from libcpp cimport bool from libcpp cimport string as cppstring from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cppvector from cython.parallel cimport prange import numpy as np cimport numpy as np from cpython cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF cimport cython np.import_array() cdef extern from "sys/types.h": ctypedef np.int64_t int64_t cdef extern from "loadSimu.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool": cdef cppclass SimuData: np.float_t BoxSize np.float_t time np.float_t Hubble np.float_t Omega_M np.float_t Omega_Lambda np.int64_t TotalNumPart np.int64_t NumPart int64_t *Id float *Pos[3] float *Vel[3] int *type float *Mass bool noAuto cdef const int NEED_GADGET_ID cdef const int NEED_POSITION cdef const int NEED_VELOCITY cdef const int NEED_TYPE cdef const int NEED_MASS cdef extern from "loadGadget.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool": SimuData *loadGadgetMulti(const char *fname, int id, int flags, int gformat) nogil except + void cxx_writeGadget "CosmoTool::writeGadget" (const char * s, SimuData *data) except + cdef extern from "safe_gadget.hpp": SimuData *loadGadgetMulti_safe(cppstring.string s, int flags, int gformat) nogil SimuData **alloc_simudata(int num) nogil void del_simudata(SimuData **d) nogil cdef extern from "cppHelper.hpp": int customCosmotoolHandler() nogil cdef extern from "loadRamses.hpp" namespace "CosmoTool": SimuData *loadRamsesSimu(const char *basename, int id, int cpuid, bool dp, int flags) except +customCosmotoolHandler class PySimulationBase(object): """ This is the base class to representation Simulation in CosmoTool/python. """ def getPositions(self): """ getPositions(self) Returns: A list of three arrays holding the positions of the particles. The i-th element is the i-th coordinate of each particle. It may be None if the positions were not requested. """ raise NotImplementedError("getPositions is not implemented") def getVelocities(self): """ getVelocities(self) Returns: A list of three arrays holding the velocities of the particles. The i-th element is the i-th coordinate of each particle. It may be None if the velocities were not requested. """ raise NotImplementedError("getVelocities is not implemented") def getIdentifiers(self): """ getIdentifiers(self) Returns: Returns an integer array that hold the unique identifiers of each particle. It may be None if the identifiers were not requested. """ raise NotImplementedError("getIdentifiers is not implemented") def getTypes(self): """ getTypes(self) Returns: Returns an integer array that hold the type of each particle. It may be None if the types were not requested. """ raise NotImplementedError("getTypes is not implemented") def getOmega_M(self): """ getOmega_M(self) Returns: the mean matter density in the simulation, with respect to the critical density. """ raise NotImplementedError("getOmega_M is not implemented") def getOmega_Lambda(self): """ getOmega_Lambda(self) Returns: the mean dark energy density in the simulation, with respect to the critical density. """ raise NotImplementedError("getOmega_Lambda is not implemented") def getTime(self): """ getTime(self) Returns: the time the snapshot was taken in the simulation. It can have various units depending on the file format. """ raise NotImplementedError("getTime is not implemented") def getHubble(self): """ getHubble(self) Returns: the hubble constant in unit of 100 km/s/Mpc """ raise NotImplementedError("getHubble is not implemented") def getBoxsize(self): """ getBoxsize(self) Returns: the size of the simulation box. The length unit is not fixed, though it is customary to have it in Mpc/h if the loader has access to the unit normalization. """ raise NotImplementedError("getBoxsize is not implemented") def getMasses(self): """ getMasses(self) Returns: an array with the masses of each particles, in unspecified unit that depend on the loader. """ raise NotImplementedError("getMasses is not implemented") cdef class Simulation: """ Simulation() Class that directly manages internal loaded data obtained from a loader """ cdef list positions cdef list velocities cdef object identifiers cdef object types cdef object masses cdef SimuData *data property BoxSize: def __get__(Simulation self): return property time: def __get__(Simulation self): return property Hubble: def __get__(Simulation self): return property Omega_M: def __get__(Simulation self): return property Omega_Lambda: def __get__(Simulation self): return property positions: def __get__(Simulation self): return self.positions property velocities: def __get__(Simulation self): return self.velocities property identifiers: def __get__(Simulation self): return self.identifiers property types: def __get__(Simulation self): return self.types property masses: def __get__(Simulation self): return self.masses property numParticles: def __get__(Simulation self): return property totalNumParticles: def __get__(Simulation self): return def __cinit__(Simulation self): = 0 def __dealloc__(Simulation self): if != 0: del class PySimulationAdaptor(PySimulationBase): """ PySimulationAdaptor(PySimulationBase_) This class is an adaptor for an internal type to the loader. It defines all the methods of PySimulationBase. Attributes: simu: a Simulation_ object """ def __init__(self,sim): self.simu = sim def getNumParticles(self): return self.simu.numParticles def getBoxsize(self): return self.simu.BoxSize def getPositions(self): return self.simu.positions def getTypes(self): return self.simu.types def getVelocities(self): return self.simu.velocities def getIdentifiers(self): return self.simu.identifiers def getTime(self): return self.simu.time def getHubble(self): return self.simu.Hubble def getOmega_M(self): return self.simu.Omega_M def getOmega_Lambda(self): return self.simu.Omega_Lambda def getMasses(self): return self.simu.masses cdef class ArrayWrapper: cdef void* data_ptr cdef np.uint64_t size cdef int type_array cdef set_data(self, np.uint64_t size, int type_array, void* data_ptr): """ Set the data of the array This cannot be done in the constructor as it must recieve C-level arguments. Args: size (int): Length of the array. data_ptr (void*): Pointer to the data """ self.data_ptr = data_ptr self.size = size self.type_array = type_array def __array__(self): """ Here we use the __array__ method, that is called when numpy tries to get an array from the object.""" cdef np.npy_intp shape[1] shape[0] = self.size # Create a 1D array, of length 'size' ndarray = np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, shape, self.type_array, self.data_ptr) return ndarray def __dealloc__(self): """ Frees the array. This is called by Python when all the references to the object are gone. """ pass cdef object wrap_array(void *p, np.uint64_t s, int typ): cdef np.ndarray ndarray cdef ArrayWrapper wrapper wrapper = ArrayWrapper() wrapper.set_data(s, typ, p) ndarray = np.array(wrapper, copy=False) ndarray.base = wrapper Py_INCREF(wrapper) return ndarray cdef object wrap_float_array(float *p, np.uint64_t s): return wrap_array(p, s, np.NPY_FLOAT32) cdef object wrap_int64_array(int64_t* p, np.uint64_t s): return wrap_array(p, s, np.NPY_INT64) cdef object wrap_int_array(int* p, np.uint64_t s): return wrap_array(p, s, np.NPY_INT) cdef object wrap_simudata(SimuData *data, int flags): cdef Simulation simu simu = Simulation() = data if flags & NEED_POSITION: simu.positions = [wrap_float_array(data.Pos[i], data.NumPart) for i in xrange(3)] else: simu.positions = None if flags & NEED_VELOCITY: simu.velocities = [wrap_float_array(data.Vel[i], data.NumPart) for i in xrange(3)] else: simu.velocities = None if flags & NEED_GADGET_ID: simu.identifiers = wrap_int64_array(data.Id, data.NumPart) else: simu.identifiers = None if flags & NEED_TYPE: simu.types = wrap_int_array(data.type, data.NumPart) else: simu.types = None if flags & NEED_MASS: simu.masses = wrap_float_array(data.Mass, data.NumPart) else: simu.masses = None return simu def loadGadget(str filename, int snapshot_id, int gadgetFormat = 1, bool loadPosition = True, bool loadVelocity = False, bool loadId = False, bool loadType = False, bool loadMass=False): """loadGadget(filename, snapshot_id, gadgetFormat = 1, loadPosition=True, loadVelocity=False, loadId=False, loadType=False) This function loads Gadget-1 snapshot format. If snapshot_id is negative then the snapshot is considered not to be part of a set of snapshots written by different cpu. Otherwise the filename is modified to reflect the indicated snapshot_id. Arguments: filename (str): input filename snapshot_id (int): identifier of the gadget file if it is a multi-file snapshot Keyword arguments: loadPosition (bool): whether to load positions loadVelocity (bool): whether to load velocities loadId (bool): whether to load unique identifiers loadType (bool): whether to set types to particles loadMass (bool): whether to set the mass of particles Returns: an PySimulationAdaptor instance. """ cdef int flags cdef SimuData *data cdef Simulation simu cdef const char *filename_bs flags = 0 if loadPosition: flags |= NEED_POSITION if loadVelocity: flags |= NEED_VELOCITY if loadId: flags |= NEED_GADGET_ID if loadType: flags |= NEED_TYPE if loadMass: flags |= NEED_MASS filename_b = bytes(filename, 'utf-8') filename_bs = filename_b with nogil: data = loadGadgetMulti(filename_bs, snapshot_id, flags, gadgetFormat) if data == 0: raise RuntimeError("File could not be read") return PySimulationAdaptor(wrap_simudata(data, flags)) def loadParallelGadget(object filename_list, int gadgetFormat = 1, bool loadPosition = True, bool loadVelocity = False, bool loadId = False, bool loadType = False, bool loadMass=False): """loadParallelGadget(filename list, gadgetFormat=1, loadPosition=True, loadVelocity=False, loadId=False, loadType=False) Arguments: filename (list): a list or tuple of filenames to load in parallel Keyword arguments: loadPosition (bool): indicate to load positions loadVelocity (bool): indicate to load velocities loadId (bool): indicate to load id loadType (bool): indicate to load particle types Returns: It loads a gadget-1 snapshot and return a cosmotool.PySimulationBase_ object. """ cdef int flags, i, num_files cdef list out_arrays cdef SimuData ** data cdef SimuData * local_data cdef Simulation simu cdef cppvector[cppstring.string] filenames flags = 0 if loadPosition: flags |= NEED_POSITION if loadVelocity: flags |= NEED_VELOCITY if loadId: flags |= NEED_GADGET_ID if loadType: flags |= NEED_TYPE if loadMass: flags |= NEED_MASS num_files = len(filename_list) filenames.resize(num_files) data = alloc_simudata(num_files) for i,l in enumerate(filename_list): filenames[i] = l.encode('utf-8') with nogil: for i in prange(num_files): local_data = loadGadgetMulti_safe(filenames[i], flags, gadgetFormat) data[i] = local_data # data[i] = loadGadgetMulti(filenames[i].c_str(), -1, flags) out_arrays = [] for i in xrange(num_files): if data[i] == 0: out_arrays.append(None) else: out_arrays.append(PySimulationAdaptor(wrap_simudata(data[i], flags))) del_simudata(data) return out_arrays def writeGadget(str filename, object simulation): """writeGadget(filename, simulation) This function attempts to write the content of the simulation object into a file named `filename` using a Gadget-1 file format. Arguments: filename (str): output filename simulation (PySimulationBase): a simulation object """ cdef SimuData simdata cdef np.ndarray[np.float32_t, ndim=1] pos, vel cdef np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] ids cdef np.int64_t NumPart cdef int j if not isinstance(simulation,PySimulationBase): raise TypeError("Second argument must be of type SimulationBase") NumPart = simulation.positions[0].size simdata.noAuto = True for j in xrange(3): pos = simulation.getPositions()[j] vel = simulation.getVelocities()[j] if pos.size != NumPart or vel.size != NumPart: raise ValueError("Invalid number of particles") simdata.Pos[j] = simdata.Vel[j] = ids = simulation.getIdentifiers() simdata.Id = simdata.BoxSize = simulation.getBoxsize() simdata.time = simulation.getTime() simdata.Hubble = simulation.getHubble() simdata.Omega_M = simulation.getOmega_M() simdata.Omega_Lambda = simulation.getOmega_Lambda() simdata.TotalNumPart = NumPart simdata.NumPart = NumPart filename_b = bytes(filename, 'utf-8') cxx_writeGadget(filename_b, &simdata) def loadRamses(str basepath, int snapshot_id, int cpu_id, bool doublePrecision = False, bool loadPosition = True, bool loadVelocity = False, bool loadId = False, bool loadMass = False): """ loadRamses(basepath, snapshot_id, cpu_id, doublePrecision = False, loadPosition = True, loadVelocity = False) Loads the indicated snapshot based on the cpu id, snapshot id and basepath. It is important to specify the correct precision in doublePrecision otherwise the loading will fail. There is no way of auto-detecting properly the precision of the snapshot file. Args: basepath (str): the base directory of the snapshot snapshot_id (int): the snapshot id cpu_id (int): the cpu id of the file to load Keyword args: doublePrecision (bool): By default it is False, thus singlePrecision loadPosition (bool): Whether to load positions loadVelocity (bool): Whether to load velocities loadId (bool): Whether to load identifiers loadMass (bool): Whether to load mass value Returns: An object derived from PySimulationBase_. """ cdef int flags cdef SimuData *data cdef Simulation simu flags = 0 if loadPosition: flags |= NEED_POSITION if loadVelocity: flags |= NEED_VELOCITY if loadId: flags |= NEED_GADGET_ID if loadMass: flags |= NEED_MASS encpath = basepath.encode('utf-8') try: data = loadRamsesSimu(encpath, snapshot_id, cpu_id, doublePrecision, flags) if data == 0: return None except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e) + ' (check the float precision in snapshot)') return PySimulationAdaptor(wrap_simudata(data, flags))