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2024-11-23 19:45:29 +00:00
<form class="submenu-item" action="{{ url('/server/privileges') }}" id="{{ form_id }}" method="post">
{{ get_hidden_inputs() }}
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="{{ username }}">
<input type="hidden" name="hostname" value="{{ hostname }}">
<fieldset class="pma-fieldset">
<legend data-submenu-label="{{ sub_menu_label }}">
{{ legend }}
<table class="table table-striped table-hover w-auto">
<th scope="col">{{ type_label }}</th>
<th scope="col">{% trans 'Privileges' %}</th>
<th scope="col">{% trans 'Grant' %}</th>
{% if type == 'database' %}
<th scope="col">{% trans 'Table-specific privileges' %}</th>
{% elseif type == 'table' %}
<th scope="col">{% trans 'Column-specific privileges' %}</th>
{% endif %}
<th scope="col" colspan="2">{% trans 'Action' %}</th>
{% if privileges|length == 0 %}
{% set colspan = type == 'database' ? 7 : (type == 'table' ? 6 : 5) %}
<td class="text-center" colspan="{{ colspan }}"><em>{% trans 'None' %}</em></td>
{% else %}
{% for privilege in privileges %}
<td>{{ privilege['name'] }}</td>
<td><code>{{ privilege['privileges']|raw }}</code></td>
<td>{{ privilege['grant'] ? 'Yes'|trans : 'No'|trans }}</td>
{% if type == 'database' %}
<td>{{ privilege['table_privs'] ? 'Yes'|trans : 'No'|trans }}</td>
{% elseif type == 'table' %}
<td>{{ privilege['column_privs'] ? 'Yes'|trans : 'No'|trans }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td>{{ privilege['edit_link']|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ privilege['revoke_link']|raw }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'database' %}
<label for="text_dbname">{% trans 'Add privileges on the following database(s):' %}</label>
{%- if databases is not empty %}
<select class="resize-vertical" name="pred_dbname[]" multiple="multiple">
{% for database in databases %}
<option value="{{ escaped_databases[loop.index0] }}">
{{ database }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
<input type="text" id="text_dbname" name="dbname">
{{ show_hint("Wildcards % and _ should be escaped with a \\ to use them literally."|trans) }}
{% elseif type == 'table' %}
<input type="hidden" name="dbname" value="{{ database|escape_mysql_wildcards }}">
<label for="text_tablename">{% trans 'Add privileges on the following table:' %}</label>
{%- if tables is not empty %}
<select name="pred_tablename" class="autosubmit">
<option value="" selected="selected">{% trans 'Use text field' %}:</option>
{% for table in tables %}
<option value="{{ table }}">{{ table }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
<input type="text" id="text_tablename" name="tablename">
{% else %}
<input type="hidden" name="dbname" value="{{ database|escape_mysql_wildcards }}">
<label for="text_routinename">{% trans 'Add privileges on the following routine:' %}</label>
{%- if routines is not empty %}
<select name="pred_routinename" class="autosubmit">
<option value="" selected="selected">{% trans 'Use text field' %}:</option>
{% for routine in routines %}
<option value="{{ routine }}">{{ routine }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
<input type="text" id="text_routinename" name="routinename">
{% endif %}
<fieldset class="pma-fieldset tblFooters">
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="{% trans 'Go' %}">