<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\RST\Parser; use Doctrine\Common\EventManager; use Doctrine\RST\Event\OnLinkParsedEvent; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\ParagraphNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\SpanNode; use Doctrine\RST\Parser; use function array_map; use function array_shift; use function count; use function explode; use function ltrim; use function mb_strlen; use function preg_match; use function strlen; use function substr; use function trim; final class LineDataParser { /** @var Parser */ private $parser; /** @var EventManager */ private $eventManager; public function __construct(Parser $parser, EventManager $eventManager) { $this->parser = $parser; $this->eventManager = $eventManager; } public function parseLink(string $line): ?Link { // Links if (preg_match('/^\.\. _`(.+)`: (.+)$/mUsi', $line, $match) > 0) { return $this->createLink($match[1], $match[2], Link::TYPE_LINK); } // anonymous links if (preg_match('/^\.\. _(.+): (.+)$/mUsi', $line, $match) > 0) { return $this->createLink($match[1], $match[2], Link::TYPE_LINK); } // Short anonymous links if (preg_match('/^__ (.+)$/mUsi', trim($line), $match) > 0) { $url = $match[1]; return $this->createLink('_', $url, Link::TYPE_LINK); } // Anchor links - ".. _`anchor-link`:" if (preg_match('/^\.\. _`(.+)`:$/mUsi', trim($line), $match) > 0) { $anchor = $match[1]; return new Link($anchor, '#' . $anchor, Link::TYPE_ANCHOR); } if (preg_match('/^\.\. _(.+):$/mUsi', trim($line), $match) > 0) { $anchor = $match[1]; return $this->createLink($anchor, '#' . $anchor, Link::TYPE_ANCHOR); } return null; } private function createLink(string $name, string $url, string $type): Link { $this->eventManager->dispatchEvent( OnLinkParsedEvent::ON_LINK_PARSED, new OnLinkParsedEvent($url, $type, $this->parser->getEnvironment()->getCurrentFileName()) ); return new Link($name, $url, $type); } public function parseDirectiveOption(string $line): ?DirectiveOption { if (preg_match('/^(\s+):(.+): (.*)$/mUsi', $line, $match) > 0) { return new DirectiveOption($match[2], trim($match[3])); } if (preg_match('/^(\s+):(.+):(\s*)$/mUsi', $line, $match) > 0) { $value = trim($match[3]); return new DirectiveOption($match[2], true); } return null; } public function parseDirective(string $line): ?Directive { if (preg_match('/^\.\. (\|(.+)\| |)([^\s]+)::( (.*)|)$/mUsi', $line, $match) > 0) { return new Directive( $match[2], $match[3], trim($match[4]) ); } return null; } /** * @param string[] $lines * * @return ListItem[] */ public function parseList(array $lines): array { $list = []; $currentItem = null; $currentPrefix = null; $currentOffset = 0; $createListItem = function (string $item, string $prefix): ListItem { // parse any markup in the list item (e.g. sublists, directives) $nodes = $this->parser->getSubParser()->parseLocal($item)->getNodes(); if (count($nodes) === 1 && $nodes[0] instanceof ParagraphNode) { // if there is only one paragraph node, the value is put directly in the <li> element $nodes = [$nodes[0]->getValue()]; } return new ListItem($prefix, mb_strlen($prefix) > 1, $nodes); }; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match(LineChecker::LIST_MARKER, $line, $m) > 0) { // a list marker indicates the start of a new list item, // complete the previous one and start a new one if ($currentItem !== null) { $list[] = $createListItem($currentItem, $currentPrefix); } $currentOffset = strlen($m[0]); $currentPrefix = $m[1]; $currentItem = substr($line, $currentOffset) . "\n"; continue; } // the list item offset is determined by the offset of the first text if (trim($currentItem) === '') { $currentOffset = strlen($line) - strlen(ltrim($line)); } $currentItem .= substr($line, $currentOffset) . "\n"; } if ($currentItem !== null) { $list[] = $createListItem($currentItem, $currentPrefix); } return $list; } /** @param string[] $lines */ public function parseDefinitionList(array $lines): DefinitionList { /** @var array{term: SpanNode, classifiers: list<SpanNode>, definition: string}|null $definitionListTerm */ $definitionListTerm = null; $definitionList = []; $createDefinitionTerm = function (array $definitionListTerm): DefinitionListTerm { // parse any markup in the definition (e.g. lists, directives) $definitionNodes = $this->parser->getSubParser()->parseLocal($definitionListTerm['definition'])->getNodes(); if (count($definitionNodes) === 1 && $definitionNodes[0] instanceof ParagraphNode) { // if there is only one paragraph node, the value is put directly in the <dd> element $definitionNodes = [$definitionNodes[0]->getValue()]; } else { // otherwise, .first and .last are added to the first and last nodes of the definition $definitionNodes[0]->setClasses($definitionNodes[0]->getClasses() + ['first']); $definitionNodes[count($definitionNodes) - 1]->setClasses($definitionNodes[count($definitionNodes) - 1]->getClasses() + ['last']); } return new DefinitionListTerm( $definitionListTerm['term'], $definitionListTerm['classifiers'], $definitionNodes ); }; $currentOffset = 0; foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { // indent or empty line = term definition line if ($definitionListTerm !== null && (trim($line) === '') || $line[0] === ' ') { if ($currentOffset === 0) { // first line of a definition determines the indentation offset $definition = ltrim($line); $currentOffset = strlen($line) - strlen($definition); } else { $definition = substr($line, $currentOffset); } $definitionListTerm['definition'] .= $definition . "\n"; // non empty string at the start of the line = definition term } elseif (trim($line) !== '') { // we are starting a new term so if we have an existing // term with definitions, add it to the definition list if ($definitionListTerm !== null) { $definitionList[] = $createDefinitionTerm($definitionListTerm); } $parts = explode(' : ', trim($line)); $term = array_shift($parts); $classifiers = array_map(function (string $classifier): SpanNode { return $this->parser->createSpanNode($classifier); }, array_map('trim', $parts)); $currentOffset = 0; $definitionListTerm = [ 'term' => $this->parser->createSpanNode($term), 'classifiers' => $classifiers, 'definition' => '', ]; } } // append the last definition of the list if ($definitionListTerm !== null) { $definitionList[] = $createDefinitionTerm($definitionListTerm); } return new DefinitionList($definitionList); } }