2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\ErrorChunk ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\FirstChunk ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\LastChunk ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ChunkInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\ExceptionInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface ;
* Provides a single extension point to process a response ' s content stream .
* @ author Nicolas Grekas < p @ tchwork . com >
final class AsyncResponse implements ResponseInterface , StreamableInterface
use CommonResponseTrait ;
private const FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED = 1 ;
private const LAST_CHUNK_YIELDED = 2 ;
private $client ;
private $response ;
private $info = [ 'canceled' => false ];
private $passthru ;
private $stream ;
private $yieldedState ;
* @ param ? callable ( ChunkInterface , AsyncContext ) : ? \Iterator $passthru
public function __construct ( HttpClientInterface $client , string $method , string $url , array $options , ? callable $passthru = null )
$this -> client = $client ;
$this -> shouldBuffer = $options [ 'buffer' ] ? ? true ;
if ( null !== $onProgress = $options [ 'on_progress' ] ? ? null ) {
$thisInfo = & $this -> info ;
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$options [ 'on_progress' ] = static function ( int $dlNow , int $dlSize , array $info ) use ( & $thisInfo , $onProgress ) {
$onProgress ( $dlNow , $dlSize , $thisInfo + $info );
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$this -> response = $client -> request ( $method , $url , [ 'buffer' => false ] + $options );
$this -> passthru = $passthru ;
$this -> initializer = static function ( self $response , ? float $timeout = null ) {
if ( null === $response -> shouldBuffer ) {
return false ;
while ( true ) {
foreach ( self :: stream ([ $response ], $timeout ) as $chunk ) {
if ( $chunk -> isTimeout () && $response -> passthru ) {
// Timeouts thrown during initialization are transport errors
foreach ( self :: passthru ( $response -> client , $response , new ErrorChunk ( $response -> offset , new TransportException ( $chunk -> getError ()))) as $chunk ) {
if ( $chunk -> isFirst ()) {
return false ;
continue 2 ;
if ( $chunk -> isFirst ()) {
return false ;
return false ;
if ( \array_key_exists ( 'user_data' , $options )) {
$this -> info [ 'user_data' ] = $options [ 'user_data' ];
if ( \array_key_exists ( 'max_duration' , $options )) {
$this -> info [ 'max_duration' ] = $options [ 'max_duration' ];
public function getStatusCode () : int
if ( $this -> initializer ) {
self :: initialize ( $this );
return $this -> response -> getStatusCode ();
public function getHeaders ( bool $throw = true ) : array
if ( $this -> initializer ) {
self :: initialize ( $this );
$headers = $this -> response -> getHeaders ( false );
if ( $throw ) {
$this -> checkStatusCode ();
return $headers ;
public function getInfo ( ? string $type = null )
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if ( 'debug' === ( $type ? ? 'debug' )) {
$debug = implode ( '' , array_column ( $this -> info [ 'previous_info' ] ? ? [], 'debug' ));
$debug .= $this -> response -> getInfo ( 'debug' );
if ( 'debug' === $type ) {
return $debug ;
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if ( null !== $type ) {
return $this -> info [ $type ] ? ? $this -> response -> getInfo ( $type );
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return array_merge ( $this -> info + $this -> response -> getInfo (), [ 'debug' => $debug ]);
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public function toStream ( bool $throw = true )
if ( $throw ) {
// Ensure headers arrived
$this -> getHeaders ( true );
$handle = function () {
$stream = $this -> response instanceof StreamableInterface ? $this -> response -> toStream ( false ) : StreamWrapper :: createResource ( $this -> response );
return stream_get_meta_data ( $stream )[ 'wrapper_data' ] -> stream_cast ( \STREAM_CAST_FOR_SELECT );
$stream = StreamWrapper :: createResource ( $this );
stream_get_meta_data ( $stream )[ 'wrapper_data' ]
-> bindHandles ( $handle , $this -> content );
return $stream ;
public function cancel () : void
if ( $this -> info [ 'canceled' ]) {
return ;
$this -> info [ 'canceled' ] = true ;
$this -> info [ 'error' ] = 'Response has been canceled.' ;
$this -> close ();
$client = $this -> client ;
$this -> client = null ;
if ( ! $this -> passthru ) {
return ;
try {
foreach ( self :: passthru ( $client , $this , new LastChunk ()) as $chunk ) {
// no-op
$this -> passthru = null ;
} catch ( ExceptionInterface $e ) {
// ignore any errors when canceling
public function __destruct ()
$httpException = null ;
if ( $this -> initializer && null === $this -> getInfo ( 'error' )) {
try {
self :: initialize ( $this , - 0.0 );
$this -> getHeaders ( true );
} catch ( HttpExceptionInterface $httpException ) {
// no-op
if ( $this -> passthru && null === $this -> getInfo ( 'error' )) {
$this -> info [ 'canceled' ] = true ;
try {
foreach ( self :: passthru ( $this -> client , $this , new LastChunk ()) as $chunk ) {
// no-op
} catch ( ExceptionInterface $e ) {
// ignore any errors when destructing
if ( null !== $httpException ) {
throw $httpException ;
* @ internal
public static function stream ( iterable $responses , ? float $timeout = null , ? string $class = null ) : \Generator
while ( $responses ) {
$wrappedResponses = [];
$asyncMap = new \SplObjectStorage ();
$client = null ;
foreach ( $responses as $r ) {
if ( ! $r instanceof self ) {
throw new \TypeError ( sprintf ( '"%s::stream()" expects parameter 1 to be an iterable of AsyncResponse objects, "%s" given.' , $class ? ? static :: class , get_debug_type ( $r )));
if ( null !== $e = $r -> info [ 'error' ] ? ? null ) {
yield $r => $chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $r -> offset , new TransportException ( $e ));
$chunk -> didThrow () ? : $chunk -> getContent ();
continue ;
if ( null === $client ) {
$client = $r -> client ;
} elseif ( $r -> client !== $client ) {
throw new TransportException ( 'Cannot stream AsyncResponse objects with many clients.' );
$asyncMap [ $r -> response ] = $r ;
$wrappedResponses [] = $r -> response ;
if ( $r -> stream ) {
yield from self :: passthruStream ( $response = $r -> response , $r , new FirstChunk (), $asyncMap );
if ( ! isset ( $asyncMap [ $response ])) {
array_pop ( $wrappedResponses );
if ( $r -> response !== $response && ! isset ( $asyncMap [ $r -> response ])) {
$asyncMap [ $r -> response ] = $r ;
$wrappedResponses [] = $r -> response ;
if ( ! $client || ! $wrappedResponses ) {
return ;
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$chunk = null ;
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foreach ( $client -> stream ( $wrappedResponses , $timeout ) as $response => $chunk ) {
$r = $asyncMap [ $response ];
if ( null === $chunk -> getError ()) {
if ( $chunk -> isFirst ()) {
// Ensure no exception is thrown on destruct for the wrapped response
$r -> response -> getStatusCode ();
} elseif ( 0 === $r -> offset && null === $r -> content && $chunk -> isLast ()) {
$r -> content = fopen ( 'php://memory' , 'w+' );
if ( ! $r -> passthru ) {
if ( null !== $chunk -> getError () || $chunk -> isLast ()) {
unset ( $asyncMap [ $response ]);
} elseif ( null !== $r -> content && '' !== ( $content = $chunk -> getContent ()) && \strlen ( $content ) !== fwrite ( $r -> content , $content )) {
$chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $r -> offset , new TransportException ( sprintf ( 'Failed writing %d bytes to the response buffer.' , \strlen ( $content ))));
$r -> info [ 'error' ] = $chunk -> getError ();
$r -> response -> cancel ();
yield $r => $chunk ;
continue ;
if ( null !== $chunk -> getError ()) {
// no-op
} elseif ( $chunk -> isFirst ()) {
$r -> yieldedState = self :: FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED ;
} elseif ( self :: FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED !== $r -> yieldedState && null === $chunk -> getInformationalStatus ()) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'Instance of "%s" is already consumed and cannot be managed by "%s". A decorated client should not call any of the response\'s methods in its "request()" method.' , get_debug_type ( $response ), $class ? ? static :: class ));
foreach ( self :: passthru ( $r -> client , $r , $chunk , $asyncMap ) as $chunk ) {
yield $r => $chunk ;
if ( $r -> response !== $response && isset ( $asyncMap [ $response ])) {
break ;
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if ( null === $chunk ) {
throw new \LogicException ( \sprintf ( '"%s" is not compliant with HttpClientInterface: its "stream()" method didn\'t yield any chunks when it should have.' , get_debug_type ( $client )));
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if ( null === $chunk -> getError () && $chunk -> isLast ()) {
$r -> yieldedState = self :: LAST_CHUNK_YIELDED ;
if ( null === $chunk -> getError () && self :: LAST_CHUNK_YIELDED !== $r -> yieldedState && $r -> response === $response && null !== $r -> client ) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'A chunk passthru must yield an "isLast()" chunk before ending a stream.' );
$responses = [];
foreach ( $asyncMap as $response ) {
$r = $asyncMap [ $response ];
if ( null !== $r -> client ) {
$responses [] = $asyncMap [ $response ];
* @ param \SplObjectStorage < ResponseInterface , AsyncResponse >| null $asyncMap
private static function passthru ( HttpClientInterface $client , self $r , ChunkInterface $chunk , ? \SplObjectStorage $asyncMap = null ) : \Generator
$r -> stream = null ;
$response = $r -> response ;
$context = new AsyncContext ( $r -> passthru , $client , $r -> response , $r -> info , $r -> content , $r -> offset );
if ( null === $stream = ( $r -> passthru )( $chunk , $context )) {
if ( $r -> response === $response && ( null !== $chunk -> getError () || $chunk -> isLast ())) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'A chunk passthru cannot swallow the last chunk.' );
return ;
if ( ! $stream instanceof \Iterator ) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'A chunk passthru must return an "Iterator", "%s" returned.' , get_debug_type ( $stream )));
$r -> stream = $stream ;
yield from self :: passthruStream ( $response , $r , null , $asyncMap );
* @ param \SplObjectStorage < ResponseInterface , AsyncResponse >| null $asyncMap
private static function passthruStream ( ResponseInterface $response , self $r , ? ChunkInterface $chunk , ? \SplObjectStorage $asyncMap ) : \Generator
while ( true ) {
try {
if ( null !== $chunk && $r -> stream ) {
$r -> stream -> next ();
if ( ! $r -> stream || ! $r -> stream -> valid () || ! $r -> stream ) {
$r -> stream = null ;
break ;
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
unset ( $asyncMap [ $response ]);
$r -> stream = null ;
$r -> info [ 'error' ] = $e -> getMessage ();
$r -> response -> cancel ();
yield $r => $chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $r -> offset , $e );
$chunk -> didThrow () ? : $chunk -> getContent ();
break ;
$chunk = $r -> stream -> current ();
if ( ! $chunk instanceof ChunkInterface ) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'A chunk passthru must yield instances of "%s", "%s" yielded.' , ChunkInterface :: class , get_debug_type ( $chunk )));
if ( null !== $chunk -> getError ()) {
// no-op
} elseif ( $chunk -> isFirst ()) {
$e = $r -> openBuffer ();
yield $r => $chunk ;
if ( $r -> initializer && null === $r -> getInfo ( 'error' )) {
// Ensure the HTTP status code is always checked
$r -> getHeaders ( true );
if ( null === $e ) {
continue ;
$r -> response -> cancel ();
$chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $r -> offset , $e );
} elseif ( '' !== $content = $chunk -> getContent ()) {
if ( null !== $r -> shouldBuffer ) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'A chunk passthru must yield an "isFirst()" chunk before any content chunk.' );
if ( null !== $r -> content && \strlen ( $content ) !== fwrite ( $r -> content , $content )) {
$chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $r -> offset , new TransportException ( sprintf ( 'Failed writing %d bytes to the response buffer.' , \strlen ( $content ))));
$r -> info [ 'error' ] = $chunk -> getError ();
$r -> response -> cancel ();
if ( null !== $chunk -> getError () || $chunk -> isLast ()) {
$stream = $r -> stream ;
$r -> stream = null ;
unset ( $asyncMap [ $response ]);
if ( null === $chunk -> getError ()) {
$r -> offset += \strlen ( $content );
yield $r => $chunk ;
if ( ! $chunk -> isLast ()) {
continue ;
$stream -> next ();
if ( $stream -> valid ()) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'A chunk passthru cannot yield after an "isLast()" chunk.' );
$r -> passthru = null ;
} else {
if ( $chunk instanceof ErrorChunk ) {
$chunk -> didThrow ( false );
} else {
try {
$chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $chunk -> getOffset (), ! $chunk -> isTimeout () ? : $chunk -> getError ());
} catch ( TransportExceptionInterface $e ) {
$chunk = new ErrorChunk ( $chunk -> getOffset (), $e );
yield $r => $chunk ;
$chunk -> didThrow () ? : $chunk -> getContent ();
break ;
private function openBuffer () : ? \Throwable
if ( null === $shouldBuffer = $this -> shouldBuffer ) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'A chunk passthru cannot yield more than one "isFirst()" chunk.' );
$e = $this -> shouldBuffer = null ;
if ( $shouldBuffer instanceof \Closure ) {
try {
$shouldBuffer = $shouldBuffer ( $this -> getHeaders ( false ));
if ( null !== $e = $this -> response -> getInfo ( 'error' )) {
throw new TransportException ( $e );
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
$this -> info [ 'error' ] = $e -> getMessage ();
$this -> response -> cancel ();
if ( true === $shouldBuffer ) {
$this -> content = fopen ( 'php://temp' , 'w+' );
} elseif ( \is_resource ( $shouldBuffer )) {
$this -> content = $shouldBuffer ;
return $e ;
private function close () : void
$this -> response -> cancel ();