Richard Stiskalek d13246a394
Add CF4 and more improvements (#141)
* Update params counting

* Update imports

* Add CF4 group

* Update submit

* Update submit

* Many updates

* Many more updates

* Add CF4 TFR

* Add CF4 TF

* Fix RA bug in CF4 TF

* Add CF4 quality cut

* Start sampling alpha

* Update scripts

* Some comments

* Update script

* Add option to have magnitude selection.

* Add calibration dipoles
2024-08-25 17:03:51 +02:00

566 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Stiskalek
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Collection of stand-off utility functions used in the scripts.
Right ascension and declination is always assumed to be in degrees such that
RA is in [0, 360) and dec is in [-90, 90]. Galactic coordinates are also in
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from numba import jit
# Positions #
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False)
def center_of_mass(particle_positions, particles_mass, boxsize):
"""Calculate the CM, assuming periodic boundary conditions in a cube."""
cm = np.zeros(3, dtype=particle_positions.dtype)
totmass = sum(particles_mass)
# Convert positions to unit circle coordinates in the complex plane,
# calculate the weighted average and convert it back to box coordinates.
for i in range(3):
cm_i = sum(particles_mass * np.exp(
2j * np.pi * particle_positions[:, i] / boxsize))
cm_i /= totmass
cm_i = np.arctan2(cm_i.imag, cm_i.real) * boxsize / (2 * np.pi)
if cm_i < 0:
cm_i += boxsize
cm[i] = cm_i
return cm
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False)
def periodic_distance(points, reference_point, boxsize):
Compute the 3D distance between multiple points and a reference point
using periodic boundary conditions.
npoints = len(points)
dist = np.zeros(npoints, dtype=points.dtype)
for i in range(npoints):
dist[i] = periodic_distance_two_points(
points[i], reference_point, boxsize)
return dist
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False)
def periodic_distance_two_points(p1, p2, boxsize):
"""Compute the 3D distance between two points in a periodic box."""
half_box = boxsize / 2
dist = 0
for i in range(3):
dist_1d = abs(p1[i] - p2[i])
if dist_1d > (half_box):
dist_1d = boxsize - dist_1d
dist += dist_1d**2
return dist**0.5
@jit(nopython=True, boundscheck=False)
def periodic_wrap_grid(pos, boxsize=1):
"""Wrap positions in a periodic box. Overwrites the input array."""
for n in range(pos.shape[0]):
for i in range(3):
if pos[n, i] > boxsize:
pos[n, i] -= boxsize
elif pos[n, i] < 0:
pos[n, i] += boxsize
return pos
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False)
def delta2ncells(field):
Calculate the number of cells in `field` of shape `(nx, ny, nz)` that are
tot = 0
imax, jmax, kmax = field.shape
for i in range(imax):
for j in range(jmax):
for k in range(kmax):
if field[i, j, k] > 0:
tot += 1
return tot
def cartesian_to_radec(X, return_degrees=True, origin=[0., 0., 0.]):
"""Calculate the radial distance, RA and deg."""
x, y, z = X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2]
x -= origin[0]
y -= origin[1]
z -= origin[2]
dist = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)
dec = np.arcsin(z / dist)
ra = np.arctan2(y, x)
# Wrapping to ensure RA is in [0, 2pi) (later converted to degrees).
ra[ra < 0] += 2 * np.pi
if return_degrees:
ra *= 180 / np.pi
dec *= 180 / np.pi
# Place the origin back
x += origin[0]
y += origin[1]
z += origin[2]
return np.vstack([dist, ra, dec]).T
def radec_to_cartesian(X):
Calculate Cartesian coordinates from radial distance, RA and dec
`(npoints, 3)`.
dist, ra, dec = X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2]
cdec = np.cos(dec * np.pi / 180)
return np.vstack([
dist * cdec * np.cos(ra * np.pi / 180),
dist * cdec * np.sin(ra * np.pi / 180),
dist * np.sin(dec * np.pi / 180)
def radec_to_galactic(ra, dec):
"""Convert right ascension and declination to galactic coordinates."""
c = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.degree, dec=dec*u.degree, frame='icrs')
return c.galactic.l.degree, c.galactic.b.degree
def galactic_to_radec(l, b): # noqa
"""Convert galactic coordinates to right ascension and declination."""
c = SkyCoord(l=l*u.degree, b=b*u.degree, frame='galactic')
return c.icrs.ra.degree, c.icrs.dec.degree
def radec_to_supergalactic(ra, dec):
"""Convert right ascension and declination to supergalactic coordinates."""
c = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.degree, dec=dec*u.degree, frame='icrs')
return c.supergalactic.sgl.degree, c.supergalactic.sgb.degree
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False)
def great_circle_distance(x1, x2, in_degrees=True):
Great circle distance between two points, each of shape `(2,)`, specified
by RA an dec.
ra1, dec1 = x1
ra2, dec2 = x2
if in_degrees:
ra1 *= np.pi / 180
dec1 *= np.pi / 180
ra2 *= np.pi / 180
dec2 *= np.pi / 180
dist = np.arccos(np.sin(dec1) * np.sin(dec2)
+ np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(ra1 - ra2))
# Convert to degrees and ensure the inputs are unchanged.
if in_degrees:
dist *= 180 / np.pi
ra1 *= 180 / np.pi
dec1 *= 180 / np.pi
ra2 *= 180 / np.pi
dec2 *= 180 / np.pi
return dist
def cosine_similarity(x, y):
Calculate the cosine similarity between two Cartesian vectors. Defined
as :math:`\Sum_{i} x_i y_{i} / (|x| * |y|)`. Optionally, `y` can be a
2-dimensional array of shape `(n_samples, 3)`.
if x.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("`x` must be a 1-dimensional array.")
if y.ndim == 1:
y = y.reshape(1, -1)
out = np.sum(x * y, axis=1)
out /= np.linalg.norm(x) * np.linalg.norm(y, axis=1)
return out[0] if out.size == 1 else out
def hms_to_degrees(hours, minutes=None, seconds=None):
"""Convert hours, minutes and seconds to degrees."""
return hours * 15 + (minutes or 0) / 60 * 15 + (seconds or 0) / 3600 * 15
def dms_to_degrees(degrees, arcminutes=None, arcseconds=None):
"""Convert degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds to decimal degrees."""
return degrees + (arcminutes or 0) / 60 + (arcseconds or 0) / 3600
def real2redshift(pos, vel, observer_location, observer_velocity, boxsize,
periodic_wrap=True, make_copy=True):
Convert real space position to redshift space position.
pos : 2-dimensional array `(nsamples, 3)`
Real-space Cartesian components in `Mpc / h`.
vel : 2-dimensional array `(nsamples, 3)`
Cartesian velocity in `km / s`.
observer_location: 1-dimensional array `(3,)`
Observer location in `Mpc / h`.
observer_velocity: 1-dimensional array `(3,)`
Observer velocity in `km / s`.
boxsize : float
Box size in `Mpc / h`.
periodic_wrap : bool, optional
Whether to wrap around the box, particles may be outside the default
bounds once RSD is applied.
make_copy : bool, optional
Whether to make a copy of `pos` before modifying it.
pos : 2-dimensional array `(nsamples, 3)`
Redshift-space Cartesian position in `Mpc / h`.
if make_copy:
pos = np.copy(pos)
vel = np.copy(vel)
H0_inv = 1. / 100
# Place the observer at the origin
pos -= observer_location
vel -= observer_velocity
vr_dot = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', pos, vel)
norm2 = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', pos, pos)
pos *= (1 + H0_inv * vr_dot / norm2).reshape(-1, 1)
# Place the observer back
pos += observer_location
if not make_copy:
vel += observer_velocity
if periodic_wrap:
pos = periodic_wrap_grid(pos, boxsize)
return pos
def heliocentric_to_cmb(z_helio, RA, dec, e_z_helio=None):
Convert heliocentric redshift to CMB redshift using the Planck 2018 CMB
# CMB dipole Planck 2018 values
vsun_mag = 369 # km/s
RA_sun = 167.942
dec_sun = -6.944
SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792.458 # km / s
theta_sun = np.pi / 2 - np.deg2rad(dec_sun)
phi_sun = np.deg2rad(RA_sun)
# Convert to theat/phi in radians
theta = np.pi / 2 - np.deg2rad(dec)
phi = np.deg2rad(RA)
# Unit vector in the direction of each galaxy
n = np.asarray([np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi),
np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi),
# CMB dipole unit vector
vsun_normvect = np.asarray([np.sin(theta_sun) * np.cos(phi_sun),
np.sin(theta_sun) * np.sin(phi_sun),
# Project the CMB dipole onto the line of sight and normalize
vsun_projected = vsun_mag * np.dot(n, vsun_normvect) / SPEED_OF_LIGHT
zsun_tilde = np.sqrt((1 - vsun_projected) / (1 + vsun_projected))
zcmb = (1 + z_helio) / zsun_tilde - 1
# Optional linear error propagation
if e_z_helio is not None:
e_zcmb = np.abs(e_z_helio / zsun_tilde)
return zcmb, e_zcmb
return zcmb
# Statistics #
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False)
def number_counts(x, bin_edges):
"""Calculate counts of samples in bins."""
out = np.full(bin_edges.size - 1, np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(bin_edges.size - 1):
out[i] = np.sum((x >= bin_edges[i]) & (x < bin_edges[i + 1]))
return out
def binned_statistic(x, y, left_edges, bin_width, statistic):
Calculate a binned statistic, `statistic` must be a callable `f(x)`.
out = np.full(left_edges.size, np.nan, dtype=x.dtype)
for i in range(left_edges.size):
mask = (x >= left_edges[i]) & (x < left_edges[i] + bin_width)
if np.any(mask):
out[i] = statistic(y[mask])
return out
def fprint(msg, verbose=True):
"""Print and flush a message with a timestamp."""
if verbose:
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print(f"{timestamp} {msg}", flush=True)
# ACL of MCMC chains #
def calculate_acf(data):
Calculates the autocorrelation of some data. Taken from `epsie` package
written by Collin Capano.
# zero the mean
data = data - data.mean()
# zero-pad to 2 * nearest power of 2
newlen = int(2**(1 + np.ceil(np.log2(len(data)))))
x = np.zeros(newlen)
x[:len(data)] = data[:]
# correlate
acf = np.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
# drop corrupted region
acf = acf[len(acf)//2:]
# normalize
acf /= acf[0]
return acf
def calculate_acl(data):
Calculate the autocorrelation length of some data. Taken from `epsie`
package written by Collin Capano. Algorithm used is from: N. Madras and
A.D. Sokal, J. Stat. Phys. 50, 109 (1988).
acf = calculate_acf(data)
# now the ACL: Following from Sokal, this is estimated
# as the first point where M*tau[k] <= k, where
# tau = 2*cumsum(acf) - 1, and M is a tuneable parameter,
# generally chosen to be = 5 (which we use here)
m = 5
cacf = 2. * np.cumsum(acf) - 1.
win = m * cacf <= np.arange(len(cacf))
if win.any():
acl = int(np.ceil(cacf[np.where(win)[0][0]]))
# data is too short to estimate the ACL, just choose
# the length of the data
acl = len(data)
return acl
def thin_samples_by_acl(samples):
Thin MCMC samples (dictionary with arrays of shape `(nchains, nsamples)`)
by the autocorrelation length of each chain and concatenate the chains.
keys = list(samples.keys())
nchains = 1 if samples[keys[0]].ndim == 1 else samples[keys[0]].shape[0]
samples = deepcopy(samples)
if nchains == 1:
for key in keys:
samples[key] = samples[key].reshape(1, -1)
# Calculate the ACL of each chain.
acl = np.zeros(nchains, dtype=int)
for i in range(nchains):
acl[i] = max(calculate_acl(samples[key][i]) for key in keys)
thinned_samples = {}
for key in keys:
key_samples = []
for i in range(nchains):
key_samples.append(samples[key][i, ::acl[i]])
thinned_samples[key] = np.hstack(key_samples)
return thinned_samples
# Model comparison #
def BIC_AIC(samples, log_likelihood, ndata):
Get the BIC/AIC of HMC samples from a Numpyro model.
samples: dict
Dictionary of samples from the Numpyro MCMC object.
log_likelihood: numpy array
Log likelihood values of the samples.
ndata: int
Number of data points.
BIC, AIC: floats
kmax = np.argmax(log_likelihood)
# How many parameters?
nparam = 0
for val in samples.values():
if val.ndim == 1:
nparam += 1
# The first dimension is the number of steps.
nparam += np.prod(val.shape[1:])
BIC = nparam * np.log(ndata) - 2 * log_likelihood[kmax]
AIC = 2 * nparam - 2 * log_likelihood[kmax]
return float(BIC), float(AIC)
def dict_samples_to_array(samples):
"""Convert a dictionary of samples to a 2-dimensional array."""
data = []
names = []
for key, value in samples.items():
if value.ndim == 1:
elif value.ndim == 2:
for i in range(value.shape[-1]):
data.append(value[:, i])
raise ValueError("Invalid dimensionality of samples to stack.")
return np.vstack(data).T, names
def harmonic_evidence(samples, log_posterior, temperature=0.8, epochs_num=20,
return_flow_samples=True, verbose=True):
Calculate the evidence using the `harmonic` package. The model has a few
more hyperparameters that are set to defaults now.
samples: 3-dimensional array
MCMC samples of shape `(nchains, nsamples, ndim)`.
log_posterior: 2-dimensional array
Log posterior values of shape `(nchains, nsamples)`.
temperature: float, optional
Temperature of the `harmonic` model.
epochs_num: int, optional
Number of epochs for training the model.
return_flow_samples: bool, optional
Whether to return the flow samples.
verbose: bool, optional
Whether to print progress.
ln_inv_evidence, err_ln_inv_evidence: float and tuple of floats
The log inverse evidence and its error.
flow_samples: 2-dimensional array, optional
Flow samples of shape `(nsamples, ndim)`. To check their agreement
with the input samples.
import harmonic as hm
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("The `harmonic` package is required to calculate the evidence.") from None # noqa
# Do some standard checks of inputs.
if samples.ndim != 3:
raise ValueError("The samples must be a 3-dimensional array of shape `(nchains, nsamples, ndim)`.") # noqa
if log_posterior.ndim != 2 and log_posterior.shape[:2] != samples.shape[:2]: # noqa
raise ValueError("The log posterior must be a 2-dimensional array of shape `(nchains, nsamples)`.") # noqa
ndim = samples.shape[-1]
chains = hm.Chains(ndim)
chains.add_chains_3d(samples, log_posterior)
chains_train, chains_infer = hm.utils.split_data(
chains, training_proportion=0.5)
# This has a few more hyperparameters that are set to defaults now.
model = hm.model.RQSplineModel(
ndim, standardize=True, temperature=temperature)
model.fit(chains_train.samples, epochs=epochs_num, verbose=verbose)
ev = hm.Evidence(chains_infer.nchains, model)
ln_inv_evidence = ev.ln_evidence_inv
err_ln_inv_evidence = ev.compute_ln_inv_evidence_errors()
if return_flow_samples:
samples = samples.reshape((-1, ndim))
samp_num = samples.shape[0]
flow_samples = model.sample(samp_num)
return ln_inv_evidence, err_ln_inv_evidence, flow_samples
return ln_inv_evidence, err_ln_inv_evidence