settings['Console'])) {
return new Console($settings['Console']);
return new Console();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
private function setDefaultTransformations(array $settings): Transformations
if (isset($settings['DefaultTransformations']) && is_array($settings['DefaultTransformations'])) {
return new Transformations($settings['DefaultTransformations']);
return new Transformations();
* @param array<int|string, mixed> $settings
* @psalm-return 0|positive-int
private function setFirstDayOfCalendar(array $settings): int
if (! isset($settings['FirstDayOfCalendar'])) {
return 0;
$firstDayOfCalendar = (int) $settings['FirstDayOfCalendar'];
return $firstDayOfCalendar >= 1 && $firstDayOfCalendar <= 7 ? $firstDayOfCalendar : 0;