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< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException ;
* Provides the common logic from writing HttpClientInterface implementations .
* All private methods are static to prevent implementers from creating memory leaks via circular references .
* @ author Nicolas Grekas < p @ tchwork . com >
trait HttpClientTrait
private static $CHUNK_SIZE = 16372 ;
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function withOptions ( array $options ) : self
$clone = clone $this ;
$clone -> defaultOptions = self :: mergeDefaultOptions ( $options , $this -> defaultOptions );
return $clone ;
* Validates and normalizes method , URL and options , and merges them with defaults .
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When a not - supported option is found
private static function prepareRequest ( ? string $method , ? string $url , array $options , array $defaultOptions = [], bool $allowExtraOptions = false ) : array
if ( null !== $method ) {
if ( \strlen ( $method ) !== strspn ( $method , 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid HTTP method "%s", only uppercase letters are accepted.' , $method ));
if ( ! $method ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'The HTTP method cannot be empty.' );
$options = self :: mergeDefaultOptions ( $options , $defaultOptions , $allowExtraOptions );
$buffer = $options [ 'buffer' ] ? ? true ;
if ( $buffer instanceof \Closure ) {
$options [ 'buffer' ] = static function ( array $headers ) use ( $buffer ) {
if ( ! \is_bool ( $buffer = $buffer ( $headers ))) {
if ( ! \is_array ( $bufferInfo = @ stream_get_meta_data ( $buffer ))) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'The closure passed as option "buffer" must return bool or stream resource, got "%s".' , get_debug_type ( $buffer )));
if ( false === strpbrk ( $bufferInfo [ 'mode' ], 'acew+' )) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'The stream returned by the closure passed as option "buffer" must be writeable, got mode "%s".' , $bufferInfo [ 'mode' ]));
return $buffer ;
} elseif ( ! \is_bool ( $buffer )) {
if ( ! \is_array ( $bufferInfo = @ stream_get_meta_data ( $buffer ))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "buffer" must be bool, stream resource or Closure, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $buffer )));
if ( false === strpbrk ( $bufferInfo [ 'mode' ], 'acew+' )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The stream in option "buffer" must be writeable, mode "%s" given.' , $bufferInfo [ 'mode' ]));
if ( isset ( $options [ 'json' ])) {
if ( isset ( $options [ 'body' ]) && '' !== $options [ 'body' ]) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'Define either the "json" or the "body" option, setting both is not supported.' );
$options [ 'body' ] = self :: jsonEncode ( $options [ 'json' ]);
unset ( $options [ 'json' ]);
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-type' ])) {
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-type' ] = [ 'Content-Type: application/json' ];
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'accept' ])) {
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'accept' ] = [ 'Accept: */*' ];
if ( isset ( $options [ 'body' ])) {
$options [ 'body' ] = self :: normalizeBody ( $options [ 'body' ]);
if ( \is_string ( $options [ 'body' ])
&& ( string ) \strlen ( $options [ 'body' ]) !== substr ( $h = $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-length' ][ 0 ] ? ? '' , 16 )
&& ( '' !== $h || '' !== $options [ 'body' ])
) {
if ( 'chunked' === substr ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'transfer-encoding' ][ 0 ] ? ? '' , \strlen ( 'Transfer-Encoding: ' ))) {
unset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'transfer-encoding' ]);
$options [ 'body' ] = self :: dechunk ( $options [ 'body' ]);
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-length' ] = [ substr_replace ( $h ? : 'Content-Length: ' , \strlen ( $options [ 'body' ]), 16 )];
if ( isset ( $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ])) {
$options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ] = self :: normalizePeerFingerprint ( $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ]);
// Validate on_progress
if ( isset ( $options [ 'on_progress' ]) && ! \is_callable ( $onProgress = $options [ 'on_progress' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "on_progress" must be callable, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $onProgress )));
if ( \is_array ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ] ? ? null )) {
$count = \count ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ]);
if ( $count <= 0 || $count > 2 ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "auth_basic" must contain 1 or 2 elements, "%s" given.' , $count ));
$options [ 'auth_basic' ] = implode ( ':' , $options [ 'auth_basic' ]);
if ( ! \is_string ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ] ? ? '' )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "auth_basic" must be string or an array, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ])));
if ( isset ( $options [ 'auth_bearer' ])) {
if ( ! \is_string ( $options [ 'auth_bearer' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "auth_bearer" must be a string, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $options [ 'auth_bearer' ])));
if ( preg_match ( '{[^\x21-\x7E]}' , $options [ 'auth_bearer' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'Invalid character found in option "auth_bearer": ' . json_encode ( $options [ 'auth_bearer' ]) . '.' );
if ( isset ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ], $options [ 'auth_bearer' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'Define either the "auth_basic" or the "auth_bearer" option, setting both is not supported.' );
if ( null !== $url ) {
// Merge auth with headers
if (( $options [ 'auth_basic' ] ? ? false ) && ! ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'authorization' ] ? ? false )) {
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'authorization' ] = [ 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ])];
// Merge bearer with headers
if (( $options [ 'auth_bearer' ] ? ? false ) && ! ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'authorization' ] ? ? false )) {
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'authorization' ] = [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $options [ 'auth_bearer' ]];
unset ( $options [ 'auth_basic' ], $options [ 'auth_bearer' ]);
// Parse base URI
if ( \is_string ( $options [ 'base_uri' ])) {
$options [ 'base_uri' ] = self :: parseUrl ( $options [ 'base_uri' ]);
// Validate and resolve URL
$url = self :: parseUrl ( $url , $options [ 'query' ]);
$url = self :: resolveUrl ( $url , $options [ 'base_uri' ], $defaultOptions [ 'query' ] ? ? []);
// Finalize normalization of options
$options [ 'http_version' ] = ( string ) ( $options [ 'http_version' ] ? ? '' ) ? : null ;
if ( 0 > $options [ 'timeout' ] = ( float ) ( $options [ 'timeout' ] ? ? \ini_get ( 'default_socket_timeout' ))) {
$options [ 'timeout' ] = 172800.0 ; // 2 days
$options [ 'max_duration' ] = isset ( $options [ 'max_duration' ]) ? ( float ) $options [ 'max_duration' ] : 0 ;
$options [ 'headers' ] = array_merge ( ... array_values ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ]));
return [ $url , $options ];
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid option is found
private static function mergeDefaultOptions ( array $options , array $defaultOptions , bool $allowExtraOptions = false ) : array
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ] = self :: normalizeHeaders ( $options [ 'headers' ] ? ? []);
if ( $defaultOptions [ 'headers' ] ? ? false ) {
$options [ 'normalized_headers' ] += self :: normalizeHeaders ( $defaultOptions [ 'headers' ]);
$options [ 'headers' ] = array_merge ( ... array_values ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ]) ? : [[]]);
if ( $resolve = $options [ 'resolve' ] ? ? false ) {
$options [ 'resolve' ] = [];
foreach ( $resolve as $k => $v ) {
2025-02-11 21:30:02 +01:00
if ( '' === $v = ( string ) $v ) {
$v = null ;
} elseif ( '[' === $v [ 0 ] && ']' === substr ( $v , - 1 ) && str_contains ( $v , ':' )) {
$v = substr ( $v , 1 , - 1 );
$options [ 'resolve' ][ substr ( self :: parseUrl ( 'http://' . $k )[ 'authority' ], 2 )] = $v ;
2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
// Option "query" is never inherited from defaults
$options [ 'query' ] = $options [ 'query' ] ? ? [];
$options += $defaultOptions ;
if ( isset ( self :: $emptyDefaults )) {
foreach ( self :: $emptyDefaults as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! isset ( $options [ $k ])) {
$options [ $k ] = $v ;
if ( isset ( $defaultOptions [ 'extra' ])) {
$options [ 'extra' ] += $defaultOptions [ 'extra' ];
if ( $resolve = $defaultOptions [ 'resolve' ] ? ? false ) {
foreach ( $resolve as $k => $v ) {
2025-02-11 21:30:02 +01:00
if ( '' === $v = ( string ) $v ) {
$v = null ;
} elseif ( '[' === $v [ 0 ] && ']' === substr ( $v , - 1 ) && str_contains ( $v , ':' )) {
$v = substr ( $v , 1 , - 1 );
$options [ 'resolve' ] += [ substr ( self :: parseUrl ( 'http://' . $k )[ 'authority' ], 2 ) => $v ];
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if ( $allowExtraOptions || ! $defaultOptions ) {
return $options ;
// Look for unsupported options
foreach ( $options as $name => $v ) {
if ( \array_key_exists ( $name , $defaultOptions ) || 'normalized_headers' === $name ) {
continue ;
if ( 'auth_ntlm' === $name ) {
if ( ! \extension_loaded ( 'curl' )) {
$msg = 'try installing the "curl" extension to use "%s" instead.' ;
} else {
$msg = 'try using "%s" instead.' ;
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "auth_ntlm" is not supported by "%s", ' . $msg , __CLASS__ , CurlHttpClient :: class ));
$alternatives = [];
foreach ( $defaultOptions as $k => $v ) {
if ( levenshtein ( $name , $k ) <= \strlen ( $name ) / 3 || str_contains ( $k , $name )) {
$alternatives [] = $k ;
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Unsupported option "%s" passed to "%s", did you mean "%s"?' , $name , __CLASS__ , implode ( '", "' , $alternatives ? : array_keys ( $defaultOptions ))));
return $options ;
* @ return string [][]
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid header is found
private static function normalizeHeaders ( array $headers ) : array
$normalizedHeaders = [];
foreach ( $headers as $name => $values ) {
if ( \is_object ( $values ) && method_exists ( $values , '__toString' )) {
$values = ( string ) $values ;
if ( \is_int ( $name )) {
if ( ! \is_string ( $values )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid value for header "%s": expected string, "%s" given.' , $name , get_debug_type ( $values )));
[ $name , $values ] = explode ( ':' , $values , 2 );
$values = [ ltrim ( $values )];
} elseif ( ! is_iterable ( $values )) {
if ( \is_object ( $values )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid value for header "%s": expected string, "%s" given.' , $name , get_debug_type ( $values )));
$values = ( array ) $values ;
$lcName = strtolower ( $name );
$normalizedHeaders [ $lcName ] = [];
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
$normalizedHeaders [ $lcName ][] = $value = $name . ': ' . $value ;
if ( \strlen ( $value ) !== strcspn ( $value , " \r \n \0 " )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid header: CR/LF/NUL found in "%s".' , $value ));
return $normalizedHeaders ;
* @ param array | string | resource | \Traversable | \Closure $body
* @ return string | resource | \Closure
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid body is passed
private static function normalizeBody ( $body )
if ( \is_array ( $body )) {
array_walk_recursive ( $body , $caster = static function ( & $v ) use ( & $caster ) {
if ( \is_object ( $v )) {
if ( $vars = get_object_vars ( $v )) {
array_walk_recursive ( $vars , $caster );
$v = $vars ;
} elseif ( method_exists ( $v , '__toString' )) {
$v = ( string ) $v ;
return http_build_query ( $body , '' , '&' );
if ( \is_string ( $body )) {
return $body ;
$generatorToCallable = static function ( \Generator $body ) : \Closure {
return static function () use ( $body ) {
while ( $body -> valid ()) {
$chunk = $body -> current ();
$body -> next ();
if ( '' !== $chunk ) {
return $chunk ;
return '' ;
if ( $body instanceof \Generator ) {
return $generatorToCallable ( $body );
if ( $body instanceof \Traversable ) {
return $generatorToCallable (( static function ( $body ) { yield from $body ; })( $body ));
if ( $body instanceof \Closure ) {
$r = new \ReflectionFunction ( $body );
$body = $r -> getClosure ();
if ( $r -> isGenerator ()) {
$body = $body ( self :: $CHUNK_SIZE );
return $generatorToCallable ( $body );
return $body ;
if ( ! \is_array ( @ stream_get_meta_data ( $body ))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "body" must be string, stream resource, iterable or callable, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $body )));
return $body ;
private static function dechunk ( string $body ) : string
$h = fopen ( 'php://temp' , 'w+' );
stream_filter_append ( $h , 'dechunk' , \STREAM_FILTER_WRITE );
fwrite ( $h , $body );
$body = stream_get_contents ( $h , - 1 , 0 );
rewind ( $h );
ftruncate ( $h , 0 );
if ( fwrite ( $h , '-' ) && '' !== stream_get_contents ( $h , - 1 , 0 )) {
throw new TransportException ( 'Request body has broken chunked encoding.' );
return $body ;
* @ param string | string [] $fingerprint
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid fingerprint is passed
private static function normalizePeerFingerprint ( $fingerprint ) : array
if ( \is_string ( $fingerprint )) {
switch ( \strlen ( $fingerprint = str_replace ( ':' , '' , $fingerprint ))) {
case 32 : $fingerprint = [ 'md5' => $fingerprint ]; break ;
case 40 : $fingerprint = [ 'sha1' => $fingerprint ]; break ;
case 44 : $fingerprint = [ 'pin-sha256' => [ $fingerprint ]]; break ;
case 64 : $fingerprint = [ 'sha256' => $fingerprint ]; break ;
default : throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Cannot auto-detect fingerprint algorithm for "%s".' , $fingerprint ));
} elseif ( \is_array ( $fingerprint )) {
foreach ( $fingerprint as $algo => $hash ) {
$fingerprint [ $algo ] = 'pin-sha256' === $algo ? ( array ) $hash : str_replace ( ':' , '' , $hash );
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "peer_fingerprint" must be string or array, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $fingerprint )));
return $fingerprint ;
* @ param mixed $value
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When the value cannot be json - encoded
private static function jsonEncode ( $value , ? int $flags = null , int $maxDepth = 512 ) : string
try {
$value = json_encode ( $value , $flags | ( \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300 ? \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR : 0 ), $maxDepth );
} catch ( \JsonException $e ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'Invalid value for "json" option: ' . $e -> getMessage ());
if ( \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300 && \JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error () && ( false === $value || ! ( $flags & \JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR ))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'Invalid value for "json" option: ' . json_last_error_msg ());
return $value ;
* Resolves a URL against a base URI .
* @ see https :// tools . ietf . org / html / rfc3986 #section-5.2.2
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid URL is passed
private static function resolveUrl ( array $url , ? array $base , array $queryDefaults = []) : array
$givenUrl = $url ;
if ( null !== $base && '' === ( $base [ 'scheme' ] ? ? '' ) . ( $base [ 'authority' ] ? ? '' )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid "base_uri" option: host or scheme is missing in "%s".' , implode ( '' , $base )));
if ( null === $url [ 'scheme' ] && ( null === $base || null === $base [ 'scheme' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid URL: scheme is missing in "%s". Did you forget to add "http(s)://"?' , implode ( '' , $base ? ? $url )));
if ( null === $base && '' === $url [ 'scheme' ] . $url [ 'authority' ]) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Invalid URL: no "base_uri" option was provided and host or scheme is missing in "%s".' , implode ( '' , $url )));
if ( null !== $url [ 'scheme' ]) {
$url [ 'path' ] = self :: removeDotSegments ( $url [ 'path' ] ? ? '' );
} else {
if ( null !== $url [ 'authority' ]) {
$url [ 'path' ] = self :: removeDotSegments ( $url [ 'path' ] ? ? '' );
} else {
if ( null === $url [ 'path' ]) {
$url [ 'path' ] = $base [ 'path' ];
$url [ 'query' ] = $url [ 'query' ] ? ? $base [ 'query' ];
} else {
if ( '/' !== $url [ 'path' ][ 0 ]) {
if ( null === $base [ 'path' ]) {
$url [ 'path' ] = '/' . $url [ 'path' ];
} else {
$segments = explode ( '/' , $base [ 'path' ]);
array_splice ( $segments , - 1 , 1 , [ $url [ 'path' ]]);
$url [ 'path' ] = implode ( '/' , $segments );
$url [ 'path' ] = self :: removeDotSegments ( $url [ 'path' ]);
$url [ 'authority' ] = $base [ 'authority' ];
if ( $queryDefaults ) {
$url [ 'query' ] = '?' . self :: mergeQueryString ( substr ( $url [ 'query' ] ? ? '' , 1 ), $queryDefaults , false );
$url [ 'scheme' ] = $base [ 'scheme' ];
if ( '' === ( $url [ 'path' ] ? ? '' )) {
$url [ 'path' ] = '/' ;
if ( '?' === ( $url [ 'query' ] ? ? '' )) {
$url [ 'query' ] = null ;
if ( null !== $url [ 'scheme' ] && null === $url [ 'authority' ]) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( \sprintf ( 'Invalid URL: host is missing in "%s".' , implode ( '' , $givenUrl )));
return $url ;
* Parses a URL and fixes its encoding if needed .
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid URL is passed
private static function parseUrl ( string $url , array $query = [], array $allowedSchemes = [ 'http' => 80 , 'https' => 443 ]) : array
2025-02-11 21:30:02 +01:00
$tail = '' ;
if ( false === $parts = parse_url ( \strlen ( $url ) !== strcspn ( $url , '?#' ) ? $url : $url . $tail = '#' )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Malformed URL "%s".' , $url ));
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if ( $query ) {
$parts [ 'query' ] = self :: mergeQueryString ( $parts [ 'query' ] ? ? null , $query , true );
2025-02-11 21:30:02 +01:00
$scheme = $parts [ 'scheme' ] ? ? null ;
$host = $parts [ 'host' ] ? ? null ;
if ( ! $scheme && $host && ! str_starts_with ( $url , '//' )) {
$parts = parse_url ( ':/' . $url . $tail );
$parts [ 'path' ] = substr ( $parts [ 'path' ], 2 );
$scheme = $host = null ;
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$port = $parts [ 'port' ] ? ? 0 ;
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if ( null !== $scheme ) {
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if ( ! isset ( $allowedSchemes [ $scheme = strtolower ( $scheme )])) {
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throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Unsupported scheme in "%s": "%s" expected.' , $url , implode ( '" or "' , array_keys ( $allowedSchemes ))));
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$port = $allowedSchemes [ $scheme ] === $port ? 0 : $port ;
$scheme .= ':' ;
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if ( null !== $host ) {
2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
if ( ! \defined ( 'INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46' ) && preg_match ( '/[\x80-\xFF]/' , $host )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Unsupported IDN "%s", try enabling the "intl" PHP extension or running "composer require symfony/polyfill-intl-idn".' , $host ));
$host = \defined ( 'INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46' ) ? idn_to_ascii ( $host , \IDNA_DEFAULT | \IDNA_USE_STD3_RULES | \IDNA_CHECK_BIDI | \IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ | \IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII , \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ) ? : strtolower ( $host ) : strtolower ( $host );
$host .= $port ? ':' . $port : '' ;
foreach ([ 'user' , 'pass' , 'path' , 'query' , 'fragment' ] as $part ) {
if ( ! isset ( $parts [ $part ])) {
continue ;
if ( str_contains ( $parts [ $part ], '%' )) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3
$parts [ $part ] = preg_replace_callback ( '/%(?:2[DE]|3[0-9]|[46][1-9A-F]|5F|[57][0-9A]|7E)++/i' , function ( $m ) { return rawurldecode ( $m [ 0 ]); }, $parts [ $part ]);
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
$parts [ $part ] = preg_replace_callback ( " #[^-A-Za-z0-9._~! $ &/'()[ \ ]*+,;=:@ { }%]++# " , function ( $m ) { return rawurlencode ( $m [ 0 ]); }, $parts [ $part ]);
return [
'scheme' => $scheme ,
'authority' => null !== $host ? '//' . ( isset ( $parts [ 'user' ]) ? $parts [ 'user' ] . ( isset ( $parts [ 'pass' ]) ? ':' . $parts [ 'pass' ] : '' ) . '@' : '' ) . $host : null ,
'path' => isset ( $parts [ 'path' ][ 0 ]) ? $parts [ 'path' ] : null ,
'query' => isset ( $parts [ 'query' ]) ? '?' . $parts [ 'query' ] : null ,
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'fragment' => isset ( $parts [ 'fragment' ]) && ! $tail ? '#' . $parts [ 'fragment' ] : null ,
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* Removes dot - segments from a path .
* @ see https :// tools . ietf . org / html / rfc3986 #section-5.2.4
private static function removeDotSegments ( string $path )
$result = '' ;
while ( ! \in_array ( $path , [ '' , '.' , '..' ], true )) {
if ( '.' === $path [ 0 ] && ( str_starts_with ( $path , $p = '../' ) || str_starts_with ( $path , $p = './' ))) {
$path = substr ( $path , \strlen ( $p ));
} elseif ( '/.' === $path || str_starts_with ( $path , '/./' )) {
$path = substr_replace ( $path , '/' , 0 , 3 );
} elseif ( '/..' === $path || str_starts_with ( $path , '/../' )) {
$i = strrpos ( $result , '/' );
$result = $i ? substr ( $result , 0 , $i ) : '' ;
$path = substr_replace ( $path , '/' , 0 , 4 );
} else {
$i = strpos ( $path , '/' , 1 ) ? : \strlen ( $path );
$result .= substr ( $path , 0 , $i );
$path = substr ( $path , $i );
return $result ;
* Merges and encodes a query array with a query string .
* @ throws InvalidArgumentException When an invalid query - string value is passed
private static function mergeQueryString ( ? string $queryString , array $queryArray , bool $replace ) : ? string
if ( ! $queryArray ) {
return $queryString ;
$query = [];
if ( null !== $queryString ) {
foreach ( explode ( '&' , $queryString ) as $v ) {
if ( '' !== $v ) {
$k = urldecode ( explode ( '=' , $v , 2 )[ 0 ]);
$query [ $k ] = ( isset ( $query [ $k ]) ? $query [ $k ] . '&' : '' ) . $v ;
if ( $replace ) {
foreach ( $queryArray as $k => $v ) {
if ( null === $v ) {
unset ( $query [ $k ]);
$queryString = http_build_query ( $queryArray , '' , '&' , \PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 );
$queryArray = [];
if ( $queryString ) {
if ( str_contains ( $queryString , '%' )) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3 + some chars not encoded by browsers
$queryString = strtr ( $queryString , [
'%21' => '!' ,
'%24' => '$' ,
'%28' => '(' ,
'%29' => ')' ,
'%2A' => '*' ,
'%2F' => '/' ,
'%3A' => ':' ,
'%3B' => ';' ,
'%40' => '@' ,
'%5B' => '[' ,
'%5D' => ']' ,
foreach ( explode ( '&' , $queryString ) as $v ) {
$queryArray [ rawurldecode ( explode ( '=' , $v , 2 )[ 0 ])] = $v ;
return implode ( '&' , $replace ? array_replace ( $query , $queryArray ) : ( $query + $queryArray ));
* Loads proxy configuration from the same environment variables as curl when no proxy is explicitly set .
private static function getProxy ( ? string $proxy , array $url , ? string $noProxy ) : ? array
if ( null === $proxy = self :: getProxyUrl ( $proxy , $url )) {
return null ;
$proxy = ( parse_url ( $proxy ) ? : []) + [ 'scheme' => 'http' ];
if ( ! isset ( $proxy [ 'host' ])) {
throw new TransportException ( 'Invalid HTTP proxy: host is missing.' );
if ( 'http' === $proxy [ 'scheme' ]) {
$proxyUrl = 'tcp://' . $proxy [ 'host' ] . ':' . ( $proxy [ 'port' ] ? ? '80' );
} elseif ( 'https' === $proxy [ 'scheme' ]) {
$proxyUrl = 'ssl://' . $proxy [ 'host' ] . ':' . ( $proxy [ 'port' ] ? ? '443' );
} else {
throw new TransportException ( sprintf ( 'Unsupported proxy scheme "%s": "http" or "https" expected.' , $proxy [ 'scheme' ]));
$noProxy = $noProxy ? ? $_SERVER [ 'no_proxy' ] ? ? $_SERVER [ 'NO_PROXY' ] ? ? '' ;
$noProxy = $noProxy ? preg_split ( '/[\s,]+/' , $noProxy ) : [];
return [
'url' => $proxyUrl ,
'auth' => isset ( $proxy [ 'user' ]) ? 'Basic ' . base64_encode ( rawurldecode ( $proxy [ 'user' ]) . ':' . rawurldecode ( $proxy [ 'pass' ] ? ? '' )) : null ,
'no_proxy' => $noProxy ,
private static function getProxyUrl ( ? string $proxy , array $url ) : ? string
if ( null !== $proxy ) {
return $proxy ;
// Ignore HTTP_PROXY except on the CLI to work around httpoxy set of vulnerabilities
$proxy = $_SERVER [ 'http_proxy' ] ? ? ( \in_array ( \PHP_SAPI , [ 'cli' , 'phpdbg' ], true ) ? $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_PROXY' ] ? ? null : null ) ? ? $_SERVER [ 'all_proxy' ] ? ? $_SERVER [ 'ALL_PROXY' ] ? ? null ;
if ( 'https:' === $url [ 'scheme' ]) {
$proxy = $_SERVER [ 'https_proxy' ] ? ? $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS_PROXY' ] ? ? $proxy ;
return $proxy ;
private static function shouldBuffer ( array $headers ) : bool
if ( null === $contentType = $headers [ 'content-type' ][ 0 ] ? ? null ) {
return false ;
if ( false !== $i = strpos ( $contentType , ';' )) {
$contentType = substr ( $contentType , 0 , $i );
return $contentType && preg_match ( '#^(?:text/|application/(?:.+\+)?(?:json|xml)$)#i' , $contentType );