191 lines
4.9 KiB
191 lines
4.9 KiB
from libcpp cimport bool
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from cpython cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF
cdef extern from "loadSimu.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool":
cdef cppclass SimuData:
np.float_t BoxSize
np.float_t time
np.float_t Hubble
np.float_t Omega_M
np.float_t Omega_Lambda
np.int64_t TotalNumPart
np.int64_t NumPart
np.int64_t *Id
float *Pos[3]
float *Vel[3]
int *type
cdef const int NEED_GADGET_ID
cdef const int NEED_POSITION
cdef const int NEED_VELOCITY
cdef const int NEED_TYPE
cdef extern from "loadGadget.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool":
SimuData *loadGadgetMulti(const char *fname, int id, int flags) except +
cdef extern from "loadRamses.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool":
SimuData *loadRamsesSimu(const char *basename, int id, int cpuid, bool dp, int flags) except +
cdef class Simulation:
cdef list positions
cdef list velocities
cdef object identifiers
cdef SimuData *data
property BoxSize:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.data.BoxSize
property time:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.data.time
property Hubble:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.data.Hubble
property Omega_M:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.data.Omega_M
property positions:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.positions
property velocities:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.velocities
property numParticles:
def __get__(Simulation self):
return self.data.NumPart
def __cinit__(Simulation self):
self.data = <SimuData *>0
def __dealloc__(Simulation self):
if self.data != <SimuData *>0:
print("Clearing simulation data")
del self.data
cdef class ArrayWrapper:
cdef void* data_ptr
cdef int size
cdef int type_array
cdef set_data(self, int size, int type_array, void* data_ptr):
""" Set the data of the array
This cannot be done in the constructor as it must recieve C-level
size: int
Length of the array.
data_ptr: void*
Pointer to the data
self.data_ptr = data_ptr
self.size = size
self.type_array = type_array
def __array__(self):
""" Here we use the __array__ method, that is called when numpy
tries to get an array from the object."""
cdef np.npy_intp shape[1]
shape[0] = <np.npy_intp> self.size
# Create a 1D array, of length 'size'
ndarray = np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, shape, self.type_array, self.data_ptr)
return ndarray
def __dealloc__(self):
""" Frees the array. This is called by Python when all the
references to the object are gone. """
cdef object wrap_array(void *p, np.uint64_t s, int typ):
cdef np.ndarray ndarray
cdef ArrayWrapper wrapper
wrapper = ArrayWrapper()
wrapper.set_data(s, typ, p)
ndarray = np.array(wrapper, copy=False)
ndarray.base = <PyObject*> wrapper
return ndarray
cdef object wrap_float_array(float *p, np.uint64_t s):
return wrap_array(<void *>p, s, np.NPY_FLOAT)
cdef object wrap_int64_array(np.int64_t* p, np.uint64_t s):
return wrap_array(<void *>p, s, np.NPY_INT64)
cdef object wrap_simudata(SimuData *data, int flags):
cdef Simulation simu
simu = Simulation()
simu.data = data
if flags & NEED_POSITION:
simu.positions = [wrap_float_array(data.Pos[i], data.NumPart) for i in xrange(3)]
if flags & NEED_VELOCITY:
simu.velocities = [wrap_float_array(data.Vel[i], data.NumPart) for i in xrange(3)]
if flags & NEED_GADGET_ID:
simu.identifiers = wrap_int64_array(data.Id, data.NumPart)
return simu
def loadGadget(str filename, int snapshot_id, bool loadPosition = True, bool loadVelocity = False, bool loadId = False):
cdef int flags
cdef SimuData *data
cdef Simulation simu
flags = 0
if loadPosition:
if loadVelocity:
if loadId:
data = loadGadgetMulti(filename, snapshot_id, flags)
if data == <SimuData*>0:
return None
return wrap_simudata(data, flags)
def loadRamses(str basepath, int snapshot_id, int cpu_id, bool doublePrecision = False, bool loadPosition = True, bool loadVelocity = False):
""" loadRamses(basepath, snapshot_id, cpu_id, doublePrecision=False, loadPosition=True, loadVelocity=False)
Loads the indicated snapshot based on the cpu id, snapshot id and basepath. It is important to specify the correct precision in doublePrecision.
cdef int flags
cdef SimuData *data
cdef Simulation simu
flags = 0
if loadPosition:
if loadVelocity:
data = loadRamsesSimu(basepath, snapshot_id, cpu_id, doublePrecision, flags)
if data == <SimuData*>0:
return None
return wrap_simudata(data, flags)