Richard Stiskalek e972f8e3f2
Add pynbody and other support (#92)
* Simplify box units

* Move old scripts

* Add printing

* Update readers

* Disable boundscheck

* Add new ordering

* Clean up imports

* Enforce dtype and add mass to quijote

* Simplify print statements

* Fix little typos

* Fix key bug

* Bug fixing

* Delete boring comments

* Improve ultimate clumps for PHEW

* Delete boring comments

* Add basic reading

* Remove 0th index HID

* Add flipping of X and Z

* Updates to halo catalogues

* Add ordered caching

* Fix flipping

* Add new flags

* Fix PHEW empty clumps

* Stop over-wrriting

* Little improvements to angular neighbours

* Add catalogue masking

* Change if-else statements

* Cache only filtered data

* Add PHEW cats

* Add comments

* Sort imports

* Get Quijote workign

* Docs

* Add HMF calculation

* Move to old

* Fix angular

* Add great circle distance

* Update imports

* Update impotrts

* Update docs

* Remove unused import

* Fix a quick bug

* Update compatibility

* Rename files

* Renaming

* Improve compatiblity

* Rename snapsht

* Fix snapshot bug

* Update interface

* Finish updating interface

* Update all paths

* Add old scripts

* Add basic halo

* Update imports

* Improve snapshot processing

* Update ordering

* Fix how CM positions accessed

* Add merger paths

* Add imports

* Add merger reading

* Add making a merger tree

* Add a basic merger tree reader

* Add imports

* Add main branch walking + comments + debuggin

* Get tree running

* Add working merger tree walking along main branch

* Add units conversion for merger data

* Add hid_to_array_index

* Update merger tree

* Add mergertree mass to PHEWcat

* Edit comments

* Add this to track changes...

* Fix a little bug

* Add mergertree mass

* Add cache clearing

* Improve summing substructure code

* Littbe bug

* Little updates to the merger tree reader

* Update .giignore

* Add box selection

* Add optional deletingf of a group

* add to keep track of changes

* Update changes

* Remove

* Add manual tracker

* Fix bug

* Add m200c_to_r200c

* Add manual halo tracking

* Remove skipped snapshots

* update cosmo params to match csiborg

* remove old comments


* Fix bugs

* Rename

* Edit paths

* Updates

* Add comments

* Add comment

* Add hour conversion

* Add imports

* Add new observation class

* Add selection

* Add imports

* Fix small bug

* Add field copying for safety

* Add matching to survey without masking

* Add P(k) calculation

* Add nb

* Edit comment

* Move files

* Remove merger import

* Edit setup.yp

* Fix typo

* Edit import warnigns

* update nb

* Update README

* Update README

* Update README

* Add skeleton

* Add skeleton
2023-12-07 14:23:32 +00:00

979 lines
35 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2023 Mladen Ivkovic, Richard Stiskalek
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import copy
import os
from os.path import exists, join
from os import makedirs
from sys import argv
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from joblib import dump, load
from tqdm import trange
errmsg = """
This script extracts the masses of clumps and haloes written by the mergertree
It needs output_XXXXX/mergertree_XXXXX.txtYYYYY and
output_XXXXX/clump_XXXXX.txtYYYYY files to work.
You need to run it from the directory where the output_XXXXX directories are
There are three working modes defined:
1) do for one clump only.
You need to provide the clump ID you want it done for.
You can provide a starting directory, but by default the script will
search for the directory where z = 0.
run with `python3 mergertree-extract.py <clumpid> [--options] `
this creates the file mergertree_XXXXX_halo-<halo-ID>.txt. Its contents are
discussed below.
2) do for one halo.
You need to provide the halo ID you want it done for, and the flag
-c or --children.
The script will by itself find all the child clumps and walk through
their main branches as well, and write them down.
run with `python3 mergertree-extract.py <haloid> -c [--options]`
or `python3 mergertree-extract.py <haloid> --children [--options]`
this creates the hollowing files:
- halo_hierarchy_XXXXX-<halo-ID>.txt
contains the halo ID, how many children it has, and the children
- mergertree_XXXXX_halo-<halo-ID>.txt
mergertree data for halo that you chose.
- mergertree_XXXXX_subhalo-<child-ID>.txt
mergertree data for subhalos of the halo you chose. One file will
be created for each subhalo.
The contents of the mergertree_XXXXX* files are discussed below.
3) do for all haloes
The script will just walk off all haloes in the z = 0 directory. Note:
Haloes, not clumps!
run with `python3 mergertree-extract.py -a [--options]`
or `python3 mergertree-extract.py --all [--options]`
This will create the same type of files as in mode (2), just for all
If only an integer is given as cmdline arg, mode (1) [one clump only] will be
run. If no cmd line argument is given, mode (3) [--all] will be run.
the mergertree_XXXXX* files have 6 columns:
snapshot The snapshot from which this data is taken from
redshift The redshift of that snapshot
clump_ID The clump ID of the clump at that snapshot
mass The mass of the clump at that snapshot, based on what's in
the output_XXXXX/mergertree_XXXXX.txtYYYYY files, not the
output_XXXXX/clump_XXXXX.txtYYYYY files.
mass_from_mergers how much mass has been merged into this clump in this
snapshot, i.e. the sum of all the clump masses that have
been found to merge with this clump at this snapshot. This
does not include the mass of clumps which only seem to
merge with this clump, but re-emerge later.
mass_from_jumpers The mass of all clumps that seem to merge with this clump,
but re-emerge at a later time.
List of all flags:
Running modes
-a, --all: make trees for all clumps in output where z = 0
-c --children: make trees for a halo and all its subhaloes. You need to
specify which halo via its halo ID.
-h, --help: print this help and exit.
--start-at=INT don't start at z = 0 snapshot, but with the specified
directory output_00INT.
--prefix=some/path/ path where you want your output written to.
-v, --verbose: be more verbose about what you're doing
It needs output_XXXXX/mergertree_XXXXX.txtYYYYY and
output_XXXXX/clump_XXXXX.txtYYYYY files to work, which are created using the
mergertree patch in ramses.
Also needs numpy.
# Clump data #
class ClumpData:
Data from clump_XXXXX.txt
par : params object
def __init__(self, par):
self.clumpids = np.zeros(1) # clump ID
self.parent = np.zeros(1) # parent ID
self.level = np.zeros(1) # clump level
def read_clumpdata(self, par):
"""Reads in the clump data for the z = 0 directory."""
if par.verbose:
print("Reading clump data.")
out = p.z0
raw_data = [None for i in range(par.ncpu)]
dirnrstr = str(par.outputnrs[out]).zfill(5)
dirname = 'output_' + dirnrstr
i = 0
for cpu in range(1):
fname = join(par.workdir, dirname, 'clump_' + dirnrstr + '.dat')
new_data = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype='int', skiprows=1,
usecols=[0, 1, 2])
if new_data.ndim == 2:
raw_data[i] = new_data
i += 1
elif new_data.shape[0] == 3: # if only 1 row is present in file
raw_data[i] = np.atleast_2d(new_data)
i += 1
fulldata = np.concatenate(raw_data[:i], axis=0)
self.clumpids = fulldata[:, 0]
self.level = fulldata[:, 1]
self.parent = fulldata[:, 2]
def cleanup_clumpdata(self, par, mtd):
The particle unbinding can remove entire clumps from the catalogue.
If the option isn't set in the namelist, the clumpfinder output will
still be made not based on the clumpfinder. If that is the case, the
clumpfinder catalogue will contain clumps which the mergertree data
doesn't have, leading to problems. So remove those here.
for i, c in enumerate(self.clumpids):
if c not in mtd.descendants[par.z0]:
self.clumpids[i] = 0
self.level[i] = 0
self.parent[i] = -1 # don't make it the same as clumpid
def find_children(self, clumpid):
"""Find the children for given clump ID."""
children = []
last_added = [clumpid]
loopcounter = 0
while True:
loopcounter += 1
this_level_parents = copy.copy(last_added)
children += this_level_parents
last_added = []
for i, cid in enumerate(self.clumpids):
if self.parent[i] in this_level_parents and cid != clumpid:
if len(last_added) == 0:
if loopcounter == 100:
print("Finished 100 iterations, we shouldn't be this deep")
return children[1:] # don't return top level parent
def write_children(self, par, clumpid, children):
"""Write the children to file."""
hfile = join(par.outdir, f"{par.halofilename}-{str(clumpid)}.txt")
with open(hfile, 'w') as f:
f.write("# {0:>18} {1:>18} {2:>18}\n".format("halo", "nr_of_children", "children")) # noqa
nc = len(children)
dumpstring = " {0:18d} {1:18d}".format(clumpid, nc)
dumpstring = "".join([dumpstring] + [" {0:18d}".format(c) for c in children] + ['\n']) # noqa
# Constants object #
class Constants:
Class holding constants.
def __init__(self):
self.Mpc = 3.086e24 # cm
self.M_Sol = 1.98855e33 # g
self.Gyr = (24 * 3600 * 365 * 1e9) # s
self.G = 4.492e-15 # Mpc^3/(M_sol Gyr^2)
self.H0 = 100 # km/s/Mpc
self.omega_m = 0.307000011205673
self.omega_l = 0.693000018596649
self.omega_k = 0.0
self.omega_b = 0.0
# Params object #
class Params:
Global parameters to be stored
def __init__(self):
# self.workdir = f"/mnt/extraspace/hdesmond/ramses_out_{self.nsim}"
# self.outdir = f"/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/CSiBORG/cleaned_mtree/ramses_out_{self.nsim}" # noqa
# if not exists(self.outdir):
# makedirs(self.outdir)
self.lastdir = "" # last output_XXXXX directory
self.lastdirnr = -1 # XXXX from lastdir
self.ncpu = 1 # Number of CPUs used
self.noutput = 1 # how many output_XXXXX dirs exist
self.nout = 1 # how many outputs we're gonna deal with. (Some might not have merger tree data) # noqa
self.outputnrs = None # numpy array of output numbers
self.output_lowest = 0 # lowest snapshot number that we're dealing with (>= 1) # noqa
self.z0 = 0 # index of z=0 snapshot (or whichever you want to start with) # noqa
# NOTE: params.nout will be defined such that you can easily loop
self.verbose = False # verbosity
self.start_at = 0 # output dir to start with, if given
self.output_prefix = "" # user given prefix for output files
self.outputfilename = "" # output filename. Stores prefix/mergertree_XXXXX part of name only # noqa
self.halofilename = "" # output filename for halo hierarchy. Stores prefix/halo_hierarchy_XXXXX part of filename only # noqa
self.one_halo_only = False # do the tree for one clump only
self.halo_and_children = False # do the tree for one halo, including subhaloes # noqa
self.do_all = False # do for all clumps at z=0 output
self.clumpid = 0 # which clump ID to work for.
self.nsim = None
# Dictionnary of accepted keyword command line arguments
self.accepted_flags = {
'-a': self.set_do_all,
'--all': self.set_do_all,
'-r': self.set_halo_and_children,
'--recursive': self.set_halo_and_children,
'-c': self.set_halo_and_children,
'--children': self.set_halo_and_children,
'-h': self.get_help,
'--help': self.get_help,
'-v': self.set_verbose,
'--verbose': self.set_verbose,
self.accepted_flags_with_args = {
"--nsim": self.set_nsim,
'--start-at': self.set_startnr,
'--prefix': self.set_prefix,
# -----------------------------
# Setter methods
# -----------------------------
def set_do_all(self):
self.do_all = True
def set_halo_and_children(self):
self.halo_and_children = True
def get_help(self):
def set_verbose(self):
self.verbose = True
def set_startnr(self, arg):
flag, startnr = arg.split("=")
self.start_at = int(startnr)
except ValueError:
print("given value for --start-at=INT isn't an integer?")
def set_prefix(self, arg):
flag, prefix = arg.split("=")
# try:
self.output_prefix = prefix
except FileExistsError:
def set_nsim(self, arg):
flag, nsim = arg.split("=")
self.nsim = int(nsim)
except ValueError:
print("given value for --nsim=INT isn't an integer?")
def read_cmdlineargs(self):
Reads in the command line arguments and store them in the
global_params object.
nargs = len(argv)
i = 1 # first cmdlinearg is filename of this file, so skip it
while i < nargs:
arg = argv[i]
arg = arg.strip()
if arg in self.accepted_flags.keys():
for key in self.accepted_flags_with_args.keys():
if arg.startswith(key):
self.clumpid = int(arg)
except ValueError:
print(f"I didn't recognize the argument '{arg}'. Use "
"mergertre-extract.py -h or --help to print "
"help message.")
i += 1
if self.nsim is None:
raise ValueError("nsim not set. Use --nsim=INT to set it.")
def workdir(self):
return f"/mnt/extraspace/hdesmond/ramses_out_{self.nsim}"
def outdir(self):
fname = f"/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/CSiBORG/cleaned_mtree/ramses_out_{self.nsim}" # noqa
if not exists(fname):
return fname
def get_output_info(self):
Read in the output info based on the files in the current working
directory. Reads in last directory, ncpu, noutputs. Doesn't read
# self.workdir = os.getcwd()
filelist = os.listdir(self.workdir)
outputlist = []
for filename in filelist:
if filename.startswith('output_'):
if len(outputlist) < 1:
print("I didn't find any output_XXXXX directories in current "
"working directory. Are you in the correct workdir? "
"Use mergertree-extract.py -h or --help to print help "
self.lastdir = outputlist[-1]
self.lastdirnr = int(self.lastdir[-5:])
self.noutput = len(outputlist)
if (self.start_at > 0):
# check that directory exists
startnrstr = str(self.start_at).zfill(5)
if 'output_' + startnrstr not in outputlist:
print("Didn't find specified starting directory "
f"output_{startnrstr} use mergertree-extract.py -h or "
"--help to print help message.")
# read ncpu from infofile in last output directory
infofile = join(self.workdir, self.lastdir,
with open(infofile, 'r') as f:
ncpuline = f.readline()
line = ncpuline.split()
self.ncpu = int(line[-1])
def setup_and_checks(self, sd):
Do checks and additional setups once you have all the cmd line args and
output infos
sd: snapshotdata object
# set running mode
if not self.do_all:
if self.clumpid <= 0:
print("No or wrong clump id given. Setting the --all mode.")
if not self.halo_and_children:
self.one_halo_only = True
# generate list of outputdirnumbers
startnr = self.lastdirnr
self.outputnrs = np.array(range(startnr, startnr - self.noutput, -1))
# find starting output directory
self.z0 = np.argmin(np.absolute(sd.redshift))
if self.start_at > 0:
# replace z0 dir with starting dir
self.z0 = self.lastdirnr - self.start_at
# generate output filename
dirnrstr = str(self.outputnrs[self.z0]).zfill(5)
fname = "mergertree_" + dirnrstr
self.outputfilename = join(self.output_prefix, fname)
# generate halo output filename
fname = "halo_hierarchy_" + dirnrstr
self.halofilename = join(self.output_prefix, fname)
# rename output_prefix to something if it wasn't set
if self.output_prefix == "":
self.output_prefix = os.path.relpath(self.workdir)
# find self.nout; i.e. how many outputs we are actually going to have
for out in range(self.noutput - 1, -1, -1):
dirnrstr = str(self.outputnrs[out]).zfill(5)
mtreefile = join(self.workdir,
if os.path.exists(mtreefile):
print("Loading mergertree data from ", mtreefile)
# if there is a file, this is lowest snapshot number directory
# that we'll be dealing with, and hence will have the highest
# index number in the arrays I'm using
# NOTE: params.nout will be defined such that you can easily
# loop for out in range(p.z0, p.nout)
self.nout = out + 1
def print_params(self):
"""Prints out the parameters that are set."""
if self.do_all:
print("Working mode: all clumps")
if self.halo_and_children:
print("Working mode: halo", self.clumpid, "and its children") # noqa
print("Working mode: clump ", self.clumpid)
print("workdir: ", self.workdir)
print("snapshot of tree root: ", self.outputnrs[self.z0])
print("p.one_halo_only ", p.one_halo_only)
print("p.do_all ", p.do_all)
print("p.halo_and_children ", p.halo_and_children)
print("p.one_halo_only ", p.one_halo_only)
# Merger tree data #
class MTreeData:
Merger tree data lists
par : params object
def __init__(self, par):
self.progenitors = [np.zeros(1) for i in range(par.noutput)] # progenitor IDs # noqa
self.descendants = [np.zeros(1) for i in range(par.noutput)] # descendant IDs # noqa
self.progenitor_outputnrs = [np.zeros(1) for i in range(par.noutput)] # snapshot number of progenitor # noqa
self.mass = [np.zeros(1) for i in range(par.noutput)] # descendant mass # noqa
self.mass_to_remove = [np.zeros(1) for i in range(par.noutput)] # descendant mass # noqa
def read_mergertree_data(self, par, sd):
"""Reads in mergertree data."""
if par.verbose:
print("Reading in mergertree data")
# Preparation
# define new datatype for mergertree output
mtree = np.dtype([('clump', 'i4'),
('prog', 'i4'),
('prog_outnr', 'i4'),
('mass', 'f8'),
('npart', 'f8'),
('x', 'f8'),
('y', 'f8'),
('z', 'f8'),
('vx', 'f8'),
('vy', 'f8'),
('vz', 'f8')
# ---------------------------
# Loop over directories
# ---------------------------
startnr = par.lastdirnr
for output in trange(par.nout, desc="Reading merger"):
dirnr = str(startnr - output).zfill(5)
srcdir = 'output_' + dirnr
fnames = [srcdir + '/' + "mergertree_" + dirnr + '.dat']
fnames[0] = join(par.workdir, fnames[0])
datalist = [np.zeros((1, 3)) for i in range(par.ncpu)]
i = 0
nofile = 0
for f in fnames:
if os.path.exists(f):
datalist[i] = np.atleast_1d(np.genfromtxt(f, dtype=mtree,
i += 1
nofile += 1
if nofile == p.ncpu:
print("Didn't find any mergertree data in", srcdir)
# ---------------------------------
# Sort out data
# ---------------------------------
if i > 0:
fulldata = np.concatenate(datalist[:i], axis=0)
self.descendants[output] = fulldata[:]['clump']
self.progenitors[output] = fulldata[:]['prog']
self.progenitor_outputnrs[output] = fulldata[:]['prog_outnr']
self.mass[output] = fulldata[:]['mass']
# self.npart[output] = fulldata[:]['npart']
# self.x[output] = fulldata[:]['x']
# self.y[output] = fulldata[:]['y']
# self.z[output] = fulldata[:]['z']
# self.vx[output] = fulldata[:]['vx']
# self.vy[output] = fulldata[:]['vy']
# self.vz[output] = fulldata[:]['vz']
# --------------------------------------
# Transform units to physical units
# --------------------------------------
# transform units to physical units
for i in range(len(self.descendants)):
self.mass[i] *= sd.unit_m[i]
# self.x[i] *= sd.unit_l[i] # only transform later when needed; Need to check for periodicity first! # noqa
# self.y[i] *= sd.unit_l[i]
# self.z[i] *= sd.unit_l[i]
# self.vx[i] *= sd.unit_l[i]/sd.unit_t[i]
# self.vy[i] *= sd.unit_l[i]/sd.unit_t[i]
# self.vz[i] *= sd.unit_l[i]/sd.unit_t[i]
def clean_up_jumpers(self, par):
Remove jumpers from the merger list. Take note of how much mass should
be removed from the descendant because the jumper is to be removed.
# First initialize mass_to_remove arrays
self.mass_to_remove = [np.zeros(self.descendants[out].shape)
for out in range(par.noutput)]
nreplaced = 0
for out in trange(par.nout + par.z0 - 1, desc="Cleaning jumpers"):
for i, pr in enumerate(self.progenitors[out]):
if pr < 0:
# Subtract 1 here from snapind:
# progenitor_outputnrs gives the snapshot number where the
# jumper was a descendant for the last time
# so you need to overwrite the merging one snapshot later,
# where the clump is the progenitor
snapind = get_snap_ind(p, self.progenitor_outputnrs[out][i]) - 1 # noqa
# NOTE bottleneck
jumpind = self.progenitors[snapind] == -pr
# NOTE bottleneck
# find index of descendant into which this clump will
# appearingly merge into
mergerind = self.descendants[snapind] == - self.descendants[snapind][jumpind] # noqa
# overwrite merging event so it won't count
self.descendants[snapind][jumpind] = 0
# find mass of jumper in previous snapshot
jumpmassind = self.descendants[snapind + 1] == -pr
# note how much mass might need to be removed for whatever
# you need it
self.mass_to_remove[snapind][mergerind] += self.mass[snapind + 1][jumpmassind] # noqa
nreplaced += 1
print("Cleaned out", nreplaced, "jumpers")
def get_tree(self, par, tree, sd, clumpid):
"""Follow the main branch down."""
if par.verbose:
print("Computing tree for clump", clumpid)
dind = self.descendants[par.z0] == clumpid
desc_snap_ind = p.z0
desc = self.descendants[p.z0][dind]
prog = self.progenitors[p.z0][dind]
def get_prog_indices(prog, desc_snap_ind):
Compute snapshot index at which given progenitor has been a
descendant and its index in the array
prog: progenitor ID
desc_snap_ind: snapshot index of descendant of given prog
p_snap_ind: snapshot index of the progenitor
pind: progenitor index (np.array mask) of progenitor in
array where it is descendant
if prog > 0: # if progenitor isn't jumper
# find progenitor's index in previous snapshot
p_snap_ind = desc_snap_ind + 1
pind = self.descendants[p_snap_ind] == prog
elif prog < 0:
p_snap_ind = get_snap_ind(
par, self.progenitor_outputnrs[desc_snap_ind][dind])
pind = self.descendants[p_snap_ind] == -prog
return p_snap_ind, pind
while True:
# first calculate merger mass
mergers = self.descendants[desc_snap_ind] == -desc
mergermass = 0.0
if mergers.any():
for m in self.progenitors[desc_snap_ind][mergers]:
# find mass of merger. That's been written down at the
# place where merger was descendant.
m_snap_ind, mergerind = get_prog_indices(m, desc_snap_ind)
mergermass += self.mass[m_snap_ind][mergerind]
# add the descendant to the tree
sd.redshift[desc_snap_ind], desc,
self.mass[desc_snap_ind][dind], mergermass,
# now descend down the main branch
if prog != 0:
p_snap_ind, pind = get_prog_indices(prog, desc_snap_ind)
# stop at progenitor = 0
# prepare for next round
desc_snap_ind = p_snap_ind
dind = pind
desc = abs(prog)
prog = self.progenitors[p_snap_ind][pind]
# Snapshot data #
class SnapshotData():
"""Snapshot specific data"""
def __init__(self, par):
# read in
self.aexp = np.zeros(par.noutput)
self.unit_l = np.zeros(par.noutput)
self.unit_m = np.zeros(par.noutput)
self.unit_t = np.zeros(par.noutput)
self.unit_dens = np.zeros(par.noutput)
# to be computed
self.redshift = np.zeros(par.noutput) # z
def read_infofiles(self, par, const):
"""Read the info_XXXXX.txt files."""
if par.verbose:
print("Reading info files.")
startnr = par.lastdirnr
for output in range(p.noutput):
# Start with last directory (e.g. output_00060),
# work your way to first directory (e.g. output_00001)
# p.z0 isn't decided yet, so just read in everything here.
dirnr = str(startnr - output).zfill(5)
srcdir = 'output_' + dirnr
# ------------------------------------------------------
# get time, redshift, and units even for output_00001
# ------------------------------------------------------
fileloc = srcdir + '/info_' + dirnr + '.txt'
fileloc = join(par.workdir, fileloc)
infofile = open(fileloc)
for i in range(9):
infofile.readline() # skip first 9 lines
# get expansion factor
aline = infofile.readline()
astring, equal, aval = aline.partition("=")
afloat = float(aval)
sd.aexp[output] = afloat
for i in range(5):
infofile.readline() # skip 5 lines
# get unit_l
unitline = infofile.readline()
unitstring, equal, unitval = unitline.partition("=")
unitfloat = float(unitval)
sd.unit_l[output] = unitfloat
# get unit_dens
unitline = infofile.readline()
unitstring, equal, unitval = unitline.partition("=")
unitfloat = float(unitval)
sd.unit_dens[output] = unitfloat
# get unit_t
unitline = infofile.readline()
unitstring, equal, unitval = unitline.partition("=")
unitfloat = float(unitval)
sd.unit_t[output] = unitfloat
except IOError: # If file doesn't exist
print("Didn't find any info data in ", srcdir)
self.unit_m = self.unit_dens * self.unit_l ** 3 / const.M_Sol
self.unit_l /= const.Mpc
self.unit_t /= const.Gyr
self.redshift = 1. / self.aexp - 1
# Tree object #
class Tree:
Holds tree result data. It's not really a tree, it's just the values along
the main branch, but let's call it a tree anyway. Sue me.
nelements : int
Estimate for how many snapshots you need to allocate space for.
def __init__(self, nelements):
self.n = 0 # number of elements in tree # noqa
self.snapshotnr = -np.ones(nelements, dtype=int) # snapshot number of array values # noqa
self.redshift = -np.ones(nelements, dtype=float) # redshift at that snapshot # noqa
self.clumpids = -np.ones(nelements, dtype=int) # clump id of halo in that snapshot # noqa
self.mass = np.zeros(nelements, dtype=float) # mass at that snapshot # noqa
self.mergermass = np.zeros(nelements, dtype=float) # sum of mass of swallowed up clumps # noqa
self.mass_to_remove = np.zeros(nelements, dtype=float) # sum of mass of swallowed up clumps # noqa
def add_snap(self, nr, z, ID, m, mm, mdel):
"""Add new result."""
n = self.n
self.snapshotnr[n] = nr
self.redshift[n] = z
self.clumpids[n] = ID
self.mass[n] = m
self.mergermass[n] = mm
self.mass_to_remove[n] = mdel
self.n += 1
def write_tree(self, par, case='halo'):
"""Write the results to file."""
resfile = join(
with open(resfile, 'w') as f:
f.write('# {0:>12} {1:>12} {2:>16} {3:>18} {4:>18} {5:>18}\n'.format( # noqa
"snapshot", "redshift", "clump_ID", "mass[M_sol]",
"mass_from_mergers", "mass_from_jumpers"))
for i in range(self.n):
f.write(' {0:12d} {1:12.4f} {2:16d} {3:18.6e} {4:18.6e} {5:18.6e}\n'.format( # noqa
self.snapshotnr[i], self.redshift[i], self.clumpids[i],
self.mass[i], self.mergermass[i], self.mass_to_remove[i]))
def get_snap_ind(p, snap):
Computes the snapshot index in mtreedata/halodata/snapshotdata arrays for a
given snapshot number snap
return (p.noutput - snap).item()
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Params()
c = Constants()
# Read cmdlineargs, available output, get global parameters
sd = SnapshotData(p)
sd.read_infofiles(p, c)
# finish setup
# now read in mergertree data
fname = join(p.outdir, "mtreedata.p")
if exists(fname):
print(f"{datetime.now()}: loading mergertree data from `{fname}`.",
mtd = load(fname)
print(f"{datetime.now()}: finished loading mergertree data from `{fname}`.", # noqa
print("Generating mergertree data.", flush=True)
mtd = MTreeData(p)
mtd.read_mergertree_data(p, sd)
# clean up jumpers
print("Saving mergertree data.", flush=True)
dump(mtd, fname)
# read in clump data if required
if p.do_all or p.halo_and_children:
cd = ClumpData(p)
# clean up halo catalogue
cd.cleanup_clumpdata(p, mtd)
# find children, and write them down
if p.verbose:
print("Searching for child clumps.")
if p.halo_and_children:
children = cd.find_children(p.clumpid)
cd.write_children(p, p.clumpid, children)
if p.do_all:
is_halo = cd.clumpids == cd.parent
childlist = [None for c in cd.clumpids[is_halo]]
for i, halo in enumerate(cd.clumpids[is_halo]):
children = cd.find_children(halo)
cd.write_children(p, halo, children)
childlist[i] = children
# finally, get the bloody tree
if p.one_halo_only:
newtree = Tree(p.nout)
mtd.get_tree(p, newtree, sd, p.clumpid)
newtree.write_tree(p, 'halo')
if p.halo_and_children:
newtree = Tree(p.nout)
mtd.get_tree(p, newtree, sd, p.clumpid)
newtree.write_tree(p, 'halo')
for c in children:
newtree = Tree(p.nout)
mtd.get_tree(p, newtree, sd, c)
newtree.write_tree(p, 'subhalo')
if p.do_all:
for i, halo in enumerate(cd.clumpids[is_halo]):
newtree = Tree(p.nout)
mtd.get_tree(p, newtree, sd, halo)
newtree.write_tree(p, 'halo')
for c in childlist[i]:
newtree = Tree(p.nout)
mtd.get_tree(p, newtree, sd, c)
newtree.write_tree(p, 'subhalo')