2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient ;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface ;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\InvalidArgumentException ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\CurlClientState ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\PushedResponse ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\CurlResponse ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\ResponseStream ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseStreamInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface ;
* A performant implementation of the HttpClientInterface contracts based on the curl extension .
* This provides fully concurrent HTTP requests , with transparent
* HTTP / 2 push when a curl version that supports it is installed .
* @ author Nicolas Grekas < p @ tchwork . com >
final class CurlHttpClient implements HttpClientInterface , LoggerAwareInterface , ResetInterface
use HttpClientTrait ;
private $defaultOptions = self :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS + [
'auth_ntlm' => null , // array|string - an array containing the username as first value, and optionally the
// password as the second one; or string like username:password - enabling NTLM auth
'extra' => [
'curl' => [], // A list of extra curl options indexed by their corresponding CURLOPT_*
private static $emptyDefaults = self :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS + [ 'auth_ntlm' => null ];
* @ var LoggerInterface | null
private $logger ;
private $maxHostConnections ;
private $maxPendingPushes ;
* An internal object to share state between the client and its responses .
* @ var CurlClientState
private $multi ;
* @ param array $defaultOptions Default request ' s options
* @ param int $maxHostConnections The maximum number of connections to a single host
* @ param int $maxPendingPushes The maximum number of pushed responses to accept in the queue
* @ see HttpClientInterface :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS for available options
public function __construct ( array $defaultOptions = [], int $maxHostConnections = 6 , int $maxPendingPushes = 0 )
if ( ! \extension_loaded ( 'curl' )) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'You cannot use the "Symfony\Component\HttpClient\CurlHttpClient" as the "curl" extension is not installed.' );
$this -> maxHostConnections = $maxHostConnections ;
$this -> maxPendingPushes = $maxPendingPushes ;
$this -> defaultOptions [ 'buffer' ] = $this -> defaultOptions [ 'buffer' ] ? ? \Closure :: fromCallable ([ __CLASS__ , 'shouldBuffer' ]);
if ( $defaultOptions ) {
[, $this -> defaultOptions ] = self :: prepareRequest ( null , null , $defaultOptions , $this -> defaultOptions );
public function setLogger ( LoggerInterface $logger ) : void
$this -> logger = $logger ;
if ( isset ( $this -> multi )) {
$this -> multi -> logger = $logger ;
* @ see HttpClientInterface :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS for available options
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function request ( string $method , string $url , array $options = []) : ResponseInterface
$multi = $this -> ensureState ();
[ $url , $options ] = self :: prepareRequest ( $method , $url , $options , $this -> defaultOptions );
$scheme = $url [ 'scheme' ];
$authority = $url [ 'authority' ];
$host = parse_url ( $authority , \PHP_URL_HOST );
$proxy = self :: getProxyUrl ( $options [ 'proxy' ], $url );
$url = implode ( '' , $url );
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'user-agent' ])) {
$options [ 'headers' ][] = 'User-Agent: Symfony HttpClient/Curl' ;
$curlopts = [
\CURLOPT_URL => $url ,
\CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 0 < $options [ 'max_redirects' ] ? $options [ 'max_redirects' ] : 0 ,
\CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => '' , // Keep track of cookies during redirects
\CURLOPT_PROXY => $proxy ,
\CURLOPT_NOPROXY => $options [ 'no_proxy' ] ? ? $_SERVER [ 'no_proxy' ] ? ? $_SERVER [ 'NO_PROXY' ] ? ? '' ,
\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => $options [ 'verify_peer' ],
\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => $options [ 'verify_host' ] ? 2 : 0 ,
\CURLOPT_CAINFO => $options [ 'cafile' ],
\CURLOPT_CAPATH => $options [ 'capath' ],
\CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST => $options [ 'ciphers' ],
\CURLOPT_SSLCERT => $options [ 'local_cert' ],
\CURLOPT_SSLKEY => $options [ 'local_pk' ],
\CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD => $options [ 'passphrase' ],
\CURLOPT_CERTINFO => $options [ 'capture_peer_cert_chain' ],
if ( 1.0 === ( float ) $options [ 'http_version' ]) {
} elseif ( 1.1 === ( float ) $options [ 'http_version' ]) {
} elseif ( \defined ( 'CURL_VERSION_HTTP2' ) && ( \CURL_VERSION_HTTP2 & CurlClientState :: $curlVersion [ 'features' ]) && ( 'https:' === $scheme || 2.0 === ( float ) $options [ 'http_version' ])) {
if ( isset ( $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ])) {
if ( \is_array ( $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ])) {
$count = \count ( $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ]);
if ( $count <= 0 || $count > 2 ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "auth_ntlm" must contain 1 or 2 elements, %d given.' , $count ));
$options [ 'auth_ntlm' ] = implode ( ':' , $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ]);
if ( ! \is_string ( $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Option "auth_ntlm" must be a string or an array, "%s" given.' , get_debug_type ( $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ])));
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_USERPWD ] = $options [ 'auth_ntlm' ];
if ( ! \ZEND_THREAD_SAFE ) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE ] = false ;
if ( \defined ( 'CURLOPT_HEADEROPT' ) && \defined ( 'CURLHEADER_SEPARATE' )) {
// curl's resolve feature varies by host:port but ours varies by host only, let's handle this with our own DNS map
if ( isset ( $multi -> dnsCache -> hostnames [ $host ])) {
$options [ 'resolve' ] += [ $host => $multi -> dnsCache -> hostnames [ $host ]];
if ( $options [ 'resolve' ] || $multi -> dnsCache -> evictions ) {
// First reset any old DNS cache entries then add the new ones
$resolve = $multi -> dnsCache -> evictions ;
$multi -> dnsCache -> evictions = [];
$port = parse_url ( $authority , \PHP_URL_PORT ) ? : ( 'http:' === $scheme ? 80 : 443 );
if ( $resolve && 0x072A00 > CurlClientState :: $curlVersion [ 'version_number' ]) {
// DNS cache removals require curl 7.42 or higher
$multi -> reset ();
foreach ( $options [ 'resolve' ] as $resolveHost => $ip ) {
$resolve [] = null === $ip ? " - $resolveHost : $port " : " $resolveHost : $port : $ip " ;
$multi -> dnsCache -> hostnames [ $resolveHost ] = $ip ;
$multi -> dnsCache -> removals [ " - $resolveHost : $port " ] = " - $resolveHost : $port " ;
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_RESOLVE ] = $resolve ;
if ( 'POST' === $method ) {
// Use CURLOPT_POST to have browser-like POST-to-GET redirects for 301, 302 and 303
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_POST ] = true ;
} elseif ( 'HEAD' === $method ) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_NOBODY ] = true ;
} else {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST ] = $method ;
if ( '\\' !== \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && $options [ 'timeout' ] < 1 ) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL ] = true ;
if ( \extension_loaded ( 'zlib' ) && ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'accept-encoding' ])) {
$options [ 'headers' ][] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' ; // Expose only one encoding, some servers mess up when more are provided
$body = $options [ 'body' ];
foreach ( $options [ 'headers' ] as $i => $header ) {
if ( \is_string ( $body ) && '' !== $body && 0 === stripos ( $header , 'Content-Length: ' )) {
// Let curl handle Content-Length headers
unset ( $options [ 'headers' ][ $i ]);
continue ;
if ( ':' === $header [ - 2 ] && \strlen ( $header ) - 2 === strpos ( $header , ': ' )) {
// curl requires a special syntax to send empty headers
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER ][] = substr_replace ( $header , ';' , - 2 );
} else {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER ][] = $header ;
// Prevent curl from sending its default Accept and Expect headers
foreach ([ 'accept' , 'expect' ] as $header ) {
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ $header ][ 0 ])) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER ][] = $header . ':' ;
if ( ! \is_string ( $body )) {
if ( \is_resource ( $body )) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_INFILE ] = $body ;
} else {
$eof = false ;
$buffer = '' ;
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_READFUNCTION ] = static function ( $ch , $fd , $length ) use ( $body , & $buffer , & $eof ) {
return self :: readRequestBody ( $length , $body , $buffer , $eof );
if ( isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-length' ][ 0 ])) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_INFILESIZE ] = ( int ) substr ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-length' ][ 0 ], \strlen ( 'Content-Length: ' ));
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'transfer-encoding' ])) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER ][] = 'Transfer-Encoding:' . ( isset ( $curlopts [ \CURLOPT_INFILESIZE ]) ? '' : ' chunked' );
if ( 'POST' !== $method ) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_UPLOAD ] = true ;
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-type' ]) && 0 !== ( $curlopts [ \CURLOPT_INFILESIZE ] ? ? null )) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER ][] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ;
} elseif ( '' !== $body || 'POST' === $method ) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS ] = $body ;
if ( $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ]) {
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ][ 'pin-sha256' ])) {
throw new TransportException ( __CLASS__ . ' supports only "pin-sha256" fingerprints.' );
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY ] = 'sha256//' . implode ( ';sha256//' , $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ][ 'pin-sha256' ]);
if ( $options [ 'bindto' ]) {
if ( file_exists ( $options [ 'bindto' ])) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH ] = $options [ 'bindto' ];
} elseif ( ! str_starts_with ( $options [ 'bindto' ], 'if!' ) && preg_match ( '/^(.*):(\d+)$/' , $options [ 'bindto' ], $matches )) {
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$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_INTERFACE ] = trim ( $matches [ 1 ], '[]' );
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$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_LOCALPORT ] = $matches [ 2 ];
} else {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_INTERFACE ] = $options [ 'bindto' ];
if ( 0 < $options [ 'max_duration' ]) {
$curlopts [ \CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS ] = 1000 * $options [ 'max_duration' ];
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'extra' ][ 'curl' ]) && \is_array ( $options [ 'extra' ][ 'curl' ])) {
$this -> validateExtraCurlOptions ( $options [ 'extra' ][ 'curl' ]);
$curlopts += $options [ 'extra' ][ 'curl' ];
if ( $pushedResponse = $multi -> pushedResponses [ $url ] ? ? null ) {
unset ( $multi -> pushedResponses [ $url ]);
if ( self :: acceptPushForRequest ( $method , $options , $pushedResponse )) {
$this -> logger && $this -> logger -> debug ( sprintf ( 'Accepting pushed response: "%s %s"' , $method , $url ));
// Reinitialize the pushed response with request's options
$ch = $pushedResponse -> handle ;
$pushedResponse = $pushedResponse -> response ;
$pushedResponse -> __construct ( $multi , $url , $options , $this -> logger );
} else {
$this -> logger && $this -> logger -> debug ( sprintf ( 'Rejecting pushed response: "%s"' , $url ));
$pushedResponse = null ;
if ( ! $pushedResponse ) {
$ch = curl_init ();
$this -> logger && $this -> logger -> info ( sprintf ( 'Request: "%s %s"' , $method , $url ));
$curlopts += [ \CURLOPT_SHARE => $multi -> share ];
foreach ( $curlopts as $opt => $value ) {
if ( null !== $value && ! curl_setopt ( $ch , $opt , $value ) && \CURLOPT_CERTINFO !== $opt && ( ! \defined ( 'CURLOPT_HEADEROPT' ) || \CURLOPT_HEADEROPT !== $opt )) {
$constantName = $this -> findConstantName ( $opt );
throw new TransportException ( sprintf ( 'Curl option "%s" is not supported.' , $constantName ? ? $opt ));
return $pushedResponse ? ? new CurlResponse ( $multi , $ch , $options , $this -> logger , $method , self :: createRedirectResolver ( $options , $host ), CurlClientState :: $curlVersion [ 'version_number' ]);
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function stream ( $responses , ? float $timeout = null ) : ResponseStreamInterface
if ( $responses instanceof CurlResponse ) {
$responses = [ $responses ];
} elseif ( ! is_iterable ( $responses )) {
throw new \TypeError ( sprintf ( '"%s()" expects parameter 1 to be an iterable of CurlResponse objects, "%s" given.' , __METHOD__ , get_debug_type ( $responses )));
$multi = $this -> ensureState ();
if ( \is_resource ( $multi -> handle ) || $multi -> handle instanceof \CurlMultiHandle ) {
$active = 0 ;
while ( \CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM === curl_multi_exec ( $multi -> handle , $active )) {
return new ResponseStream ( CurlResponse :: stream ( $responses , $timeout ));
public function reset ()
if ( isset ( $this -> multi )) {
$this -> multi -> reset ();
* Accepts pushed responses only if their headers related to authentication match the request .
private static function acceptPushForRequest ( string $method , array $options , PushedResponse $pushedResponse ) : bool
if ( '' !== $options [ 'body' ] || $method !== $pushedResponse -> requestHeaders [ ':method' ][ 0 ]) {
return false ;
foreach ([ 'proxy' , 'no_proxy' , 'bindto' , 'local_cert' , 'local_pk' ] as $k ) {
if ( $options [ $k ] !== $pushedResponse -> parentOptions [ $k ]) {
return false ;
foreach ([ 'authorization' , 'cookie' , 'range' , 'proxy-authorization' ] as $k ) {
$normalizedHeaders = $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ $k ] ? ? [];
foreach ( $normalizedHeaders as $i => $v ) {
$normalizedHeaders [ $i ] = substr ( $v , \strlen ( $k ) + 2 );
if (( $pushedResponse -> requestHeaders [ $k ] ? ? []) !== $normalizedHeaders ) {
return false ;
return true ;
* Wraps the request ' s body callback to allow it to return strings longer than curl requested .
private static function readRequestBody ( int $length , \Closure $body , string & $buffer , bool & $eof ) : string
if ( ! $eof && \strlen ( $buffer ) < $length ) {
if ( ! \is_string ( $data = $body ( $length ))) {
throw new TransportException ( sprintf ( 'The return value of the "body" option callback must be a string, "%s" returned.' , get_debug_type ( $data )));
$buffer .= $data ;
$eof = '' === $data ;
$data = substr ( $buffer , 0 , $length );
$buffer = substr ( $buffer , $length );
return $data ;
* Resolves relative URLs on redirects and deals with authentication headers .
* Work around CVE - 2018 - 1000007 : Authorization and Cookie headers should not follow redirects - fixed in Curl 7.64
private static function createRedirectResolver ( array $options , string $host ) : \Closure
$redirectHeaders = [];
if ( 0 < $options [ 'max_redirects' ]) {
$redirectHeaders [ 'host' ] = $host ;
$redirectHeaders [ 'with_auth' ] = $redirectHeaders [ 'no_auth' ] = array_filter ( $options [ 'headers' ], static function ( $h ) {
return 0 !== stripos ( $h , 'Host:' );
if ( isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'authorization' ][ 0 ]) || isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'cookie' ][ 0 ])) {
$redirectHeaders [ 'no_auth' ] = array_filter ( $options [ 'headers' ], static function ( $h ) {
return 0 !== stripos ( $h , 'Authorization:' ) && 0 !== stripos ( $h , 'Cookie:' );
return static function ( $ch , string $location , bool $noContent ) use ( & $redirectHeaders , $options ) {
try {
$location = self :: parseUrl ( $location );
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$url = self :: parseUrl ( curl_getinfo ( $ch , \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL ));
$url = self :: resolveUrl ( $location , $url );
2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
} catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
return null ;
if ( $noContent && $redirectHeaders ) {
$filterContentHeaders = static function ( $h ) {
return 0 !== stripos ( $h , 'Content-Length:' ) && 0 !== stripos ( $h , 'Content-Type:' ) && 0 !== stripos ( $h , 'Transfer-Encoding:' );
$redirectHeaders [ 'no_auth' ] = array_filter ( $redirectHeaders [ 'no_auth' ], $filterContentHeaders );
$redirectHeaders [ 'with_auth' ] = array_filter ( $redirectHeaders [ 'with_auth' ], $filterContentHeaders );
2025-02-11 21:30:02 +01:00
if ( $redirectHeaders && isset ( $location [ 'authority' ])) {
$requestHeaders = parse_url ( $location [ 'authority' ], \PHP_URL_HOST ) === $redirectHeaders [ 'host' ] ? $redirectHeaders [ 'with_auth' ] : $redirectHeaders [ 'no_auth' ];
2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
curl_setopt ( $ch , \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , $requestHeaders );
} elseif ( $noContent && $redirectHeaders ) {
curl_setopt ( $ch , \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , $redirectHeaders [ 'with_auth' ]);
curl_setopt ( $ch , \CURLOPT_PROXY , self :: getProxyUrl ( $options [ 'proxy' ], $url ));
return implode ( '' , $url );
private function ensureState () : CurlClientState
if ( ! isset ( $this -> multi )) {
$this -> multi = new CurlClientState ( $this -> maxHostConnections , $this -> maxPendingPushes );
$this -> multi -> logger = $this -> logger ;
return $this -> multi ;
private function findConstantName ( int $opt ) : ? string
$constants = array_filter ( get_defined_constants (), static function ( $v , $k ) use ( $opt ) {
return $v === $opt && 'C' === $k [ 0 ] && ( str_starts_with ( $k , 'CURLOPT_' ) || str_starts_with ( $k , 'CURLINFO_' ));
return key ( $constants );
* Prevents overriding options that are set internally throughout the request .
private function validateExtraCurlOptions ( array $options ) : void
$curloptsToConfig = [
// options used in CurlHttpClient
\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => 'auth_ntlm' ,
\CURLOPT_USERPWD => 'auth_ntlm' ,
\CURLOPT_RESOLVE => 'resolve' ,
\CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL => 'timeout' ,
\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => 'headers' ,
\CURLOPT_INFILE => 'body' ,
\CURLOPT_UPLOAD => 'body' ,
\CURLOPT_INTERFACE => 'bindto' ,
\CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS => 'max_duration' ,
\CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 'max_duration' ,
\CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 'max_redirects' ,
\CURLOPT_POSTREDIR => 'max_redirects' ,
\CURLOPT_PROXY => 'proxy' ,
\CURLOPT_NOPROXY => 'no_proxy' ,
\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 'verify_peer' ,
\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 'verify_host' ,
\CURLOPT_CAINFO => 'cafile' ,
\CURLOPT_CAPATH => 'capath' ,
\CURLOPT_SSLCERT => 'local_cert' ,
\CURLOPT_SSLKEY => 'local_pk' ,
\CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD => 'passphrase' ,
\CURLOPT_CERTINFO => 'capture_peer_cert_chain' ,
\CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'normalized_headers' ,
\CURLOPT_REFERER => 'headers' ,
// options used in CurlResponse
\CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS => 'on_progress' ,
if ( \defined ( 'CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH' )) {
$curloptsToConfig [ \CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH ] = 'bindto' ;
if ( \defined ( 'CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY' )) {
$curloptsToConfig [ \CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY ] = 'peer_fingerprint' ;
$curloptsToCheck = [
if ( \defined ( 'CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED' )) {
$curloptsToCheck [] = \CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED ;
if ( \defined ( 'CURLOPT_HEADEROPT' )) {
$curloptsToCheck [] = \CURLOPT_HEADEROPT ;
$methodOpts = [
foreach ( $options as $opt => $optValue ) {
if ( isset ( $curloptsToConfig [ $opt ])) {
$constName = $this -> findConstantName ( $opt ) ? ? $opt ;
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Cannot set "%s" with "extra.curl", use option "%s" instead.' , $constName , $curloptsToConfig [ $opt ]));
if ( \in_array ( $opt , $methodOpts )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'The HTTP method cannot be overridden using "extra.curl".' );
if ( \in_array ( $opt , $curloptsToCheck )) {
$constName = $this -> findConstantName ( $opt ) ? ? $opt ;
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Cannot set "%s" with "extra.curl".' , $constName ));