193 lines
9.5 KiB
193 lines
9.5 KiB
<div id="pma_console_container" class="d-print-none">
<div id="pma_console">
{# Console toolbar #}
{% include 'console/toolbar.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': 'collapsed',
'content_array': [
{0: 'switch_button console_switch', 1: 'Console'|trans, 'image': image},
['button clear', 'Clear'|trans],
['button history', 'History'|trans],
['button options', 'Options'|trans],
has_bookmark_feature ? ['button bookmarks', 'Bookmarks'|trans] : null,
['button debug hide', 'Debug SQL'|trans]
} only %}
{# Console messages #}
<div class="content">
<div class="console_message_container">
<div class="message welcome">
<span id="instructions-0">
{% trans 'Press Ctrl+Enter to execute query' %}
<span class="hide" id="instructions-1">
{% trans 'Press Enter to execute query' %}
{% if sql_history is not empty %}
{% for record in sql_history|reverse %}
<div class="message history collapsed hide
{{- record['sqlquery'] matches '@^SELECT[[:space:]]+@i' ? ' select' }}"
targetdb="{{ record['db'] }}" targettable="{{ record['table'] }}">
{% include 'console/query_action.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': 'action_content',
'content_array': [
['action collapse', 'Collapse'|trans],
['action expand', 'Expand'|trans],
['action requery', 'Requery'|trans],
['action edit', 'Edit'|trans],
['action explain', 'Explain'|trans],
['action profiling', 'Profiling'|trans],
has_bookmark_feature ? ['action bookmark', 'Bookmark'|trans] : null,
['text failed', 'Query failed'|trans],
{0: 'text targetdb', 1: 'Database'|trans, 'extraSpan': record['db']},
0: 'text query_time',
1: 'Queried time'|trans,
'extraSpan': record['timevalue'] is defined ?
record['timevalue'] : 'During current session'|trans
} only %}
<span class="query">{{ record['sqlquery'] }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
</div><!-- console_message_container -->
<div class="query_input">
<span class="console_query_input"></span>
</div><!-- message end -->
{# Drak the console with other cards over it #}
<div class="mid_layer"></div>
{# Debug SQL card #}
<div class="card" id="debug_console">
{% include 'console/toolbar.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': '',
'content_array': [
['button order order_asc', 'ascending'|trans],
['button order order_desc', 'descending'|trans],
['text', 'Order:'|trans],
['switch_button', 'Debug SQL'|trans],
['button order_by sort_count', 'Count'|trans],
['button order_by sort_exec', 'Execution order'|trans],
['button order_by sort_time', 'Time taken'|trans],
['text', 'Order by:'|trans],
['button group_queries', 'Group queries'|trans],
['button ungroup_queries', 'Ungroup queries'|trans]
} only %}
<div class="content debug">
<div class="message welcome"></div>
<div class="debugLog"></div>
</div> <!-- Content -->
<div class="templates">
{% include 'console/query_action.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': 'debug_query action_content',
'content_array': [
['action collapse', 'Collapse'|trans],
['action expand', 'Expand'|trans],
['action dbg_show_trace', 'Show trace'|trans],
['action dbg_hide_trace', 'Hide trace'|trans],
{0: 'text count hide', 1: 'Count'|trans, 'extraSpan': ''},
{0: 'text time', 1: 'Time taken'|trans, 'extraSpan': ''},
} only %}
</div> <!-- Template -->
</div> <!-- Debug SQL card -->
{% if has_bookmark_feature %}
<div class="card" id="pma_bookmarks">
{% include 'console/toolbar.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': '',
'content_array': [
['switch_button', 'Bookmarks'|trans],
['button refresh', 'Refresh'|trans],
['button add', 'Add'|trans]
} only %}
<div class="content bookmark">
{{ bookmark_content|raw }}
<div class="mid_layer"></div>
<div class="card add">
{% include 'console/toolbar.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': '',
'content_array': [
['switch_button', 'Add bookmark'|trans]
} only %}
<div class="content add_bookmark">
<div class="options">
{% trans 'Label' %}: <input type="text" name="label">
{% trans 'Target database' %}: <input type="text" name="targetdb">
<input type="checkbox" name="shared">{% trans 'Share this bookmark' %}
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="submit">{% trans 'OK' %}</button>
</div> <!-- options -->
<div class="query_input">
<span class="bookmark_add_input"></span>
</div> <!-- Add bookmark card -->
</div> <!-- Bookmarks card -->
{% endif %}
{# Options card #}
<div class="card" id="pma_console_options">
{% include 'console/toolbar.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': '',
'content_array': [
['switch_button', 'Options'|trans],
['button default', 'Set default'|trans]
} only %}
<div class="content">
<input type="checkbox" name="always_expand">{% trans 'Always expand query messages' %}
<input type="checkbox" name="start_history">{% trans 'Show query history at start' %}
<input type="checkbox" name="current_query">{% trans 'Show current browsing query' %}
<input type="checkbox" name="enter_executes">
{% trans %}
Execute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift+Enter. To make this permanent, view settings.
{% endtrans %}
<input type="checkbox" name="dark_theme">{% trans 'Switch to dark theme' %}
</div> <!-- Options card -->
<div class="templates">
{# Templates for console message actions #}
{% include 'console/query_action.twig' with {
'parent_div_classes': 'query_actions',
'content_array': [
['action collapse', 'Collapse'|trans],
['action expand', 'Expand'|trans],
['action requery', 'Requery'|trans],
['action edit', 'Edit'|trans],
['action explain', 'Explain'|trans],
['action profiling', 'Profiling'|trans],
has_bookmark_feature ? ['action bookmark', 'Bookmark'|trans] : null,
['text failed', 'Query failed'|trans],
{0: 'text targetdb', 1: 'Database'|trans, 'extraSpan': ''},
{0: 'text query_time', 1: 'Queried time'|trans, 'extraSpan': ''}
} only %}
</div> <!-- #console end -->
</div> <!-- #console_container end -->