<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal; use Amp\Dns; use Amp\Dns\Record; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; /** * Handles local overrides for the DNS resolver. * * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * * @internal */ class AmpResolver implements Dns\Resolver { private $dnsMap; public function __construct(array &$dnsMap) { $this->dnsMap = &$dnsMap; } public function resolve(string $name, ?int $typeRestriction = null): Promise { if (!isset($this->dnsMap[$name]) || !\in_array($typeRestriction, [Record::A, null], true)) { return Dns\resolver()->resolve($name, $typeRestriction); } return new Success([new Record($this->dnsMap[$name], Record::A, null)]); } public function query(string $name, int $type): Promise { if (!isset($this->dnsMap[$name]) || Record::A !== $type) { return Dns\resolver()->query($name, $type); } return new Success([new Record($this->dnsMap[$name], Record::A, null)]); } }