Richard Stiskalek 944fea5510
Remove old merger tree (#93)
* Edit docs

* Delete merger tree files


* Edit docs
2023-12-07 14:45:06 +00:00

631 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Stiskalek, Harry Desmond
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Functions to read in the particle and clump files.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from gc import collect
from os.path import getsize, isfile, join
from warnings import warn
import numpy
import pynbody
from scipy.io import FortranFile
from tqdm import tqdm
import readgadget
from readfof import FoF_catalog
except ImportError:
warn("Could not import `readgadget` and `readfof`. Related routines will not be available", ImportWarning) # noqa
from tqdm import trange
from ..utils import fprint
from .paths import Paths
from .utils import add_columns, cols_to_structured, flip_cols
class BaseReader(ABC):
Base class for all readers.
_paths = None
def paths(self):
"""Paths manager."""
return self._paths
def paths(self, paths):
assert isinstance(paths, Paths)
self._paths = paths
def read_info(self, nsnap, nsim):
Read simulation snapshot info.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
info : dict
Dictionary of information paramaters.
def read_snapshot(self, nsnap, nsim, kind, sort_like_final=False):
Read snapshot.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
kind : str
Information to read. Can be `pid`, `pos`, `vel`, or `mass`.
sort_like_final : bool, optional
Whether to sort the particles like the final snapshot.
n-dimensional array
def read_halo_id(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder, verbose=True):
Read the (sub) halo membership of particles.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
halo_finder : str
Halo finder used when running the catalogue.
out : 1-dimensional array of shape `(nparticles, )`
def read_catalogue(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder):
Read in the halo catalogue.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
halo_finder : str
Halo finder used when running the catalogue.
structured array
# CSiBORG particle reader #
class CSiBORGReader(BaseReader):
Object to read in CSiBORG snapshots from the binary files and halo
paths : py:class`csiborgtools.read.Paths`
def __init__(self, paths):
self.paths = paths
def read_info(self, nsnap, nsim):
snappath = self.paths.snapshot(nsnap, nsim, "csiborg")
filename = join(snappath, "info_{}.txt".format(str(nsnap).zfill(5)))
with open(filename, "r") as f:
info = f.read().split()
# Throw anything below ordering line out
info = numpy.asarray(info[:info.index("ordering")])
# Get indexes of lines with `=`. Indxs before/after be keys/vals
eqs = numpy.asarray([i for i in range(info.size) if info[i] == '='])
keys = info[eqs - 1]
vals = info[eqs + 1]
return {key: convert_str_to_num(val) for key, val in zip(keys, vals)}
def read_snapshot(self, nsnap, nsim, kind):
sim = pynbody.load(self.paths.snapshot(nsnap, nsim, "csiborg"))
if kind == "pid":
x = numpy.array(sim["iord"], dtype=numpy.uint64)
elif kind in ["pos", "vel", "mass"]:
x = numpy.array(sim[kind], dtype=numpy.float32)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown kind `{kind}`.")
# Because of a RAMSES bug x and z are flipped.
if kind in ["pos", "vel"]:
x[:, [0, 2]] = x[:, [2, 0]]
del sim
return x
def read_halo_id(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder, verbose=True):
if halo_finder == "PHEW":
ids = self.read_phew_id(nsnap, nsim, verbose)
elif halo_finder in ["FOF"]:
ids = self.read_halomaker_id(nsnap, nsim, halo_finder, verbose)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown halo finder `{halo_finder}`.")
return ids
def open_particle(self, nsnap, nsim, verbose=True):
"""Open particle files to a given CSiBORG simulation."""
snappath = self.paths.snapshot(nsnap, nsim, "csiborg")
ncpu = int(self.read_info(nsnap, nsim)["ncpu"])
nsnap = str(nsnap).zfill(5)
fprint(f"reading in output `{nsnap}` with ncpu = `{ncpu}`.", verbose)
# First read the headers. Reallocate arrays and fill them.
nparts = numpy.zeros(ncpu, dtype=int)
partfiles = [None] * ncpu
for cpu in range(ncpu):
cpu_str = str(cpu + 1).zfill(5)
fpath = join(snappath, "part_{}.out{}".format(nsnap, cpu_str))
f = FortranFile(fpath)
# Read in this order
ncpuloc = f.read_ints()
if ncpuloc != ncpu:
infopath = join(snappath, f"info_{nsnap}.txt")
raise ValueError(
"`ncpu = {}` of `{}` disagrees with `ncpu = {}` "
"of `{}`.".format(ncpu, infopath, ncpuloc, fpath))
ndim = f.read_ints()
nparts[cpu] = f.read_ints()
localseed = f.read_ints()
nstar_tot = f.read_ints()
mstar_tot = f.read_reals('d')
mstar_lost = f.read_reals('d')
nsink = f.read_ints()
partfiles[cpu] = f
del ndim, localseed, nstar_tot, mstar_tot, mstar_lost, nsink
return nparts, partfiles
def open_unbinding(self, nsnap, nsim, cpu):
"""Open PHEW unbinding files."""
nsnap = str(nsnap).zfill(5)
cpu = str(cpu + 1).zfill(5)
fpath = join(self.paths.snapshots(nsim, "csiborg", tonew=False),
f"output_{nsnap}", f"unbinding_{nsnap}.out{cpu}")
return FortranFile(fpath)
def read_phew_id(self, nsnap, nsim, verbose):
nparts, __ = self.open_particle(nsnap, nsim)
start_ind = numpy.hstack([[0], numpy.cumsum(nparts[:-1])])
ncpu = nparts.size
clumpid = numpy.full(numpy.sum(nparts), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.int32)
for cpu in trange(ncpu, disable=not verbose, desc="CPU"):
i = start_ind[cpu]
j = nparts[cpu]
ff = self.open_unbinding(nsnap, nsim, cpu)
clumpid[i:i + j] = ff.read_ints()
return clumpid
def read_halomaker_id(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder, verbose):
fpath = self.paths.halomaker_particle_membership(
nsnap, nsim, halo_finder)
fprint("loading particle IDs from the snapshot.", verbose)
pids = self.read_snapshot(nsnap, nsim, "pid")
fprint("mapping particle IDs to their indices.", verbose)
pids_idx = {pid: i for i, pid in enumerate(pids)}
# Unassigned particle IDs are assigned a halo ID of 0.
fprint("mapping HIDs to their array indices.", verbose)
hids = numpy.zeros(pids.size, dtype=numpy.int32)
# Read lin-by-line to avoid loading the whole file into memory.
with open(fpath, 'r') as file:
for line in tqdm(file, disable=not verbose,
desc="Processing membership"):
hid, pid = map(int, line.split())
hids[pids_idx[pid]] = hid
del pids_idx
return hids
def read_catalogue(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder):
if halo_finder == "PHEW":
return self.read_phew_clumps(nsnap, nsim)
elif halo_finder == "FOF":
return self.read_fof_halos(nsnap, nsim)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown halo finder `{halo_finder}`.")
def read_fof_halos(self, nsnap, nsim):
Read in the FoF halo catalogue.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
structured array
info = self.read_info(nsnap, nsim)
h = info["H0"] / 100
fpath = self.paths.fof_cat(nsnap, nsim, "csiborg")
hid = numpy.genfromtxt(fpath, usecols=0, dtype=numpy.int32)
pos = numpy.genfromtxt(fpath, usecols=(1, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
totmass = numpy.genfromtxt(fpath, usecols=4, dtype=numpy.float32)
m200c = numpy.genfromtxt(fpath, usecols=5, dtype=numpy.float32)
dtype = {"names": ["index", "x", "y", "z", "totpartmass", "m200c"],
"formats": [numpy.int32] + [numpy.float32] * 5}
out = numpy.full(hid.size, numpy.nan, dtype=dtype)
out["index"] = hid
out["x"] = pos[:, 0] * h + 677.7 / 2
out["y"] = pos[:, 1] * h + 677.7 / 2
out["z"] = pos[:, 2] * h + 677.7 / 2
# Because of a RAMSES bug x and z are flipped.
flip_cols(out, "x", "z")
out["totpartmass"] = totmass * 1e11 * h
out["m200c"] = m200c * 1e11 * h
return out
def read_phew_clumps(self, nsnap, nsim, verbose=True):
Read in a PHEW clump file `clump_XXXXX.dat`.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
verbose : bool, optional
Verbosity flag.
structured array
nsnap = str(nsnap).zfill(5)
fname = join(self.paths.snapshots(nsim, "csiborg", tonew=False),
if not isfile(fname) or getsize(fname) == 0:
raise FileExistsError(f"Clump file `{fname}` does not exist.")
data = numpy.genfromtxt(fname)
if data.ndim == 1:
raise FileExistsError(f"Invalid clump file `{fname}`.")
# How the data is stored in the clump file.
clump_cols = {"index": (0, numpy.int32),
"level": (1, numpy.int32),
"parent": (2, numpy.int32),
"ncell": (3, numpy.float32),
"x": (4, numpy.float32),
"y": (5, numpy.float32),
"z": (6, numpy.float32),
"rho-": (7, numpy.float32),
"rho+": (8, numpy.float32),
"rho_av": (9, numpy.float32),
"mass_cl": (10, numpy.float32),
"relevance": (11, numpy.float32),
cols = list(clump_cols.keys())
dtype = [(col, clump_cols[col][1]) for col in cols]
out = cols_to_structured(data.shape[0], dtype)
for col in cols:
out[col] = data[:, clump_cols[col][0]]
# Convert to cMpc / h and Msun / h
out['x'] *= 677.7
out['y'] *= 677.7
out['z'] *= 677.7
# Because of a RAMSES bug x and z are flipped.
flip_cols(out, "x", "z")
out["mass_cl"] *= 2.6543271649678946e+19
ultimate_parent, summed_mass = self.find_parents(out)
out = add_columns(out, [ultimate_parent, summed_mass],
["ultimate_parent", "summed_mass"])
return out
def find_parents(self, clumparr):
Find ultimate parent haloes for every PHEW clump.
clumparr : structured array
Clump array. Must contain `index` and `parent` columns.
parent_arr : 1-dimensional array of shape `(nclumps, )`
The ultimate parent halo index of every clump.
parent_mass : 1-dimensional array of shape `(nclumps, )`
The summed substructure mass of ultimate parent clumps.
clindex = clumparr["index"]
parindex = clumparr["parent"]
clmass = clumparr["mass_cl"]
clindex_to_array_index = {clindex[i]: i for i in range(clindex.size)}
parent_arr = numpy.copy(parindex)
for i in range(clindex.size):
cl = clindex[i]
par = parindex[i]
while cl != par:
element = clindex_to_array_index[par]
cl = clindex[element]
par = parindex[element]
parent_arr[i] = cl
parent_mass = numpy.full(clindex.size, 0, dtype=numpy.float32)
# Assign the clump masses to the ultimate parent haloes. For each clump
# find its ultimate parent and add its mass to the parent mass.
for i in range(clindex.size):
element = clindex_to_array_index[parent_arr[i]]
parent_mass[element] += clmass[i]
# Set this to NaN for the clumps that are not ultimate parents.
parent_mass[clindex != parindex] = numpy.nan
return parent_arr, parent_mass
# Quijote particle reader #
class QuijoteReader(BaseReader):
Object to read in Quijote snapshots from the binary files.
paths : py:class`csiborgtools.read.Paths`
def __init__(self, paths):
self.paths = paths
def read_info(self, nsnap, nsim):
snapshot = self.paths.snapshot(nsnap, nsim, "quijote")
header = readgadget.header(snapshot)
out = {"BoxSize": header.boxsize / 1e3, # Mpc/h
"Nall": header.nall[1], # Tot num of particles
"PartMass": header.massarr[1] * 1e10, # Part mass in Msun/h
"Omega_m": header.omega_m,
"Omega_l": header.omega_l,
"h": header.hubble,
"redshift": header.redshift,
out["TotMass"] = out["Nall"] * out["PartMass"]
out["Hubble"] = (100.0 * numpy.sqrt(
header.omega_m * (1.0 + header.redshift)**3 + header.omega_l))
return out
def read_snapshot(self, nsnap, nsim, kind):
snapshot = self.paths.snapshot(nsnap, nsim, "quijote")
info = self.read_info(nsnap, nsim)
ptype = [1] # DM in Gadget speech
if kind == "pid":
return readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "ID ", ptype)
elif kind == "pos":
pos = readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "POS ", ptype) / 1e3 # Mpc/h
pos = pos.astype(numpy.float32)
pos /= info["BoxSize"] # Box units
return pos
elif kind == "vel":
vel = readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "VEL ", ptype)
vel = vel.astype(numpy.float32)
vel *= (1 + info["redshift"]) # km / s
return vel
elif kind == "mass":
return numpy.full(info["Nall"], info["PartMass"],
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported kind `{kind}`.")
def read_halo_id(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder, verbose=True):
if halo_finder == "FOF":
path = self.paths.fof_cat(nsnap, nsim, "quijote")
cat = FoF_catalog(path, nsnap)
pids = self.read_snapshot(nsnap, nsim, kind="pid")
# Read the FoF particle membership.
fprint("reading the FoF particle membership.")
group_pids = cat.GroupIDs
group_len = cat.GroupLen
# Create a mapping from particle ID to FoF group ID.
fprint("creating the particle to FoF ID to map.")
ks = numpy.insert(numpy.cumsum(group_len), 0, 0)
pid2hid = numpy.full(
(group_pids.size, 2), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.uint64)
for i, (k0, kf) in enumerate(zip(ks[:-1], ks[1:])):
pid2hid[k0:kf, 0] = i + 1
pid2hid[k0:kf, 1] = group_pids[k0:kf]
pid2hid = {pid: hid for hid, pid in pid2hid}
# Create the final array of hids matchign the snapshot array.
# Unassigned particles have hid 0.
fprint("creating the final hid array.")
hids = numpy.full(pids.size, 0, dtype=numpy.uint64)
for i in trange(pids.size, disable=not verbose):
hids[i] = pid2hid.get(pids[i], 0)
return hids
raise ValueError(f"Unknown halo finder `{halo_finder}`.")
def read_catalogue(self, nsnap, nsim, halo_finder):
if halo_finder == "FOF":
return self.read_fof_halos(nsnap, nsim)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown halo finder `{halo_finder}`.")
def read_fof_halos(self, nsnap, nsim):
Read in the FoF halo catalogue.
nsnap : int
Snapshot index.
nsim : int
IC realisation index.
structured array
fpath = self.paths.fof_cat(nsnap, nsim, "quijote", False)
fof = FoF_catalog(fpath, nsnap, long_ids=False, swap=False,
SFR=False, read_IDs=False)
cols = [("x", numpy.float32),
("y", numpy.float32),
("z", numpy.float32),
("vx", numpy.float32),
("vy", numpy.float32),
("vz", numpy.float32),
("group_mass", numpy.float32),
("npart", numpy.int32),
("index", numpy.int32)
data = cols_to_structured(fof.GroupLen.size, cols)
pos = fof.GroupPos / 1e3
vel = fof.GroupVel * (1 + self.read_info(nsnap, nsim)["redshift"])
for i, p in enumerate(["x", "y", "z"]):
data[p] = pos[:, i]
data[f"v{p}"] = vel[:, i]
data["group_mass"] = fof.GroupMass * 1e10
data["npart"] = fof.GroupLen
# We want to start indexing from 1. Index 0 is reserved for
# particles unassigned to any FoF group.
data["index"] = 1 + numpy.arange(data.size, dtype=numpy.int32)
return data
# Supplementary functions #
def make_halomap_dict(halomap):
Make a dictionary mapping halo IDs to their start and end indices in the
snapshot particle array.
return {hid: (int(start), int(end)) for hid, start, end in halomap}
def load_halo_particles(hid, particles, hid2map):
Load a halo's particles from a particle array. If it is not there, i.e
halo has no associated particles, return `None`.
hid : int
Halo ID.
particles : 2-dimensional array
Array of particles.
hid2map : dict
Dictionary mapping halo IDs to `halo_map` array positions.
parts : 1- or 2-dimensional array
k0, kf = hid2map[hid]
return particles[k0:kf + 1]
except KeyError:
return None
def convert_str_to_num(s):
Convert a string representation of a number to its appropriate numeric type
(int or float).
s : str
The string representation of the number.
num : int or float
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return float(s)
except ValueError:
warn(f"Cannot convert string '{s}' to number", UserWarning)
return s