# Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Stiskalek # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. r""" Script to process simulation files and create a single HDF5 file, in which particles are sorted by the particle halo IDs. """ from argparse import ArgumentParser from gc import collect import h5py import numpy from mpi4py import MPI import csiborgtools from csiborgtools import fprint from numba import jit from taskmaster import work_delegation from tqdm import trange, tqdm from utils import get_nsims @jit(nopython=True, boundscheck=False) def minmax_halo(hid, halo_ids, start_loop=0): """ Find the start and end index of a halo in a sorted array of halo IDs. This is much faster than using `numpy.where` and then `numpy.min` and `numpy.max`. """ start = None end = None for i in range(start_loop, halo_ids.size): n = halo_ids[i] if n == hid: if start is None: start = i end = i elif n > hid: break return start, end def process_snapshot(nsim, simname, halo_finder, verbose): """ Read in the snapshot particles, sort them by their halo ID and dump into a HDF5 file. Stores the first and last index of each halo in the particle array for fast slicing of the array to acces particles of a single halo. """ paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring) nsnap = max(paths.get_snapshots(nsim, simname)) if simname == "csiborg": partreader = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGReader(paths) box = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGBox(nsnap, nsim, paths) else: partreader = csiborgtools.read.QuijoteReader(paths) box = None desc = {"hid": f"Halo finder ID ({halo_finder})of the particle.", "pos": "DM particle positions in box units.", "vel": "DM particle velocity in km / s.", "mass": "DM particle mass in Msun / h.", "pid": "DM particle ID", } fname = paths.processed_output(nsim, simname, halo_finder) fprint(f"loading HIDs of IC {nsim}.", verbose) hids = partreader.read_halo_id(nsnap, nsim, halo_finder, verbose) collect() fprint(f"sorting HIDs of IC {nsim}.") sort_indxs = numpy.argsort(hids) with h5py.File(fname, "w") as f: group = f.create_group("snapshot_final") group.attrs["header"] = "Snapshot data at z = 0." fprint("dumping halo IDs.", verbose) dset = group.create_dataset("halo_ids", data=hids[sort_indxs]) dset.attrs["header"] = desc["hid"] del hids collect() fprint("reading, sorting and dumping the snapshot particles.", verbose) for kind in ["pos", "vel", "mass", "pid"]: x = partreader.read_snapshot(nsnap, nsim, kind)[sort_indxs] if simname == "csiborg" and kind == "vel": x = box.box2vel(x) if simname == "csiborg" else x if simname == "csiborg" and kind == "mass": x = box.box2solarmass(x) if simname == "csiborg" else x dset = f["snapshot_final"].create_dataset(kind, data=x) dset.attrs["header"] = desc[kind] del x collect() del sort_indxs collect() fprint(f"creating a halo map for IC {nsim}.") with h5py.File(fname, "r") as f: part_hids = f["snapshot_final"]["halo_ids"][:] # We loop over the unique halo IDs and remove the 0 halo ID unique_halo_ids = numpy.unique(part_hids) unique_halo_ids = unique_halo_ids[unique_halo_ids != 0] halo_map = numpy.full((unique_halo_ids.size, 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.uint64) start_loop, niters = 0, unique_halo_ids.size for i in trange(niters, disable=not verbose): hid = unique_halo_ids[i] k0, kf = minmax_halo(hid, part_hids, start_loop=start_loop) halo_map[i, :] = hid, k0, kf start_loop = kf # Dump the halo mapping. with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: dset = f["snapshot_final"].create_dataset("halo_map", data=halo_map) dset.attrs["header"] = """ Halo to particle mapping. Columns are HID, start index, end index. """ f.close() del part_hids collect() # Add the halo finder catalogue with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: group = f.create_group("halofinder_catalogue") group.attrs["header"] = f"Original {halo_finder} halo catalogue." cat = partreader.read_catalogue(nsnap, nsim, halo_finder) hid2pos = {hid: i for i, hid in enumerate(unique_halo_ids)} for key in cat.dtype.names: x = numpy.full(unique_halo_ids.size, numpy.nan, dtype=cat[key].dtype) for i in range(len(cat)): j = hid2pos[cat["index"][i]] x[j] = cat[key][i] group.create_dataset(key, data=x) f.close() # Lastly create the halo catalogue with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: group = f.create_group("halo_catalogue") group.attrs["header"] = f"{halo_finder} halo catalogue." group.create_dataset("index", data=unique_halo_ids) f.close() def add_initial_snapshot(nsim, simname, halo_finder, verbose): """ Sort the initial snapshot particles according to their final snapshot and add them to the final snapshot's HDF5 file. """ paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring) fname = paths.processed_output(nsim, simname, halo_finder) if simname == "csiborg": partreader = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGReader(paths) else: partreader = csiborgtools.read.QuijoteReader(paths) fprint(f"processing simulation `{nsim}`.", verbose) if simname == "csiborg": nsnap0 = 1 elif simname == "quijote": nsnap0 = -1 else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown simulation `{simname}`.") fprint("loading and sorting the initial PID.", verbose) sort_indxs = numpy.argsort(partreader.read_snapshot(nsnap0, nsim, "pid")) fprint("loading the final particles.", verbose) with h5py.File(fname, "r") as f: sort_indxs_final = f["snapshot_final/pid"][:] f.close() fprint("sorting the particles according to the final snapshot.", verbose) sort_indxs_final = numpy.argsort(numpy.argsort(sort_indxs_final)) sort_indxs = sort_indxs[sort_indxs_final] del sort_indxs_final collect() fprint("loading and sorting the initial particle position.", verbose) pos = partreader.read_snapshot(nsnap0, nsim, "pos")[sort_indxs] del sort_indxs collect() # In Quijote some particles are position precisely at the edge of the # box. Move them to be just inside. if simname == "quijote": mask = pos >= 1 if numpy.any(mask): spacing = numpy.spacing(pos[mask]) assert numpy.max(spacing) <= 1e-5 pos[mask] -= spacing fprint(f"dumping particles for `{nsim}` to `{fname}`.", verbose) with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: if "snapshot_initial" in f.keys(): del f["snapshot_initial"] group = f.create_group("snapshot_initial") group.attrs["header"] = "Initial snapshot data." dset = group.create_dataset("pos", data=pos) dset.attrs["header"] = "DM particle positions in box units." f.close() def calculate_initial(nsim, simname, halo_finder, verbose): """Calculate the Lagrangian patch centre of mass and size.""" paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring) fname = paths.processed_output(nsim, simname, halo_finder) fprint("loading the particle information.", verbose) f = h5py.File(fname, "r") pos = f["snapshot_initial/pos"] mass = f["snapshot_final/mass"] hid = f["halo_catalogue/index"][:] hid2map = csiborgtools.read.make_halomap_dict( f["snapshot_final/halo_map"][:]) if simname == "csiborg": kwargs = {"box_size": 2048, "bckg_halfsize": 512} else: kwargs = {"box_size": 512, "bckg_halfsize": 256} overlapper = csiborgtools.match.ParticleOverlap(**kwargs) lagpatch_pos = numpy.full((len(hid), 3), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32) lagpatch_size = numpy.full(len(hid), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32) lagpatch_ncells = numpy.full(len(hid), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.int32) for i in trange(len(hid), disable=not verbose): h = hid[i] # These are unasigned particles. if h == 0: continue parts_pos = csiborgtools.read.load_halo_particles(h, pos, hid2map) parts_mass = csiborgtools.read.load_halo_particles(h, mass, hid2map) # Skip if the halo has no particles or is too small. if parts_pos is None or parts_pos.size < 5: continue cm = csiborgtools.center_of_mass(parts_pos, parts_mass, boxsize=1.0) sep = csiborgtools.periodic_distance(parts_pos, cm, boxsize=1.0) delta = overlapper.make_delta(parts_pos, parts_mass, subbox=True) lagpatch_pos[i] = cm lagpatch_size[i] = numpy.percentile(sep, 99) lagpatch_ncells[i] = csiborgtools.delta2ncells(delta) f.close() collect() with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: grp = f["halo_catalogue"] dset = grp.create_dataset("lagpatch_pos", data=lagpatch_pos) dset.attrs["header"] = "Lagrangian patch centre of mass in box units." dset = grp.create_dataset("lagpatch_size", data=lagpatch_size) dset.attrs["header"] = "Lagrangian patch size in box units." dset = grp.create_dataset("lagpatch_ncells", data=lagpatch_ncells) dset.attrs["header"] = f"Lagrangian patch number of cells on a {kwargs['box_size']}^3 grid." # noqa f.close() def make_phew_halo_catalogue(nsim, verbose): """ Process the PHEW halo catalogue for a CSiBORG simulation at all snapshots. """ paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring) snapshots = paths.get_snapshots(nsim, "csiborg") reader = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGReader(paths) keys_write = ["index", "x", "y", "z", "mass_cl", "parent", "ultimate_parent", "summed_mass"] # Create a HDF5 file to store all this. fname = paths.processed_phew(nsim) with h5py.File(fname, "w") as f: f.close() for nsnap in tqdm(snapshots, disable=not verbose, desc="Snapshot"): try: data = reader.read_phew_clumps(nsnap, nsim, verbose=False) except FileExistsError: continue with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: if str(nsnap) in f: print(f"Group {nsnap} already exists. Deleting.", flush=True) del f[str(nsnap)] grp = f.create_group(str(nsnap)) for key in keys_write: grp.create_dataset(key, data=data[key]) grp.attrs["header"] = f"CSiBORG PHEW clumps at snapshot {nsnap}." f.close() # Now write the redshifts scale_factors = numpy.full(len(snapshots), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float32) for i, nsnap in enumerate(snapshots): box = csiborgtools.read.CSiBORGBox(nsnap, nsim, paths) scale_factors[i] = box._aexp redshifts = scale_factors[-1] / scale_factors - 1 with h5py.File(fname, "r+") as f: grp = f.create_group("info") grp.create_dataset("redshift", data=redshifts) grp.create_dataset("snapshots", data=snapshots) grp.create_dataset("Om0", data=[box.Om0]) grp.create_dataset("boxsize", data=[box.boxsize]) f.close() def main(nsim, args): if args.make_final: process_snapshot(nsim, args.simname, args.halofinder, True) if args.make_initial: add_initial_snapshot(nsim, args.simname, args.halofinder, True) calculate_initial(nsim, args.simname, args.halofinder, True) if args.make_phew: make_phew_halo_catalogue(nsim, True) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--simname", type=str, default="csiborg", choices=["csiborg", "quijote"], help="Simulation name") parser.add_argument("--nsims", type=int, nargs="+", default=None, help="IC realisations. If `-1` processes all.") parser.add_argument("--halofinder", type=str, help="Halo finder") parser.add_argument("--make_final", action="store_true", default=False, help="Process the final snapshot.") parser.add_argument("--make_initial", action="store_true", default=False, help="Process the initial snapshot.") parser.add_argument("--make_phew", action="store_true", default=False, help="Process the PHEW halo catalogue.") args = parser.parse_args() paths = csiborgtools.read.Paths(**csiborgtools.paths_glamdring) nsims = get_nsims(args, paths) def _main(nsim): main(nsim, args) work_delegation(_main, nsims, MPI.COMM_WORLD)