2024-11-19 08:02:04 +01:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient ;
use Amp\CancelledException ;
use Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient ;
use Amp\Http\Client\InterceptedHttpClient ;
use Amp\Http\Client\PooledHttpClient ;
use Amp\Http\Client\Request ;
use Amp\Http\Tunnel\Http1TunnelConnector ;
use Amp\Promise ;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface ;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\AmpClientState ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\AmpResponse ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\ResponseStream ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseStreamInterface ;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface ;
if ( ! interface_exists ( DelegateHttpClient :: class )) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'You cannot use "Symfony\Component\HttpClient\AmpHttpClient" as the "amphp/http-client" package is not installed. Try running "composer require amphp/http-client:^4.2.1".' );
if ( ! interface_exists ( Promise :: class )) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'You cannot use "Symfony\Component\HttpClient\AmpHttpClient" as the installed "amphp/http-client" is not compatible with this version of "symfony/http-client". Try downgrading "amphp/http-client" to "^4.2.1".' );
* A portable implementation of the HttpClientInterface contracts based on Amp ' s HTTP client .
* @ author Nicolas Grekas < p @ tchwork . com >
final class AmpHttpClient implements HttpClientInterface , LoggerAwareInterface , ResetInterface
use HttpClientTrait ;
use LoggerAwareTrait ;
private $defaultOptions = self :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS ;
private static $emptyDefaults = self :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS ;
/** @var AmpClientState */
private $multi ;
* @ param array $defaultOptions Default requests ' options
* @ param callable | null $clientConfigurator A callable that builds a { @ see DelegateHttpClient } from a { @ see PooledHttpClient };
* passing null builds an { @ see InterceptedHttpClient } with 2 retries on failures
* @ param int $maxHostConnections The maximum number of connections to a single host
* @ param int $maxPendingPushes The maximum number of pushed responses to accept in the queue
* @ see HttpClientInterface :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS for available options
public function __construct ( array $defaultOptions = [], ? callable $clientConfigurator = null , int $maxHostConnections = 6 , int $maxPendingPushes = 50 )
$this -> defaultOptions [ 'buffer' ] = $this -> defaultOptions [ 'buffer' ] ? ? \Closure :: fromCallable ([ __CLASS__ , 'shouldBuffer' ]);
if ( $defaultOptions ) {
[, $this -> defaultOptions ] = self :: prepareRequest ( null , null , $defaultOptions , $this -> defaultOptions );
$this -> multi = new AmpClientState ( $clientConfigurator , $maxHostConnections , $maxPendingPushes , $this -> logger );
* @ see HttpClientInterface :: OPTIONS_DEFAULTS for available options
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function request ( string $method , string $url , array $options = []) : ResponseInterface
[ $url , $options ] = self :: prepareRequest ( $method , $url , $options , $this -> defaultOptions );
$options [ 'proxy' ] = self :: getProxy ( $options [ 'proxy' ], $url , $options [ 'no_proxy' ]);
if ( null !== $options [ 'proxy' ] && ! class_exists ( Http1TunnelConnector :: class )) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'You cannot use the "proxy" option as the "amphp/http-tunnel" package is not installed. Try running "composer require amphp/http-tunnel".' );
if ( $options [ 'bindto' ]) {
if ( 0 === strpos ( $options [ 'bindto' ], 'if!' )) {
throw new TransportException ( __CLASS__ . ' cannot bind to network interfaces, use e.g. CurlHttpClient instead.' );
if ( 0 === strpos ( $options [ 'bindto' ], 'host!' )) {
$options [ 'bindto' ] = substr ( $options [ 'bindto' ], 5 );
if (( '' !== $options [ 'body' ] || 'POST' === $method || isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-length' ])) && ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'content-type' ])) {
$options [ 'headers' ][] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ;
if ( ! isset ( $options [ 'normalized_headers' ][ 'user-agent' ])) {
$options [ 'headers' ][] = 'User-Agent: Symfony HttpClient/Amp' ;
if ( 0 < $options [ 'max_duration' ]) {
$options [ 'timeout' ] = min ( $options [ 'max_duration' ], $options [ 'timeout' ]);
if ( $options [ 'resolve' ]) {
$this -> multi -> dnsCache = $options [ 'resolve' ] + $this -> multi -> dnsCache ;
if ( $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ] && ! isset ( $options [ 'peer_fingerprint' ][ 'pin-sha256' ])) {
throw new TransportException ( __CLASS__ . ' supports only "pin-sha256" fingerprints.' );
$request = new Request ( implode ( '' , $url ), $method );
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$request -> setBodySizeLimit ( 0 );
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if ( $options [ 'http_version' ]) {
switch (( float ) $options [ 'http_version' ]) {
case 1.0 : $request -> setProtocolVersions ([ '1.0' ]); break ;
case 1.1 : $request -> setProtocolVersions ([ '1.1' , '1.0' ]); break ;
default : $request -> setProtocolVersions ([ '2' , '1.1' , '1.0' ]); break ;
foreach ( $options [ 'headers' ] as $v ) {
$h = explode ( ': ' , $v , 2 );
$request -> addHeader ( $h [ 0 ], $h [ 1 ]);
$request -> setTcpConnectTimeout ( 1000 * $options [ 'timeout' ]);
$request -> setTlsHandshakeTimeout ( 1000 * $options [ 'timeout' ]);
$request -> setTransferTimeout ( 1000 * $options [ 'max_duration' ]);
if ( method_exists ( $request , 'setInactivityTimeout' )) {
$request -> setInactivityTimeout ( 0 );
if ( '' !== $request -> getUri () -> getUserInfo () && ! $request -> hasHeader ( 'authorization' )) {
$auth = explode ( ':' , $request -> getUri () -> getUserInfo (), 2 );
$auth = array_map ( 'rawurldecode' , $auth ) + [ 1 => '' ];
$request -> setHeader ( 'Authorization' , 'Basic ' . base64_encode ( implode ( ':' , $auth )));
return new AmpResponse ( $this -> multi , $request , $options , $this -> logger );
* { @ inheritdoc }
public function stream ( $responses , ? float $timeout = null ) : ResponseStreamInterface
if ( $responses instanceof AmpResponse ) {
$responses = [ $responses ];
} elseif ( ! is_iterable ( $responses )) {
throw new \TypeError ( sprintf ( '"%s()" expects parameter 1 to be an iterable of AmpResponse objects, "%s" given.' , __METHOD__ , get_debug_type ( $responses )));
return new ResponseStream ( AmpResponse :: stream ( $responses , $timeout ));
public function reset ()
$this -> multi -> dnsCache = [];
foreach ( $this -> multi -> pushedResponses as $authority => $pushedResponses ) {
foreach ( $pushedResponses as [ $pushedUrl , $pushDeferred ]) {
$pushDeferred -> fail ( new CancelledException ());
if ( $this -> logger ) {
$this -> logger -> debug ( sprintf ( 'Unused pushed response: "%s"' , $pushedUrl ));
$this -> multi -> pushedResponses = [];