/* This file contains the functions that read the data from the HDF5 file * The functions accept the PARAMESH data through arguments. */ #include #include #include #include #include "hdf5_flash.h" #include "H5Cpp.h" using namespace H5; void h5_read_runtime_parameters (H5File* file, /* file handle */ double* LBox, int* numPart, double* hubble, double* omegam, double* omegalambda); void h5_read_flash3_particles (H5File* file, int* totalparticles, int* localnp, int* particle_offset, float *pos1, float *pos2, float *pos3, float *vel1, float *vel2, float *vel3, int *id); void h5_read_flash3_header_info(H5File* file, double* time, /* simulation time */ double *redshift); /* simulation redshift */