setDescription('Fixes POT file for Twig templates'); $this->setHelp( 'The command fixes the Twig file name and line number in the' . ' POT file to match the Twig template and not the compiled Twig file.' ); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $replaceFile = file_get_contents(self::REPLACE_FILE); if ($replaceFile === false) { return Command::FAILURE; } $replacements = json_decode($replaceFile, true); if (! is_array($replacements)) { return Command::FAILURE; } /* Read pot file */ $pot = file_get_contents(self::POT_FILE); if ($pot === false) { return Command::FAILURE; } /* Do the replacements */ $pot = preg_replace_callback( '@(twig-templates[0-9a-f/]*.php):([0-9]*)@', static function (array $matches) use ($replacements): string { $filename = $matches[1]; $line = intval($matches[2]); $replace = $replacements[$filename]; foreach ($replace[1] as $cacheLine => $result) { if ($line >= $cacheLine) { return $replace[0] . ':' . $result; } } return $replace[0] . ':0'; }, $pot ); if ($pot === null) { return Command::FAILURE; } if (file_put_contents(self::POT_FILE, $pot) === false) { return Command::FAILURE; } return Command::SUCCESS; } }