77 lines
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77 lines
2.0 KiB
from libcpp cimport bool
from libcpp cimport string as cppstring
from libcpp cimport vector as cppvector
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from cpython cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF
cimport cython
cdef extern from "cic.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool":
ctypedef float CICType
ctypedef float Coordinates[3]
cdef cppclass CICParticles:
float mass
Coordinates coords
cdef cppclass CICFilter:
CICFilter(np.uint32_t resolution, double L) nogil
void resetMesh() nogil
void putParticles(CICParticles* particles, np.uint32_t N) nogil
void getDensityField(CICType *& field, np.uint32_t& res) nogil
def leanCic(float[:,:] particles, float L, int Resolution):
cdef cppvector.vector[CICParticles] *p
cdef CICFilter *cic
cdef np.uint64_t i
cdef CICType *field
cdef np.uint32_t dummyRes
cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=3] out_field
cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] out_field0
cdef np.float64_t[:] out_field_buf
cdef np.uint64_t j
cic = new CICFilter(Resolution, L)
print("Reset mesh")
if particles.shape[1] != 3:
raise ValueError("Particles must be Nx3 array")
print("Inserting particles")
# p = new cppvector.vector[CICParticles](particles.shape[0])
# for i in xrange(particles.shape[0]):
# *p[i].mass = 1
# *p[i].coords[0] = particles[i,0]
# *p[i].coords[1] = particles[i,1]
# *p[i].coords[2] = particles[i,2]
# cic.putParticles(&p[0], particles.shape[0])
del p
field = <CICType*>0
dummyRes = 0
cic.getDensityField(field, dummyRes)
print("Got to allocate a numpy %dx%dx%d" % (dummyRes, dummyRes,dummyRes))
out_field = np.empty((dummyRes, dummyRes, dummyRes), dtype=np.float64)
out_field0 = out_field.reshape(out_field.size)
out_field_buf = out_field
for j in xrange(out_field_buf.size):
out_field_buf[j] = field[j]
del cic
return out_field