mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 18:58:03 +00:00
* Fix calculations of expected mass * Add paper plots * Edits to pltos * Add overlap summary * Add imports * Add import * Add binned stat * Add fit * Add more plots * Add basic env * Add histogram mode * Edit expected mass * Improve expected plots * Clean up plot * Improve separation plot * Update plots * Edit expected calculation * Update plotting * Update plots * Update plots * Update plots * Add conc fraction * Add halo maker sorting * Renaming * Add import * Add NaN treatment * add import * Move cosine smi * Update plots * Move similarity * Fix little bugs * Shorten documentation * Update plots
1632 lines
67 KiB
1632 lines
67 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2023 Richard Stiskalek
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import scienceplots # noqa
from cache_to_disk import cache_to_disk, delete_disk_caches_for_function
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from colossus.cosmology import cosmology
from colossus.halo import concentration
import csiborgtools
import plt_utils
MASS_KINDS = {"csiborg": "fof_totpartmass",
"quijote": "group_mass",
def open_cat(nsim, simname):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
if simname == "csiborg":
bounds = {"dist": (0, 155)}
cat = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGHaloCatalogue(
nsim, paths, bounds=bounds)
elif simname == "quijote":
cat = csiborgtools.read.QuijoteHaloCatalogue(
nsim, paths, nsnap=4, load_fitted=True, load_initial=True,
raise ValueError(f"Unknown simulation name: {simname}.")
return cat
def open_cats(nsims, simname):
catxs = [None] * len(nsims)
for i, nsim in enumerate(tqdm(nsims, desc="Opening catalogues")):
catxs[i] = open_cat(nsim, simname)
return catxs
def get_overlap_summary(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
mass0 = reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname])
mask = mass0 > 10**min_logmass
return {"mass0": mass0[mask],
"hid0": reader.cat0("index")[mask],
"summed_overlap": reader.summed_overlap(smoothed)[mask],
"max_overlap": reader.max_overlap(0, smoothed)[mask],
"prob_nomatch": reader.prob_nomatch(smoothed)[mask],
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs pair overlaps #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(nsim0, simname, mass_kind, min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(simname, nsim0, paths,
nsimxs = nsimxs
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
x = [None] * len(catxs)
y = [None] * len(catxs)
for i in trange(len(catxs), desc="Stacking catalogues"):
x[i] = numpy.log10(
y[i] = numpy.concatenate(reader[i].overlap(smoothed))
x = numpy.concatenate(x)
y = numpy.concatenate(y)
xbins = numpy.linspace(min(x), max(x), nbins)
return x, y, xbins
def mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed, nbins,
mass_kind = MASS_KINDS[simname]
x, y, xbins = get_mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(nsim0, simname, mass_kind,
min_logmass, smoothed, nbins)
sigma = 1
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
hb = plt.hexbin(x, y, mincnt=1, gridsize=50, bins="log")
y_median, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(x, y, xbins, sigma=sigma)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), y_median, yerr=yerr,
color='red', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="CSiBORG" if simname == "csiborg" else None,
fmt="o", ms=3)
if simname == "csiborg":
x_quijote, y_quijote, xbins_quijote = get_mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(
0, "quijote", "group_mass", min_logmass, smoothed, nbins)
y_median_quijote, yerr_quijote = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
x_quijote, y_quijote, xbins_quijote, sigma=sigma)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]) + 0.01,
y_median_quijote, yerr=yerr_quijote,
color='sandybrown', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="Quijote", fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.legend(loc="upper left", ncols=2, columnspacing=1.0)
plt.colorbar(hb, label="Counts in bins", pad=0)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\mathcal{O}_{a b}$")
plt.ylim(0., 1.)
fout = join(plt_utils.fout,
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs maximum pair overlaps #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(nsim0, simname, mass_kind, min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins, concatenate=True):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
def get_max(y_):
if len(y_) == 0:
return 0
return numpy.nanmax(y_)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
x = [None] * len(catxs)
y = [None] * len(catxs)
for i in trange(len(catxs), desc="Stacking catalogues"):
x[i] = numpy.log10(cat0[mass_kind])
y[i] = numpy.array([get_max(y_) for y_ in reader[i].overlap(smoothed)])
mask = x[i] > min_logmass
x[i] = x[i][mask]
y[i] = y[i][mask]
xbins = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x), nbins)
if concatenate:
x = numpy.concatenate(x)
y = numpy.concatenate(y)
return x, y, xbins
def mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(nsim0, simname, mass_kind, min_logmass, smoothed,
nbins, ext="png"):
x, y, xbins = get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(nsim0, simname, mass_kind,
min_logmass, smoothed, nbins)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
plt.hexbin(x, y, mincnt=1, gridsize=50, bins="log")
y_median, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(x, y, xbins, sigma=1)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), y_median, yerr=yerr,
color='red', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="CSiBORG" if simname == "csiborg" else None,
fmt="o", ms=3)
if simname == "csiborg":
x_quijote, y_quijote, xbins_quijote = get_mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(
0, "quijote", "group_mass", min_logmass, smoothed, nbins)
y_median_quijote, yerr_quijote = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
x_quijote, y_quijote, xbins_quijote, sigma=1)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]) + 0.01,
y_median_quijote, yerr=yerr_quijote,
color='sandybrown', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="Quijote", fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.colorbar(label="Counts in bins", pad=0)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$")
plt.ylim(-0.02, 1.)
plt.xlim(numpy.min(x) - 0.05)
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"mass_vs_max_pair_overlap{nsim0}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
def mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap_statistic(nsim0, simname, mass_kind, min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins, ext="png"):
x, y, xbins = get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(nsim0, simname, mass_kind,
min_logmass, smoothed, nbins)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
plt.hexbin(x, y, mincnt=1, gridsize=50, bins="log")
y_median, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(x, y, xbins, sigma=2)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), y_median, yerr=yerr,
color='red', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="CSiBORG" if simname == "csiborg" else None,
fmt="o", ms=3)
if simname == "csiborg":
x_quijote, y_quijote, xbins_quijote = get_mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(
0, "quijote", "group_mass", min_logmass, smoothed, nbins)
y_median_quijote, yerr_quijote = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
x_quijote, y_quijote, xbins_quijote, sigma=2)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]) + 0.01,
y_median_quijote, yerr=yerr_quijote,
color='blue', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="Quijote", fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.legend(ncol=2, fontsize="small")
# plt.colorbar(label="Counts in bins", pad=0)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$")
plt.ylim(-0.02, 1.)
plt.xlim(numpy.min(x) - 0.05)
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"mass_vs_max_pair_overlap{nsim0}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
def mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap_fraction(min_logmass, smoothed, nbins, ext="png"):
csiborg_nsims = [7444 + 24 * n for n in range(10)]
quijote_nsims = [n for n in range(10)]
def get_xy_maxoverlap_fraction(n):
x_csiborg, y_csiborg, __ = get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(
csiborg_nsims[n], "csiborg", MASS_KINDS["csiborg"], min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins, concatenate=False)
x_quijote, y_quijote, __ = get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(
quijote_nsims[n], "quijote", MASS_KINDS["quijote"], min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins, concatenate=False)
x_csiborg = x_csiborg[0]
x_quijote = x_quijote[0]
y_csiborg = numpy.asanyarray(y_csiborg)
y_quijote = numpy.asanyarray(y_quijote)
y_csiborg = numpy.median(y_csiborg, axis=0)
y_quijote = numpy.median(y_quijote, axis=0)
xbins = numpy.arange(min_logmass, 15.61, 0.2)
x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
y = numpy.full((len(x), 3), numpy.nan)
percentiles = norm.cdf(x=[1, 2, 3]) * 100
for i in range(len(xbins)-1):
mask_csiborg = (x_csiborg >= xbins[i]) & (x_csiborg < xbins[i+1])
mask_quijote = (x_quijote >= xbins[i]) & (x_quijote < xbins[i+1])
current_y_csiborg = y_csiborg[mask_csiborg]
current_y_quijote = y_quijote[mask_quijote]
current_tot_csiborg = len(current_y_csiborg)
for j, q in enumerate(percentiles):
threshold = numpy.percentile(current_y_quijote, q)
y[i, j] = (current_y_csiborg > threshold).sum()
y[i, j] /= current_tot_csiborg
return x, y
ys = [None] * 10
for n in range(10):
x, ys[n] = get_xy_maxoverlap_fraction(n)
ys = numpy.asanyarray(ys)
ymean = numpy.nanmean(ys, axis=0)
ystd = numpy.nanstd(ys, axis=0)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
for i in range(3):
plt.plot(x, ymean[:, i], label=r"${}\sigma$".format(i+1))
plt.fill_between(x, ymean[:, i] - ystd[:, i],
ymean[:, i] + ystd[:, i], alpha=0.2)
plt.ylim(0.0, 1.025)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$f_{\rm significant}$")
plt.xlim(numpy.nanmin(x), numpy.nanmax(x))
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"mass_vs_max_pair_overlap_fraction.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
def summed_to_max_overlap(min_logmass, smoothed, nbins, ext="png"):
x_csiborg = get_overlap_summary(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, smoothed)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
x = numpy.mean(x_csiborg["summed_overlap"], axis=1)
y = numpy.mean(x_csiborg["max_overlap"], axis=1)
plt.hexbin(x, y, mincnt=0, gridsize=40,
plt.colorbar(label=r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$", pad=0)
plt.axline((0, 0), slope=1, color='red', linestyle='--',
plt.xlabel(r"$\langle \sum_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
plt.ylabel(r"$\langle \max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
print(x.min(), x.max())
print(y.min(), y.max())
ext = "pdf"
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"summed_to_max_overlap.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs pair overlaps #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_max_overlap_agreement(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
return csiborgtools.summary.max_overlap_agreements(cat0, catxs, 13.25,
155.5, paths)
def maximum_overlap_agreement(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
agreements = get_max_overlap_agreement(nsim0, simname, min_logmass,
x, y, mass_bins = get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(
nsim0, simname, MASS_KINDS[simname], min_logmass, smoothed, 10,
x = x[0]
y = numpy.asanyarray(y)
mean_max_overlap = numpy.mean(y, axis=0)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
totpartmass = numpy.log10(cat0[MASS_KINDS[simname]])
mask = totpartmass > min_logmass
agreements = agreements[:, mask]
totpartmass = totpartmass[mask]
mask = numpy.any(numpy.isfinite(agreements), axis=0)
y = numpy.sum(agreements == 1., axis=0)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 2.625))
plt.scatter(totpartmass[mask], y[mask], s=5, c=mean_max_overlap,
plt.colorbar(label=r"$\langle \max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$", pad=0) # noqa
ymed, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(totpartmass[mask], y[mask],
mass_bins, sigma=1)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (mass_bins[1:] + mass_bins[:-1]), ymed, yerr=yerr,
capsize=3, c="red", ls="--", lw=0.5, fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$f_{\rm sym}$")
fout = join(plt_utils.fout,
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 2.625))
plt.scatter(mean_max_overlap[mask], y[mask], s=5, c=totpartmass,
plt.colorbar(label=r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$", pad=0)
bins = numpy.arange(0, 0.7, 0.05)
ymed, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
mean_max_overlap[mask], y[mask], bins, sigma=1)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]), ymed, yerr=yerr,
capsize=3, c="red", ls="--", lw=0.5, fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.xlabel(r"$\langle \max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
plt.ylabel(r"$f_{\rm sym}$")
# plt.xscale("log")
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"maximum_overlap_agreement_mean_overlap{simname}_{nsim0}.{ext}") # noqa
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs summed pair overlaps #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def mtot_vs_summedpairoverlap(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed, nbins,
x = get_overlap_summary(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed)
mass0 = numpy.log10(x["mass0"])
mean_overlap = numpy.nanmean(x["summed_overlap"], axis=1)
std_overlap = numpy.nanstd(x["summed_overlap"], axis=1)
xbins = numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(mass0), numpy.nanmax(mass0), nbins)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 2.625))
plt.hexbin(mass0, mean_overlap, mincnt=1, bins="log", gridsize=30)
y_median, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
mass0, mean_overlap, xbins, sigma=1)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), y_median, yerr=yerr,
color='red', ls='dashed', capsize=3, label="CSiBORG",
fmt="o", ms=3)
if simname == "csiborg":
x_quijote = get_overlap_summary(0, "quijote", min_logmass,
mass0_quijote = numpy.log10(x_quijote["mass0"])
mean_overlap_quijote = numpy.nanmean(x_quijote["summed_overlap"],
xbins_quijote = numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(mass0),
numpy.nanmax(mass0), nbins)
y_median_quijote, yerr_quijote = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
mass0_quijote, mean_overlap_quijote, xbins_quijote, sigma=1)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]) + 0.01,
y_median_quijote, yerr=yerr_quijote,
color='sandybrown', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="Quijote", fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\langle \sum_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
plt.colorbar(label="Counts in bins", pad=0)
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"prob_match_mean_{simname}_{nsim0}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 2.625))
plt.hexbin(mass0, std_overlap, mincnt=1, bins="log", gridsize=30)
y_median, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
mass0, std_overlap, xbins, sigma=2)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), y_median, yerr=yerr,
color='red', ls='dashed', capsize=3, fmt="o", ms=3)
if simname == "csiborg":
x_quijote = get_overlap_summary(0, "quijote", min_logmass,
mass0_quijote = numpy.log10(x_quijote["mass0"])
mean_overlap_quijote = numpy.nanmean(x_quijote["summed_overlap"],
std_overlap_quijote = numpy.nanstd(x_quijote["summed_overlap"],
xbins_quijote = numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(mass0),
numpy.nanmax(mass0), nbins)
y_median_quijote, yerr_quijote = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
mass0_quijote, std_overlap_quijote, xbins_quijote, sigma=2)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]) + 0.01,
y_median_quijote, yerr=yerr_quijote,
color='sandybrown', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
fmt="o", ms=3)
plt.colorbar(label=r"Counts in bins", pad=0)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\sigma\left(\sum_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\right)_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"prob_match_std_{simname}_{nsim0}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs mean separation #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_mass_vs_separation(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, boxsize,
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(
cat0, catxs, paths, min_logmass)
mass = numpy.log10(reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname]))
mus = numpy.zeros((len(catxs), len(mass)))
for i in trange(len(catxs), desc="Stacking catalogues"):
dist = reader[i].dist(in_initial=False, boxsize=boxsize,
overlap = reader[i].overlap(smoothed)
mus[i], __ = csiborgtools.summary.weighted_stats(dist, overlap)
return mass, mus
def mass_vs_separation(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, nbins, smoothed,
mass, dist = get_mass_vs_separation(
nsim0, simname, min_logmass, boxsize, smoothed)
dist = numpy.nanmean(dist, axis=0)
mask = numpy.isfinite(mass) & numpy.isfinite(dist)
mass = mass[mask]
dist = dist[mask]
xbins = numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(mass), numpy.nanmax(mass), nbins)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.rcParams["axes.grid"] = False
cx = ax.hexbin(mass, dist, mincnt=0, bins="log", gridsize=50)
y_median, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(mass, dist, xbins,
ax.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1]), y_median, yerr=yerr,
color='red', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="CSiBORG" if simname == "csiborg" else None,
fmt="o", ms=3)
if simname == "csiborg":
mass_quijote, dist_quijote = get_mass_vs_separation(
0, "quijote", min_logmass, boxsize, smoothed)
dist_quijote = numpy.nanmean(dist_quijote, axis=0)
mask = numpy.isfinite(mass_quijote) & numpy.isfinite(dist_quijote)
mass_quijote = mass_quijote[mask]
dist_quijote = dist_quijote[mask]
# dist_quijote = numpy.log10(dist_quijote)
xbins_quijote = numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(mass_quijote),
numpy.nanmax(mass_quijote), nbins)
xbins_quijote = xbins_quijote[:-1]
y_median_quijote, yerr_quijote = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(
mass_quijote, dist_quijote, xbins_quijote, sigma=1)
ax.errorbar(0.5 * (xbins_quijote[1:] + xbins_quijote[:-1]),
y_median_quijote, yerr=yerr_quijote,
color='sandybrown', ls='dashed', capsize=3,
label="Quijote", fmt="o", ms=3)
fig.colorbar(cx, label="Bin counts", pad=0)
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\langle \Delta R / R_{\rm 200c}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\langle \Delta R \rangle_{\mathcal{B}} ~ [\mathrm{Mpc} / h]$") # noqa
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"mass_vs_sep_{simname}_{nsim0}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
fig.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs expected matched mass #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_expected_mass(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(simname, nsim0, paths,
min_logmass, smoothed=True)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
mass0 = reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname])
mask = mass0 > 10**min_logmass
mean_expected, std_expected = reader.expected_property(
MASS_KINDS[simname], smoothed, min_logmass)
return {"mass0": mass0[mask],
"mu": mean_expected[mask],
"std": std_expected[mask],
"prob_match": reader.summed_overlap(smoothed)[mask],
def mtot_vs_expected_mass(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed, ext="png"):
x = get_expected_mass(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed)
mass = x["mass0"]
mu = x["mu"]
std = x["std"]
prob_match = x["prob_match"]
mass = numpy.log10(mass)
prob_match = numpy.nanmean(prob_match, axis=1)
mask = numpy.isfinite(mass) & numpy.isfinite(mu) & numpy.isfinite(std)
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(3.5 * 2, 2.625))
im0 = axs[0].hexbin(mass[mask], mu[mask], mincnt=1, bins="log",
im1 = axs[1].hexbin(mass[mask], std[mask], mincnt=1, bins="log",
im2 = axs[2].hexbin(prob_match[mask], mu[mask] - mass[mask],
gridsize=30, C=mass[mask],
axs[2].axhline(0, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5)
axs[0].set_xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot, ref} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot, exp} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
axs[1].set_xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot, ref} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
axs[1].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_{\log M_{\rm tot, exp}}$")
axs[2].set_xlabel(r"$\langle \sum_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}\rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
axs[2].set_ylabel(r"$\log (M_{\rm tot, exp} / M_{\rm tot, ref})$")
z = numpy.nanmean(mass[mask])
axs[0].axline((z, z), slope=1, color='red', linestyle='--',
ims = [im0, im1, im2]
labels = ["Bin counts", "Bin counts",
r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$"]
for i in range(3):
axins = axs[i].inset_axes([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.05])
fig.colorbar(ims[i], cax=axins, orientation="horizontal",
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"mass_vs_expmass_{nsim0}_{simname}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
fig.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total DM halo mass vs maximum overlap halo property #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_expected_key(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(simname, nsim0, paths,
min_logmass, smoothed=True)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
mass0 = reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname])
mask = mass0 > 10**min_logmass
in_log = False if key == "conc" else True
mean_expected, std_expected = reader.expected_property(
key, smoothed, min_logmass, in_log=in_log)
log_mass0 = numpy.log10(mass0)
control = numpy.full(len(log_mass0), numpy.nan)
# for i in trange(len(log_mass0), desc="Control"):
# if not mask[i]:
# continue
# control_ = [None] * len(catxs)
# for j in range(len(catxs)):
# log_massx = numpy.log10(reader[j].catx(MASS_KINDS[simname]))
# ks = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(log_massx - log_mass0[i]))[:15]
# control_[j] = reader[j].catx(key)[ks]
# control[i] = numpy.nanmean(numpy.concatenate(control_))
return {"mass0": mass0[mask],
"prop0": reader.cat0(key)[mask],
"mu": mean_expected[mask],
"std": std_expected[mask],
"control": control[mask],
"prob_match": reader.summed_overlap(smoothed)[mask],
def mtot_vs_expected_key(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed,
mass_kind = MASS_KINDS[simname]
assert key != mass_kind
x = get_expected_key(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed)
mass0 = numpy.log10(x["mass0"])
prop0 = x["prop0"]
mu = x["mu"]
std = x["std"]
prob_match = numpy.nanmean(x["prob_match"], axis=1)
control = x["control"]
print("prop0 ", prop0)
print("mu ", mu)
print("std ", std)
print("control", control)
mask = numpy.isfinite(prop0) & numpy.isfinite(mu) & numpy.isfinite(std)
if min_logmass_run is not None:
mask &= mass0 > 15
mask &= prop0 > 0.4
mass0 = mass0[mask]
prop0 = prop0[mask]
mu = mu[mask]
std = std[mask]
control = control[mask]
prob_match = prob_match[mask]
def rmse(x, y, sample_weight=None):
return numpy.sqrt(numpy.average((x - y)**2, weights=sample_weight))
print("Unweigted R2 = ", r2_score(prop0, mu))
print("Err Weighted R2 = ", r2_score(prop0, mu, sample_weight=1 / std**2)) # noqa
print("Pmatch R2 = ", r2_score(prop0, mu, sample_weight=prob_match)) # noqa
print("Unweigted RMSE = ", rmse(prop0, mu))
print("Err Weighted RMSE = ", rmse(prop0, mu, 1 / std**2))
print("Pmatch RMSE = ", rmse(prop0, mu, prob_match))
with plt.style.context(plt_utils.mplstyle):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3.5, 2.625))
ax.errorbar(prop0, mu, yerr=std, capsize=3, ls="none", marker="o")
z = numpy.nanmean(prop0)
ax.axline((z, z), slope=1, color='red', linestyle='--', label=r"$1-1$")
# if key == "lambda200c":
# ax.axhline(numpy.median(control), color="red", ls="--", zorder=0)
if key == "lambda200c":
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log \lambda_{\rm 200c, ref}$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log \lambda_{\rm 200c, exp}$")
elif key == "conc":
ax.set_xlabel(r"$c_{\rm 200c, ref}$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$c_{\rm 200c, exp}$")
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, f"max_{key}_{simname}_{nsim0}.{ext}")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
fig.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Total mass of a single halo expectation #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_expected_single(k, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed,
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
x0 = reader.cat0(key)
if "maxmass" in k:
k0 = int(k.split("__")[1])
k = numpy.argsort(reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname]))[::-1][k0]
print(f"Doing the {k0}th maximum hass halo with index {k}.")
if k == "max":
k = numpy.nanargmax(x0)
xcross, overlaps = reader.expected_property_single(k, key, smoothed,
control = [None] * len(catxs)
log_mass0 = numpy.log10(reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname])[k])
for j in range(len(catxs)):
log_massx = numpy.log10(reader[j].catx(MASS_KINDS[simname]))
ks = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(log_massx - log_mass0))[:15]
control[j] = reader[j].catx(key)[ks]
xcross = numpy.asanyarray(xcross)
overlaps = numpy.asanyarray(overlaps)
return x0[k], xcross, overlaps, control
def mtot_vs_expected_single(k, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed):
x0, xcross, overlaps, control = get_expected_single(
k, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed, False)
control = numpy.concatenate(control)
if key == "lambda200c" or key == "totpartmass":
xcross = numpy.log10(xcross)
control = numpy.log10(control)
x0 = numpy.log10(x0)
m = numpy.isfinite(xcross) & numpy.isfinite(overlaps)
with plt.style.context("science"):
cols = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
plt.hist(xcross[m], weights=overlaps[m], bins=30, histtype="step",
density=1, label="Matched", color=cols[0])
peak = csiborgtools.summary.find_peak(xcross[m], overlaps[m])
plt.axvline(peak, color="mediumblue", ls="--")
plt.axvline(x0, color="red", ls="--")
if key != "totpartmass":
m = numpy.isfinite(control)
plt.hist(control[m], bins=30, histtype="step", density=1,
label="Control", color=cols[1])
m = numpy.isfinite(control)
xmin, xmax = numpy.percentile(control[m], [16, 84])
plt.axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[1], alpha=0.1)
if key == "totpartmass" or key == "fof_totpartmass":
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
elif key == "lambda200c":
plt.xlabel(r"$\log \lambda_{\rm 200c}$")
elif key == "conc":
plt.ylabel("Normalized counts")
fout = join(
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
def mtot_vs_expected_single_panel(k, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
def local_data(key):
x0, xcross, overlaps, control = get_expected_single(
k, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed, False)
control = numpy.concatenate(control)
if key == "lambda200c" or key == "totpartmass":
xcross = numpy.log10(xcross)
control = numpy.log10(control)
x0 = numpy.log10(x0)
m = numpy.isfinite(xcross) & numpy.isfinite(overlaps)
return x0, xcross[m], overlaps[m], control
with plt.style.context("science"):
cols = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(2 * 3.5, 2.625))
nbins = 25
x0, x, weights, __ = local_data("totpartmass")
axs[0].hist(x, weights=weights, bins=nbins, histtype="step", density=1,
peak = csiborgtools.summary.find_peak(x, weights)
axs[0].axvline(peak, color="mediumblue", ls="--")
axs[0].axvline(x0, color="red", ls="--")
std = numpy.average((x - peak)**2, weights=weights)**0.5
xmin, xmax = peak - std, peak + std
axs[0].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[0], alpha=0.2)
x0, x, weights, control = local_data("lambda200c")
axs[1].hist(x, weights=weights, bins=nbins, histtype="step", density=1,
axs[1].hist(control, bins=nbins, histtype="step", density=1,
color=cols[1], label="Control")
xmin, xmax = numpy.percentile(control, [16, 84])
axs[1].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[1], alpha=0.1)
peak = csiborgtools.summary.find_peak(x, weights)
axs[1].axvline(peak, color="mediumblue", ls="--")
axs[1].axvline(x0, color="red", ls="--")
m = numpy.isfinite(control)
xmin, mu, xmax = numpy.percentile(control[m], [16, 50, 84])
axs[1].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[1], alpha=0.2)
axs[1].axvline(mu, color=cols[1], ls="--")
std = numpy.average((x - peak)**2, weights=weights)**0.5
xmin, xmax = peak - std, peak + std
axs[1].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[0], alpha=0.2)
x0, x, weights, control = local_data("conc")
axs[2].hist(x, weights=weights, bins=nbins, histtype="step", density=1,
axs[2].hist(control, bins=nbins, histtype="step", density=1,
xmin, xmax = numpy.percentile(control, [16, 84])
axs[2].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[1], alpha=0.1)
peak = csiborgtools.summary.find_peak(x, weights)
axs[2].axvline(peak, color="mediumblue", ls="--")
axs[2].axvline(x0, color="red", ls="--")
m = numpy.isfinite(control)
xmin, mu, xmax = numpy.percentile(control[m], [16, 50, 84])
axs[2].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[1], alpha=0.2)
axs[2].axvline(mu, color=cols[1], ls="--")
std = numpy.average((x - peak)**2, weights=weights)**0.5
xmin, xmax = peak - std, peak + std
axs[2].axvspan(xmin, xmax, color=cols[0], alpha=0.2)
axs[0].set_xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
axs[1].set_xlabel(r"$\log \lambda_{\rm 200c}$")
axs[0].set_ylabel("Normalized counts")
fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0, w_pad=0)
fout = join(
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Concentration reconstruction #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_expected_many_topmass(kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed,
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
log_mass0 = numpy.log10(reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname]))
x0 = reader.cat0(key)
out_mass = numpy.full((kmax), numpy.nan)
out_true = numpy.full((kmax), numpy.nan)
out_matched = numpy.full((kmax, len(nsimxs), 2), numpy.nan)
out_control = numpy.full((kmax, len(nsimxs)), numpy.nan)
for k0 in trange(kmax, desc="Looping over top masses"):
k = numpy.argsort(log_mass0)[::-1][k0]
xcross, overlaps = reader.expected_property_single(k, key, smoothed,
out_matched[k0, :, 0] = xcross
out_matched[k0, :, 1] = overlaps
out_mass[k0] = log_mass0[k]
out_true[k0] = x0[k]
for j in range(len(catxs)):
log_massx = numpy.log10(reader[j].catx(MASS_KINDS[simname]))
ks = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(log_massx - log_mass0[k]))[:15]
out_control[k0, j] = numpy.nanmean(reader[j].catx(key)[ks])
return out_mass, out_true, out_matched, out_control
def expected_in_tolerance(kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed):
out_mass, out_true, out_matched, out_control = get_expected_many_topmass(
kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, key, smoothed, False)
if key == "lambda200c" or key == "totpartmass":
out_true = numpy.log10(out_true)
out_matched[..., 0] = numpy.log10(out_matched[..., 0])
out_control = numpy.log10(out_control)
tolerances = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5]
in_tolerance = numpy.full((kmax, len(tolerances)), numpy.nan)
for k in range(kmax):
frac_diff = (out_matched[k, :, 0] - out_true[k]) / out_true[k]
frac_diff = numpy.abs(frac_diff)
for j, tol in enumerate(tolerances):
in_tolerance[k, j] = numpy.sum(frac_diff < tol)
left_edges = numpy.arange(numpy.nanmin(out_mass), numpy.nanmax(out_mass),
bw = 0.2
x = left_edges + 0.5 * bw
nsimx = out_matched.shape[1]
with plt.style.context("science"):
for j, tol in enumerate(tolerances):
med = csiborgtools.binned_statistic(out_mass, in_tolerance[:, j],
left_edges, bw, numpy.median)
lower = csiborgtools.binned_statistic(
out_mass, in_tolerance[:, j], left_edges, bw,
lambda x: numpy.percentile(x, 16))
upper = csiborgtools.binned_statistic(
out_mass, in_tolerance[:, j], left_edges, bw,
lambda x: numpy.percentile(x, 84))
lower /= nsimx
upper /= nsimx
med /= nsimx
plt.plot(x, med, label=r"${} \%$".format(int(tol * 100)),)
plt.fill_between(x, lower, upper, alpha=0.2)
plt.xlim(x.min(), x.max())
plt.ylim(0, 1)
plt.xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$f_{\rm in~tolerance}$")
fout = join(
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Concentration reconstruction #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_max_overlap_velocity(kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimxs = csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(
simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed)
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
catxs = open_cats(nsimxs, simname)
reader = csiborgtools.summary.NPairsOverlap(cat0, catxs, paths,
log_mass0 = numpy.log10(reader.cat0(MASS_KINDS[simname]))
vx, vy, vz = reader.cat0("vx"), reader.cat0("vy"), reader.cat0("vz")
out_mass = numpy.full((kmax), numpy.nan)
out_true = numpy.full((kmax, 3), numpy.nan)
out_matched = numpy.full((kmax, len(nsimxs), 4), numpy.nan)
for k0 in trange(kmax, desc="Looping over top masses"):
k = numpy.argsort(log_mass0)[::-1][k0]
for i, key in enumerate(["vx", "vy", "vz"]):
vel, overlaps = reader.expected_property_single(k, key, smoothed,
out_matched[k0, :, i] = vel
out_matched[k0, :, -1] = overlaps
out_mass[k0] = log_mass0[k]
out_true[k0, 0] = vx[k]
out_true[k0, 1] = vy[k]
out_true[k0, 2] = vz[k]
return out_mass, out_true, out_matched
def expected_in_velocity(kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed):
cat0 = open_cat(nsim0, simname)
pos = cat0.position(cartesian=False)
if kmax == -1:
kmax = numpy.sum(numpy.log10(cat0[MASS_KINDS[simname]]) > min_logmass) - 1 # noqa
print(f"Selected kmax = -1, so doing {kmax}.")
out_mass, out_true, out_matched = get_max_overlap_velocity(
kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, smoothed)
__, out_true_conc, out_matched_conc, out_control_conc = get_expected_many_topmass(kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, "conc", smoothed, False) # noqa
__, out_true_mass, out_matched_mass, out_control_mass = get_expected_many_topmass(kmax, nsim0, simname, min_logmass, "totpartmass", smoothed, False) # noqa
sep_mass, sep = get_mass_vs_separation(nsim0, simname, min_logmass, 677.7,
m = numpy.argsort(sep_mass)[::-1]
sep_mass = sep_mass[m][:kmax]
sep = sep[:, m][:, :kmax]
clusters = {
'Virgo': {'l': 283.8, 'b': 74.5, 'distance_mpc': 17},
'Fornax': {'l': 236.8, 'b': -53.6, 'distance_mpc': 19},
'Coma': {'l': 58.1, 'b': 87.9, 'distance_mpc': 98},
'Perseus': {'l': 150.6, 'b': -13.3, 'distance_mpc': 73},
'Hydra': {'l': 269.1, 'b': 26.5, 'distance_mpc': 49},
'Centaurus': {'l': 302.4, 'b': 21.6, 'distance_mpc': 52}
nsimx = out_matched.shape[1]
# Calculate the cosine similarity between the true and expected velocity
# and the difference in velocity.
yalign = numpy.full((kmax, nsimx), numpy.nan)
ydiff = numpy.full((kmax, nsimx), numpy.nan)
ymag = numpy.full((kmax, nsimx), numpy.nan)
w = numpy.full((kmax, nsimx), numpy.nan)
for k in range(kmax):
yalign[k] = csiborgtools.utils.cosine_similarity(out_true[k],
out_matched[k, :, :3])
ydiff[k] = numpy.sum(
(out_true[k] - out_matched[k, :, :3])**2, axis=1)**0.5
ymag[k] = numpy.linalg.norm(out_matched[k, :, :3], axis=1)
w[k] = out_matched[k, :, -1]
for k in range(0):
k0 = numpy.argsort(cat0["totpartmass"])[::-1][k]
with plt.style.context("science"):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3,
figsize=(2 * 3.5, 2.5 * 2.625))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0., hspace=0.0)
# Maximum overlap histogram
axs[0, 0].hist(w[k], bins="auto", histtype="step", density=1)
axs[0, 0].set_xlabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
axs[0, 0].set_ylabel(r"Normalized counts")
axs[0, 0].set_xlim(0.01, 1)
# Cosine similarity alignment
axs[0, 1].hist(yalign[k], weights=w[k], bins=20, histtype="step",
axs[0, 1].set_xlabel(r"$\cos \theta$")
axs[0, 1].set_xlim(-1, 1)
axs[0, 1].set_ylabel(r"Normalized counts")
# Normalized Absolute difference in velocity
axs[0, 2].hist(ydiff[k] / numpy.linalg.norm(out_true[k]),
weights=w[k], bins=20, histtype="step",
axs[0, 2].set_xlabel(r"$|\Delta \textbf{v}| / |\textbf{v}_{\rm ref}|$") # noqa
axs[0, 2].set_xlim(0)
axs[0, 2].set_ylabel(r"Normalized counts")
# Max overlap vs mass
axs[1, 0].scatter(w[k], numpy.log10(out_matched_mass[k, :, 0]),
axs[1, 0].axhline(out_mass[k], color="red", ls="--")
axs[1, 0].axhline(
numpy.average(numpy.log10(out_matched_mass[k, :, 0]),
color="blue", ls="--")
axs[1, 0].set_xlabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
axs[1, 0].set_ylabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
# Max overlap vs concentration
axs[1, 1].scatter(w[k], out_matched_conc[k, :, 0], s=3)
axs[1, 1].axhline(out_true_conc[k], color="red", ls="--")
axs[1, 1].set_xlabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
axs[1, 1].set_ylabel(r"$c$")
# Alignment vs difference in velocity
axs[1, 2].scatter(yalign[k], ydiff[k], s=3)
axs[1, 2].set_xlabel(r"$\cos \theta$")
axs[1, 2].set_ylabel(r"$|\Delta \textbf{v}|~[\mathrm{km} / \mathrm{s}]$") # noqa
axs[1, 2].set_ylim(0.01)
# Sky positions
c = SkyCoord(ra=pos[k0, 1] * u.degree, dec=pos[k0, 2] * u.degree,
axs[2, 0].scatter(c.galactic.l, c.galactic.b, s=3, zorder=1,
dist = str(round(pos[k0, 0], 0))
axs[2, 0].text(c.galactic.l.to_value(), c.galactic.b.to_value(),
dist, fontsize=6, ha='left',
va='bottom', zorder=0)
for cluster in clusters.keys():
l, b = clusters[cluster]['l'], clusters[cluster]['b']
axs[2, 0].scatter(l, b, c="blue", s=2, zorder=0)
dist = round(clusters[cluster]["distance_mpc"], 0)
key = f"{cluster} ({dist})"
axs[2, 0].text(l, b, key, fontsize=6, ha='right',
va='bottom', zorder=0)
axs[2, 0].axhspan(-10, 10, alpha=0.2)
axs[2, 0].set_xlabel(r"$l$")
axs[2, 0].set_ylabel(r"$b$")
# Max overlap vs alignment
axs[2, 1].scatter(w[k], yalign[k], s=3)
axs[2, 1].set_xlabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
axs[2, 1].set_ylabel(r"$\cos \theta$")
# Max overlap vs velocity difference
axs[2, 2].scatter(w[k], ydiff[k], s=3)
axs[2, 2].set_xlabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
axs[2, 2].set_ylabel(r"$|\Delta \textbf{v}|~[\mathrm{km} / \mathrm{s}]$") # noqa
# Alignment vs separation
axs[3, 0].scatter(yalign[k], sep[:, k], s=3)
axs[3, 0].set_xlabel(r"$\cos \theta$")
axs[3, 0].set_ylabel(r"$\Delta R ~ [Mpc / h]$")
# Separation vs max overlap
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
axs[3, 1].scatter(sep[:, k], w[k], s=3)
axs[3, 1].set_xlabel(r"$\Delta R ~ [Mpc / h]$")
axs[3, 1].set_ylabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
# max overlap vs chain index
y = numpy.abs(nsim0 - numpy.array(csiborgtools.summary.get_cross_sims(simname, nsim0, paths, min_logmass, smoothed=smoothed))) # noqa
axs[3, 2].scatter(w[k], y, s=3)
axs[3, 2].set_xlabel(r"$\max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b}$") # noqa
axs[3, 2].set_ylabel(r"$\Delta N_{\rm chain}$")
fout = join(
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
with plt.style.context("science"):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(3.5, 1.5 * 2.625),
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0., hspace=0.0)
x = numpy.asanyarray([numpy.nanmean(w[k]) for k in range(kmax)])
# y = [csiborgtools.summary.find_peak(yalign[k], w[k])
# for k in range(kmax)]
y = numpy.asanyarray([numpy.nansum(numpy.arccos(yalign[k]) * w[k]) / numpy.nansum(w[k]) for k in range(kmax)]) # noqa
y *= 180 / numpy.pi
c = numpy.log10(out_true_mass)
# plt.errorbar(x, y, xerr=[xlower, xupper], fmt="o", ms=3, lw=0.5,)
# plt.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=30, mincnt=1, bins="log")
cax = axs[0].scatter(x, y, s=7.5, c=c, rasterized=True)
axins = axs[0].inset_axes([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.05])
fig.colorbar(cax, cax=axins, orientation="horizontal",
label=r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
# fig.colorbar(cax, ax=axs[0], pad=0,
# )
# axs[0].set_colorbar(label=r"$\log M_{\rm tot} ~ [M_\odot / h]$", pad=0)
# plt.ylim(top=90)
m = numpy.isfinite(x) & numpy.isfinite(y)
xbins = numpy.arange(x[m].min(), x[m].max(), 0.1)
xcent = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
ymed, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(x[m], y[m], xbins, sigma=1)
axs[0].errorbar(xcent, ymed, yerr=yerr, fmt="o", ms=3, lw=0.5, c="red",
capsize=3, ls="--")
y = numpy.asanyarray([numpy.nansum(ymag[k] * w[k]) / numpy.nansum(w[k]) / numpy.linalg.norm(out_true[k]) for k in range(kmax)]) # noqa
m = y < 3
axs[1].scatter(x[m], y[m], s=7.5, c=c[m], rasterized=True)
m = numpy.isfinite(x) & numpy.isfinite(y)
xbins = numpy.arange(x[m].min(), x[m].max(), 0.1)
xcent = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
ymed, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(x[m], y[m], xbins, sigma=1)
axs[1].errorbar(xcent, ymed, yerr=yerr, fmt="o", ms=3, lw=0.5, c="red",
capsize=3, ls="--")
label = r"$\langle |\textbf{v}_{\mathcal{B}}| \rangle_{\mathcal{B}} / |\textbf{v}_{\rm ref}|$"
axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$\langle \theta \rangle_{\mathcal{B}} ~ [\deg]$")
axs[1].set_xlabel(r"$\langle \max_{b \in \mathcal{B}} \mathcal{O}_{a b} \rangle_{\mathcal{B}}$") # noqa
fig.tight_layout(w_pad=0, h_pad=0)
fout = join(
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Max's matching vs overlap success #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_matching_max_vs_overlap(simname, nsim0, min_logmass, mult):
paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring)
nsimsx = [nsim for nsim in paths.get_ics(simname) if nsim != nsim0]
for i in trange(len(nsimsx), desc="Loading data"):
nsimx = nsimsx[i]
fpath = paths.match_max(simname, nsim0, nsimx, min_logmass,
data = numpy.load(fpath, allow_pickle=True)
if i == 0:
mass0 = data["mass0"]
max_overlap = numpy.full((mass0.size, len(nsimsx)), numpy.nan)
match_overlap = numpy.full((mass0.size, len(nsimsx)), numpy.nan)
success = numpy.zeros((mass0.size, len(nsimsx)), numpy.bool_)
max_overlap[:, i] = data["max_overlap"]
match_overlap[:, i] = data["match_overlap"]
success[:, i] = data["success"]
return {"mass0": mass0, "max_overlap": max_overlap,
"match_overlap": match_overlap, "success": success}
def matching_max_vs_overlap(min_logmass):
left_edges = numpy.arange(min_logmass, 15, 0.1)
with plt.style.context("science"):
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(2 * 3.5, 2.625))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(3.5, 2.625))
axs = [axs]
ax2 = axs[0].twinx()
cols = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]
for n, mult in enumerate([2.5, 5., 7.5]):
def make_y1_y2(simname):
nsims = 100 if simname == "csiborg" else 9
nsim0 = 7444 if simname == "csiborg" else 0
x = get_matching_max_vs_overlap(simname,
nsim0, min_logmass, mult=mult)
mask = numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(x["max_overlap"]), axis=1)
x["success"][~mask, :] = False
mass0 = numpy.log10(x["mass0"])
max_overlap = x["max_overlap"]
match_overlap = x["match_overlap"]
success = x["success"]
nbins = len(left_edges)
y = numpy.full((nbins, nsims), numpy.nan)
y2 = numpy.full(nbins, numpy.nan)
for i in range(nbins):
m = mass0 > left_edges[i]
for j in range(nsims):
y[i, j] = numpy.sum((max_overlap[m, j] == match_overlap[m, j]) & success[m, j]) # noqa
y[i, j] /= numpy.sum(success[m, j])
y2[i] = success[m, 0].mean()
return y, y2
offset = numpy.random.normal(0, 0.015)
y1_csiborg, y2_csiborg = make_y1_y2("csiborg")
ysummary = numpy.percentile(y1_csiborg, [16, 50, 84], axis=1)
axs[0].plot(left_edges + offset, ysummary[1], c=cols[n],
label=r"${}~R_{{\rm 200c}}$".format(mult))
ax2.plot(left_edges + offset, y2_csiborg, c=cols[n], ls="dotted",
axs[0].set_xlim(left_edges.min(), left_edges.max())
axs[0].legend(ncols=1, loc="upper left")
for i in range(1):
axs[i].set_xlabel(r"$\log M_{\rm tot, min} ~ [M_\odot / h]$")
axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$f_{\rm agreement}$")
ax2.set_ylabel(r"$f_{\rm match}$")
fout = join(plt_utils.fout,
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
fig.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Mass-concentration relation #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_mass_concentration(nsim, simname):
cat = open_cat(nsim, simname)
mass = cat["m200c"]
conc = cat["conc"]
return mass, conc
def mass_concentration(ext="pdf"):
xrange = numpy.linspace(12, 15, 100)
cvir = concentration.concentration(10**xrange, '200c', 0.0,
with plt.style.context("science"):
for nsim in tqdm([7444 + n * 24 for n in (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)]): # noqa
x, y = get_mass_concentration(nsim, "csiborg")
m = numpy.isfinite(x) & numpy.isfinite(y)
x = x[m]
y = y[m]
x = numpy.log10(x)
xbins = numpy.arange(12, 15, 0.2)
xcent = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
ymed, yerr = plt_utils.compute_error_bars(x, y, xbins, 1)
plt.plot(xcent, ymed, c="black", lw=0.5)
# plt.errorbar(xcent, ymed, yerr=yerr, fmt="o", ms=3, lw=0.5,
# c="red", capsize=3)
plt.plot(xrange, cvir, c="blue", lw=1, label="Diemer+19")
fout = join(plt_utils.fout, "mass_concentration.png")
print(f"Saving to `{fout}`.")
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=plt_utils.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
if __name__ == "__main__":
min_logmass = 13.25
smoothed = True
nbins = 10
ext = "pdf"
plot_quijote = False
min_maxoverlap = 0.
funcs = [
# "get_overlap_summary",
# "get_max_overlap_agreement",
# "get_mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap",
# "get_mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap",
# "get_mass_vs_separation",
# "get_expected_mass",
# "get_expected_key",
# "get_expected_single",
# "get_expected_many_topmass",
# "get_max_overlap_velocity",
# "get_mass_concentration",
for func in funcs:
print(f"Cleaning up cache for `{func}`.")
if False:
mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, smoothed,
nbins, ext=ext)
mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(7444, "csiborg", "fof_totpartmass", min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins, ext=ext)
if plot_quijote:
mtot_vs_all_pairoverlap(0, "quijote", min_logmass, smoothed,
nbins, ext=ext)
mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap(0, "quijote", "group_mass", min_logmass,
smoothed, nbins, ext=ext)
if False:
mtot_vs_maxpairoverlap_fraction(min_logmass, smoothed, nbins, ext=ext)
if False:
maximum_overlap_agreement(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, smoothed)
if False:
summed_to_max_overlap(min_logmass, smoothed, nbins, ext=ext)
if False:
mtot_vs_summedpairoverlap(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, smoothed,
nbins, ext)
if plot_quijote:
mtot_vs_summedpairoverlap(0, "quijote", min_logmass, smoothed,
nbins, ext)
if False:
mtot_vs_expected_mass(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, smoothed, ext=ext)
# if plot_quijote:
# mtot_vs_expected_mass(0, "quijote", min_logmass, smoothed, nbins,
# max_prob_nomatch=1, ext=ext)
if False:
key = "conc"
mtot_vs_expected_key(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, key, smoothed, 15)
# if plot_quijote:
# mtot_vs_expected_key(0, "quijote", min_logmass, key, smoothed,
# nbins)
if False:
mass_vs_separation(7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, nbins, smoothed,
# if plot_quijote:
# mass_vs_separation(0, 1, "quijote", min_logmass, nbins,
# smoothed, boxsize=1000, plot_std=False)
if True:
if False:
# mtot_vs_expected_single("max", 7444, "csiborg", min_logmass,
# "totpartmass", True)
# mtot_vs_expected_single("maxmass__0", 7444, "csiborg",
# min_logmass, "lambda200c", True)
for i in range(25):
mtot_vs_expected_single(f"maxmass__{i}", 7444, "csiborg",
min_logmass, "conc", True)
# if plot_quijote:
# mtot_vs_expected_single("max", 0, "quijote", min_logmass,
# "totpartmass", True, True)
if False:
mtot_vs_expected_single_panel("maxmass__0", 7444, "csiborg",
min_logmass, True)
if False:
kmax = 100
expected_in_tolerance(kmax, 7444, "csiborg", min_logmass, "conc", True)
if False:
kmax = 1000
expected_in_velocity(kmax, 7444 + 24 * 30, "csiborg", min_logmass, smoothed)
if False: