/* * This file is part of libsharp. * * libsharp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * libsharp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with libsharp; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * libsharp is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik * and financially supported by the Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt * (DLR). */ /*! \file sharp.c * Spherical transform library * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Max-Planck-Society * \author Martin Reinecke */ #include #include "ls_fft.h" #include "sharp_ylmgen_c.h" #include "sharp_internal.h" #include "c_utils.h" #include "sharp_core.h" #include "sharp_vecutil.h" #include "walltime_c.h" #include "sharp_almhelpers.h" #include "sharp_geomhelpers.h" typedef complex double dcmplx; typedef complex float fcmplx; static void get_chunk_info (int ndata, int nmult, int *nchunks, int *chunksize) { static const int chunksize_min=500, nchunks_max=10; *chunksize = IMAX(chunksize_min,(ndata+nchunks_max-1)/nchunks_max); *chunksize = ((*chunksize+nmult-1)/nmult)*nmult; *nchunks = (ndata+*chunksize-1) / *chunksize; } typedef struct { double s; int i; } idxhelper; static int idx_compare (const void *xa, const void *xb) { const idxhelper *a=xa, *b=xb; return (a->s > b->s) ? -1 : (a->s < b->s) ? 1 : 0; } typedef struct { double phi0_; dcmplx *shiftarr, *work; int s_shift, s_work; real_plan plan; int norot; } ringhelper; static void ringhelper_init (ringhelper *self) { static ringhelper rh_null = { 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 }; *self = rh_null; } static void ringhelper_destroy (ringhelper *self) { if (self->plan) kill_real_plan(self->plan); DEALLOC(self->shiftarr); DEALLOC(self->work); ringhelper_init(self); } static void ringhelper_update (ringhelper *self, int nph, int mmax, double phi0) { self->norot = (fabs(phi0)<1e-14); if (!(self->norot)) if ((mmax!=self->s_shift-1) || (!FAPPROX(phi0,self->phi0_,1e-12))) { RESIZE (self->shiftarr,dcmplx,mmax+1); self->s_shift = mmax+1; self->phi0_ = phi0; for (int m=0; m<=mmax; ++m) self->shiftarr[m] = cos(m*phi0) + _Complex_I*sin(m*phi0); } if (!self->plan) self->plan=make_real_plan(nph); if (nph!=(int)self->plan->length) { kill_real_plan(self->plan); self->plan=make_real_plan(nph); } GROW(self->work,dcmplx,self->s_work,nph); } static int ringinfo_compare (const void *xa, const void *xb) { const sharp_ringinfo *a=xa, *b=xb; return (a->sth < b->sth) ? -1 : (a->sth > b->sth) ? 1 : 0; } static int ringpair_compare (const void *xa, const void *xb) { const sharp_ringpair *a=xa, *b=xb; if (a->r1.nph==b->r1.nph) return (a->r1.phi0 < b->r1.phi0) ? -1 : ((a->r1.phi0 > b->r1.phi0) ? 1 : (a->r1.cth>b->r1.cth ? -1 : 1)); return (a->r1.nphr1.nph) ? -1 : 1; } void sharp_make_general_alm_info (int lmax, int nm, int stride, const int *mval, const ptrdiff_t *mstart, sharp_alm_info **alm_info) { sharp_alm_info *info = RALLOC(sharp_alm_info,1); info->lmax = lmax; info->nm = nm; info->mval = RALLOC(int,nm); info->mvstart = RALLOC(ptrdiff_t,nm); info->stride = stride; for (int mi=0; mimval[mi] = mval[mi]; info->mvstart[mi] = mstart[mi]; } *alm_info = info; } void sharp_make_alm_info (int lmax, int mmax, int stride, const ptrdiff_t *mstart, sharp_alm_info **alm_info) { int *mval=RALLOC(int,mmax+1); for (int i=0; i<=mmax; ++i) mval[i]=i; sharp_make_general_alm_info (lmax, mmax+1, stride, mval, mstart, alm_info); DEALLOC(mval); } ptrdiff_t sharp_alm_index (const sharp_alm_info *self, int l, int mi) { return self->mvstart[mi]+self->stride*l; } void sharp_destroy_alm_info (sharp_alm_info *info) { DEALLOC (info->mval); DEALLOC (info->mvstart); DEALLOC (info); } void sharp_make_geom_info (int nrings, const int *nph, const ptrdiff_t *ofs, const int *stride, const double *phi0, const double *theta, const double *weight, sharp_geom_info **geom_info) { sharp_geom_info *info = RALLOC(sharp_geom_info,1); sharp_ringinfo *infos = RALLOC(sharp_ringinfo,nrings); int pos=0; info->pair=RALLOC(sharp_ringpair,nrings); info->npairs=0; *geom_info = info; for (int m=0; mpair[info->npairs].r1=infos[pos]; if ((pos0) // make sure northern ring is in r1 info->pair[info->npairs].r2=infos[pos+1]; else { info->pair[info->npairs].r1=infos[pos+1]; info->pair[info->npairs].r2=infos[pos]; } ++pos; } else info->pair[info->npairs].r2.nph=-1; ++pos; ++info->npairs; } DEALLOC(infos); qsort(info->pair,info->npairs,sizeof(sharp_ringpair),ringpair_compare); } void sharp_destroy_geom_info (sharp_geom_info *geom_info) { DEALLOC (geom_info->pair); DEALLOC (geom_info); } static int sharp_get_mmax (int *mval, int nm) { int *mcheck=RALLOC(int,nm); SET_ARRAY(mcheck,0,nm,0); for (int i=0; i=0) && (m_curnph; int stride = info->stride; ringhelper_update (self, nph, mmax, info->phi0); self->work[0]=phase[0]; SET_ARRAY(self->work,1,nph,0.); #if 0 if (self->norot) for (int m=1; m<=mmax; ++m) { int idx1 = m%nph; int idx2 = nph-1-((m-1)%nph); self->work[idx1]+=phase[m*pstride]; self->work[idx2]+=conj(phase[m*pstride]); } else for (int m=1; m<=mmax; ++m) { int idx1 = m%nph; int idx2 = nph-1-((m-1)%nph); dcmplx tmp = phase[m*pstride]*self->shiftarr[m]; self->work[idx1]+=tmp; self->work[idx2]+=conj(tmp); } #else int idx1=1, idx2=nph-1; for (int m=1; m<=mmax; ++m) { dcmplx tmp = phase[m*pstride]; if(!self->norot) tmp*=self->shiftarr[m]; self->work[idx1]+=tmp; self->work[idx2]+=conj(tmp); if (++idx1>=nph) idx1=0; if (--idx2<0) idx2=nph-1; } #endif real_plan_backward_c (self->plan, (double *)(self->work)); if (fde==DOUBLE) for (int m=0; mofs] += creal(self->work[m]); else for (int m=0; mofs] += (float)creal(self->work[m]); } static void ringhelper_ring2phase (ringhelper *self, const sharp_ringinfo *info, const void *data, int mmax, dcmplx *phase, int pstride, sharp_fde fde) { int nph = info->nph; #if 1 int maxidx = mmax; /* Enable this for traditional Healpix compatibility */ #else int maxidx = IMIN(nph-1,mmax); #endif ringhelper_update (self, nph, mmax, -info->phi0); if (fde==DOUBLE) for (int m=0; mwork[m] = ((double *)data)[info->ofs+m*info->stride]*info->weight; else for (int m=0; mwork[m] = ((float *)data)[info->ofs+m*info->stride]*info->weight; real_plan_forward_c (self->plan, (double *)self->work); if (self->norot) for (int m=0; m<=maxidx; ++m) phase[m*pstride] = self->work[m%nph]; else for (int m=0; m<=maxidx; ++m) phase[m*pstride]=self->work[m%nph]*self->shiftarr[m]; for (int m=maxidx+1;m<=mmax; ++m) phase[m*pstride]=0.; } static void ringhelper_pair2phase (ringhelper *self, int mmax, const sharp_ringpair *pair, const void *data, dcmplx *phase1, dcmplx *phase2, int pstride, sharp_fde fde) { ringhelper_ring2phase (self, &(pair->r1), data, mmax, phase1, pstride, fde); if (pair->r2.nph>0) ringhelper_ring2phase (self, &(pair->r2), data, mmax, phase2, pstride, fde); } static void ringhelper_phase2pair (ringhelper *self, int mmax, const dcmplx *phase1, const dcmplx *phase2, int pstride, const sharp_ringpair *pair, void *data, sharp_fde fde) { ringhelper_phase2ring (self, &(pair->r1), data, mmax, phase1, pstride, fde); if (pair->r2.nph>0) ringhelper_phase2ring (self, &(pair->r2), data, mmax, phase2, pstride, fde); } static void fill_map (const sharp_geom_info *ginfo, void *map, double value, sharp_fde fde) { for (int j=0;jnpairs;++j) { if (fde==DOUBLE) { for (int i=0;ipair[j].r1.nph;++i) ((double *)map)[ginfo->pair[j].r1.ofs+i*ginfo->pair[j].r1.stride]=value; for (int i=0;ipair[j].r2.nph;++i) ((double *)map)[ginfo->pair[j].r2.ofs+i*ginfo->pair[j].r2.stride]=value; } else { for (int i=0;ipair[j].r1.nph;++i) ((float *)map)[ginfo->pair[j].r1.ofs+i*ginfo->pair[j].r1.stride] =(float)value; for (int i=0;ipair[j].r2.nph;++i) ((float *)map)[ginfo->pair[j].r2.ofs+i*ginfo->pair[j].r2.stride] =(float)value; } } } static void fill_alm (const sharp_alm_info *ainfo, void *alm, dcmplx value, sharp_fde fde) { if (fde==DOUBLE) for (int mi=0;minm;++mi) for (int l=ainfo->mval[mi];l<=ainfo->lmax;++l) ((dcmplx *)alm)[sharp_alm_index(ainfo,l,mi)] = value; else for (int mi=0;minm;++mi) for (int l=ainfo->mval[mi];l<=ainfo->lmax;++l) ((fcmplx *)alm)[sharp_alm_index(ainfo,l,mi)] = (fcmplx)value; } static void init_output (sharp_job *job) { if (job->add_output) return; if (job->type == SHARP_MAP2ALM) for (int i=0; intrans*job->nalm; ++i) fill_alm (job->ainfo,job->alm[i],0.,job->fde); else for (int i=0; intrans*job->nmaps; ++i) fill_map (job->ginfo,job->map[i],0.,job->fde); } static void alloc_phase (sharp_job *job, int nm, int ntheta) { job->phase=RALLOC(dcmplx,2*job->ntrans*job->nmaps*nm*ntheta); } static void dealloc_phase (sharp_job *job) { DEALLOC(job->phase); } //FIXME: set phase to zero if not SHARP_MAP2ALM? static void map2phase (sharp_job *job, int mmax, int llim, int ulim) { if (job->type != SHARP_MAP2ALM) return; int pstride = 2*job->ntrans*job->nmaps; #pragma omp parallel { ringhelper helper; ringhelper_init(&helper); #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) for (int ith=llim; ithntrans*job->nmaps; ++i) ringhelper_pair2phase(&helper,mmax,&job->ginfo->pair[ith], job->map[i], &job->phase[dim2+2*i], &job->phase[dim2+2*i+1], pstride, job->fde); } ringhelper_destroy(&helper); } /* end of parallel region */ } static void alloc_almtmp (sharp_job *job, int lmax) { job->almtmp=RALLOC(dcmplx,job->ntrans*job->nalm*(lmax+1)); } static void dealloc_almtmp (sharp_job *job) { DEALLOC(job->almtmp); } static void alm2almtmp (sharp_job *job, int lmax, int mi) { if (job->type!=SHARP_MAP2ALM) for (int l=job->ainfo->mval[mi]; l<=lmax; ++l) { ptrdiff_t aidx = sharp_alm_index(job->ainfo,l,mi); double fct = job->norm_l[l]; for (int i=0; intrans*job->nalm; ++i) if (job->fde==DOUBLE) job->almtmp[job->ntrans*job->nalm*l+i] = ((dcmplx *)job->alm[i])[aidx]*fct; else job->almtmp[job->ntrans*job->nalm*l+i] = ((fcmplx *)job->alm[i])[aidx]*fct; } else SET_ARRAY(job->almtmp,job->ntrans*job->nalm*job->ainfo->mval[mi], job->ntrans*job->nalm*(lmax+1),0.); } static void almtmp2alm (sharp_job *job, int lmax, int mi) { if (job->type != SHARP_MAP2ALM) return; for (int l=job->ainfo->mval[mi]; l<=lmax; ++l) { ptrdiff_t aidx = sharp_alm_index(job->ainfo,l,mi); for (int i=0;intrans*job->nalm;++i) if (job->fde==DOUBLE) ((dcmplx *)job->alm[i])[aidx] += job->almtmp[job->ntrans*job->nalm*l+i]*job->norm_l[l]; else ((fcmplx *)job->alm[i])[aidx] += (fcmplx)(job->almtmp[job->ntrans*job->nalm*l+i]*job->norm_l[l]); } } static void phase2map (sharp_job *job, int mmax, int llim, int ulim) { if (job->type == SHARP_MAP2ALM) return; int pstride = 2*job->ntrans*job->nmaps; #pragma omp parallel { ringhelper helper; ringhelper_init(&helper); #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) for (int ith=llim; ithntrans*job->nmaps; ++i) ringhelper_phase2pair(&helper,mmax,&job->phase[dim2+2*i], &job->phase[dim2+2*i+1],pstride,&job->ginfo->pair[ith],job->map[i], job->fde); } ringhelper_destroy(&helper); } /* end of parallel region */ } static void sharp_execute_job (sharp_job *job) { double timer=wallTime(); job->opcnt=0; int lmax = job->ainfo->lmax, mmax=sharp_get_mmax(job->ainfo->mval, job->ainfo->nm); job->norm_l = (job->type==SHARP_ALM2MAP_DERIV1) ? sharp_Ylmgen_get_d1norm (lmax) : sharp_Ylmgen_get_norm (lmax, job->spin); /* clear output arrays if requested */ init_output (job); int nchunks, chunksize; get_chunk_info(job->ginfo->npairs,job->nv*VLEN,&nchunks,&chunksize); alloc_phase (job,mmax+1,chunksize); /* chunk loop */ for (int chunk=0; chunkginfo->npairs); int *ispair = RALLOC(int,ulim-llim); double *cth = RALLOC(double,ulim-llim), *sth = RALLOC(double,ulim-llim); idxhelper *stmp = RALLOC(idxhelper,ulim-llim); for (int i=0; iginfo->pair[i+llim].r2.nph>0; cth[i] = job->ginfo->pair[i+llim].r1.cth; sth[i] = job->ginfo->pair[i+llim].r1.sth; stmp[i].s=sth[i]; stmp[i].i=i; } qsort (stmp,ulim-llim,sizeof(idxhelper),idx_compare); int *idx = RALLOC(int,ulim-llim); for (int i=0; iphase where necessary */ map2phase (job, mmax, llim, ulim); #pragma omp parallel { sharp_job ljob = *job; ljob.opcnt=0; sharp_Ylmgen_C generator; sharp_Ylmgen_init (&generator,lmax,mmax,ljob.spin); alloc_almtmp(&ljob,lmax); #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) for (int mi=0; miainfo->nm; ++mi) { /* alm->alm_tmp where necessary */ alm2almtmp (&ljob, lmax, mi); inner_loop (&ljob, ispair, cth, sth, llim, ulim, &generator, mi, idx); /* alm_tmp->alm where necessary */ almtmp2alm (&ljob, lmax, mi); } sharp_Ylmgen_destroy(&generator); dealloc_almtmp(&ljob); #pragma omp critical job->opcnt+=ljob.opcnt; } /* end of parallel region */ /* phase->map where necessary */ phase2map (job, mmax, llim, ulim); DEALLOC(ispair); DEALLOC(cth); DEALLOC(sth); DEALLOC(idx); } /* end of chunk loop */ DEALLOC(job->norm_l); dealloc_phase (job); job->time=wallTime()-timer; } static void sharp_build_job_common (sharp_job *job, sharp_jobtype type, int spin, int add_output, void *alm, void *map, const sharp_geom_info *geom_info, const sharp_alm_info *alm_info, int ntrans, int dp, int nv) { UTIL_ASSERT((ntrans>0),"bad number of simultaneous transforms"); if (type==SHARP_ALM2MAP_DERIV1) spin=1; UTIL_ASSERT((spin>=0)&&(spin<=30), "bad spin"); job->type = type; job->spin = spin; job->norm_l = NULL; job->add_output = add_output; job->nmaps = (type==SHARP_ALM2MAP_DERIV1) ? 2 : ((spin>0) ? 2 : 1); job->nalm = (type==SHARP_ALM2MAP_DERIV1) ? 1 : ((spin>0) ? 2 : 1); job->ginfo = geom_info; job->ainfo = alm_info; job->nv = (nv==0) ? sharp_nv_oracle (type, spin, ntrans) : nv; job->time = 0.; job->opcnt = 0; job->ntrans = ntrans; job->alm=alm; job->map=map; job->fde=dp ? DOUBLE : FLOAT; } void sharp_execute (sharp_jobtype type, int spin, int add_output, void *alm, void *map, const sharp_geom_info *geom_info, const sharp_alm_info *alm_info, int ntrans, int dp, int nv, double *time, unsigned long long *opcnt) { sharp_job job; sharp_build_job_common (&job, type, spin, add_output, alm, map, geom_info, alm_info, ntrans, dp, nv); sharp_execute_job (&job); if (time!=NULL) *time = job.time; if (opcnt!=NULL) *opcnt = job.opcnt; } int sharp_get_nv_max (void) { return 6; } static int sharp_oracle (sharp_jobtype type, int spin, int ntrans) { int lmax=127; int mmax=(lmax+1)/2; int nrings=(lmax+1)/4; int ppring=1; ptrdiff_t npix=(ptrdiff_t)nrings*ppring; sharp_geom_info *tinfo; sharp_make_gauss_geom_info (nrings, ppring, 1, ppring, &tinfo); ptrdiff_t nalms = ((mmax+1)*(mmax+2))/2 + (mmax+1)*(lmax-mmax); int ncomp = ntrans*((spin==0) ? 1 : 2); double **map; ALLOC2D(map,double,ncomp,npix); SET_ARRAY(map[0],0,npix*ncomp,0.); sharp_alm_info *alms; sharp_make_triangular_alm_info(lmax,mmax,1,&alms); dcmplx **alm; ALLOC2D(alm,dcmplx,ncomp,nalms); SET_ARRAY(alm[0],0,nalms*ncomp,0.); double time=1e30; int nvbest=-1; for (int nv=1; nv<=sharp_get_nv_max(); ++nv) { double time_acc=0.; double jtime; int ntries=0; do { sharp_execute(type,spin,0,&alm[0],&map[0],tinfo,alms,ntrans,1,nv,&jtime, NULL); if (jtime0),"bad number of simultaneous transforms"); UTIL_ASSERT((spin>=0)&&(spin<=30), "bad spin"); ntrans=IMIN(ntrans,maxtr); if (nv_opt[ntrans-1][spin!=0][type]==0) nv_opt[ntrans-1][spin!=0][type]=sharp_oracle(type,spin,ntrans); return nv_opt[ntrans-1][spin!=0][type]; } #ifdef USE_MPI #include "sharp_mpi.c" #endif