/*+ This is CosmoTool (./src/h5_readFlash.cpp) -- Copyright (C) Guilhem Lavaux (2007-2013) guilhem.lavaux@gmail.com This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide a toolbox for cosmological data analysis (e.g. filters, generalized Fourier transforms, power spectra, ...) This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "http://www.cecill.info". As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security. The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. +*/ /* This file contains the functions that read the data from the HDF5 file * The functions accept the PARAMESH data through arguments. */ #include "h5_readFlash.hpp" using namespace H5; /* indices of attributes in fof_particle_type */ int iptag_out = 0; int ipx_out = 0; int ipy_out = 1; int ipz_out = 2; int ipvx_out = 3; int ipvy_out = 4; int ipvz_out = 5; /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ /* n*_runtime_parameters should be set by the caller to the maximum number of runtime parameters to read. */ void h5_read_runtime_parameters (H5File* file, /* file handle */ double* LBox, // box size int* numPart, double *hubble, double *omegam, double *omegalambda) // number of particles { int MAX_PARM = 200; int nreal_runtime_parameters, nint_runtime_parameters, nstr_runtime_parameters; char real_runtime_parameter_names[MAX_PARM][RUNTIME_PARAMETER_STRING_SIZE]; char int_runtime_parameter_names[MAX_PARM][RUNTIME_PARAMETER_STRING_SIZE]; char str_runtime_parameter_names[MAX_PARM][RUNTIME_PARAMETER_STRING_SIZE]; double real_runtime_parameter_values[MAX_PARM]; int int_runtime_parameter_values[MAX_PARM]; char str_runtime_parameter_values[MAX_PARM][RUNTIME_PARAMETER_STRING_SIZE]; int rank; hsize_t dimens_1d, maxdimens_1d; real_runtime_params_t *real_rt_parms; int_runtime_params_t *int_rt_parms; str_runtime_params_t *str_rt_parms; log_runtime_params_t *log_rt_parms; double omegarad; int i; nint_runtime_parameters = MAX_PARM; nreal_runtime_parameters = MAX_PARM; /* integer runtime parameters */ int_rt_parms = (int_runtime_params_t *) malloc(nint_runtime_parameters * sizeof(int_runtime_params_t)); rank = 1; DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet("integer runtime parameters"); IntType int_rt_type = dataset.getIntType(); //int_rt_type = H5Dget_type(dataset); DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace(); //dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); int ndims = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(&dimens_1d, NULL); //H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, &dimens_1d, &maxdimens_1d); /* don't read in more than we can handle */ if (nint_runtime_parameters < dimens_1d) { dimens_1d = nint_runtime_parameters; } else { nint_runtime_parameters = dimens_1d; } DataSpace memspace(rank, &dimens_1d); //memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, &dimens_1d, NULL); dataset.read(int_rt_parms, int_rt_type, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT); //status = H5Dread(dataset, int_rt_type, memspace, dataspace, // H5P_DEFAULT, int_rt_parms); for (i = 0; i < nint_runtime_parameters; i++) { strncpy(int_runtime_parameter_names[i], int_rt_parms[i].name, RUNTIME_PARAMETER_STRING_SIZE); int_runtime_parameter_values[i] = int_rt_parms[i].value; } free(int_rt_parms); memspace.close(); dataspace.close(); dataset.close(); //H5Sclose(dataspace); //H5Dclose(dataset); /* done with int runtime parameters */ /* reals */ real_rt_parms = (real_runtime_params_t *) malloc(nreal_runtime_parameters * sizeof(real_runtime_params_t)); rank = 1; dataset = file->openDataSet("real runtime parameters"); //dataset = H5Dopen(*file_identifier, "real runtime parameters"); dataspace = dataset.getSpace(); FloatType real_rt_type = dataset.getFloatType(); ndims = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(&dimens_1d, NULL); //dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); //real_rt_type = H5Dget_type(dataset); //H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, &dimens_1d, &maxdimens_1d); /* don't read in more than we can handle */ if (nreal_runtime_parameters < dimens_1d) { dimens_1d = nreal_runtime_parameters; } else { nreal_runtime_parameters = dimens_1d; } memspace = DataSpace(rank, &dimens_1d); //memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, &dimens_1d, NULL); dataset.read(real_rt_parms, real_rt_type, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT); //status = H5Dread(dataset, real_rt_type, memspace, dataspace, // H5P_DEFAULT, real_rt_parms); for (i = 0; i < nreal_runtime_parameters; i++) { strncpy(real_runtime_parameter_names[i], real_rt_parms[i].name, RUNTIME_PARAMETER_STRING_SIZE); real_runtime_parameter_values[i] = real_rt_parms[i].value; } free(real_rt_parms); memspace.close(); dataspace.close(); dataset.close(); //H5Sclose(dataspace); //H5Dclose(dataset); /* done with reals */ // grab the data we want for (i = 0; i < nreal_runtime_parameters; i++) { if (strncmp(real_runtime_parameter_names[i],"xmax",4) == 0 ) { *LBox = real_runtime_parameter_values[i]; } if (strncmp(real_runtime_parameter_names[i],"hubbleconstant", 14) == 0 ) { *hubble = real_runtime_parameter_values[i]; } if (strncmp(real_runtime_parameter_names[i],"omegamatter", 11) == 0 ) { *omegam = real_runtime_parameter_values[i]; } if (strncmp(real_runtime_parameter_names[i],"omegaradiation", 11) == 0 ) { omegarad = real_runtime_parameter_values[i]; } if (strncmp(real_runtime_parameter_names[i],"cosmologicalconstant", 20) == 0 ) { *omegalambda = real_runtime_parameter_values[i]; } } for (i = 0; i < nint_runtime_parameters; i++) { if (strncmp(int_runtime_parameter_names[i],"pt_numx",7) == 0 ) { *numPart = int_runtime_parameter_values[i]; *numPart = *numPart * *numPart * *numPart; } } } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*/ void h5_read_flash3_particles (H5File* file, int* totalparticles, int* localnp, int* particle_offset, float *pos1, float *pos2, float *pos3, float *vel1, float *vel2, float *vel3, long *id) { herr_t status; hsize_t dimens_1d, maxdims_1d; hsize_t start_1d, stride_1d, count_1d; int rank; int numProps, i, p; int numPartBuffer = 5000, sizePartBuffer, sizePart; int pstack, poffset, pcount; int iptag, ipx, ipy, ipz, ipvx, ipvy, ipvz; char *propName; double *partBuffer; char part_names[50][OUTPUT_PROP_LENGTH]; int string_size; // char part_names[NPART_PROPS][OUTPUT_PROP_LENGTH]; hsize_t dimens_2d[2], maxdimens_2d[2]; hsize_t start_2d[2], count_2d[2], stride_2d[2]; /* skip this routine if no particles to read */ if ((*localnp) == 0) { return; } /* first determine how many particle properties are present in the input data file, and determine which of these are the properties we are interested in */ DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet("particle names"); DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace(); //dataset = H5Dopen(*file_identifier, "particle names"); //dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); int ndims = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dimens_2d, NULL); //H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dimens_2d, maxdimens_2d); //total number of particle properties numProps = dimens_2d[0]; string_size = OUTPUT_PROP_LENGTH; StrType string_type = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1); string_type.setSize(string_size); //status = H5Tset_size(string_type, string_size); rank = 2; start_2d[0] = 0; start_2d[1] = 0; stride_2d[0] = 1; stride_2d[1] = 1; count_2d[0] = dimens_2d[0]; count_2d[1] = dimens_2d[1]; dataspace.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, count_2d, start_2d); //status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start_2d, // stride_2d, count_2d, NULL); DataSpace memspace(rank, dimens_2d); //memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, dimens_2d, NULL); dataset.read(part_names, string_type, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT); //status = H5Dread(dataset, string_type, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, // H5P_DEFAULT, part_names); string_type.close(); memspace.close(); dataspace.close(); dataset.close(); //H5Tclose(string_type); //H5Sclose(memspace); //H5Sclose(dataspace); //H5Dclose(dataset); for (i=0;iopenDataSet("tracer particles"); //dataset = H5Dopen(*file_identifier, "tracer particles"); FloatType datatype = dataset.getFloatType(); //datatype = H5Dget_type(dataset); /* establish read-in particle buffer */ sizePart = numProps*(sizeof(double)); sizePartBuffer = numPartBuffer * sizePart; partBuffer = (double *)malloc(sizePartBuffer); dataspace = dataset.getSpace(); ndims = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dimens_2d, NULL); //dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); //H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dimens_2d, maxdimens_2d); /*insert particle properties (numPartBuffer) particles at a time*/ pstack = (*localnp); poffset = 0; if (pstack > numPartBuffer) { pcount = numPartBuffer; } else { pcount = pstack; } while ( pstack > 0) { rank = 2; maxdimens_2d[0] = (hsize_t) (*totalparticles); maxdimens_2d[1] = (hsize_t) (numProps); start_2d[0] = (hsize_t) (*particle_offset + poffset); start_2d[1] = (hsize_t) 0; stride_2d[0] = 1; stride_2d[1] = 1; count_2d[0] = (hsize_t) (pcount); count_2d[1] = (hsize_t) (numProps); dimens_2d[0] = (pcount); dimens_2d[1] = (numProps); dataspace.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, count_2d, start_2d); //status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start_2d, // stride_2d, count_2d, NULL); memspace = DataSpace(rank, dimens_2d); //memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, dimens_2d, maxdimens_2d); /* read data from the dataset */ dataset.read(partBuffer, datatype, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT); //status = H5Dread(dataset, datatype, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, partBuffer); /* convert buffer into particle struct */ if (id) { for(p=0; p < (pcount); p++) { id[p+poffset] = (long) *(partBuffer+iptag-1+p*numProps); } } if (pos1 && pos2 && pos3) { for(p=0; p < (pcount); p++) { pos1[p+poffset] = (float) *(partBuffer+ipx-1+p*numProps); pos2[p+poffset] = (float) *(partBuffer+ipy-1+p*numProps); pos3[p+poffset] = (float) *(partBuffer+ipz-1+p*numProps); } } if (vel1 && vel2 && vel3) { for(p=0; p < (pcount); p++) { vel1[p+poffset] = (float) *(partBuffer+ipvx-1+p*numProps); vel2[p+poffset] = (float) *(partBuffer+ipvy-1+p*numProps); vel3[p+poffset] = (float) *(partBuffer+ipvz-1+p*numProps); } } memspace.close(); //status = H5Sclose(memspace); /* advance buffer */ pstack = pstack - pcount; poffset = poffset + pcount; if (pstack > numPartBuffer) { pcount = numPartBuffer; } else { pcount = pstack; } } /* end while */ datatype.close(); dataspace.close(); dataset.close(); //status = H5Tclose(datatype); //status = H5Sclose(dataspace); //status = H5Dclose(dataset); } /*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*/ void h5_read_flash3_header_info(H5File* file, double* time, /* simulation time */ double* redshift) /* redshift of checkpoint */ { herr_t status; int file_version; hid_t sp_type, si_type; hsize_t dimens_1d, maxdimens_1d; hid_t string_type; real_list_t *real_list; int* num_real, num_int; int MAX_SCALARS = 100; char real_names[MAX_SCALARS][MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; double real_values[MAX_SCALARS]; char int_names[MAX_SCALARS][MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int int_values[MAX_SCALARS]; int i; H5std_string DATASET_NAME; string_type = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1); H5Tset_size(string_type, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet("real scalars"); DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace(); /* read extent of 'dataspace' (i.e. # of name/value pairs) into 'dimens_1d' */ int ndims = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(&dimens_1d, NULL); if (dimens_1d > MAX_SCALARS) { printf("Error: reading more than MAX_SCALARS runtime parameters in checkpoint file!\n"); } /* malloc a pointer to a list of real_list_t's */ real_list = (real_list_t *) malloc(dimens_1d * sizeof(real_list_t)); // create a new simple dataspace of 1 dimension and size of 'dimens_1d' DataSpace memspace(1, &dimens_1d); // create an empty vessel sized to hold one real_list_t's worth of data CompType real_list_type( sizeof(real_list_t) ); // subdivide the empty vessel into its component sections (name and value) real_list_type.insertMember( "name", HOFFSET(real_list_t, name), string_type); real_list_type.insertMember( "value", HOFFSET(real_list_t, value), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE); // read the data into 'real_list' dataset.read( real_list, real_list_type, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT); if (status < 0) { printf("Error readingruntime parameterss from data file\n"); } for (i = 0; i < dimens_1d; i++) { strncpy(real_names[i], real_list[i].name, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); real_values[i] = real_list[i].value; if (strncmp(real_names[i],"time",4) == 0 ) { *time = real_values[i]; } if (strncmp(real_names[i],"redshift",8) == 0 ) { *redshift = real_values[i]; } } free(real_list); real_list_type.close(); memspace.close(); dataspace.close(); dataset.close(); }