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2024-11-23 19:45:29 +00:00
{# Get inputbox based on different column types (Foreign key, geometrical, enum) #}
{% if foreigners and search_column_in_foreigners(foreigners, column_name) %}
{% if foreign_data['disp_row'] is iterable %}
<select name="criteriaValues[{{ column_index }}]"
id="{{ column_id }}{{ column_index }}">
{{ foreign_dropdown(
) }}
{% elseif foreign_data['foreign_link'] == true %}
<input type="text"
id="{{ column_id }}{{ column_index }}"
name="criteriaValues[{{ column_index }}]"
id="field_{{ column_name_hash }}[{{ column_index }}]"
{% if criteria_values[column_index] is defined %}
value="{{ criteria_values[column_index] }}"
{% endif %}>
<a class="ajax browse_foreign" href="{{ url('/browse-foreigners') }}" data-post="
{{- get_common({'db': db, 'table': table}, '', false) -}}
&amp;field={{ column_name|url_encode }}&amp;fieldkey=
{{- column_index }}&amp;fromsearch=1">
{{ get_icon('b_browse', 'Browse foreign values'|trans) }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif column_type in get_gis_datatypes() %}
<input type="text"
name="criteriaValues[{{ column_index }}]"
id="field_{{ column_index }}">
{% if in_fbs %}
{% set edit_str = get_icon('b_edit', 'Edit/Insert'|trans) %}
<span class="open_search_gis_editor">
{{ link_or_button(url('/gis-data-editor'), [], edit_str, [], '_blank') }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif column_type starts with 'enum'
or (column_type starts with 'set' and in_zoom_search_edit) %}
{% set in_zoom_search_edit = false %}
{% set value = parse_enum_set_values(column_type) %}
{% set cnt_value = value|length %}
Enum in edit mode --> dropdown
Enum in search mode --> multiselect
Set in edit mode --> multiselect
Set in search mode --> input (skipped here, so the 'else' section would handle it)
{% if (column_type starts with 'enum' and not in_zoom_search_edit)
or (column_type starts with 'set' and in_zoom_search_edit) %}
<select name="criteriaValues[{{ column_index }}]"
id="{{ column_id }}{{ column_index }}">
{% else %}
<select name="criteriaValues[{{ column_index }}]"
id="{{ column_id }}{{ column_index }}"
size="{{ min(3, cnt_value) }}">
{% endif %}
{# Add select options #}
<option value=""></option>
{% for i in 0..cnt_value - 1 %}
{% if criteria_values[column_index] is defined
and criteria_values[column_index] is iterable
and value[i] in criteria_values[column_index] %}
<option value="{{ value[i]|raw }}" selected>
{{ value[i]|raw }}
{% else %}
<option value="{{ value[i]|raw }}">
{{ value[i]|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% set the_class = 'textfield' %}
{% if column_type == 'date' %}
{% set the_class = the_class ~ ' datefield' %}
{% elseif column_type == 'datetime' or column_type starts with 'timestamp' %}
{% set the_class = the_class ~ ' datetimefield' %}
{% elseif column_type starts with 'bit' %}
{% set the_class = the_class ~ ' bit' %}
{% endif %}
<input type="text"
name="criteriaValues[{{ column_index }}]"
data-type="{{ column_data_type }}"
{{ html_attributes|raw }}
class="{{ the_class }}"
id="{{ column_id }}{{ column_index }}"
{% if criteria_values[column_index] is defined %}
value="{{ criteria_values[column_index] }}"
{%- endif %}>
{% endif %}