<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\Tests\RST\Parser; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\CodeNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\DocumentNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\DummyNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\ListNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\Node; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\ParagraphNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\QuoteNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\TableNode; use Doctrine\RST\Nodes\TitleNode; use Doctrine\RST\Parser; use Exception; use InvalidArgumentException; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use RuntimeException; use function assert; use function count; use function file_get_contents; use function sprintf; use function trim; /** * Unit testing for RST */ class ParserTest extends TestCase { /** @var Parser $parser */ protected $parser; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $directory = __DIR__ . '/files/'; $parser = new Parser(); $parser->getEnvironment()->setCurrentDirectory($directory); $this->parser = $parser; } public function testGetSubParserPassesConfiguration(): void { $parser = new Parser(); $configuration = $parser->getEnvironment()->getConfiguration(); $subParser = $parser->getSubParser(); self::assertSame($configuration, $subParser->getEnvironment()->getConfiguration()); } /** * Testing that code node value is good */ public function testCodeNode(): void { $document = $this->parse('code-block-lastline.rst'); $nodes = $document->getNodes(static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof CodeNode; }); self::assertSame(1, count($nodes)); self::assertSame("A\nB\n C", trim($nodes[0]->getValueString())); } /** * Testing that code node options are parsed */ public function testCodeNodeWithOptions(): void { $document = $this->parse('code-block-with-options.rst'); $nodes = $document->getNodes(static function (Node $node): bool { return $node instanceof CodeNode; }); self::assertSame(1, count($nodes)); $codeNode = $nodes[0]; assert($codeNode instanceof CodeNode); self::assertSame("A\nB\nC", trim($codeNode->getValueString())); self::assertSame(['name' => 'My Very Best Code'], $codeNode->getOptions()); } /** * Testing paragraph nodes */ public function testParagraphNode(): void { $document = $this->parse('paragraph.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof ParagraphNode; }, 1); self::assertStringContainsString('Hello world!', $document->render()); } /** * Testing multi-paragraph nodes */ public function testParagraphNodes(): void { $document = $this->parse('paragraphs.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof ParagraphNode; }, 3); } /** * Testing quote and block code */ public function testBlockNode(): void { $quote = $this->parse('quote.rst'); self::assertHasNode($quote, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof QuoteNode; }, 1); $code = $this->parse('code.rst'); self::assertHasNode($quote, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof QuoteNode; }, 1); self::assertStringNotContainsString('::', $code->render()); } /** * Testing the titling */ public function testTitles(): void { $document = $this->parse('title.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof TitleNode && $node->getLevel() === 1; }, 1); $document = $this->parse('title2.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof TitleNode && $node->getLevel() === 2; }, 1); } public function testTitlesWithCustomInitialHeaderLevel(): void { $this->parser->getEnvironment()->getConfiguration()->setInitialHeaderLevel(2); $document = $this->parse('title.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof TitleNode && $node->getLevel() === 2; }, 1); $document = $this->parse('title2.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof TitleNode && $node->getLevel() === 3; }, 1); } public function testList(): void { $document = $this->parse('list.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof ListNode; }, 1); $document = $this->parse('list.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof ListNode; }, 1); $document = $this->parse('list-empty.rst'); self::assertHasNode($document, static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof ListNode; }, 1); } /** * Testing the titles retrieving */ public function testGetTitles(): void { $document = $this->parse('titles.rst'); self::assertSame($document->getTitle(), 'The main title'); self::assertSame($document->getTitles(), [ [ 'The main title', [ [ 'First level title', [ ['Second level title', []], ['Other second level title', []], ], ], [ 'Other first level title', [ ['Next second level title', []], ['Yet another second level title', []], ], ], ], ], ]); } /** * Testing the table feature */ public function testTable(): void { $document = $this->parse('table.rst'); $nodes = $document->getNodes(static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof TableNode; }); self::assertSame(count($nodes), 1); $table = $nodes[0]; assert($table instanceof TableNode); self::assertSame(3, $table->getCols()); self::assertSame(3, $table->getRows()); $document = $this->parse('pretty-table.rst'); $nodes = $document->getNodes(static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof TableNode; }); self::assertSame(count($nodes), 1); $table = $nodes[0]; assert($table instanceof TableNode); self::assertSame(3, $table->getCols()); self::assertSame(2, $table->getRows()); } /** * Tests that a simple replace works */ public function testReplace(): void { $document = $this->parse('replace.rst'); self::assertStringContainsString('Hello world!', $document->render()); } /** * Test the include:: pseudo-directive */ public function testInclusion(): void { $document = $this->parse('inclusion.rst'); self::assertStringContainsString('I was actually included', $document->renderDocument()); } public function testThrowExceptionOnInvalidFileInclude(): void { $parser = new Parser(); $environment = $parser->getEnvironment(); $data = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/files/inclusion-bad.rst'); self::assertIsString($data); $this->expectException(RuntimeException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Include ".. include:: non-existent-file.rst" does not exist or is not readable.'); $parser->parse($data); } public function testDirective(): void { $document = $this->parse('directive.rst'); $nodes = $document->getNodes(static function ($node): bool { return $node instanceof DummyNode; }); self::assertSame(1, count($nodes)); $node = $nodes[0]; assert($node instanceof DummyNode); $data = $node->data; self::assertSame('some data', $data['data']); $options = $data['options']; self::assertTrue(isset($options['maxdepth'])); self::assertTrue(isset($options['titlesonly'])); self::assertTrue(isset($options['glob'])); self::assertTrue($options['titlesonly']); self::assertSame('123', $options['maxdepth']); } public function testSubsequentParsesDontHaveTheSameTitleLevelOrder(): void { $directory = __DIR__ . '/files'; $parser = new Parser(); $parser->getEnvironment()->setCurrentDirectory($directory); /** @var TitleNode[] $nodes1 */ $nodes1 = $parser->parseFile(sprintf('%s/mixed-titles-1.rst', $directory))->getNodes(); /** @var TitleNode[] $nodes2 */ $nodes2 = $parser->parseFile(sprintf('%s/mixed-titles-2.rst', $directory))->getNodes(); $node = $nodes1[1]; self::assertSame(1, $node->getLevel()); $node = $nodes1[3]; self::assertSame(2, $node->getLevel()); $node = $nodes2[1]; self::assertSame(1, $node->getLevel(), 'Title level in second parse is influenced by first parse'); $node = $nodes2[3]; self::assertSame(2, $node->getLevel(), 'Title level in second parse is influenced by first parse'); } public function testNewlineBeforeAnIncludedIsntGobbled(): void { /** @var Node[] $nodes */ $nodes = $this->parse('inclusion-newline.rst')->getNodes(); self::assertCount(5, $nodes); self::assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\RST\Nodes\SectionBeginNode', $nodes[0]); self::assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\RST\Nodes\TitleNode', $nodes[1]); self::assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\RST\Nodes\ParagraphNode', $nodes[2]); self::assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\RST\Nodes\ParagraphNode', $nodes[3]); self::assertStringContainsString('<p>Test this paragraph is present.</p>', $nodes[2]->render()); self::assertStringContainsString('<p>And this one as well.</p>', $nodes[3]->render()); } public function testIncludesKeepScope(): void { // See http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#including-an-external-document-fragment /** @var Node[] $nodes */ $nodes = $this->parse('inclusion-scope.rst')->getNodes(); self::assertCount(4, $nodes); $node = $nodes[0]->getValue(); assert($node instanceof Node); self::assertSame("This first example will be parsed at the document level, and can\nthus contain any construct, including section headers.", $node->render()); $node = $nodes[1]->getValue(); assert($node instanceof Node); self::assertSame('This is included.', $node->render()); $node = $nodes[2]->getValue(); assert($node instanceof Node); self::assertSame('Back in the main document.', $node->render()); self::assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\RST\Nodes\QuoteNode', $nodes[3]); $node = $nodes[3]->getValue(); self::assertStringContainsString('This is included.', $node->render()); } public function testIncludesPolicy(): void { $directory = __DIR__ . '/files/'; $parser = new Parser(); $environment = $parser->getEnvironment(); $environment->setCurrentDirectory($directory); // Test defaults self::assertTrue($parser->getIncludeAllowed()); self::assertSame('', $parser->getIncludeRoot()); // Default policy: $document = $parser->parseFile($directory . 'inclusion-policy.rst')->render(); self::assertStringContainsString('SUBDIRECTORY OK', $document); self::assertStringContainsString('EXTERNAL FILE INCLUDED!', $document); // Disbaled policy: $parser->setIncludePolicy(false); $nodes = $parser->parseFile($directory . 'inclusion-policy.rst')->getNodes(); self::assertCount(1, $nodes); // Enabled $parser->setIncludePolicy(true); $nodes = $parser->parseFile($directory . 'inclusion-policy.rst')->getNodes(); self::assertCount(6, $nodes); // Jailed $parser->setIncludePolicy(true, $directory); $nodes = $parser->parseFile($directory . 'inclusion-policy.rst')->getNodes(); self::assertCount(5, $nodes); } public function testParseFileThrowsInvalidArgumentExceptionForMissingFile(): void { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('File at path does-not-exist.rst does not exist'); $parser = new Parser(); $parser->parseFile('does-not-exist.rst'); } /** * Helper function, parses a file and returns the document * produced by the parser */ private function parse(string $file): DocumentNode { $directory = $this->parser->getEnvironment()->getCurrentDirectory(); $data = file_get_contents($directory . $file); if ($data === false) { throw new Exception('Could not open file.'); } return $this->parser->parse($data); } /** * Asserts that a document has nodes that satisfy the function */ private function assertHasNode(DocumentNode $document, callable $function, ?int $count = null): void { $nodes = $document->getNodes($function); self::assertNotEmpty($nodes); if ($count === null) { return; } self::assertSame($count, count($nodes)); } }