2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
from functools import partial
2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
import jax.numpy as jnp
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import numpy as np
2022-05-17 23:42:57 +02:00
from jax.scipy.stats import norm
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from scipy.special import legendre
2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
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__all__ = [
'power_spectrum', 'transfer', 'coherence', 'pktranscoh',
'cross_correlation_coefficients', 'gaussian_smoothing'
2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
2024-07-09 14:54:34 -04:00
2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
def _initialize_pk(mesh_shape, box_shape, kedges, los):
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2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
mesh_shape : tuple of int
Shape of the mesh grid.
box_shape : tuple of float
Physical dimensions of the box.
kedges : None, int, float, or list
If None, set dk to twice the minimum.
If int, specifies number of edges.
If float, specifies dk.
los : array_like
Line-of-sight vector.
dig : ndarray
Indices of the bins to which each value in input array belongs.
kcount : ndarray
Count of values in each bin.
kedges : ndarray
Edges of the bins.
mumesh : ndarray
Mu values for the mesh grid.
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kmax = np.pi * np.min(mesh_shape / box_shape) # = knyquist
if isinstance(kedges, None | int | float):
if kedges is None:
dk = 2 * np.pi / np.min(
box_shape) * 2 # twice the minimum wavenumber
if isinstance(kedges, int):
dk = kmax / (kedges + 1) # final number of bins will be kedges-1
elif isinstance(kedges, float):
dk = kedges
kedges = np.arange(dk, kmax, dk) + dk / 2 # from dk/2 to kmax-dk/2
kshapes = np.eye(len(mesh_shape), dtype=np.int32) * -2 + 1
kvec = [(2 * np.pi * m / l) * np.fft.fftfreq(m).reshape(kshape)
for m, l, kshape in zip(mesh_shape, box_shape, kshapes)]
kmesh = sum(ki**2 for ki in kvec)**0.5
dig = np.digitize(kmesh.reshape(-1), kedges)
kcount = np.bincount(dig, minlength=len(kedges) + 1)
# Central value of each bin
# kavg = (kedges[1:] + kedges[:-1]) / 2
kavg = np.bincount(
dig, weights=kmesh.reshape(-1), minlength=len(kedges) + 1) / kcount
kavg = kavg[1:-1]
if los is None:
mumesh = 1.
mumesh = sum(ki * losi for ki, losi in zip(kvec, los))
kmesh_nozeros = np.where(kmesh == 0, 1, kmesh)
mumesh = np.where(kmesh == 0, 0, mumesh / kmesh_nozeros)
return dig, kcount, kavg, mumesh
def power_spectrum(mesh,
kedges: int | float | list = None,
los=[0., 0., 1.]):
Compute the auto and cross spectrum of 3D fields, with multipoles.
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2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
# Initialize
mesh_shape = np.array(mesh.shape)
if box_shape is None:
box_shape = mesh_shape
box_shape = np.asarray(box_shape)
if multipoles == 0:
los = None
los = np.asarray(los)
los = los / np.linalg.norm(los)
poles = np.atleast_1d(multipoles)
dig, kcount, kavg, mumesh = _initialize_pk(mesh_shape, box_shape, kedges,
n_bins = len(kavg) + 2
# FFTs
meshk = jnp.fft.fftn(mesh, norm='ortho')
if mesh2 is None:
mmk = meshk.real**2 + meshk.imag**2
mmk = meshk * jnp.fft.fftn(mesh2, norm='ortho').conj()
# Sum powers
pk = jnp.empty((len(poles), n_bins))
for i_ell, ell in enumerate(poles):
weights = (mmk * (2 * ell + 1) * legendre(ell)(mumesh)).reshape(-1)
if mesh2 is None:
psum = jnp.bincount(dig, weights=weights, length=n_bins)
else: # XXX: bincount is really slow with complex numbers
psum_real = jnp.bincount(dig, weights=weights.real, length=n_bins)
psum_imag = jnp.bincount(dig, weights=weights.imag, length=n_bins)
psum = (psum_real**2 + psum_imag**2)**.5
pk = pk.at[i_ell].set(psum)
# Normalization and conversion from cell units to [Mpc/h]^3
pk = (pk / kcount)[:, 1:-1] * (box_shape / mesh_shape).prod()
# pk = jnp.concatenate([kavg[None], pk])
if np.ndim(multipoles) == 0:
return kavg, pk[0]
return kavg, pk
def transfer(mesh0, mesh1, box_shape, kedges: int | float | list = None):
pk_fn = partial(power_spectrum, box_shape=box_shape, kedges=kedges)
ks, pk0 = pk_fn(mesh0)
ks, pk1 = pk_fn(mesh1)
return ks, (pk1 / pk0)**.5
def coherence(mesh0, mesh1, box_shape, kedges: int | float | list = None):
pk_fn = partial(power_spectrum, box_shape=box_shape, kedges=kedges)
ks, pk01 = pk_fn(mesh0, mesh1)
ks, pk0 = pk_fn(mesh0)
ks, pk1 = pk_fn(mesh1)
return ks, pk01 / (pk0 * pk1)**.5
def pktranscoh(mesh0, mesh1, box_shape, kedges: int | float | list = None):
pk_fn = partial(power_spectrum, box_shape=box_shape, kedges=kedges)
ks, pk01 = pk_fn(mesh0, mesh1)
ks, pk0 = pk_fn(mesh0)
ks, pk1 = pk_fn(mesh1)
return ks, pk0, pk1, (pk1 / pk0)**.5, pk01 / (pk0 * pk1)**.5
def cross_correlation_coefficients(field_a,
Calculate the cross correlation coefficients given two real space field
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2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
field_a: real valued field
field_b: real valued field
2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
kmin: minimum k-value for binned powerspectra
dk: differential in each kbin
boxsize: length of each boxlength (can be strangly shaped?)
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2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
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2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
kbins: the central value of the bins for plotting
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P / norm: normalized cross correlation coefficient between two field a and b
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2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
shape = field_a.shape
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nx, ny, nz = shape
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#initialze values related to powerspectra (mode bins and weights)
dig, Nsum, xsum, W, k, kedges = _initialize_pk(shape, boxsize, kmin, dk)
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#fast fourier transform
2024-12-20 11:44:02 +01:00
fft_image_a = jnp.fft.fftn(field_a)
fft_image_b = jnp.fft.fftn(field_b)
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#absolute value of fast fourier transform
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pk = fft_image_a * jnp.conj(fft_image_b)
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#calculating powerspectra
real = jnp.real(pk).reshape([-1])
imag = jnp.imag(pk).reshape([-1])
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Psum = jnp.bincount(dig, weights=(W.flatten() * imag),
length=xsum.size) * 1j
Psum += jnp.bincount(dig, weights=(W.flatten() * real), length=xsum.size)
2022-04-28 00:21:46 +02:00
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P = ((Psum / Nsum)[1:-1] * boxsize.prod()).astype('float32')
2022-04-28 00:21:46 +02:00
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#normalization for powerspectra
norm = np.prod(np.array(shape[:])).astype('float32')**2
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#find central values of each bin
kbins = kedges[:-1] + (kedges[1:] - kedges[:-1]) / 2
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return kbins, P / norm
2022-03-25 21:29:32 +01:00
2022-05-17 17:55:06 +02:00
def gaussian_smoothing(im, sigma):
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2022-05-17 17:55:06 +02:00
im: 2d image
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sigma: smoothing scale in px
2022-05-17 17:55:06 +02:00
2024-07-09 14:54:34 -04:00
# Compute k vector
kvec = jnp.stack(jnp.meshgrid(jnp.fft.fftfreq(im.shape[0]),
k = jnp.linalg.norm(kvec, axis=-1)
# We compute the value of the filter at frequency k
filter = norm.pdf(k, 0, 1. / (2. * np.pi * sigma))
filter /= filter[0, 0]
return jnp.fft.ifft2(jnp.fft.fft2(im) * filter).real