
88 lines
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- 'in-norms':
type: str_list
help: 'comma-sep. list of input normalization functions'
- 'tgt-norms':
type: str_list
help: 'comma-sep. list of target normalization functions'
- 'crop':
type: int_tuple
help: 'size to crop the input and target data. Default is the field size. Comma-sep. list of 1 or d integers'
- 'crop-start':
type: int_tuple
help: 'starting point of the first crop. Default is the origin. Comma-sep. list of 1 or d integers'
- 'crop-stop':
type: int_tuple
help: 'stopping point of the last crop. Default is the opposite corner to the origin. Comma-sep. list of 1 or d integers'
- 'crop-step':
type: int_tuple
help: 'spacing between crops. Default is the crop size. Comma-sep. list of 1 or d integers'
- 'in-pad':
pad: 0
type: int_tuple
help: 'size to pad the input data beyond the crop size, assuming periodic boundary condition. Comma-sep. list of 1, d, or dx2 integers, to pad equally along all axes, symmetrically on each, or by the specified size on every boundary, respectively'
- 'tgt-pad':
default: 0
type: int_tuple
help: 'size to pad the target data beyond the crop size, assuming periodic boundary condition, useful for super-resolution. Comma-sep. list with the same format as in-pad'
- 'scale-factor':
default: 1
type: int
help: 'upsampling factor for super-resolution, in which case crop and pad are sizes of the input resolution'
- 'model':
type: str
required: true
help: '(generator) model'
- 'criterion':
default: 'MSELoss'
type: str
help: 'loss function'
- 'load-state':
default: ckpt_link
type: str
help: 'path to load the states of model, optimizer, rng, etc. Default is the checkpoint. Start from scratch in case of empty string or missing checkpoint'
- 'load-state-non-strict':
action: 'store_false'
help: 'allow incompatible keys when loading model states'
dest: 'load_state_strict'
- 'batch-size':
'batches': 0
type: int
required: true
help: 'mini-batch size, per GPU in training or in total in testing'
- 'loader-workers':
default: 8
type: int
help: 'number of subprocesses per data loader. 0 to disable multiprocessing'
- 'callback-at':
type: 'lambda s: os.path.abspath(s)'
help: 'directory of custorm code defining callbacks for models, norms, criteria, and optimizers. Disabled if not set. This is appended to the default locations, thus has the lowest priority'
- 'misc-kwargs':
default: '{}'
type: json.loads
help: 'miscellaneous keyword arguments for custom models and norms. Be careful with name collisions'
- 'optimizer':
default: 'Adam'
type: str
help: 'optimizer for training'
- 'learning-rate':
default: 0.001
type: float
help: 'learning rate for training'
- 'num-epochs':
default: 100
type: int
help: 'number of training epochs'
- 'save-interval':
default: 10
type: int
help: 'interval for saving checkpoints during training'
- 'log-interval':
default: 10
type: int
help: 'interval for logging training progress'
- 'device':
default: 'cuda'
type: str
help: 'device for training (cuda or cpu)'