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module sharp
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
! alm_info flags
integer, parameter :: SHARP_PACKED = 1
! sharp job types
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: SHARP_YtW = 0
enumerator :: SHARP_Y = 1
enumerator :: SHARP_Yt = 2
enumerator :: SHARP_WY = 3
enumerator :: SHARP_ALM2MAP_DERIV1 = 4
end enum
! sharp job flags
integer, parameter :: SHARP_DP = ISHFT(1, 4)
integer, parameter :: SHARP_ADD = ISHFT(1, 5)
integer, parameter :: SHARP_REAL_HARMONICS = ISHFT(1, 6)
integer, parameter :: SHARP_NO_FFT = ISHFT(1, 7)
type sharp_geom_info
type(c_ptr) :: handle
integer(c_intptr_t) :: n_local
end type sharp_geom_info
type sharp_alm_info
type(c_ptr) :: handle
integer(c_intptr_t) :: n_local
end type sharp_alm_info
! alm_info
subroutine sharp_make_general_alm_info( &
lmax, nm, stride, mval, mvstart, flags, alm_info) bind(c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lmax, nm, stride, flags
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: mval(nm)
integer(c_intptr_t), intent(in) :: mvstart(nm)
type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: alm_info
end subroutine sharp_make_general_alm_info
subroutine c_sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info( &
lmax, stride, nm, ms, alm_info) bind(c, name='sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lmax, nm, stride
integer(c_int), intent(in), optional :: ms(nm)
type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: alm_info
end subroutine c_sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info
function c_sharp_alm_count(alm_info) bind(c, name='sharp_alm_count')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_intptr_t) :: c_sharp_alm_count
type(c_ptr), value, intent(in) :: alm_info
end function c_sharp_alm_count
subroutine c_sharp_destroy_alm_info(alm_info) bind(c, name='sharp_destroy_alm_info')
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), value :: alm_info
end subroutine c_sharp_destroy_alm_info
! geom_info
subroutine sharp_make_subset_healpix_geom_info ( &
nside, stride, nrings, rings, weight, geom_info) bind(c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: nside, stride, nrings
integer(c_int), intent(in), optional :: rings(nrings)
real(c_double), intent(in), optional :: weight(2 * nside)
type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: geom_info
end subroutine sharp_make_subset_healpix_geom_info
subroutine c_sharp_destroy_geom_info(geom_info) bind(c, name='sharp_destroy_geom_info')
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr), value :: geom_info
end subroutine c_sharp_destroy_geom_info
function c_sharp_map_size(info) bind(c, name='sharp_map_size')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_intptr_t) :: c_sharp_map_size
type(c_ptr), value :: info
end function c_sharp_map_size
! execute
subroutine c_sharp_execute(type, spin, alm, map, geom_info, alm_info, ntrans, &
flags, time, opcnt) bind(c, name='sharp_execute')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value :: type, spin, ntrans, flags
type(c_ptr), value :: alm_info, geom_info
real(c_double), intent(out), optional :: time
integer(c_long_long), intent(out), optional :: opcnt
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: alm(*), map(*)
end subroutine c_sharp_execute
subroutine c_sharp_execute_mpi(comm, type, spin, alm, map, geom_info, alm_info, ntrans, &
flags, time, opcnt) bind(c, name='sharp_execute_mpi_fortran')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value :: comm, type, spin, ntrans, flags
type(c_ptr), value :: alm_info, geom_info
real(c_double), intent(out), optional :: time
integer(c_long_long), intent(out), optional :: opcnt
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: alm(*), map(*)
end subroutine c_sharp_execute_mpi
! Legendre transforms
subroutine c_sharp_legendre_transform(bl, recfac, lmax, x, out, nx) &
bind(c, name='sharp_legendre_transform')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_intptr_t), value :: lmax, nx
real(c_double) :: bl(lmax + 1), x(nx), out(nx)
real(c_double), optional :: recfac(lmax + 1)
end subroutine c_sharp_legendre_transform
subroutine c_sharp_legendre_transform_s(bl, recfac, lmax, x, out, nx) &
bind(c, name='sharp_legendre_transform_s')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_intptr_t), value :: lmax, nx
real(c_float) :: bl(lmax + 1), x(nx), out(nx)
real(c_float), optional :: recfac(lmax + 1)
end subroutine c_sharp_legendre_transform_s
end interface
interface sharp_execute
module procedure sharp_execute_d
end interface
interface sharp_legendre_transform
module procedure sharp_legendre_transform_d, sharp_legendre_transform_s
end interface sharp_legendre_transform
! alm info
! if ms is not passed, we default to using m=0..lmax.
subroutine sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info(lmax, ms, alm_info)
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lmax
integer(c_int), intent(in), optional :: ms(:)
type(sharp_alm_info), intent(out) :: alm_info
integer(c_int), allocatable :: ms_copy(:)
integer(c_int) :: nm
if (present(ms)) then
nm = size(ms)
ms_copy = ms
call c_sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info(lmax, 1, nm, ms_copy, alm_info=alm_info%handle)
call c_sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info(lmax, 1, lmax + 1, alm_info=alm_info%handle)
end if
alm_info%n_local = c_sharp_alm_count(alm_info%handle)
end subroutine sharp_make_mmajor_real_packed_alm_info
subroutine sharp_destroy_alm_info(alm_info)
use iso_c_binding
type(sharp_alm_info), intent(inout) :: alm_info
call c_sharp_destroy_alm_info(alm_info%handle)
alm_info%handle = c_null_ptr
end subroutine sharp_destroy_alm_info
! geom info
subroutine sharp_make_healpix_geom_info(nside, rings, weight, geom_info)
integer(c_int), value :: nside
integer(c_int), optional :: rings(:)
real(c_double), intent(in), optional :: weight(2 * nside)
type(sharp_geom_info), intent(out) :: geom_info
integer(c_int) :: nrings
integer(c_int), allocatable :: rings_copy(:)
if (present(rings)) then
nrings = size(rings)
rings_copy = rings
call sharp_make_subset_healpix_geom_info(nside, 1, nrings, rings_copy, &
weight, geom_info%handle)
call sharp_make_subset_healpix_geom_info(nside, 1, nrings=4 * nside - 1, &
weight=weight, geom_info=geom_info%handle)
end if
geom_info%n_local = c_sharp_map_size(geom_info%handle)
end subroutine sharp_make_healpix_geom_info
subroutine sharp_destroy_geom_info(geom_info)
use iso_c_binding
type(sharp_geom_info), intent(inout) :: geom_info
call c_sharp_destroy_geom_info(geom_info%handle)
geom_info%handle = c_null_ptr
end subroutine sharp_destroy_geom_info
! Currently the only mode supported is stacked (not interleaved) maps.
! Note that passing the exact dimension of alm/map is necesarry, it
! prevents the caller from doing too crazy slicing prior to pass array
! in...
! Usage:
! The alm array must have shape exactly alm(alm_info%n_local, nmaps)
! The maps array must have shape exactly map(map_info%n_local, nmaps).
subroutine sharp_execute_d(type, spin, nmaps, alm, alm_info, map, geom_info, &
add, time, opcnt, comm)
use iso_c_binding
use mpi
implicit none
integer(c_int), value :: type, spin, nmaps
integer(c_int), optional :: comm
logical, value, optional :: add ! should add instead of replace out
type(sharp_alm_info) :: alm_info
type(sharp_geom_info) :: geom_info
real(c_double), intent(out), optional :: time
integer(c_long_long), intent(out), optional :: opcnt
real(c_double), target, intent(inout) :: alm(0:alm_info%n_local - 1, 1:nmaps)
real(c_double), target, intent(inout) :: map(0:geom_info%n_local - 1, 1:nmaps)
integer(c_int) :: mod_flags, ntrans, k
type(c_ptr), target :: alm_ptr(nmaps)
type(c_ptr), target :: map_ptr(nmaps)
mod_flags = SHARP_DP
if (present(add) .and. add) then
mod_flags = or(mod_flags, SHARP_ADD)
end if
if (spin == 0) then
ntrans = nmaps
ntrans = nmaps / 2
end if
! Set up pointer table to access maps
alm_ptr(:) = c_null_ptr
map_ptr(:) = c_null_ptr
do k = 1, nmaps
if (alm_info%n_local > 0) alm_ptr(k) = c_loc(alm(0, k))
if (geom_info%n_local > 0) map_ptr(k) = c_loc(map(0, k))
end do
if (present(comm)) then
call c_sharp_execute_mpi(comm, type, spin, alm_ptr, map_ptr, &
geom_info=geom_info%handle, &
alm_info=alm_info%handle, &
ntrans=ntrans, &
flags=mod_flags, &
time=time, &
call c_sharp_execute(type, spin, alm_ptr, map_ptr, &
geom_info=geom_info%handle, &
alm_info=alm_info%handle, &
ntrans=ntrans, &
flags=mod_flags, &
time=time, &
end if
end subroutine sharp_execute_d
subroutine sharp_legendre_transform_d(bl, x, out)
use iso_c_binding
real(c_double) :: bl(:)
real(c_double) :: x(:), out(size(x))
integer(c_intptr_t) :: lmax, nx
call c_sharp_legendre_transform(bl, lmax=int(size(bl) - 1, c_intptr_t), &
x=x, out=out, nx=int(size(x), c_intptr_t))
end subroutine sharp_legendre_transform_d
subroutine sharp_legendre_transform_s(bl, x, out)
use iso_c_binding
real(c_float) :: bl(:)
real(c_float) :: x(:), out(size(x))
integer(c_intptr_t) :: lmax, nx
call c_sharp_legendre_transform_s(bl, lmax=int(size(bl) - 1, c_intptr_t), &
x=x, out=out, nx=int(size(x), c_intptr_t))
end subroutine sharp_legendre_transform_s
end module